
Consequences of advanced spellcasting.

When Quentin was trapped in the Scarlatti Web in the show, he was basically damselled, waiting for help to arrive after all his escape attempts failed. To his credit he did at least try to escape on his own. Just not with the smartest methods. Then again, it's Quentin we're talking about. Not the sharpest tool in the shed.

In my case, I had two choices.

Stay here and hope to be rescued in time, as my psyche force reserves run out.

Or use the power I have left to wrest control of the spell from an unsuspecting Julia and escape into her body to save myself.

You can guess what I chose.

Quentin chose to be a helpless princess.

I, on the other hand, don't intend to be a damsel in distress.

If this is a fanfiction, as I have long suspected, then I am the main character.

I grinned.

No way I'm going down that easy.

Being trapped in the Scarlatti Web was bad but not impossible for me to survive. Especially with Julia here.

As one of the casters, she had soen authority over the spell, one that allows her to peek into it, come in and go out.

And that's my way out of this pickle.

This spell, or rather any spell works based on circumstances. External and internal. Primary, secondary and tertiary. I can't alter the external ones. Or the tertiary and secondary ones. Even altering the primary ones is difficult. Except one. Her internal circumstances.

That, I can alter, given her primary internal circumstance, her mind is right here.

And if magic comes from pain, the easiest way to alter someone's internal circumstances is simple.

Mind breaking, will crushing, soul rending pain.

Once I displace her internal circumstances enough, it's as simple as 1, 2, 3 and I'll hijack her body for my own ends.

And to that end.....

I watched as the eldritch horrors gushing out from my body consumed her, tearing her apart like a cheaply made china doll, and her pained screams drowned by the horrifying noises made by the eldritch horrors themselves.

And then, as if by a miracle, she was back in one piece, like all that torture had never taken place. A moment's respite before it began all over again.

She begged with every ounce of her soul of course, crying, pleading, offering herself. Anything so the pain would end.

"Please! I'm sorry! The monsters...NOT THE MONSTERS!!!!"

But I just stood and watched.

Not yet.

Her skin melted off ger body, and a rain of acid hit her body. A stray blow from a spiked tentacle sent her flying to the ground, disemboweling her. And the ground was made of paper thin razor blades, cuting her across her body in a thousand different ways.

And then just as she was about to faint, the world shifted again, bending to my will as the burning hellscape of acid rain and the floor razor sharp, searing hot blades turned into freezing ice cave, a glacier smashing through the cave, engulfing her completely.

Slowly, she began to freeze, her breath left her body and by this point she couldn't do much other than cough out choked sobs, her eyes themselves freezing solid in her skull, and then, a sliver away from the peaceful embrace of death, the world shifted again, and it was back to tentacle rape and spiky teeth for her, as the cycle renewed once again.

This time, I stopped the torture for a second, walking up to her and knelt down by her side, poking playfully at the toothsawn tentacle digging into her guts.

"Ready to give up your authority over the spell?" I asked as she just winced, not even having the energy to scream.

With great effort and sheer willpower, she pulled of a nod, her eyes pleading for death.

And I smiled, snapping my fingers.


And the torture began anew.

Until after what seemed like years upon years, because it was, at least in the mindscape because as a thought creature, just like everything else here, I controlled the flow of time itself.

Finally, I walked over to Julia for the last time, and asked ger the same question again. This time, there was no answer. The light in her eyes had died years ago, then her fear and further still, even her pain until not even a shred of what made her herself remain. She wasn't even a human at this point, just a puddle of flesh that only existed to suffer.

Now, she was ready, her internal circumstance displaced so far that I could just pluck her control over the spell right out of her. With a thought, and a bit of meta-math, I altered the spell formula, casting a hook back into her body before giving her one last look.

Pitiful little creature that she was now, no more sentient or even sapient than amoeba. Thoroughly crushed.

And I smiled. That should teach her a lesson, even though I will wipe her memories of it all once I'm done here so she can be used as the god-bait she was.

With a tug of my will, a tether of psyche force pulled me out of the mindscape and into Julia's body.


"Hwaah!" I gasped as I awoke from a light sleep, and felt a tingle across my body from the inception spell.

I shook my hands around to get the blood flowing back into them for casting and sta up straight looking around.

The room was empty save for me, Marina and some beanie wearing hipster.

"So what was he like? Did he get fucked? Or did you fuck him~" Marina joked, patting my back.

He was stuck in quicksand ...but like it was made of cement. It was weird." I said, employing my secret skill, bullshit no jutsu!

I didn't have a lot of time in this body.

The possession would only last so long as the residual magic from the casting of Scarlatti Web is still on my or rather Julia's body.

So give or take 5 minutes tops.

Usually, it wouldn't even be able for me to do this, but Julia fucked up by visiting my mind and leaving herself vulnerable.

"Is that so? I thought a hunk like him would have a better cage than most. But meh. Who cares. Come on, let's get to the second part of our plan." She said, turning around and walked over to a glowing door, running a chalk outline around it.

I recognised the glow on it. It's 'a door to somewhere far', otherwise known as static translocation. A portal type spell cast on doors to make it so that they can open into various different places across the world.

That one probably leads to the outside, somewhere near Brakebills.

"You coming?" Marina asked, opening the door and I nodded, following her out into a relatively empty street near Brakebills. "Come on. This way." Marina led me along, walking ahead, not paying me much mind.



But it was just perfect for me and in an instant, I grabbed the opportunity.

With a flick of my wrist, I cast an altered butchering spell on Marina, breaking all her fingers, even her toes, to prevent her from casting before silencing her with another spell in quick succession, dragging her into the thick underbrush surrounding Brakebills.

Then, pulling out Julia's phine I dialled a well loved number. No. Not mine. I had blocked her after she spammed me with messages.

I meant Quentin, her eternal simp.

And once he picked up, it was all but done.

Less than a minute later, my friends were at the scene, bringing us in and Quentin wa slooking at me weirdly, casting crude glances at my new body.

I grinned.

"Wanna cop a feel? While I'm in her at least. Thos might be your once in a lifetime opportunity, Curly Q!" I asked, aying with Julia's boobs, smacking her ass.

"Oh don't make that face. I know you've been crushing hard on her sonce you were twelve." I tapped on her forehead, "It's all in here. Did you think she hadn't noticed? No. She just didn't like you. Too needy, too clingy. She likes bad boys. Guys who treat her rough and shoddy. Or as you put it. Skeevy guys. You never stood a cha ce Quentin. So I'm giving you one. Go on, cop a feel-"

Margo smacked me on the head and Yue gave me a disgusted and confused look.

"Don't be pervert just because you can, asshole. And stop teasing Quentin."

"Hey! I'm just trying to reward him for his years of loyal, loveless friendship to Julia. God knows he needs to get laid." I teased and Quentin went red as a cherry tomato.

"D-don't talk like that....while you'r-you are in her body." He blushed.

"Why? It's not like you'll ever be inside her. What's it to you?" I chuckled only for Margo to yank my head down with a vengeance.

"Get back to your own body." She ordered with a death glare.

"Yes ma'am!" I squeaked, and left Julia's body, entering my own.

Margo can be right terrifying when she needs to be, sheesh.

And with my exit, Julia's body fell to the floor like a puppet with it's strings cut as Dean Fogg began the Materese summoning ritual.

And I lost touch with consciousness, as the darkness took me.


I awoke from a deep sleep and stretched, my joints making a clear and satisfying pop.

Ah! Nice to be in my own body again.

Looking around, I saw Julia tied up and Lipson attending to Marina's wounds.

But what caught my eye more than than was th sight of a crying Yue, hugging me tight, and nuzzling into my chest.

"There there.... It's okay Yue. I'm fine. And I'm back. Everything will be alright now." I said, caressing her head, running my hands through her silken, golden hair.

Yue sniffled and nodded.

"..nn!" She made a cute noise, "Don't make me feel like this ever again. Please. I won't be able to handle it. The thought of losing Jay ....." She sobbed.

"I won't. I'll take better care okay. So stop crying now."

"Uhun!" She nodded again, "Promise?"

"Pinky promise!" I said, offering her my pinky.

She giggled through her tears and grabbed it with her own, smiling warmly.

Then, satisfied she turned to the two women sitting on the floor, and flipped her palm, an deep blue flame dancing on it's surface.

"Now all that's left is to punish these sinners!" She said enthusiastically, a yandere-ish glint in her eyes.

She strutted over to them, an evil grin on her face.

"How dare you try to hurt my Jay?! Take away my happiness!? Thieving cats!" She growled, as the flame on her palm grew in intensity.

"Holy shit!" Margo cried out, making to lunged at Yue to stop her when I rushed over to her, grabbing Yue and pulled her back.

"Yue, Yue! It's okay."

"No it's not! They tried to kill you! They deserve a fate worse than death!" She hissed.

"She went from zero to crazy in six seconds." Eliot noted with amusement, and Margo raised an eyebrow.

"I can't believe I'm the one saying this but Yue, keep it under control. Maybe violence isn't the answer here."

"Wow." Eliot gasped theatrically, "Margo, The Destroyer advocating for peace? Hell hath frozen over!"

Margo punched his shoulder.

"I'm not that bad." She huffed.

"Bambi, you literally turned a guy into a goat at the last Encanto Oculto for saying your canapes were just okay and asking for more chives on his."

"So that's why there was a goat in the toilets..." Dean Fogg muttered in realisation and I chuckled.

"She seriously did that?" I asked.

"Yes." Eliot exposited, "Because, and I quote, 'If you like grass so much, then go munch on some yourself', which in hindsight, not a very good comeback, but...." Eliot shrugged.

"Okay maybe I can be a little temperamental." She admitted.

Eliot snorted.

"Don't." She warned, turning back to Yue.

"I get it. You're angry, but leave their punishment to the authorities. Right Dean Fogg?"

"In this case... it's difficult to say. They aren't students so I can't expel them. And leaving them to go free will likely result in more of the same, not that I care." He said.

"Then can I choose the punishment? As the primary victim here?" I asked.

"Sure. Go ahead." He agreed.

"Burn them." Yue demanded but I just patted her head, and pulled her into my lap.

"No. That'd be too merciful." I pointed out with a smile, "Say, Henry, do you still have the glamour serum?"

"Oh." Dean Fogg realised what I was up to and so did Marina.

"No! Just kill me! Please." She insisted.

"Uhnunhhun!" I wagged my finger, "You took away my mind, so I'll return the favor. An eye for an eye. Fitting, isn't it?" I smiled.

A glamour spell.

Adminstered with the accompanying serum, it turns the person into someone else, at the caster's whim by covering them with a permanent magical disguise. It even mind wiped them into their new identities.

In the show, Marina used this to turn Dean Fogg into a homeless beggar with the face of her dad, and made him sit outside her apartment so she could torment him for as long as he lived. Of course, the spell was broken later but it was still fucked up.

"No! Come on! I- We can talk about this." She pleaded.

"Oh girly, the time for talking is way past." I grinned, "Now it's time for punishment. I'm thinking, a prostitute. What do you think Dean Fogg?"

Henry let out a sigh of relief, and nodded.


He still cares about her even after all this?

How nice of him.

Unfortunately for them, I'm not half as kind.

"And aren't you a lesbian?" I wondered out loud, "Then how about making you into a male prostitute working at a gay bar?"

"Ooh, that is evil." Eliot cooed, "Please spare us the misery." He joked.

"Haha, very funny." Marina scoffed, realising there was going to be no mercy for her amd resigned herself to her fate.

"Eh fine. Female prostitute it is. Put her in Detroit though. That'll be fun." I relented.

"Sure." Dean Fogg rolled his eyes, "Two tockets to Detroit it is."

"No. One ticket." I interjected, "Let Julia go."

"Why?!" Yue asked, glaring at Julia.

"Because she's suffered enough." I said making eye contact with her.

"Haven't you Julia?" I smiled, causing her to piss herself and break down into choked sobs, hiding her face as she curled up into a ball.

"Noo....nooooo I'm sorry...no more monsters...no more teeth... I'll never do it again....mommmy!" She sobbed and Captain Save-A-Hoe, Quentin was first on the scene, comforting her with sweet whispers and hugs.

"Shit!" Margo gasped, "What did you do to her?"

"As she put it. Monsters and teeth. Lots and lots of it. And in the mindscape, one must be careful, lest the torturer, become the torturee!" I smiled innocently.

"Damn. You are brutal." Margo nodded in appreciation.

"Why thank you!" I smiled and Yue smiled with satisfaction, looking at the weeping mess that Julia had devolved into.

Dean Fogg just shook his head as usual and walked away, Marina in his custody.

I stretched, and yawned looking at the clock on the wall and saw the time.

1.43 pm.

Damn. The monster clone must be on his way to becoming T-rex chow by now.

Best go save him ASAP.

"Um guys. Thanks a lot for helping me out. Really. But I have something urgent to attend to so.....see you tonight at the cottage? I'll bring a cake to celebrate."

"Sure." Eliot shrugged, as he and Margo walked out, followed by Kady and Penny, and then Quentin, dragging along a weeping Julia with him, leaving me alone in the counselor's office with Yue.

"Well then..." I said, getting dressed, "Let's go save get some cake?"

"Un!" Yue nodded, hugging my arm as we left as well.


2700 words! Phew!

That's a looong chappy!

But it's here.

Thanks for reading.

See you at 800 powerstones then.
