
Golden Years

A/N: You guys also seem to really prefer the reality warping mutant story over the Peter Parker one and it's not even close, so I guess I'll chose that one instead of waiting a week. The only issue I'm having now is the starting point in the new world. I'm conflicted about how to do it right now. I'm writing up a rough outline on the story and how to retcon certain aspects together to make the story work better.

A few examples of this are going to be how the New Gods will be entities closer to the likes of Thor rather than extradimensional beings they are in canon. Darkside would be a lot like Thanos as opposed to his canonical 'techniacally bigger than the entire multiverse' level being he is in DC lore. Anotehr example would be swapping out the marvel version of Death for DC's Endless version. There is also the placement of things like the Worlogog which is equivalent to the Cosmic Cube in terms of how it warps reality or how the Nova Corp and Lantern Corp are identical in function, so its a bit of a mess in terms of how to properly mesh everything together.

I'd also make that story a harem or, at the very least, a ménage à trois. I know a lot of people like this story specifically BECAUSE its not a harem, but comeon guys... you can't make a guy decide between Jean Grey and Powergirl. That'd be just too cruel.


(Alaster POV)

I spent the next three weeks in Soma with Velzard, Eveyln, and Lilith. the four of us would often go on searches for Twilight's hidden base under the guise of 'Adventures' for Lilith during the day while Velzard and I actually searched for its location at night.

We'd narrowed down the search to somewhere within the city, as I'd notice with my [Eye of God] and Velzard's [Dragon Eye] if there were any barriers in the countryside surrounding it, however, since Soma was a magical city, there were thousands fo barriers littered throughout. Some were for people's personal workshops, others were important government facilities, and I even made the mistake of kicking down the door to an underground gay male strip-club once.

The look Velzard gave me was painful but the fact I found Nolla hanging out there may have hurt even worse. Turns out most elven women are BIG Fujoshi and I actually had to recruit Nolla into our search in order to rule out any more of those kinds of places in the future.

Thankfully, however, it didn't take us very long to find the base with the princess of the country's direct aide. We discovered the place in an abandoned noble's mansion that the locals claimed to be haunted. I had actually heard of this place on my first day here and wanted to check it out, thinking there was a good chance that it was there because it was so cliche, but Velzard convinced me I was being silly and that real ghosts probably just inhabited the place.

I sometimes forget I'm married to a dragon in a fantasy world, so the argument that real ghosts could be to blame convinced me otherwise. Its wasn't all bad though. I got to see Velzard's frustrated face when I turned out to be right. It was adorable and totally worth the weeks of looking at the wrong places.

Unfortunately, the lab itself was empty of prisoners or other research materials. It seemed Twilight hadn't used this base much and it served more as a safehouse and storage site located in Soma than as a 'real' secret lab. However, while the information wasn't useful to us, it was extremely valuable to Nolla and the other researchers working under her. The most 'valuable' thing there was a spell called 'Demon Death Birthday' which used corpses to create Undead Elves.

I was a bit shocked at how strong each one would end up being, as they were around the level of a Demon Lord Seed, however, at Velzard and my level that really wasn't much of a threat. Even an Awakened Demon Lord would only be 'troublesome' to deal with, not an actual threat so long as I took the fight seriously.

We DID discover some notes on Veldora that I confiscated. It was about creating an artificial clone of a True Dragon to serve as a potential vessel for Twilight in case my body didn't live up to expectations or as a weapon to use against Velzard and Velgrynd when he'd inevitably have to fight Veldanava after he stole my body.

It kinda irked me that he was so certain that he could get away with stealing my body that he was planning his next step after doing it like it was already a done deal.

Anyways, I had a feeling there was one more facility somewhere in the world where Twilight could have hidden more research on this 'clone' of Veldora, but there wasn't any clues as to where that might be in this location.

I also discovered Twilight's research on something called a 'Digital Lifeform'. He had learned about them in Veldanava's library in the Heavenly Star Palace at some point in the past, but never really persude that aspect of research. I found the subject fascinating as 'Digital Lifeforms' were supposedly entities made out Information Particles, which were smaller than Spiritrons and were unaffected by Space-Time. A 'Digital Lifeform' therefore, would be unaffected by some of the hacks timestop powers I'd read about in the later half of the webnovel.

I gazed at Velzard when I learned about this and activated my [Eye of God] on her, discovering that she was already a Digital Lifeform but that I wasn't. When I asked her about this, she said it was something that happened automatically when she was given [Gabreil] as the ability to stop time without being one would make the world get stuck in its timestopped state.

Since that was the case, I resolved myself to become a Digital Lifeform myself, though due to how little control I had over the Information Particle, only able to barely interact with it due to my Ultimate Skill, the process of evolving will probably take me years to fully swap out all the particles that make up my current body for a digital one.

Anyways, after our little escapade around Soma, we decided to continue our travel around the world. I visited the lsuh lands of the West were the Giants roamed. Velzard had a nice time blowing off steam by using Dagruel as a punching ba- I mean sparing partner. I met a rather violent and tempermental Vampire named Valentin who liked to rampage about and who was a bit stronger than the average Demon Lord Seed, so I one-shot him for good messure.

Luminous showed up after his beatdown to drag him away and even apologized to me for it, but I said it was fine. She promised she'd 'tear him in half' or something to that effect, but I didn't bother remembering it too well as I'm sure it wouldn't be an issue later on anyway. I definitely don't remember him from canon, so I'm sure she might have done something to him at some point.

Before I knew it, it had already been 10 years since we started our journey. I'd witnessed nations coming together and falling apart. I watched over the rise of humanity to become the dominant species on the planet but made sure that no nation discriminated against the elves, dwarves, and beastmen. I did this by teaming up with Guy and using the guise of the Demon Lord to destroy the troublemakers by silently eliminating those politicians and nobles who advocated those things while sheparding the countries that preached equality by protecting them from the frequent Monster attacks.

I did end up fighting Guy a few times when he went too far, though. Both of us were never really serious at the time and I didn't show off [Metatron] to him as I didn't want him to copy it. It was actually because of this that I earned the official title of 'Hero' by the masses. The average person couldn't tell me and Guy's spars and mock battles apart from actual combat, so to them it looked like I was fighting hard to stop the 'Evil Demon Lord'. Guy found the whole situation strangely hilarious while I felt it was extremely embarassing.

Seeing the progress of humanity, Veldanava became more reclusive and less active on the world stage during this time. While he never did tell me why, I imagined it was that he wanted to let humanity continue its growth, wishing for it to flourish under the system Guy and I created accidentally. I was strangely happy to know that he trusted us that much as to not give us strict oversight and to watch fro the shadows.

My favorite of the human kingdoms to adventure through, however, was this tiny human nation of Nasca. The King was a stunningly handsome warrior with pink hair and red eyes while his wife was a stunning beauty with Golden locks and sky-blue eyes. The powercouple had actually been students of mine for a year or so during the journey before they set out to forge their own kingdom on the Eastern side of the continent.

Life was good for a long time. That was, until HE returned...

Sorry for the short chappy today. I woke up early and came home late so there wasn't much time to write.

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts