
In To The Light

Mayari de Luna is one of the best private detective in Phantom Intelligence company. she is attractive, clever, intelligent and cunning independent woman. Because of her achievements and mysterious personality is known as the phantom. her job as a detective taught her many things that normal people didn't know, the society's dark secrets to the part darkest part of humanity but little did she know that the deepest mystery isn't yet to unfold. Join Maya to unfold the Mystery of her family and the death of her Grandmother.

shen23 · LGBT+
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Prologue: the whisper of death

September 15 2014 12:00 am

Nobody POV

This midnight was a starry midnight at the ancestral land of the rich clan of Quevas. In the middle of that land there is a huge old Mansion. Inside of the old mansion everyone is in their peaceful slumber.

Tik..tok..tik..tok.... As a grandfather clock ticks as it sound when it's fingers hit at twelve.

Seems like nobody is awaken from their deep sleep exempt for the old mistress of the Mansion. The old mistress of the Mansion is a 82 years old woman who is now sitting on her favorite chair at her balcony.

The old lady is just sitting there while staring at the vast land of forest, seem like she is waiting for something or maybe someone. The old lady is still waiting in the open balcony even if it's cold but she still there not minding the cold.

After a few moment of waiting the air seems like it blows colder and stronger. The old woman can't help but shiver not from cold wind but from the voice that was calling her.

Marina...Marina... Oras na Mahal ko, may kasunduan tayo diba? Oras na para making akin ka. (Marina...Marina... It's time my love we, had a deal do we? It's time for you to be mine.)

The old lady is holding her bitter sweet tear as she reach out her hand to the owner of that voice. That person was in the shadow of the night but the old lady knows that person and she know that this person is still the person she known over 62 years of her life. That person's appearance still the same 62 years ago.

As that person rich his hand to her and she accept it. he held her hand for a while and that person kiss it and gather her into it's embrace as they fade away .

In the morning.. The sound of the rain can be her and the smell of the mud from the moist soil. It was a rainy morning all the people of the Mansion is just waking up from their deep sleep last night. The maid and the cook is starting their job by making breakfast for everyone. After the breakfast is ready one of the maid is task to wake the old madam up. When she was at the front door of the old Madam's room she knocked.

Tok. tok....tok But their is no answer.

She was surprised that there is no answer because normally the old madam is now awaken. So she knocked again but this time she do it a little bit harder because she thought that the old madam didn't hear . But again no response which cause her to panicked a little .

She decided that she will enter the Madam's door, as she twisting the door nob she suddenly heard the old Madam's voice. Pasok. (come in.) Then the maid entered the room and she saw the old Madam on her bed in a deep sleep. Then the maid wondered if the Madam's is asleep then who's voice did she heard. She wondered as she approach the sleeping Madam . As the maid got closer she noticed the balcony is open so it's cold . She step closer and she noticed that the madam is not breathing. She Sprint towards the Madam's bed and she quickly check her pulse. The maid felt nothing the Madam is dead. The maid felt like it just nightmare then she scream . Ahhhhhhhhhhh........ Tulong...tulong.. ( ahhhhhhhhhhh.... Help..help..)