
Super Gigatron Go!

"It's easy to call us monsters when you're standing on the sidelines!

At least we're doing something. What are you doing about it?" Fortuna said, trying to make move me like a pawn.

This bitch still hasn't learned has she?

"Jack shit. I'm leaving." I said, watching the worry on Fortuna's face deepen, as I laughed.

"Or so I would have said, usually, before opening a portal a couple realities over and leaving.

But fortunately for you, these shards interest me. I'm thinking of getting some powers of my own now. Do a bit of research into how they work.

As for what you're doing? Jack shit. That's what. Let me prove it to you.

Do you know why I killed Jack Slash? Why here? Why today?

I knew your stupid plan all along, and honestly, I didn't care much for the lives of those he'd kill. He wasn't my responsibility, not my monster. He was yours.

I could have just saved Riley and left him for you to deal with.

Though knowing your record he'd have probably 'mysteriously' escaped custody on the way to the birdcage amd reform the Nine.

No, the reason I killed him is because of his true power. It's not the knife one in case you were wondering.

His power, one even he didn't know he had, is related to his shard's property.

Jack Slash's shard was [Broadcast].

It didn't stop at broadcasting the edge of his knife.

It went far beyond. It's true power was the ability to influence the will of other shards and bend them to his own. That's how he controlled the Nine despite being one of the weakest members of the group. It was the same power as the Simurgh's scream, just far more subtle.

If I hadn't killed him here and now, he would have met Scion, manipulated him, initiating the end of the human race.

Trillions dead, entire worlds destroyed.

That's what you were risking by letting him run free.

That is also why we are lucky Eden is dead. Her death left Scion depressed and impressionable.

What vulnerability Jack Slash could have used to convince Scion to end the experiment early, I can use to kill him too.

So you're in luck. I may not be a hero, but even I think that the death of trillions is a waste.

I will kill Scion today. Do what you and your little shadow cabal couldn't achieve in three decades. And I want you to see exactly how worthless your so called 'sacrifices' were. I want you to feel the full weight of your stupidity.

Now where was I-"

Just then, something dropped behind me. I turned around to see Fairy Queen spasming on the floor.

My brows furrowed.

What's happening?

"Queen?" I called out.

Another thump to my side.

Paige fell to the floor too. Then Alexandria. Legend. The rest the heroes, Case 53s included.


What's hap-


My gaze went to the man at the center of it all.

The computer pinged me.

"Three anomalous signatures localizing on site. Immediate evacuation suggested."

I realised what was happening.

And it wasn't good.

I could just kill him roght here, right now.

But there's no guarantee that whatever's happening will stop with his death. For all I know it might even get worse and I might have to face nineteen of these instead of just the three making their way here.

Hmmm..... choices....choices...

My greed for power and chaos though overrode my fear.

I can spin it to my benefit.

Yes. Act like the hero, then have the world voluntarily give me what I want.


I like that idea.

But first!

I put on my best panicked expression and hastened my breathing.

"Fuck!" I turned to the camera, "Everyone in Brockton Bay! Listen to me.

Eidolon has second triggered! He's summoning three more Endbringers!

You need to get out of the city! NOW!

I'm opening portals to Central Park, New York all over the city as we speak. So get yourself and your families over to the nearest portal and get out of the city! Don't take anything with you, just go! Before it's too late!

To the Protectorate and all institutions of authority that can hear this!

Initiate immediate evacuation of Brockton Bay!

Send reinforcements! Endbringers are inbound, in seconds! Lives are at stake here! GO!"

Simultaneously, I sent the computer the signal to keep the charge on, in the portal projector, and await coordinates.

Running a checklist on my armaments, I opened a portal below Paige too, sending her to my ship, along with Noelle in the warehouse below.

I can't afford for her to go berserk while I am fighting the Endbringers.

And speak of the devil....

I looked at the waters in the bay, as they began to freeze over. Not freeze in the usual sense that it turned to ice. No. It froze over like it was in a stop motion picture, stilling unnaturally in a sense.

A wave, dozens of feet high, rose up from the horizon, just beyond my sight, and appeared still but was headed straight towards Eidolon. And me.

