
It's the Sex

*Knock Knock* "Oh hunny! I'm respecting your privacy by knocking but asserting my right as your husband by coming in anyway!" I yelled as I kicked open the door to Velzard's private workshop.

Lilith gave me an incredulous look as I strolled in, full of confidence. "I honestly don't get what she see's in you." She muttered.

"It's the sex!" I said confidently and without skipping a beat.

Lilith blushed madly in response to that and punched my shoulder. I think she put in quite a large amount of force to it, but to me it barely felt like a light tap. I chose to ignore my now thoroughly embarrassed daughter as I continued into the open room. I looked around as I continued forward to my destination. There were several dozen mechanical and magical components scattered about and covered in a very thin sprinkling of dust that served to show that the workshop hadn't been used in weeks. The air had a light chill to it but not a completely frigged one.

"This place looks abandoned. Did Velzard leave?" Lilith asked, catching up to me after having calmed down from my sudden sexual harassment earlier.

"No, I still detect her ahead, though I'm a bit disappointed in her," I said as I rounded the corner and came face to face with a large scaley white maw. It was Velzard in her Dragon form. She was laying in the middle of the floor near a large furnace completely asleep. Her large form slowly rose and fell as cool air was expelled from her nostrils, acting as the world's largest and most f*ckable AC until for the warehouse turned workshop.

"She's asleep?" Lilith whispered to me.

I smiled as I heard this. "It seems so. I know dragons are creatures that like sleeping for long periods of time, and three-ish weeks of rest is actually on the shorter side of the naps she took when I first ran away on an adventure with her, but she could have told me first." I said aloud.

There was a twitch. "How long was the longest?" Lilith asked in a quiet tone.

"About six months!" I replied. Another twitch.

"Should we let her rest? I doubt there is anything that could physically pierce her scales, even when she's asleep and her status as an Ultimate Skill holder would keep her out of reach from any magic or curses anyone who broke in here and tried to manipulate her would be able to accomplish." Lilith argued.

"I guess we could leave her like this. Evelyn HAS been trying to meet up with me recently." I started, smirking as I saw the twitch occur again.

<<No such even has taken place.>>

'Quiet, you! I'm teasing my wife!' I replied in my head before continuing on with my teasing.

"She said something about how she had to tell me something important and in private. I wonder if it's about an heir to Almarita!" I speculated aloud, an evil smirk on my face.

"No way I'm letting that Elf get my man that easily!!!" Velzard yelled as she stood up.

I looked up at her raised form with a wide shit-eating grin on my face while Lilith looked up at her with half-closed eyes.

"~Ah!" She made a cute noise, realizing I had caught her before a small amount of red covered her scales and she transformed back into her human form, though unfortunately, it was her more petite Blue-Eyed form rather than her voluptuous Golden-Eyed form.

Velzard turned to me with a still red face and walked up to me and put her head in my chest, trying to hide in embarrassment.

"You found out I woke up." She said softly.

"Yup. I knew I'd wake you up when I opened the door. Don't forget, I can sense anywhere in the world and I always keep an eye on my girl." I said, wrapping my arms around her in a light hug.

Velzard did a curt half-nod into my chest and snuggled up closer. "You should've pampered me you know." She weakly criticized.

"You should have told me you were going to be going to sleep. I would've prepared somewhere more comfortable." I replied.

"The furnace was nice and warm though..." She protested without any real force behind it.

"I know, I know. But wouldn't it have been nice to sleep together?" I responded


"I could have prepared a nice big bed~ Soft pillows~ In that cold cave you love so much. The only heat being my body heat and yours. We could snuggle up together under a nice big blanket and watch the snow fall from the entrance~" I cooed into her ear.

Velzard shivered a bit in my arms. It was actually kind of cute the things she likes to do together, like snuggling in a snowy region and despite being the first dragon, she loved being near something warm while the rest of the environment was cold. In this case, it would be the furnace but it would be my body heat in my proposition.

"You two are weird," Lilith said, a small bit of red on her ears as she was embarrassed by our flirting.

Velzard turned to look at Lilith for a moment before a smug smirk appeared on her face. "It's not just the sex, but he really does impre-" "ENOUGH!!!" Lilith yelled, her white skin was now fully pink in embarrassment.

