
In This Corner Of The Multiverse

A man gets a chance at eternity, a leap into the multiverse. The catch? No cheats, no powers, no golden fingers. Watch as he crawls, schemes and bleeds for every inch of ground and every bit of power in a multiverse of world ending threats that could sneeze him out of existence. With science and technology, he will rise to new heights, conquer worlds and most importantly, have buttloads of fun. And Bon Voyage~ 7 ch/ week. 100 power stones = Extra chapter. Thanks to LordValmar for the cover fanart. First world : Rick And Morty. Second World : Heroes (TV) Third World : Star Wars Fourth World : Worm (Novel) Fifth World : One Piece (Anime) Sixth World : Marvel Cinematic Universe (Films) __________ If you feel like buying me a cup of coffee, you can support me here. Patr-eon.com/goldenfingers Thsnks for reading! __________ Doscord server : https://discord.gg/jWg6Eu6hFS

GoldFinger · Anime et bandes dessinées
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354 Chs

To new beginnings.

Alright. Chapter's finished. Read again to see it all!


As I exited the portal back home I was all smiles, my heart full of anticipation and excitement.

Finally, my grand multiversal project can begin.

All this prep work, all these years and this deliberate path taken...

I could have jumped around, gathering power after power like some greedy monkey, haphazardly clutching at every last bit until I exploded.

But I knew better.

I had a plan.

And now, it comes to fruition.

I looked up at the thousands upon thousands of clones in vats, as far as the eye could see.

And I smiled.

With a flick of my wrist, the telekinetic module on my wrist popped open, glowing blue as my wrists slit.

The lids on the vats popped open and droplets of my blood flew into them, down the throats of my lifeless clones.

I extended my will into them, and their bodies squirmed, their muscles wriggling under their skin like worms as silver grey lines appeared under their skin, the psychic circuitry forming within them.

Their eyes shot open all at the same time, at my command and a massive wave of psychic energy flooded me, all of their minds connecting to mine, forming an overmind with me in-charge.

I took in a deep breath of the newfound psychic power, channeling it through me, feeling the cool rush of energy flood my veins.



This is power!

Now then.

With a thought they dropped out of a portal into a line of draining pools on the floor, and climbed out.

Portal after portal opened up across the massive enclave, as replicator beams printed clothes onto the clones and gave them each a multiversal portal gun, forcefield clip and a telekinetic module.

I, on the other hand guided my nano swarm around implanting them with subdermal defense meshes, bio-chips and cognitohazard filters, as well as anti mind control implants on their sides.

Once it was done and they were ready, I pulled out a special memetic mic from the portal to help me code program them to my desired specifications and flew up into the air, my lab coat wrapping around me.

"Alright lads. You know what to do." I said over the mic, while my A.I. programmed their chips for independent movement and set the coordinates for their intended world into their guns.

They were able to act independently, had basic sentience and complete loyalty to me given they were like psychic cells of mine, unable to rebel against their programming.

And I could remotely control them so it was only logical that I do this.

And they had the side benefit of restoring my psychic reservoirs to a great extent, almost returning me to the same level of instant regeneration as before the death of Akasha.

A functional loophole in the code.

After all, if my immortality depends on how many people believe I exist, conciously, then why not create my own group of believers?!

My very own version of the Akashic Record, made entirely of me-s.

It's such an easy loophole, I wonder why no one else uses it!

"Today, you go out into the omniverse. Start with the safer worlds, then move on to the dangerous ones. Beg, trade, steal, kill, manipulate or even genocide all you need to. It doesn't matter. What matters is that you grab every last trinket, every power, small or large in magnitude, every bit of resource and entire worlds if need be and wipe all worlds clean of anything even remotely useful. Spare no quarter, leave nothing behind, drain them all!

And return by the end of the quarter to touch base. Then back on the mission." I clapped and the clones clapped too, mirroring me.

"Ah right." I switched the remote control function into passive mode and activated their independent programming just as the A.I. finished uploading it into them.

"Okay then. We're done here. All of you, go ahead now.

Let's begin the multiverse project we've waited so long for!" I grinned and the rest of them followed, an array of portals opening up in the room.

"Aye aye captain!" They replied in unison, their shouts echoing in the enclave as they disappeared into the portals.

With that done I returned to the living room, where the rest of my family was waiting, with dinner ready to be served.

I could already smell the delicious scent of my favourite curry rice, my mouth watered and my eyes wandered lustfully over the dishes, stomach grumbling.

Though the kids faces were a bit ... flustered. Now why would that be?

The question was soon answered.

"Someone's hungry!" Wanda smiled walking out of a golden portal with another pot in hand, wearing nothing but her bikini and an apron.

I slammed my hands into my face and sighed.

Why did she take that from the memories? And why not a full naked apron then?!

I looked up and saw her happily setting up the table as Riley sent me pleading glances.

And I knew what had to be done.

I sighed again and grabbed Wanda by the shoulder.

"Wanda, a word, in private?"

She looked up at me with a flushed face that told me she knew exactly what this was about and I saw Pietro snickering in the corner.

Yeah, definitely his deeds.

I shook my head.

He can be almost as bad as me when it comes to playing pranks on people.

"Okay...." Wanda squeaked as I led her out, much to the kids' relief. Well except Star. He didn't mind shit. Maybe because he was five?

Either way, it's high time I have a talk with her anyways.


After talking it out with her and explaining to her how naked aprons are just what my wife liked to do, she understood and changed out of it into her usual shirt and jeans, soccer mom combo as we returned to the living room with Snow in tow, having brought her over while Wanda was getting dressed.

Returning to the living room, we got seated while Wanda got back to serving with only a small apology to the kids and a sharp glare with the promise of retribution to Pietro.

The food in itself was pretty good.

Not Offee good but... seeing Star happy, I was satisfied.

"It tastes like Mama's!" He exclaimed, shoving the curry rice down his throat, with faint traces of tears in his eyes.

I felt a pinch in my heart as I watched him and patted his head comforting him.

He really needs his mother back.

And I will bring her back. Soon enough!

"Yup." I said, praising the expectant Wanda, "It's good. Good job Wanda! A+ work here! You'll make a great wife!"

Wanda giggled happily, as she took a bite of it, and muttered a soft 'thank you' back, blushing.

Yup. She would make a cute wife.

Maybe after this is over, I'll set her up with Cap. He always wanted a wife and with my shenanigans he's not going to be going back in time to be with Peggy anyway.

And I'll be making up with one my favourite heroes!

Two birds, one stone!

"Was Mama Offee's cooking like this?" Riley asked and Ace's ears perked up too.

"This isn't a competition but... it was better." I said and Wanda pouted, twirling her fingers.

A portal opened up below my plate and it fell into Wanda's palm.

"If you hate it that much then no food for you! " She huffed playfully.

"I didn't say I hated it! It's very good Wanda. Promise!" I chuckled, snatching the plate back from her as I almost swallowed it whole, eating it all in one go, almost choking.

I coughed and drank some water to clear my throat, much to everyone's amusement.

"Alright, alright I get it!" She giggled, "Just pace yourself please. I don't want you dying because of my first hand cooked meal!"

"If I die, it'll only be because it's so good I couldn't resist!" I played along.

"It's to die for!" Pietro laughed and added, "But really, sis. It's great." He assured.

Wanda smiled brighter, almost glowing with pride.

I found that surprisingly cute.

"Besides, I'm immortal. So no worries on me dying either way!" I explained, rubbing my hands together like fly, "Now what are talking about for dessert?"

"Damn right! After such a nice meal dessert is a must!" Pietro jumped in.

Wanda sighed and shook her head.

"You men all think with your stomachs don't you?"

"The quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Or so they say." Snow said.

"Yes. We have that saying in Sokovia too."

"Well, if I had my say about it, I'd say they're aiming a couple inches too high." I joked.

Wanda looked at me confused while Snow snorted with laughter.

