
A fall to the dark side.

We descended down the bunker door, leaving it open in case we had to leave in a hurry, and looked around.

We found ourselves in a hallways, curving round, the ends unseen.

Suddenly, a faint clanking rang out from our right, and a rabbit droid came hopping along, carrying what looked like a bomb.

Immediately, I pushed us all aside, hiding in a niche, holding our breath till it passed us by.

"Destroy it." I said, pointing at the droid.

"Shouldn't we follow it?" Ahsoka asked, "It could lead us to whoever is in charge here."

"No. It's carrying a bomb. We need to stop it. I know that make and model. It's a separatist lab assistant droid. This is no bunker. It's a separatist holdout!" I explained.

"But it's a bunny?" Ahsoka asked, confused.

"People have weird tastes Ahsoka. This isn't the least of it." I shrugged, reminded of the furries of my previous world, "Now go."

Ahsoka nodded, sliding out of the niche and force grabbed the droid, ramming it into the wall, before decapitating it.

I caught the bomb as it fell to the floor, setting it aside in the niche, along with the bunny droid.

"Let's go." I whispered, following behind the rabbit's path, across the hallways, when we heard the clanking of footsteps from multiple droids, not to mention the uncanny whirring buzz of the Droidekas.

"More droids. And Droidekas!" I whispered.

"Let's get out of here then!" Offee offered, "We don't need to risk our lives here."

"No. We need to take over this facility. We need it to call for help. Unless you want to leave Master Luminara to her fate?" I replied.

Offee hung her head low, contemplating.

"No need to think that hard." Ahsoka said, pumping her fist, "We just have to take them down. With your laser and our lightsaber, that should be easy."

"That's the thing." I said, inching closer to the room at the end of the corridor.

"My laser is just about out of battery. You'll need to get me one of those droid blasters before I can be of any help."

Now nearly by the door of the room, we could see a light blue glow emanating from it, and some voices faint, could be heard within.

Ahsoka pushed at me to move closer, and some voices became clearer.

".....hyanayayayaya! Your eyes do not decieve you! I have perfected an air orne strain of the Blue Shadow virus. I have brought it back to life!" A bargain bin Dr. Frankenstein gloated, while some form of electrical apparatus shot lightning at a vial placed upon a small pedestal.

I remember him. His name was ..um... Dr. Vin-something.

"And you think I am campy!" I whispered to Ahsoka.

"You are campy. He's just so much worse." Ahsoka groaned, as a small smile returned to Offee's face.

Good. The better her smile, the more crushed she'll be when this ends.

The doctor continued.

"The virus in it's gaseous form, combined with these bombs will release the Blue Shadow virus back intot he galaxy, more potent than ever before."

"Are you insane?! It's a deadly disease. No lifeform is immune to it! That's why it was eradicated!" A familiar voice argued from our blind spot, one Ahsoka recognized immediately.

"That's Padme! He's captured her." Ahsoka realized, grabbing at my gloved hand.

"Wait. We need to be careful!" I warned, when the doctor snapped.

"You mean murdered?!" He cried, "By you! Superior lifeforms as you think you are, you will be no match for it this time! And it will have it's rev-"

Ahsoka didn't bother hiding anymore. She darted out of our hiding spot, and cut across the room, heading straight for the doctor.

"Fuckin- fuck." I exclaimed, and ran after her, arming the wrist mounted repulsor I had recently added to the palm of my left glove.

With a mighty recoil, I let lose one wave into the droids, knocking them off their feet, crashing into the wall, clearing the way for Ahsoka to reach the doctor.

"And you said you had no weapons." Ahsoka mocked, as she sliced through a Droideka that didn't get it's forcefield up in time, deflecting a blast from another.

"It's a single charge!" I rebutted, dodging a heavy droid, slid across the floor beneath it, and grabbed a downed blaster, letting a volley into it's back.

