
In The World Of : In Another World With My Smartphone

Death, ROB, OP Wishes, Reincarnation

Im_Lucifer_Mors · Anime et bandes dessinées
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23 Chs

Meeting The God Once Again

(Alex POV)


I wake up feeling groggy with a heavy headache. I remember falling unconscious due to exhaustion and the last sentence I heard was about something related to divinity.

As I get up, I realize that my physical stats have significantly increased, but my whole body is in pain. I feel as if I am suffering from a mild fever, but before I can further examine myself, a familiar old voice catches my attention.

"Oh you finally woke up, young Alex"

Hearing the same voice I heard before falling unconscious I stood up from the bed I was laying on and took a defensive stance.

I looked over at the source of the voice and couldn't help but be stun looking at the old man looking at him with kind expression with a saintly smile

Looking at the old man I couldn't help but exclaim.

"Eh?!! God!!"


"..so why have you descended down here on this mortal realm?"

"Haha though I rarely visit mortal realms this time I visited here to address a certain situation to someone whose situation is similar to yours"

"Similar to mine? By any chance do you refer to my reincarnation?"

"Yes, he is also from a similar world like yours whom I killed by mistake"

"Haha killed by mistake haha"

I couldn't help but laugh when god mentioned he once again killed someone by mistake.


The God couldn't help but cough out of embarrassment to my sarcastic joke.

'Man killing someone by mistake? if this goes on this world will be soon became an afterlife paradise or something'

"Is the one you refer to called Mochizuki Touya?"

"Oh you seem to be familiar with him?" The god asked in amusement seeing that I know the identity of the reincarnator he mentioned.

"How can I not know someone we famous as him who overturn a whole miltitary coup by himself and is engaged to two princesses while founding his own kingdom"

"And also carrying a smartphone"

"Hahaha you are right, young Touya is the other reincarnator in this world"

"To address a certain situation of his I descended down to the mortal realm and freezed the time"

"....but I'm truly astonished by the growth you have shown in just a year young Alex"

The God stopped smiling and seriously complimented me, to which I kind of feel proud.

"Earlier that.."

Even though I can guess what had happened earlier I couldn't help but want to confirm it.

"About that... well you see young alex, Normally when reviving someone, I would repair the damage done to their physical or spiritual body using the basic elements and energy of that specific world."

" In your case, though, I summoned you straight up to the Divine Realm before anything else. Physical body and all. Only after that did I revive you into a new world"

"So it means..."

" I revived you using the materials I had at hand. And since your body and soul were both in the Divine Realm at the time, I ended up putting you back together with divine matter."

"To put it simply, your body is similar in composition to that of a God"

"...It means I'm a god?"

"Well it's kind of complicated."

"In simple terms your situation you are still a human who has the power of gods"

"What you experienced now was awakening your divinity, the colour of your divinity signifies your divine spark"

"Since I revived you through my powers and materials available at the divine realm your divine spark is same as mine"

"This means that you are most likely to become my ward"

"A ward?"

"Wards are referred to the beings loved and protected by the gods"

"All gods in the world are kind of my wards too"

"Your position now is a bit complicated so as I cannot appoint you as god of anything for now nor you are in position of being a servile god which is the lowest level of gods governing nothing"

"This is why you will be my ward from now on and would be under my protection"

The God then went on explaining the benifits I have being a human with divine powers as I am not particularly not bound by the rules of divine realm and enjoy my life among mortals which every gods wants to but aren't able to do as they are restricted by the rules of divine realm.

The God also kept on talking about how many gods like god of love, god of swords, god of hunt, god of inventions, god of science, technologies, magic, beauty all are interested in me.

I don't know if I should be angry at them for peeping into my life without my permission or happy to get attention of so many gods.

While talking to the god I also remembered the details of the volume five of the novel where the god descended to meet Touya and met with the pope and envoy who later became the cardinal.

Along with god I watched how Touya dealt with matters of Ramish Theocracy and one of god's clone addressed the pope and explained Touya about his situation of being a god.

Creating god by mistakes. Really? and not one but two gods. In the novel I doubted that god didn't made Touya a god by mistake during the conversation between him and god of destruction when two worlds were going to merge together and now I have confirmed my suspicion that there is a purpose behind the god's actions.

The day ended with Touya defeating the great dark spirit and acting as a god's light to keep the faith of the people intact and improve their ways of teaching.

The God left after saying a goodbye and Alfred, Hilde and Aura began to worry about me as I was suffering from some mild fever.

It seems like god implanted some false memories in their head so to not make my disappearance with god seem suspicious.

'Man today was really a tiring day'