Riley slapped my shoulder.

"That's lewd Papa!"

"Uhun? And what do you know about it, little girl?" I asked, tickling her sides, amused as she broke down into uncontrollable giggles.

"Hehehehe Papa, sthoopp!" She cried out, collapsing on the table.

I stopped and pinched her cheeks.

"Well, it's good that you know.

At least I won't have to give you the talk." I said, and Ace looked between me and Riley.

"What are you talking about Papa?!" She asked innocently.

"Oh you sweet, innocent little cinnamon roll!" I patted her head, "It's too early for you to know!"

"But I wanna kno-" She said, looking at Riley intensely for a minute as her expression warped from curiousity to utter disgust.

"Ew! That ...that....why?! Why would anyone put that in the ...ugh!" She turned away from Riley and ran to the bathroom holding her mouth.

I looked at Riley and gestured her to follow.

"You made the mess. Go clean it up." I said.

Riley sighed.

"I need to start wearing the earpiece all the time too."

I just shrugged and Riley disappeared after Ace.

Looks like they are both getting the talk tonight.

But that's for later.

For now, I turned my attention back to a blushing Wanda.

"So dessert?"

She looked up at me and just rolled her eyes at me as she handed me a cup of custard.

But beneath that she couldn't hide her smile.

I smiled too.

It was nice to have these simple days.

I liked them too.

I took a bite of the custard and man was it delicious.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" I praised.

Though I say that about all sweets.

My mother used to say that if someone put sugar on cakes of cow dung I'd eat it.

And .... I can't argue with that!

It was nostalgic.

I miss home sometimes.

Especially when I have family dinners like these. My mother's cooking, my father's gruff voice scolding me, advising me to eat slowly.

My little brother accidentally shoving his food into his nose as he craned his neck to watch cricket on the tv.

Silently, I checked on Project Country Roads and found the progress bar stuck at 11 percent and now, I felt a little hopeful.

Maybe, just maybe I'll yet find my way back home.


As we finished our dinner, Pietro and Star jumped onto the couch and went straight to gaming while Snow held me back for a talk.

"Today was a good day. You started on your journey to fulfill your dreams." I said, looking at Wanda, "And you, Snow, are finally free to pursue yours!"

I pulled out a bottle of wine and poured out three glasses raising a toast.

"So here's a toast. To new beginnings!"

"To new beginnings!" They clinked their glasses with mine as we drank.

"I have something to say too." Snow added.

Wanda sat in too, curious about it and Snow began.

"For today.... for saving me from that curse, I just wanted to say thank you!" Snow said, gripping my hand tight with both of her own.

"When it was time... I was scared. I thought I was ready to die but..... but once it was there, right there, when I had no time left, no immortality to save me....I just got so scared. I couldn't move. I couldn't decide!

And....that decision, forcing it on you. It was cruel of me. Forgive me, please!" She said softly, her voice cracking.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry.... I'm a coward. I'm such a hypocrite. I'm a liar. And a coward!" She shook slightly and almost out of instinct, I put my arm around her to comfort her.

"It's okay to be scared of dying, Snow. It's completely natural. Being scared doesn't make you a bad person. It just makes you human. Even more so now that you are indeed back to being just a normal, mortal human. Just another girl. Just like you always wanted. Now, without a geass, without a code, you can finally fulfill your dream. Find someone you love and someone who loves you back. Your prince charming." I chuckled.

She smiled and looked up into my eyes with a thoughtful look.

"What if... what if I've already found him?" She asked, with lovestruck eyes.

Oh no.

No no no no!

Not happening.

"I'd say you need to get your eyes checked!" I teased, flicking her forehead.

"You meanie!" She pouted, "I like you. I mean it. And maybe.... I even love you. If you'll give me a chance I-"

"I'll stop you right there. My answer is no. A firm no. At least for now." I said, laying it on her straight.

"Why? Am I not good enough? What am I lacking? I know you like me! I've seen you look me over like a roast duck to a bum! You want me! So why?" She asked, annoyed.