Offee took the hint also, and slunk past me, disarming the droids to my back, lining the walls to our blindspot, freeing a bately concious master Luminara, blood staining her gown, and a very concious and angry Padme.

Ahsoka had gotten the furthest now, and slid into place behind the doctor, lightsaber to his neck, and pushed him between her and the last droideka.

Instantly, it depowered, not programmed to target an ally, letting me take it down.

Unfortunately, the doctor was quite a bit madder than I had expected.

Witnessing a lost battle, he made to grab the vaporized virus vial, only for me to snatch it right before his eyes.

"Looking for this?" I mocked.

"Nraargh!" He raged, pushing back all of a sudden, slamming Ahsoka into the glass case behind him, spilling the virus vials off of it, crashing at Ahsoka's feet.

The vials broke, splashing her on the legs, causing her to step back in alarm, and the doctor got free from her, palming at the case himself.

The doctor grabbed another two vials, now free, and chucked one at Padme who rushed to cover Luminara, catching the vial upon her head.

It shattered into small shards, cutting her forehead open and the blue liquid trailed down Padme's face making it's way into her eyes.

Two infected. That was within expectations.

The doctor, seeing an opportunity, tried to make a run for for it, but ended up being too slow for his own good.

I grabbed him by the collar, slamming him onto his desk, and grabbed the vial from his hand.

Decisively, I popped it's lid, and with one hand pushing his mouth open, shoved the contents down his throat.

"Now you're infected too." I said, my voice cold and cruel, "Where is the cure?"

The doctor looked shocked for a moment, hasping for breath, and coughing.

Then his coughs transformed into laughter, a mad cackle suiting of his stature.

"I was asked to create a virus, not cure it!" He replied, amidst the laughter, "Go ahead. Kill me. You won't get anything out of-"

Before he could complete the sentence, I raised a hand, savgwly slapping him across his face, hard enough to pop a tooth put, blood leaking from the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, I'll kill you alright. But I won't make it painless." I smiled, evilly, revealing my face behind the tint of my helmet.

"So you have a choice now. Tell me about the cure, and I let you off easy.

On the other hand, I have been wanting to practice my torture techniques for a while now, and you know what's worse than a veteran torturer? An inexperienced one....."

"Do your worst!" He said, spitting on my helmet.

Fucking bastard called my bluff.

And he was right.

I wouldn't torture anyone in front of these main characters.

Too much of a risk. No, I intend to keep my nice and curated image intact for now.

Throwing him to the floor, I kicked the doctor unconscious, before turning to the rest.

"Offee, take master Luminara, and get out of here. Ahsoka, senator Amidala, follow us from a distance. We need to get out of here before anyone else becomes infected. We'll quarantine you in the ship.

Any reinforcements we call will find it easier to spot a crashed ship over an underground research lab.

Meanwhile, I will go to their comms and call for help." I said, taking charge of the situation.

They a nodded and got to work, while I started up the computer and pretended to search up their records for cures.

Of course I knew the cure, and it's location. I had funded this project after all, acting as Count Dooku at the time.

The cure was the Reeksa root, found on Iego, the planet with a thousand moons.

The thousand moons, by the way, being a 4D chess-like laser defense system that prevent anyone from leaving the planet once they enter it.

But with my portal gun, that was no issue.

Then I called for reinforcements, like I had promised, and followed the rest out of the bunker, back to the ship.

Once I cure Padme, Anakin will be forever indebted to me. And that I can use in my research of the force. He was after all, one of the few people welcome onto Mortis, the ethereal realm of the force gods, what with him being the chosen one and all.

He was my two way ticket through their time dilated dimension, one of the crucial tools to raise a strong and compliant Starkiller in the future.

A gasp woke me from my daydreams as we came upon the clearing.

Standing before the ship, inspecting it, was a Zabrak woman, her hips bearing two lightsaber hilts.

Sensing our presence, she turned to face us, and a sadistic smile spread on her face.

