
Reality Stone.

".... and then he acts like he doesn't even know what being loved means." Wanda giggled.

Steve Rogers looked upon her warmly, like a grandfather watching his grandchildren put tinfoil hats on their heads pretending to be knights, playing in the yard.

"You really like him don't you?" He asked.

"I... What? No.... I-I Uh..." Wanda blushed, stuttering, at a loss for words.

"It's plain for all to see." He smiled, "But seeing how you are unable to refute it really seals the deal."

"...yes." She replied, a shrinking violet.

"He doesn't know does he?"

"No. He has a wife." Wanda clutched her hands, " She's dead but he plans on reviving her soon. If I say something.... I don't want to be the reason his children are left without a mother. I don't want to break his family."

"Wow. You really love him. That's very noble of you. But tell me, will you be fine, just bottling up your feelings like this?"

Wanda thought for a moment and looked away with a wince.

Steve sighed.

"I thought so. Trust me Wanda, if you don't at least take the chance now, you'll spend the rest of your life wondering what could could have been, if only you had the courage to open your heart, back when it mattered. I didn't. And I regret it, to this day. It's too late for me, but you....you can still try. It doesn't matter if you are rejected. At least you will have closure.

That's more valuable than you think. Because if don't, it might eat away at you, the rest of your life."

Wanda looked at him, as the words sunk in.

Realisation set, she nodded with resolution.

"Good. Because he's here." Steve teased, pointing behind her.

Wanda jumped up with a cute squeak, whirling around, only to find an empty shop, blushing furiously when she heard Steve chuckle behind her.

"You! I was so-"

The door to shop opened with the tinkling of bells as a man entered.


"Hey there!" I said smugly, noting the blush on Wanda's face "Hope I'm not interrupting your date?"

"Who-Jay? You look.... different."

"I certainly do." I smiled, eyeing Steve, "So Cap, any problems on the date?"

"Not at all. We were just finishing up." Steve stood up, gently nudging Wanda.


Did something interesting happen?

I wonder...

Well, it's none of my business.

It's her love life.

"Yes. Let's go." Wanda added, grabbing me by the hand as she made stiffly for the door, the blush on her face ever clearer now.

"Oh my! Holding my hand with Steve right here. How forward of you~" I teased, and Wanda looked down for a moment, wondering whether to let go.

But she looked back at Steve and he nodded, causing her grip on my hand to only become tighter, even as her blush reddened further. I swear I could see steam coming from her ears, or was it just her chaos magic.

How cute!

She looks especially irresistibly cute when using her chaos magic.

Almost makes me want to eat her up!

I giggled, and turned back to Cap, throwing him an envelope.

"This is...?"

"Bucky's location. He's in a HYDRA base in Sokovia. Go there tomorrow. I'll send reinforcements." I explained as a portal opened up below me and I disappeared with Wanda.


We appeared on a barren plateau, broken, littered with chasms and valleys, little pools of moosture gathered at the lowest pits, held together with lichen and algae.

Small, wispy weeds grew in spotty formations around us, grey and dry, fluttering in the wind.

The whole scenery was...dreary.

"Where are we? I thought we were going back home?" Wanda asked.

"Yes, we are. But first, I need your help with a little transmutation." I answered, pointing at a small glowing rock, surrounded by chains, down in a valley below us.

It had taken me a while, but I had finally hunted down all of the treasures, known and unknown that were recorded in the Asgardian library and The Collector's system.

After gathering the rest of the treasures mentioned, now only two were left.

The Darkhold, which would serve as Wanda's graduation test and the other one.

The Reality Stone.

Hidden 5000 years ago on this planet, in a remote valley, under lock and chain to prevent anyone from using it's power ever again.

Didn't stop me of course. I found the Stone almost immediately. But I held out till I was stronger and Thanos was out of the running, just in case it infected me and Thanos found me in a vulnerable state.

So I waited to avoid that scenario. Now, Thanos is Dead and I have all the Stones bar this.

And I'm strong enough to resist infection.

No need to wait now.

I raised an arm and enchanted the Reality Stone with a minor enchantment, attaching the concept of Wholeness to it.

Now enchanted with my power, it was easy as pie to get it, without even stepping into the prison of magical chains laid out below.

