
Metting the Avengers, Again.

Tony Stark frowned as he poured himself another drink, his 5th this hour and only so because he had company.

He scanned the 56 page document again and sighed.

"How bad are we fucked?" Banner asked.

"Up the ass with an 18 incher. Why? Are you going to do something about it?" Tony snapped at him, downing the drink whole.

"I'm just asking Tony...." Banner cowed, and shrunk into his seat.

"It's not that bad! It's just-"

"Cap, just....just shut it. It's not bad for you. You get a spank on those fine ass cheeks and lose your shield. No, my shield. My father made that shield. So technically you ...hic....lost my shield." Stark interjected.

"Me? They're freezing my bank accounts and sanctioning Stark Enterprises. And the cherry on top?

The World Security Council wants to requisition my suits. My suits!" He shouted, "But I won't let them. It's my tech, mine!"

"It's going to be okay Tony. No need to worry. You've been through this before. Controversy is a Tuesday for you. They're all talk. They're trying to appease the public. Once that's all done, it will be the same as always. The people will find something else to occupy their attention and everything will be swept under the rug." Natasha walked in, putting down a box of Shawarmas and took a seat.

"That's the problem! If we just sweep it under the rug we are only proving him ri-" Cap tried to speak only to be interrupted.

"I'm not worried." Tony spat, nursing another glass, "I am angry."

He looked around to find confused faces.

"Don't tell you are not mad at that two faced octopus from space? He made us out to be war criminals!

And the people? We risked our lives to fight them and now look at them!" He switched on the television, and a video of people lining up outside the Stark tower appeared.

"They are right there. Down there. Protesting us. I am a prisoner in my own house!"

"We are all prisoner in your house, Tony, we are all in the same boat-"

"Well you are free to jump right out of this boat then, Banner and swim your way home. And sleep with the fishes on your way back. God knows you need to get laid because your dick's inverting into a pussy. Look at you!" He shouted.

"But I'm not going to take it lying down like a bitch, no offence, Widow."

At that Banner sat up straight and raised his voice.

"I think that's quite enough, Tony. We get it. So stop it."

"Or what? You'll bring out the Incredible Sulk? You can't even get it up since he's ....done this. To us. So I say we strike back. Get that magic lady, Ancient One or something. Hit him where it-"

"I'm going to stop you right there, Stark." A voice came from behind them, "First, really?" He looked at Tony disappointed.

"You are going to hit a world traveling, god eating, monster that can destroy reality with a thought, where it hurts? How do you even know there is somewhere it hurts him? I talked to him yesterday. And here's some advice. Don't mess with the eldritch god roaming among us." Fury walked over and sat down opposite Tony.

"Take it or leave it."

He smiled.

"And second, he can hear you. All of this."

A shiver ran down his spine as Stark frantically eyed the room.

"But, it's all good now. I had a chat with him. He will keep his word to that Ancient One. Earth will be safe.

The only thing that remains to be seen now is....will we?" He said, throwing a letter on the table.

"What is that?" Banner asked.

Fury remained silent as Cap picked up the letter.

Carefully, he popped it open and skimmed through it.

"They're firing you?"

"In an official capacity? Yes. Practically, it's a demotion. Maria Hill will be the next head only in name. I'm still getting hired back as a private contractor. They can't do this job without me." He leaned forward, crossing his fingers, "Or without you. They just need to see that."

"And him?" Stark asked.

"What about him? Can you do something about it?" Fury shot back.

Stark fell silent.

"Thought so. Let's focus on the things we can control." He added.

Stark grit his teeth in anger and gave a small nod, before downing another glass.

"Good choice, Fury." A man said, as a green light bathed the room.

They all turned to face the man, snapping to alert.

"Hey there. Miss me?"


"Hey there. Miss me?" I asked, walked out of the portal, onto his balcony.

"Why are you here?" Stark growled, with barely contained rage.

"Relax. I'm here with a gift. And a peace offering." I assured him, throwing Loki's staff to Fury.

Fury caught it, and looked at it curiously.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because I promised the Ancient One.

The timeline needs to be set straight." I replied.

"I think that ship has sailed." Stark said, as he tried to pour himself another glass but found his bottle empty.

He stood up and walked over to the bar, and picked up another bottle.

"After what you did." He added, popping open the bottle.

"Not yet, it's not. Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot. I just wanted to destabilize the timeline a little bit. It's not my fault Kang didn't show up first thing the moment I entered this universe. He's shit at his job. But I understand how you're feeling.

So let me give you a little forecast. Of a future that would have been.

A future where the Avengers were the great heroes of this age. Defenders of Earth at first and then eventually, the universe. That was your destiny." I said, "And actually, if you want to see the original timeline...


I pulled out a DVD case.

"Took me a couple of minutes to put this together from Kang's servers. An original. The Avengers!Defenders of Earth! Now available on Blu-ray!

You guys can make a night of it or something. Learn what happened differently, so you can learn how to become actual heroes!"

Stark turned to look at me amused and took it off my hands.

"That is still your destiny, if you can salvage it. If you work hard. I just pointed out the obvious flaws in your actions. You can take this as an insult and soak yourself in resentment. Or you can improve yourself and rise above what was fated. The choice rests in your hands, Stark."

Stark's expression softened up a bit.

"And pray tell, how exactly am I supposed to do that? This....." He asked, throwing the thick folder of legal documents at my feet.

"...is your fault. It's a death knell for Stark Industries."

I smiled.

I wasn't angry at him. I came here to mend bridges, not burn them.

It's better to be on good terms with the locals after all. And while the Avengers were no threat to me, they certainly could get very annoying.

Best to clear that option away.

"Do you remember, when I talked to Loki, how I introduced myself? Jay Walker. Reseacher, inventor, former senator of the Galactic Republic." I answered.

"How do you suppose I became a senator? Here's a hint, it has to do with laundry. Very dirty ones."

A light of realisation flashed in Stark's eyes as I pulled out a USB from my pocket.

"Jarvis. I copied it, just in case." I said, sliding it across the table to Stark.

"Consider this a peace offering. Let's get along, shall we?

Because right now, the Earth needs all the hands it can get on deck, and I am not sticking around here for long. I will return when the time is right, but till then it's up to you all to keep the world safe. You understand, right?

The planet is going to need all it's defenders. Especially once I am gone. And as little as I care for it, I don't want to rob the world of it's defenders.

I don't want unnecessary bloodshed.

Because I wasn't lying when I said that this incident was going to invite all sorts of attention. I am still human. It's one thing killing aliens. But I don't want to wipe out my own species unless necessary."

"Then ...why did you do that? Why antaginize us? We wouldn't be in this mess if you had just talked it out." Cap said.

"If I had known that the infinity stones he had were useless, I wouldn't have....

Well, you know?

I just wanted to end this quickly. Get in, take the infinity stones, get out. A twenty minute adventure.

Turns out, I was wrong. And honestly, it doesn't matter. If I could do it all again, I would do the same.

Wouldn't you? If you had the chance to save someone you loved, more than life itself? Wouldn't you risk it too? Because I know you would. It's what you did in the original timeline, Cap. You became an outlaw, abandoned the United States to save someone when the world turned against them. Because you loved them. That's just how humans are." I said, turning around.

"Well anyways. That's that. Nice to meet you, again. And you know, improve a bit. This will tide over soon enough. No one's going to keep blaming you for this. Not past the next couple if months at least, with a little PR and charity work. Hell, you might even make it back on top." I replied, turning around when Cap called out.

"Wait!" He said, standing up as he ran after me, "Who did I do it for? This woman that I loved. Who was it?" He asked.

"Oh, I never said it was a woman. Cap, love comes in many forms. Philia, the strong love among friends for one."

Cap looked at me confused.

"What? I don't understand?" He said.

"Soon, you will, Cap. Soon." I smiled mischievously, as I walked out, "But here's a hint. Bucky....is alive."

Cap's surprised look was worth the spoiler.

He just stood there shell shocked like a deer in headlights.

I chuckled.

"Who is this Bucky again?" Stark asked.

"Why don't you ask Cap?" I pointed out, sliding open the door to the balcony.

"He was my best friend. From my days in the war. I'd do anything for him." Cap replied.

"Where is he?"

"That is for you to find out, now isn't it? I can't reveal the whole future or else the timeline will split again. But don't worry. You won't have to look for him. He'll come to you. Just know that when he does, you are ready to do what's right. And if you need it, call me for help. I've got systems rigged so they can hear you anywhere. Just call out my name and say 'Help me.' I'll know. Till then, see you later, Alligators."

Once on the balcony, I snapped my fingers, opening a portal back home when suddenly a beam of rainbow light slammed onto the balcony and a man in full armor emerged from within.

"Jay Walker. I come bearing the word of Odin, King of Asgard. Our king requests your presence and extends you an invitation to visit Asgard, in peace."

Well, shit. Now that's something I didn't expect. Not yet at least.

But eh, whatever.

I'll go. Always wanted to visit Asgard.

Let's see what he's up about.

"I would be glad to visit Asgard. Thank you." I smiled and nodded back at the man.


MC makes up with the Avengers.

Drops a key hint.

And accepts an invitation!

What will happen in Asgard? Find out next tien in ITCOTM!

Thanks for reading. Tell me what you think about this chapter!

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This is the extra chaoter for 300 powerstones.

Next extra chaoter at 400 powerstones.

Till then, see ya!

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