Atop the wave, stood a pallid, naked man, sans the genitals, with eyes black as coal and a creepy smile that seemed like it was imitating a fucked up version of the Buddha. His body waved in the wind in an unsettling fashion too. A bit too flexible, the uncanny valley sort.

I blinked for a moment only to find it had moved closer.

Oh boy! An endbringer with SCP 173 mechanics.

What joy!

And what's more, it's powers were beginning to take effect, instilling in me the sudden urge to look away from him.

Immediately, I opened a portal to the armory and summoned a fleet of drones, commanding the A.I. to keep a constant eye on that surfer bastard.

Then, something rumbled behind me.

In the hills to the north, by the edge of the city, crystals broke through the ground, pink, blue, white, causing a massive landslide, that flooded the city, as a 15 foot tall lion-dog thing with crystalline spikes on it's back emerged from the heart of the mountains, shaking off the burden of the earth above it, causing dust clouds to rise up in the air, obscuring it's approach.

Another endbringer.

Just great!

Finally, the space above the market street, Boardwalk, I think it was called, appeared to warp.

A giant, rotund man in a T-pose teleported into the city, it's shell a sheened gray black with pronounced bony eyebrows, and a face like a japanese tengu mask.

I knew this one.

It was the fourth endbringer to show up in the original story, with the power to create accelerated time bubbles that turned everything within to dust.


I sighed.

What has my life become?

A goddamn super sentai show?

But, soon a smile spread on my face as I remembered something else.

I did make a giant robot suit from the excess materials left after the stamen of the Saraswati had been shaped, just for the kicks.

Maybe it was time to break it in!

I laughed and looked back towards the bay only to find the surfer Endbringer's face mere inches from me, his toothless smile, sending a chill down my spine.

"Uwaah!" I screamed, jumping through a portal back to my ship, not taking my eyes off him until I was through and had closed the portal.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Cameras don't count as people watching it?!

Then another realisation struck me, sending shivers all throughout my body.

How did it bypass my forcefield?!

What the fuck!

How am I supposed to fight it like this?

And there are three of them too!

"Computer!" I called out, "Scan my brain for anomalous influences. Also, bring out the Super Gigatron to the docking bay. It's time to take it for a test spin."

"Ugh! What happened?!" Paige asked rubbing her head.

"Eidolon second triggered. He's summoned three Endbringers to the city. Stay here. I'm going back to fight them off."

"I'm coming with you! You can't fight them alone!" Paige cried, getting off the futon I had placed for the Travelers.

"No. I absolutely can. I killed the Simurgh alone, and with one hit remember? I can do this." I said, pushing her back down gently.

"You'll only get in the way. I don't want you to get hurt." I said.

Because I want to use you to mass mind control people later was conveniently left unsaid.

"You're not the only one with powers! I can protect myself! And I'm not letting you go out to fight the Endbringers alone!" She said, adamant.

I sighed and made to say something, wgen I remembered she had split the sky open on her second trigger.

Hmmmm....maybe I can use it. Crystals are supposed to shatter at certain resonant frequencies, aren't they?

Maybe she does have a use, if only because I don't have the time to tune my own resonant cannon and attach a module to the Gigatron.

Note to self. If the Gigatron works well, create a variety module attachment for it.

"Alright." I finally agreed, "You know how to drive a car?"

"Yes. Why?" She asked confused.

"Oh you'll enjoy this! Have you seen that show called power rangers?" I asked, leading her through the portal to the hangar.

"The japanese super sentai? I'm a big fan! I especially like the Dino Fo-" She chirped, her feathers twitching cutely on her head, before she saw the legs of the Gigatron.

Her gaze traced up it's body, and her jaw dropped ever lower.

"Now, now. Close your mouth. You might just lose that jaw!" I laughed, pushing her mouth closed.

"Ohmygodohmygodohmygoooooosh!" She squealed happily.

"You like the WalkerZord Super Gigatron?" I asked.

She looked at me, and composed herself.

"A bit goth for my taste." She teased.

