
Inazuma 11: Another Chance With A System

A young footballer has died in an accident. He gets transported to a bright room. The room was so bright that it hurt his eyes. What will happen next? Guess you just have to read the book to find out.

some_writer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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42 Chs


(AN: In the anime they call it soccer. So I'll just stick to it. Sorry football.)

[Dribbling (Beginner) Lvl 5

Staying on the ball while moving it around the pitch.]

Isagi grinned when he looked at his new skill. He had been training for an hour and Dribbling has already leveled up this much already.

"I made a good choice purchasing the Genius Perk." Isagi thought to himself while drinking some water from his water bottle.

"Besides Dribbling. I need to have shot accuracy and power as well. I have the perfect drill for this." Isagi grinned. After resting on the bench for a few minutes. Isagi picked up his soccer ball and picked it up again.

He put the soccer ball on the penalty spot. He looked at his feet.

"I still remember the proper form you need to have when you shoot the ball. I just need to train hard so that my body gets used to kicking the ball properly again." Isagi thought to himself. He picked up the ball again and put it further from the penalty spot.

After that, Isagi started training again. He trained very hard. He increased the level of his skills a lot.

He stopped training until it was nighttime. It had been a few hours since he had started training his dribbling and shooting.

[Dribbling (Beginner) Lvl 10]

[Shooting (Beginner) Lvl 10

Shooting accuracy and shooting power. It can boost the effectiveness of your Hissatsu Techniques.]

"System. Mind telling me what this 'beginner' thing is?" Isagi asked the system while walking back to his home.

[Sure. There are a total of five stages to the skills that you have. There's Beginner. Then there's Adept. Followed up by Intermediate. Next it's Sensational. And the last one is Godly. The more you level up your skills the more the stages change. The more the stages change the more better you are at your skills.]

Isagi nodded. This was simpler than he thought it would be. When Isagi arrived at his home, he took a shower. Then he put his training clothes in the washing machine to wash it.

Isagi cooked himself a dinner. He also got a skill in that.

[Cooking (Beginner) Lvl 2]

Isagi was definitely going to increase this skill a lot. Not only could he save money, he could also cook tasty and nutritional meals with it.

After that, Isagi went to sleep in his bed.




The next day, there was school for Isagi. Isagi woke up when his alarm blared. He cooked himself a meal and dressed up in his school uniform.

Isagi went to Raimon Junior High. It was the same school where the soccer captain of the Raimon Soccer Team, Endou Mamoru and his soccer team friends go to.

"I'm in the same class as Endou as well. Perfect" Isagi grinned. He exited his house and locked the door with his key. He put the key in his pocket.

He then proceeded to jog to the school. The distance from his home to his school was 1.5 km. How did he know? By checking the GPS.

Thankfully, he also remembered the way as well. The guy he transmigrated into always walks the same path to school so he remembers the way.



"I finally arrived." Isagi muttered and went to his class. He sat at his assigned desk and proceeded to look out of his window.

"I shouldn't interact with Endou yet. He might invite me to join his soccer club. But I'm not ready for that yet. Maybe we can interact off campus. I train in the place he trains so that can probably happen." Isagi thought to himself.

The rest of the school hours was very boring. Isagi was playing the quiet kid in this class. He didn't care about class, all he cared about was playing soccer and being the best at the sport.

After school was over, Isagi quickly left the school and jogged to the soccer field he trained in yesterday.

Once he arrived, he marveled at the view of the soccer field. The field was built near a riverbank. There was also big bridge built beside it as well. Isagi also saw a statue of a lightning bolt built outside of the soccer field.

Isagi looked around. He quickly changed into his training clothes. He took out the soccer ball he put in his school bag and started his soccer training again.

This time he kept focusing on perfecting his shooting form. "The perfect form can create the perfect shot. There's a lot of other things added to it but this is one of them." Isagi thought to himself while je was running around the football field while dribbling the soccer ball.

What he didn't realize, is that there were a lot of people watching him train.

"Look! Look! There's a guy already occupying the soccer field! How can we train now?" A little girl with pigtails asked.

" Well, Mako-chan. Maybe if we ask him nicely, we use half of the football field so that we can train." A boy taller than her told her with a grin.

"Are you sure, Endou-san?" Mako asked Endou. Endou gave her a thumbs up and a grin.

" Just watch me! " Endou ran down to the field and slowly approached Isagi.

Isagi was currently practicing shooting the ball into the goal. He tried shooting it from a different angle, which required him to curve the ball.

He found out that the more complex the shot is, the faster he'll level up his shooting skill. Isagi looked at the goal then at the soccer ball.

He was standing further away from the ball.

"What is he going to do?" Endou thought while looking at the red haired guy in front of him.

Isagi ran up to the ball in a small sprint and kicked the ball with the tip of his right foot.


The ball curved a little mid air and kept spinning. It got into the goal easily.

"Not fast enough." Isagi frowned to himself. Meanwhile with Endou, his jaw was dropping and his eyes were filled with stars.


Isagi turned around and saw Endou looking at him with a big grin on his face.

"Oh no.....

To be introduced....