"Jedi." She said, noting Offee's limp, "And in a weakened state too."

She pulled off her lightsabers, tworling them in her arms, as a familiar buzz and glow, appeared from within them.

Ahsoka instinctively stepped forward, activating her lightsaber in response.

Offee rested master Liminara on the floor as she followed, flanking Ventress.

They circled each other for a moment, gauging their respective forms, before Offee struck first, rushing in for a straight jab, her eyes tinged with a slight desperation.

Ventress on the other hand stepped to the side, twisting her lightsabers across Offee's, before in one swift move, she disarmed her, throwing the lightsaber up in the air.

Offee, slave to her training, immediately raised a hand, using the force to grab at her lightsaber, not realizing her mistake till it was too late.

She had fallen for Ventress's trap!

Bringing down her lightsabers, in one swift move, Ventress sliced off Offee's dominant arm, moving for the other when Ahsoka came upon her from the side, forcing Ventress away.

"Kreaar!" Offee shrieked, as the pain ripped through her, and she fell to the floor, writhing in pain.

Her wails though, gave Ventress the distraction she needed to push Ahsoka on the backpedal.

Ventress pushed harder, falling upin Ahsoka with a flurry of strikes, almost catching her head tail on one, until I intervened, shooting a volley at her back.

Instantly, she jumped away, deflecting my blasts, as her eyes scanned the battlefield, fluttering like a swallow in winter.

Deflecting one of my blasts onto Ahsoka, she darted for me, bound low, forcing me to jump back, my eyes gesturing at master Luminara some ways beside me.

A subtle hint. Enough to change the tides of battle.

I flashed a look of fear, stroking her sadistic instincts, as the idea struck her too, just as I intended.

Watching my retreat, her smile widened.

Suddenly, she changed her direction, her feet sending a burst of mud into the air.

She was headed for master Luminara.

Oh no~ I thought sarcastically, even as my face hid my true intentions.

My plan was about to come to fruition.

As if fate itself was on my side, Offee turned to look my way just this moment and her eyes widened with horror.

"Noooo!!" She cried, realizing what was about to happen, and forced herself onto her feet.

But she was powerless to do anything.

Ahsoka realised it too, and empowered by the force, she dashed at Ventress.

But she was too far. And too late.

Ventress glided across the mud gracefully, her lightsabers held parallel, as she sliced through Luminara, splitting her body in two, lengthwise.

Then something happened that Ventress didn't intend, wiping the smile off her face, replacing it with pure, naked fear.

Even without the supernatural senses granted by the force, I could feel Offee's world shatter before her eyes, as she let out a pained wail.

Offee fell to her knees in despair, rage slowly replacing her sorrow.

The force pulsated around her, a slight tinge of red visible to the naked eye, as ripples began to emanate from her sinking into the mud below.

The ground shook, and the mud turned into something out of windows music visualiser, as the ripples became stronger and stronger.

The trees at first, tilted upon their roots, before ripping out of the ground completely.

Then she burst.

A force wall blew out of Offee, raising a tsunami of mud, pushing away on all directions, with such force that even the crashed ship shook, slowly turning over.

The force push crashed against my forcefield, bypassing it and I was thrown across the clearing, smashing through a tree, giving me a concussion, my world spinning around me.

The others weren't spared either, as the wave of mud took them, blinding my vision, for a moment.

By the time the waves subsided, it was all over.

Offee lay prone on the mud, the ship was on it face, with a hole cut into it, and the viceroy was nowhere to be seen.

I had to work hard to keep the cheer from leaking into my voice, and thankfully my helmet hid my face, and the ear to ear smile creeping up on it.

Don't you just love it when things go according to plan?

Here we go folks!

Offee has been completely mind broken!


Next time, a cure on Iego and the final offensive on ryloth.

till then, donate your powerstones, add the nook to your library and have a good night!

thanks for reading and bye~

GoldFingercreators' thoughts