
Riley's new gift.

"Papa!" Star cried happily, jumping into my arms.

"Welcome back." Paige said.

"I'm home." I smiled warmly.

"And I brought souvenirs!"

I placed the king's crown on Star's head and kissed him on the forehead.

"A crown for my little prince."

"Hehehe!" Star giggled, cutely, patting the crown down on his head.

I turned to Riley and unslung the Exorcist from my back, handing it to her.

She caught it, and looked it over curiously.

"And a very special power for my princess." I ruffled her hair.

"It's the Ope Ope no Mi's essence. It allows you to create a portable operating room. Anywhere you want. It's very powerful. I know girls like frilly dresses or something but I didn't know what you'd like...."

"....Thank you." Riley smiled, hugging me.

I patted her back, comforting her, as she jumped up, again.

"Can I try it?" She asked, shuffling from foot to foot impatiently.

I put down Star and took the gun from her.

"Of course. Here, give it to me." I said, injecting the power into her.

The power flowed into Riley, as her body twitched and spasmed for a moment, her eyes glowing white.

She floated up into the air, inches off the ground, before faling back to the floor, stumbling.

Slowly, it faded, and Riley gasped, shivering.

"Are you okay?" Paige asked, "Is she okay?"

"Yup. She'll be fine." I replied, as Riley, looked at her hands, opening and closing her fist.

"It feels wierd....but good." She said, and I could almost hear the chatter of her shard at the newfound power.

Riley's eyes unfocused, glazing over as she consulted her shard, gaining a better understanding of her power no doubt.

She raised a hand into the air, and pinched.

She pulled her pinched fingers apart, and within grew a glowing bubble of translucent power.

With a flick of her wrist, she threw the bubble onto the air, and it blew up, growing to cover the entire room, and a little more.

Tentatively, she moved her hands, pointing at a sofa to the side, and wirggled her fingers.

Instantly the sofa came apart, seats and cushions, legs and armrests, before being reassembled into a lounge bed.

"That was my favourite sofa." I muttered, jokingly.

"Oh! Sorry..." Riley exclaimed, as I burst into laughter.

So cute!

She was surprisingly innocent, despite being one of the smartest serial killers on the planet.

Sometimes it's easy to forget she's just a twelve year old kid.

"No. No. That's fine." I pinched her nose.

"I was joking. And even if it was my favourite sofa, I wouldn't have gotten mad. I can fix anything and everything remember. But let's continue power testing in the lab next time?"

Riley nodded embarrassed.

"Alright. First things first." I turned to Tattletale and Paige.

"Thanks for watching the kids, Tats, Paige. Appreciate it. Now where do you want me to drop you off?"

"Captain's hill." Tattletale replied.

I snapped my fingers, and a portal opened up before her.

"And you?" I asked Paige.

"Same. But I was thinking... Can't I just stay here, with you and the kids?" She suggested

"Paige. I'm going to get into some serious research work. You'll be bored out of your mind up here. And it's already getting late. Isn't it better for you to go back home and rest?"

"I don't have a home anymore, Jay. I have nothing down there." Paige said softly, grabbing my hand.

"Wooow!" Tattletale interjected, swooning dramatically, "And after I let you crash at my place! I thought we were friends."

"You know what I mean Lisa!" Paige huffed.

"Fine. Fine. I'll leave you two lovebirds to this. Remember to use protection!" Tattletale smirked, jumping into the portal.

"Lisa!" Paige cried out embarrassed.

I chuckled and pulled Paige into a hug.

She squealed cutely, and nuzzled into my chest.

"I'll come visit you soon. Promise. So for now..." I kissed her forehead.

Paige nodded, shyly, and squeezed another hug out of me.

"Don't take too long. I miss you already." She whispered in my ear, as she left.

I smiled. This feeling... nice and warm.

I liked it.

I wasn't in love by any means, but having Paige, the hugs and cuddles. The small kisses.

They were nice.

Not nice enough to take her along for the ride though.

My eyes turned cold as I closed the portal.

I am no fool. She has no business travelling the multiverse with that goody two shoes attitude.

It's best for her if she stays here.

Now then, onto the final chores leftover before I leave this death world.

I stretched, satisfying pops rang out, and my contacts displayed the taskbar.

1. Project Country Roads - 4 percent.

2. Negentropic Shard - 91 percent.

3. Project Dark Knight - 87 percent.

Project Country Roads. My ongoing project for the past four years, trying to find the coordinates of my home reality.

Unfortunately, it was ticking ahead at a snail's pace, almost as if something was purposefully hiding it from me, just out of my grasp.

I frowned.

I missed my mom and dad. I'm already starting to forget their faces. Even though we were never on the best of terms. They're still family. My family.

Not to mention my little brother. He must have grown up already. Probably started college too.

I felt a pit in my stomach, churning nervously.

I had missed it all.

The last time I had seen them was six years ago now. Four years out of inconvenience, and the two years prior out of my stubbornness.

What an idiot I was.

I shook my head, and sipped on some mega seed juice.

I have better things to do now than be sentimental.

As my rational side took over, I focused on the next project.

The perfect negentropic shard. It was almost done. Faster than I expected. At this rate it'll be done by tomorrow.

That's great.

The sooner I get out of here the better. I can't wait to get to the MCU and relax for once.

Even with all of it's cosmic bullshit, the MCU was far safer to be in, least of all because Earth was some backwater dirt ball no cosmic entity bothered with for the most part.

There were some yes.

Dormammu. That baby celestial roosting in the Earth's centre.

And of course, the ballsack-for-chin mcgee, the malthusian purple asshole himself, Thanos.

But no particular threat. Not that I remember, at least.

But eh, that's for the future.

Then of course, there's the final task.

Project Dark Knight. My attempt at creating my own alien space whale, shaped from the corpse of Eden and the shards that Scion left hanging in the atmosphere.

I had no delusions of my power. The only reason Scion didn't turn me into patty pancake instantly is because he was an emo sadboi and suicidally depressed.

If it was any other entity, one that used their powers, particularly Path To Victory, properly, even the lone Abaddon could one shot me from orbit, forcefield and all.

No. I needed a weapon to wield against them. A shield to protect me.

A silent guardian, a watchful protector, a Dark Knight!

It was to be a personal bodyguard of my new family. The last line of defence. If not strong enough to fight most threats then at least powerful enough to escape with us in tow.

This too would have to be completed before I left this world. Just in case.

At 87 percent, it too would be ready within the the week.

That left me with only one thing to do today!

I snapped my fingers, and a portal opened up behind me.

I turned to the kids, and picked Star up in my arms.

"Riley, let's go train the shit out of your devil fruit!"


Dr. Wong sighed for the third time today.

First thing in the morning she had had to deal with Mr. Goldenfold and his truly....debauched delusions.

She shuddered at the thought.

A therapist isn't supposed to have biases or judge but gods damned she couldn't help herself.

Was she supposed to be supportive of man who ate his own SHIT?!

Wong. Calm down. She told herself.

Deep breaths. Deep breaths.

She wasn't usually this mercurial, not even after Goldenfold and his....ugh.

But then she had had to deal with the Smiths too.

Rick Sanchez had been absent. As usual.

Because of course he was. Why wouldn't he be?

But his family....oh they were twisted in a most special way.

But they had been her clients for five years now.

At some point they had even begun to improve.

But then it happened.

Their son disappeared with Mr. Sanchez one day and never returned.

And she understood.

They were dysfunctional, broken and in denial of their own faults.

But the loss of a family member can hit people hard.

Wong had kept that in mind too.

But some days they tested her patience.

Today was one such day.

Wong balled her fist.

She reached into her purse and pulled out a stress ball, squeezing it hard.

At this rate she would need a therapist herself.

For a moment she considered just quitting. She had made enough to retire on. Especially with the government contracts for juvenile therapy.

But she stopped herself.

No. She did this for a reason. Because she felt she could make an actual difference in people's lives.

She had saved wayward kids before. She had seen them turn to productive, happy adults.

It gave her purpose.

And she wouldn't give that up because of the Rick Sanchezes or Goldenfolds of this world.

Wong smiled.

Today's last client was an odd one though, even for her. They had requested a home visit.

She didn't usually do home visits of course, but this time she made an exception.

The client was 12 year old girl, a victim of a troupe of serial killers. Trapped by them for 6 years. Traumatized. Broken. Abused.

She felt for the girl.

And the obscene fees offered helped too.

Wong checked her phone.

A right turn here.

She took to the sidewalk and changed directions, coming to a atop before an empty plot of land.

Wong checked her phone again, confirming the address.

Yes. This was it.

The phone showed as much.

But that couldn't be right?

Maybe she had input the wrong address?

Wong scrolled up and checked the address again.

No. The address was correct.

Suddenly, she heard a noise from the plot ahead.

She looked up, and found herself face to face with a floating plane of neon green.

She recognised it.

A portal.

"Rick Sanchez. Of course it's him. Why would it be anyine else." She muttered under her breath with vitriol.

Still, she stepped into the portal.

She needed to have some words with that man.

Wong hakf expected to find a death trap or some elaborate prank on the other end of the portal.

But what she found on the other side of the portal....she did not expect.

A cozy room. Three mugs of hot coco, and one of green tea, for her.

And the girl from the pictures that had been sent to her, sitting on the couch opposite her seat, twitching nervously beside a man of noticeably italian descent.

Most importantly, no Rick Sanchez to be found.

Interesting. She found herself thinking.

"You're not Rick Sanchez." She mused.

"No. I'm not. I'm just a worried father. Please take a seat."

Wong nodded, sinking into the plush sofa and took a sip of the green tea.

It was her favourite.

For a moment she thought it was just an elaborate prank or an illusion by Rick.

But he would never be this considerate. Not in her wildest dreams.

He was more likely to trap her in some world that mildly inconvenienced her every few seconds.

Maybe a tickling feather world or stub-your-toe dimension.

Not in a million years would Rick Sanchez show her the decency of having a proper conversation.

"I hope the tea is to your liking." The man asked, kindly.



This couldn't be Rick Sanchez.

This was someone else. Undoubtedly.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, after all.

She smiled.

"Shall we begin?" The Wong asked.

"Whenever you feel ready, Riley." The man said, rubbing the girl's back comfortingly.

The girl took a sip of her hot coco, and let out a breath she had held for a while now.

Her shoulders eased up, and her body language looked relieved.

She looked back up at the man once more, and nodded.

That was some trust she had placed in him.

An actual father figure. That's good.

Abused children need someone like that in their lives. A stable pillar of support.

This was already off to a good start.

Wong's smile widened just a bit.

"So?" Wong prodded gently.

"I'm ready." The girl said, resolute.

Good. Wong thought. Accepting that you have a problem is the first step to solving it.

Maybe this would be another notch to her belt. Another child saved.

And Dr. Wong liked that thought.


A wholesome chapter focusing a bit more on Riley. Because you know, she needs some love too.

Riley begins therapy. And she's doing good!

MC shows himself to be a caring and loving father, and genuinely shows interest in bonding with his kids.

That's some growth if I've ever seen some.

And plans are in place for an awesome finale to Worm.

Next time.

Panacea no more.

The end of Endbringers.

And the perfect shard is born.

Thanks for reading!

I appreciate all readers.

Also, of you feel like supporting me, biy me a coffee or just want to read ahead, try this.