"You see that... that attitude. That's why. You are a very, very attractive woman Snow. No one can deny that. But that's where it ends. You have no substance, no desire to grow and no empathy for anyone else. All you care about is me me me. What do I want. What can they do for me. How can that person help me.

Tell me Snow, in the two months you've been here, how many times have you talked to my children? To Wanda? Pietro? How many times have you played with Star and Ace? Taken interest in Riley's research?"

Snow winced.

"Yeah. Thought so. You want me to love you yet have no interest in those I love. No interest in caring for my kids. What they like or even what I like. You don't care what I want in a partner. All you care is what you want. Your prince charming. Your ideal life. Your curse. Your happiness.

And I'm not saying that's bad. Caring about yourself and being selfish doesn't make you evil, Snow.

It's just means that you're not a suitable partner.

Relationships are two way streets and you are a one way driver.

And that's not to say that I'm looking to revive my wife.

Now she wasn't against me having a couple of more wives but if I am to marry someone else, then they will be someone that doesn't just take but also gives.

I want a partner that will love me and my kids. Respect my wishes as I do theirs. And most importantly, be a loving mother to my kids.

And on that your track record isn't looking too good." She looked away at that, shame flashing on her face.

"You see people as tools, transactions to make. A profit loss statement.

That isn't exactly wife material or even girlfriend material.

That's more in the territory of a regretful one night stand.

Which I'm not against, but ..... let's just say, it wouldn't do either of us any good. So let's end it on that and move on, okay?"

"Yes. I get it. But I'll try to improve! I promise!" Snow insisted.

I sighed.

Just take the hint damnit!

"Snow, This isn't something you do because you're told. It's something you do naturally because you love you partner. If it doesn't come to you naturally...then just don't." She made to speak but I stopped her.

"Look, I'm not going to entertain this topic any longer. And I'm sure you'll find someone you like in your own world, and you'll settle down and find your happiness. Because now you have the freedom to do that."

"But will they ever be like you? You gave up your immortality to save me! No one will ever hold up to that!" She said.

I sighed.

This is exhausting.

"Let's get a few things straight.

First, I didn't give up my immortality. I'm still immortal. Those changes I made in my code? They were so I could retain my immortality even without Akasha. And two, it's that same attitude again!

You haven't grown one single bit since the day you set foot here. You're still chasing that high. Still looking for the bigger, better deal. What's wrong with settling for some normal guy who loves you? You're no better now. And that attitude, it's not really reassuring. You might as well just say that you'll abandon me too the moment I'm not good enough or if I get sick or injured. That's not a partner Snow. That's a leech. A parasite. There with you for the good times and out the door at the first sign of trouble. Just give up. I won't hear any more of this." I snapped my fingers and a bundle dropped before her from a portal.

She was silent as I said that and tears pooled in her eyes as she sniffled.

I didn't care much for it though.

She wasn't worth it.

"That's your new identity and enough cash to set you up for life. As compensation for your time here. You can stay here for the night. I'll open you a portal home tomorrow. Good night." I said, getting up and making my way to the couch.

"What if I change?" Snow asked one last time, as I picked my character, "What if I become a better person? Can I earn your love then?"

Man. There's desperate and then there's this.

Sheesh, lady. Learn to take the goddamn hint.

I shook my head and activated my geass choosing the right words to get her off my back.

"I .... don't know. We'll see. Just rest for now, Snow. It's been a long day."

She nodded, and left in a huff as Wanda looked at me thoughtfully, but didn't say a thing.

She just smiled a little and silently scooted over to Star's side, joining in.

I smiled.

Good to see Wanda's smart enough to not argue.

And she's getting along with Star.

That's nice.

Maybe I'll set her up with Cap sooner than later.


MC rejects CC for obvious reasons instead of thinking with his peen.

Logical MC is back baby!

Also, subtle hints of Wanda being good waifu.

Thanks for reading.

Next extra chapter at 200 powerstones!

So donate yours today!

See you in the comments!


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