"Get a room you two! How can you be so casual about that stuff!" Lilith yelled as she stormed out of the room.

Velzard and I looked at one another before we chuckled and high-fived.


"Its the sex!" Lucia replied to me.

"No, that's not what I meant!" I yelled, a bit red in embarrassment.

Lucia looked back at me confused. "Well, what else did you mean then, master Alaster?"

"I was asking how it was possible that you got pregnant with this guy's kid!" I yelled while pointing to Veldanava in his human form who was embarrassingly scratching the back of his head.

"I don't see the problem. This is great news!" Velgrynd replied as she ran up and held Lucia in a hug, followed by Velzard.

I gave out a heavy sigh and shook my head. "Couldn't yo have done this without losing your own power though?" I asked Veldanava.

"Not really. I wanted to live life as a human as you and Rudra do, so I decided to allow it!" He said excitedly, probably expecting I'd praise him for it, but instead, I sighed more heavily.

"You do know that you became a Human Enlightened right? Not a Human Saint with an infinite lifespan?" I asked, exasperated.

"Don't worry, It'll be fine!" he said putting his hand on my shoulder and shaking it as though to tell me it'd be fine.

I rolled my eyes. "Lucia is a Saint though. She'll outlive you." I reminded him.

"It's ok. I wanted to see what growing older is like anyway! I've already done a soul surgery on her too. Something similar to what I did with you and Velzard but more advanced. Even if we both die one day, she'll always be with me!" Veldanava said, giving me a thumbs up.

I put my head in my hands. "This is going to piss off Feldway so~ much and I'll be the one who has to deal with him. You know that right? He'll be all 'Look what's become of my Veldanava-sama!' and go on a rampage. Plus I don't know if Xelanus will accept commands from you as you are now." /1\ I commented.

"Actually, it's Velda Nava, now!" He said with a big smile on his face.

"THAT'S what you took away from my complaints!" I asked in exasperation, but Veld Nava chose to ignore my tsukkomi.

I felt a hand on my other shoulder and turned to see Rudra standing there with a look on his face that I couldn't quite describe. "Just let it go, Master Alaster. That's just the way he is."

I raised an eyebrow at this and began to peer at him seriously. "What did he bribe you with?" I asked in a completely serious tone. Rudra looked away from me, sweating bullets.

"Haha- Remember how I kept saying that I'll be the man to conquer and unite the world?" He asked.

"Yeah, I laughed at you because you were so weak at the time. You still can't beat me as I am now and even Guy would be a long shot." I replied to him.

"Well, master Velda said he believed in me and swapped Skills with me!" Rudra said back to me, trying to show a degree of confidence as though it would get him out of his predicament.

I opened my mouth to yell at him some more but felt two delicate hands pull me away from him. I turned back and saw Velzard looking at me with loving but amused eyes. "Al-hunny. I understand where you're coming from, but this is supposed to be a happy moment. Let's not ruin it by talking about serious threats to the cosmological balance of reality." She half-joked.

I sighed and put my head down in defeat. I always knew this was going to happen sooner or later. I loved Milim as a character and she was critical to the story of the world in the future, so I didn't do anything to avoid Lucia and Veldanava meeting, but I also kinda hoped that he would choose not to give up his power, especially after seeing my struggle to become strong enough to protect everything I cared for, but I guess not outright telling him was too naive of me.

I looked Velzard in the eyes and leaned in, kissing her on the forehead. "Yeah, sorry. this is a happy moment, right?" I asked her before turning to Lucia and Velda Nava, who were talking to Rudra and Velgrynd.

"Master Velda, Lucia," I called out to them and they turned toward me. "Congratulations!" I said, thinking to myself how much work I was going to have to go through to keep them alive after Milim's birth.



Xelanus only accepted commands from Veldanava because he was stronger than him. Furthermore, because Ivarage is dead and not in the otherworld, Xelanus was born in the Cardinal World and is active there. He is something like the second Demon Lord (unofficial as of right now) and is currently building up his force of Insectars quietly in his corner of the world.

Yeah, a lot of canon is f*cked right now.

Short Chapter today, but at least yall get two of them.

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts