
Ace Of Clubs.

"Hello there... Ace." I smiled reassuringly.

"Are you real? No... You can't be real. You're not re-"

I placed a hand on her shoulder patting it comfortingly, as her eyes widened.

"This... Is an illusion. I'm going mad." She muttered, not willing to believe what was in front of her eyes.

"And why do you think that Ace?" I asked, sitting down beside her.

"What do you mean why? I ....you don't have any thoughts! People are supposed to have thoughts. You're an illusion!"

I smiled, gestured at her with a finger, pointing at the earpiece.

"This is a anti mind control earpiece that I invented. It stops people from reading my mind. But if it means you can trust me a bit more, I'm going to trust you with this Ace. Don't make me regret this decision, okay?" I told her, removing my earpiece, as my thoughts poured out, washing over her like a wave.

"Hwaaah!" She gasped, her eyes flickered, and she winced at the sheer quantity of information that began to flow into her before she cried, with tearful eyes.

"You're real!"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe I'm just imaginary~" I teased, "Actually, I think I might just vanish now~"

I floated off the floor and began flying away.

"No! Wait stop! Please!" She began to tear up.

"Uhun?" I floated in place, waiting for her to continue.

"T-take me with you... please! Don't leave me here!"

"Hmm... I could, but do you know what I plan to do with you?" I asked.

She winced and shrunk back for a moment before nodding.

"You want my fingers. To make a ...Reality Anchor?" She asked confused.

"Yup. So...do you still want to come with me? Getting your fingers chopped off hurts you know!" I warned wagging a finger at her.

"But it won't...it can't hurt more than this.....And ...and you!...you will accept me as your daughter, won't you?" She asked, with hopeful eyes.

A chill ran down my spine and I immediately put in my earpiece again.

She was reading too deep into my mind.

That was a subconscious thought I buried as soon as it came to me. And she found it with a single look?!

And to comprehend all that in less than a minute.....

She was way too powerful!

And going by how she was behaving earlier, it seems her reality warping has just recently manifested.

That means she will only grow stronger from now on.

That is a frightening prospect!

Good thing I came here when I did or she might have just wiped me out with a thought, only a bit later, when her powers grew and she went completely mad.

"Your powers are too ... strong. You need to keep better control over them." I frowned, crossing my arms in annoyance.

She sniffled.

"I know... I just..... The people at CADMUS....they took me...when I was little. They used to make me play all kinds of games. But they weren't any fun. They poked wires into my brain, strapped me into their machines.

Ace can you move this object with your mind....."

The bed beside her slammed into the ceiling, shattering into pieces.

"Yeah I can move it...." She trailed off, venom in her voice, her eyes gazing into the middle distance.

"They weren't really games....but you know that. They were turning me into a weapon. For justice they said." She hiccuped, as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"They got their weapon....I got cheated out of my childhood." She sobbed, her head sunken into her knees.

"You can still have it, you know. You don't have to come with me. I can-"

"I know." She interjected, " I read your mind. I know that even if I didn't agree to go with you you would have healed me. Because you pity me.

Because you knew I was dying. Even before you met me. Because I'm....a character ...from a story you saw." She looked up at my surprised face and smiled softly, "It doesn't matter to me." She assured me.

"I am going mad. And dying. Not being real.... it's not something that would worry me. I have lived ... a lie since I was three. I don't want pity! I..."

She seemed broken almost the way she spoke.

Man, this is getting awkward.

I need to resolve this fast.

If she wasn't a reality warper, I'd have just killed her and taken her finger but with reality warpers, especially young fledglings like her that can't control their powers....it could be dangerous for me.

Hence the chit chat and negotiation.

Because Amazo and Circe and the Olympian Gods would smite me out of the sky before I got a word in edgewise.

Wouldn't kill me sure, but I had no way of getting what I want from them with the limited armaments I have on me.

Couldn't bring more ... heavier weaponry for fear Lady Death might get suspicious.

Ace was the easiest option here. Maybe even my only option.

Well her and that kid in the SCP Foundation containment.

But that's not as easy as breaking into CADMUS.

"Look. I just need a finger. One. And I promise it won't hurt. And then, if you want I can drop you off at Batman's. He..."

She completed the sentence.

"... won't accept me. Not really. I have killed people. Hurt many more. He is a good person but....he is .... unyielding.

But you..."

"I am an evil man. And you're a good kid, Ace. This is your world. It's best for you to stay here."

Also cuz I don't want a girl on my ship that can turn us all into corn people when she's having a nightmare.

Nope. Not happening.

She shook her head, looking away.

"There's nothing for me here."

She turned to me.

"I saw how you treat them. Your children. I saw how you sacrificed yourself for her...Riley. I want that. I want somewhere to come home to....somewhere to belong. Somewhere to call my own.

I want a family. I want a father who won't sell me to the government for beer money. I want someone who will love me like their own...I just don't want to be ...to die...alone." Ace sobbed.

"You won't. Batman-"

"Fuck Batman! He will console me as I die? I know. But I don't want to die! I don't want to live all those days till I meet him again locked in here. Or out there, alone even among friends. I saw it you know...in your memories. They never cared about me. They just wanted my powers. Even after I gave them their powers....they left me. All of them. They never played with me! And then I should just die?! Because Batman is kind?! Why?! I don't want to die! Not like this!" She screamed, weeping, as she grabbed onto me, telekinetically.

I looked down at her and saw Molly's face, looking back at me.

It gave me pause as guilt filled me.


I thought I was over this!

Ace continued though.

"I know you want my power. I can use it for you. I can even give you more powe-"

I couldn't bear to listen any more.

I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug.

"Ace. It's okay. I don't want your power. I just want a finger. And.... if you want to come with me. And you're sure, I'll take you." I offered, and took a breath, patting her back.

Can't hurt to have a reality warper around, I guess.

"But not yet. Let me deal with this ... situation first. And in the meantime, try living in this world, your world. Like a normal girl. Then I will give you a loving home. Either way."

I said, comforting her.

A few minutes passed as she calmed down, and looked up at me.

"Promise?" She asked, latched onto my words.

"Pinky promise." I nodded, extending my pinky to her, only to have her pinky pop out.

"Well...that was easy." I chuckled, stuffing it in my pocket.

She sniffled and nodded.


I picked her up and placed her on my shoulders, pulling out my portal gun.

"Now come. Let's get you out of here." I said, opening a portal and jumped in.


Tactical Shoulder Loli acquired!

And final chapter of emo fluff for now unless you guys like fluff. Cuz I really like fluff! Tell me what you think and if you want more whoelsome fluff in the fic!

Next chapter, MC goes hard on a collection rampage across dimensions!

Also if you want to support me buy me a cup of coffee or read ahead go to,
