
in the world of diablo

A lucky or unlucky fellow is sent into the world of Diablo on the hardcore mode because if he manages to beat the game in all difficulties he'll be able to go home. that is only if he manages to survive but here's the twist he doesn't choose a class! making this adventure even more treacherous for him as he has to learn all that he can to leave another day! So with these restrictions in mind how will he survive? I don't own the image so if the owner wants it down just tell me.

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51 Chs

Chapter 12 new quest, getting thrown under the bus

Walter woke up in a daze as the first thing he saw upon opening his eyes was the strange glowing markings on his skin as he forced himself upon the crude bed the hand he was using to do so on the back of it had quills!

This made him panic for a bit as he checked the other arm which was just like the first glowing markings, and the quill covered backhand!

Walter got to his feet and walked to the small pot of water to see his reflection, it was a sight to behold….Not it was the same old face just that his arms looked similar to some kind of magical armor which was welcome yet at the same time he wondered.

"what about his status?"

What it showed was that his status had almost doubled probably due to the leftover bonuses from tor- *ahem* training.

But what caught his attention was that Angel wasn't there anymore neither was the wendigo, that was a good tank there, now gone…

But at least now his chances of survival were up another notch, there were some interesting changes that happened to Quinn and Jekyll they had some kind of +1 beside their names.

He was kind of curious as to what it meant but he had other things to worry about as the sound of fighting had gotten his attention, so Walter rushed out of his tent and the sight to see was a horde of undead monsters that the rogues used embued arrows or fought close to with whatever they could use.

Kashya reequipped with better armor was keeping command, under her leadership, kept the undead at bay, Walter made his way to her to find out what he could do to help.

"Kashya what can i-"

She turned to him with a smile that reminded him of a hungry predator, upon seeing this he did a complete 180 turn and tried to escape as that meant bad news like big time, but remember the keyword 'tried', Kashya, that feisty woman, threw a fucking bola at him, which prevented him from doing so!

Walter's body fell to the ground like a fainted goat as the bola wrapped around his arms and legs restricting his movement completely as his face bounced off of the ground a couple of times upon landing.

He turned to the culprit, who in his eyes literally looked like a starving lioness that was on the prowl making its way to him, Kashya then crouched near him as her outfit was digging into her crotch giving him quite a juicy sight to see, as Walter gulped for two reasons.

first off she was obviously teasing him, if her outfit was moved to the side just a little more, just a bit more...and he would seen the beckoning 'heaven' but sadly this is Kashya we're talking about here as while she distracted him she muttered some words that he couldn't hear before asking him.

"so will you help me?"

"HUH? wut?"

that was Walter's immediate reaction as he was unable to wipe off the drool from staring so intently so Kashya grabbed him by the face with both hands as she looked at him straight in the eyes then repeated her words.

"So will you help me?"

As she said that Kashya was slowly bringing her face closer to him as if to...!

Walter who was completely unable to think at all puckered his lips as if waiting for a kiss as he nodded like a horny rooster.

But his little hope was destroyed as she let go of his head then released him before stating.

"good I'll be waiting~"

Walter couldn't help but tear up a bit as she played him yet again!

It was so frustrating he knew that she'll keep doing this, yet he can't help hope for a little bit of fun!

So as the man was sobbing a little he asked her what was he supposed to do again...

Her answer was this.

"I'll need you to take down Blood Raven at burial grounds past the cold plains~"

Walter felt like he had heard that name before from Silvia so he asked.

"Sorry but who is blood raven again?"

Kashya stared at him for a good moment there before sighing then said this.

"The former captain of the sisterhood-"

upon hearing that part Walter's face turned pale as that was Kashya's current job!

then Kashya continued...

"she is also my mother's best friend that became a corrupted rogue"

Oh, how Walter wanted to curse out loud to the heavens as the hurdle was even higher than before mostly due to Silvia making him somewhat traumatized from the training so he was afraid of enemy rogues!

So after mentally venting and bit more prepared, he nodded before showing her a resolute gaze to which Kashya gave his a grateful look, and thought that he looked a bit more attractive, only to think of him as a growing boy again since he legs were trembling~

So the rogue captain chuckled at this as she thought to herself.

"Silvia I think that you worked your 'Gufta' a little too hard~"

Walter went to Charsi to switch up his gear to better ones, and his new 'features' had attracted the attention of the blacksmith who offered a discount if he gave her a few of his quills, all while leaning her body forward letting another nip slip, to which made him be more than happy to at first, only to regret it almost instantly when she started ripping them out of his hand!

after getting properly bandaged and an enjoyable hug from Charsi, he received his new items.

his armor was made from Wendigo skin, with throwing knives made from better materials and blunt-ended darts for the skeletons and undead, he also gained a new helmet made from iron with leather padding as it covered his neck rather well and his head leaving an opening for his eyes without hindering his sight as his nose till his chin was covered.

After getting some rations and some potions, Walter left the camp with haste lest another incident like with Yok'ta happens again.

He was looking for a certain rogue called Flavie she was the one who will provide him will a usable map!

it took some time to finally find her and Flavie's situation wasn't the best, as she was now fighting against a group of monsters that consisted of goat-headed humanoids and more fucking corrupted rogues.

To which the rogue called out to him in anger.

"don't just stand there! come and help me now!"

thanks to that all of the rogue's enemies looked towards his direction, bringing about a brief awkward silence before they started attacking him since he wasn't behind any cover yet!

Walter, on the other hand, was cursing out loud.


Flavie was smirking at his troubles while firing a few arrows!