I clenched my fist as my power spilled out, coloring the air in a kaleidoscopic hue, fractals appearing in the palm of my hands, shimmering like starlight.

Them, a blood red liquid spilled out from within, like sand and covered my hand, wrapping around me.

"Oh no you don't." Pushing my power into it, I ordered it to form a sphere.

Suddenly, the blood red sandy liquid stopped, turning back, and climbed into the palm of my hand, stitching itself up into a small round ball of liquid, slithering and churning under the surface.

I turned to Wanda.

"Can you transmute it into a solid again?" I asked.

Honestly, with my new power, I should easily be capable of doing it but I didn't have enough practice and I was just as likely to turn it into a literal rock or aluminium foil or a carrot. Reality warping is weird like that.

"I can try." She said, floating the ball over to her palm.

She cast some sort of detection spell on it, one I knew from studying magic myself, trying figure out it's structure and enchantments.

The spell spun, it's many magical dial like layers aligning with each other in different ways as she examined the ball.

"This is ancient magic. There are signs of dark dimension and void energies mixed in with a more pure power, a concept, keeping it from coalescing. It's forcing the Stone to spread out, all over, haphazardly. There's also another layer, a new one made of a concept. It's keeping the stone together for now but the other energies are fighting it." She explained.

"Yeah. That's mine." I said, opening a portal to the ship.

"So can you do it? If not, that's fine too. I have state stabilizers on board that can keep it in stone form if need be."

"No. No, I can do it. Give me a minute." She said, throwing the ball into the air as she began making gestures, forming a spell at the tip of her fingers.

Mandala after mandala appeared all around her, like a chain made of spellwork, glowing with a blazing eldritch energy, mixed in with some light dimension power that I could sense with my sentry powers.

The ball fell back down, right into the spell formation, floating gently in the middle, as the spells began to spin in a bizzare pattern, and the ball that was the Reality Stone in the middle began to squirm, phasing violently in and out of reality.

As if mirroring it, Wanda's hands also began to blur, glowing different colours as she drew power from many different dimensions, until finally, with a burst of her own beautiful crimson chaos energy, she stabilized the spell.

The Reality Stone on the other hand squirmed even more violently, twisting into a mobius strip, edges lined with a black energy that seemed to suck everything else in, and a dirty purple- green smattering all over it's face, and it began to spin.

It continued spinning, faster and faster, as slowly the lines blurred on it and like a centrifuge, the red began to separate from the black and purple mess.

First, the black lining of void energy slipped off to the side, stretched like a rubber band, and with a flick of Wanda's wrist, collapsed, cracking like a whip, disappearing into a point mass, back into the void dimension.

Next, the smattering of dark dimension energy, the spots of purple-green, began to pool to one side, forming a droplet at the end on the strip, before, Wanda reached out and pinched at it, transmuting it into butterflies, expending it completely.

"Just one more left." Wanda wiped the sweat off her forehead, shaking her numb hands to get feeling back into them.

Hmm...guess purifying an infinity stone is no easy feat.

I'll make it easy for her.

"Don't worry. I'll deal with the last one. It's my power after all." I snapped my fingers, and a kaleidoscopic glow shot out from fingers, hitting the strip of red in the middle of her spell, erasing the shard energies from it.

"Condense it." I ordered.

Wanda nodded, and brought together her spells, combing them into one before twisting them, imprinting them onto the Reality Stone's surface.

Slowly, the Stone began to condensed merging back into a ball.

With the ball back in her hands, she let loose a torrent of her chaos magic, and brought her hands around the ball, cupping it completely, compressing it in her palms.

Red lightning crackled around her hands, and a wave of red mist expunged from within, with a thunderous boom.

"Done?" I asked.

Wanda nodded, opening her hands, revealing a small red crystal sitting in her palm, swirls of red crawling within it like tiny storms of energy.

"Done." She smiled brightly.

I patted her shoulder, and pocketed the Stone.

"Good job." I praised, "Now let's go home."

"Uhun!" Wanda nodded, "Can I make the dinner today?"

I raised an eyebrow.

"Do you want to? You look tired."

"Yes." Wanda insisted.

"Sure. Why not? I do like your cooking, and so do the kids."

Better than what the droids make anyways. It doesn't necessarily taste better, but the flaws in it make it more...homely.

I like that.


The extra chapter for 400 powerstones, as promised.

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