I looked at her, bright blonde hair with neon green feathers, and a bright, rainbow colored stripe shirt and jeans in all.

"I think even a candy colored Zord would be too goth for your tastes!" I smiled, "Though this one, just hasn't had a piant job. I got lazy towards the end of making it and forgot to do it.

Now get in. No time to waste! The city is in danger, and it needs it's saviours!"

"I call dibs on the head!" She said, running up to it's ramp like a child.

"Sure. Just be careful. And let me handle the combat. You need to focus on the crystal lion." I said.

"Crystal lion?" She asked.

"It's one of Eidolon's new Endbringers. It's made of crystal. I want you to find it's resonant frequency and destroy it using the speakers on the shoudlers.

I'll deal with the other two." I explained.

"Like those opera ladies with the glasses right? Gotcha! Now let's go! I can't wait for it! I want to drive it already!"

"Yeah just one minute." I said, checking the coordinates of Khonsu.

Best to get the most dangerous and easiest to kill out of the way first.

"Computer, target Khonsu. Is the portal projector ready to go?"

"Yes. Awaiting instructions." The computer answered.

The instructions were simple.


I watched the live feed as a portal to the blender dimension opened inside the endbringer, and cracks spread across it's body shattering it to dust.

But not before he created a huge accelerated time bubble surrounding nearly a third of the city, as the buildings in it experienced time at frightening speeds, turning to dust due to weathering.

"How is he maintaining his bubble? He's dea-"

It struck me. I checked the location of the bubbles again.

It was in the Azn Bad Boys territory of the city. The place where Bakuda had failed to activate her final time bomb a month ago. The place where Brian's neighborhood had been trapped in frozen time bubbles.

Khonsu had attached his time field to her bombs!


Can't these damn Endbringers just die normally for once!

First the Simurgh, now Khonsu too?

Now I'll have to destroy the bombs before the time field goes down. And who knows where the bombs are hidden!

Well, it's not an immediate concern, so that's good news at least.

I can deal with it later. The other two Endbringers come first.

And I have an awesome giant robo to pilot!

I grinned and climbed into the chest seat of the Gigatron, twisting my key.

The giant robot buzzed to life, it's eyes sparking bright as it's crown split into two, and the armor plating shifted, glowing teal blue lines running across the edges.

The robot grew to full size, releasing mist from it's joints in a display that was pure rule of cool.

I pumped it's fists in a kata, shifting into a victorious pose.

"Let's do this!" I laughed, and a giddy feeling of butterflies arose in my stomach.

I've always wanted to do this at least once!

"You're goddamn right!" Paige echoed my sentiment, her voice beaming with excitement.

"Computer open a portal to Brockton Bay in the hangar." I commanded.

"Yes sir." The computer answered, and a portal of appropriate size open up before the Gigatron.

"Jumping through!" I announced and leapt through the portal, landing in the middle of the city with a superhero landing, shaking the very foundations of the city, sending out a massive shockwave, drawing everyone's attention.

We stood up, and got into pose as the speakers rose from the shoulders, playing triumphant entrance music.

"Fear not citizens! For the Super Gigatron is here!" Paige giggled, pressing the sword button.

The sword launched out of it's sheath on the back, twisting mid air, landing in the robot's arms.

It gripped the sword bring it up to it's face, as a rainbow colored beam rippled through the swords blade.

"No evil can withstand the Power Of Love!" She proclaimed.

"Ahem...Friendship!" I corrected her.

"The Power of Love and Friendship!" She laughed.

I shook my head, and played along.

"Now come and get some, you sons of bitches!"


[A/N : Holy Shnitzels, you mfs! The fic reached top ten seasonal and top 50 all time rankings!

Thank you soooo much!

I could kiss you all right now. No homo.

Maybe I will release another extra chapter to celebrate! I'll try at least. No promises though.]


here's the second extra chapter, for 200 powerstones.

now onto the regular chapter next time or 300 powerstones. whichever comes first.

tell me what you think about this chapter!

did the Gigatron come out of left field?

don't like the plot point?

write it in the comments!

thanks for reading and bye~

GoldFingercreators' thoughts