
8. Microphone x Reader

There she goes again with her headphones, still listening to her passion, music, which is also your passion. You and Mic had met on II years ago, and had began to blossom into great friends over time. Everytime you got the chance, you'd sit together on a tree stump and sing duets with eachother, sometimes it was just a normal song where one of you would do the main vocals, and the other would do the backing vocals, quite simple really. When nobody looked your way, you dashed into the woods after her, listening out for something playing or footsteps. As you emerged from a group of bushes, there she sat, hands behind head, relaxing to some soft rock at the sound of the vibrating in her headphones. She opened her eyes and noticed you standing there.

"Oh hey Y/N, what you doing here?"

"I noticed you running here and decided to follow you."

"Okay, I found this duet that I think we should sing later tonight, at this spot, what do you say?"

"Yea, sounds great!"

You left and went back the way you had came, and wondered what that duet could be. It couldn't possibly be a... Love duet, could it? She had seemed to have given a few small hints that she loved you, but it might just all be in your head. You brushed these thoughts off as you let your feet carry you to the place where you were supposed to be. The contest wasn't as difficult as you thought it was going to be, it was quite simple actually. All you had to do was an obstacle course followed by a 500 yard race. You came first, Mic second and Test tube third, the person in last was automatically eliminated. With Baseball gone, five people (excluding you) were left remaining in the competition.

Later that night~

"say there's this person you pass in the hall everyday,"

"You've known them since seventh grade,"

"You're used to thinking about them in a certain way,"

"From the persona that they display,"

"Then something changes, and they change~"

As it hit the chorus, she swung you into your arms and sang it in your ear, you gave her an adorable questioning look and she nodded. Happily you danced with her throughout the night, acting/singing songs from musicals, as the sun began to rise and take its place in it's kingdom called the sky, you were being held from the ground and kissed lightly on the lips.

"Dahm Mic, I had no idea you were pansexual for Y/N,"

Knife pipped up from around the corner of your eye.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone unless you want me too,"

You muttered a thanks before deepening the kiss by going for her jawline, soon her neck to find her sweet spot, that was until...

"Hey! What do you think you are doing out here by doing..


The blue phone looked queasy while staring at you, it wasn't exactly hard to see that you two had just been caught building up to 'the act'.

Embarrassment flushed on both of your faces as you quickly climbed off of eachother and departed for the next step in the competition.

A notification went through your phone as you emerged from the bushes and out onto the field,

"See you tonight, same spot, love you~ 💝💝💝"


Mic's Pov

We stood next to eachother, leaning against a large tree, suddenly, I shivered.

"You okay?"

"Yea, I'm just cold."

They unzipped their jacket and pushed it gently onto me. The warmth they left on it made me instantly slide down and snuggle up into it. They put an arm around me.

"Wait, are you gonna end up freezing?"

"Nah, I'm really tolerant to extreme temperatures, I hardly even feel it!"

I smiled in relief and leaned on them, feeling their hair brush against my head. Snow began falling, piling up on us a good few layers until I stood up again, grabbing them in my arms bridal style. I walked over into a small cave, and went back to our original position, this time we weren't vulnerable to frostbite or being buried under the white, cold, hard powder.