
In The Walls

A story of five college kids moving into a new apartment to live their lives of dreams and freedom, soon turning into a trapped nightmare. Follow me on Instagram- @ciel.tales

Ciel_Tales · Horreur
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12 Chs

Chapter 8: Will Never Stop

We all arrived at the Heol Beca street, in front of the Green Days Mental Asylum. Alessia has contacted the Asylum for a grant of permission to meet Hazzle. She was the last woman reported to stay at our apartment.

"For the past fifteen years no one apparently paid a visit to her, some distant relative paid for her stay here, that's about it," Alessia announced in a blunt way.

"Why Anne said meeting her will help, she's in an Asylum, not a fit person to help us honestly. It'll all be crazy talk." Rayn rumbles with his on-edge temper.

"Whatever we say right now is crazy talk as well," Jennifer replied with her sharp words, I smirked back, I really needed someone to put Rayn straight. His negativity, although valid, was getting on my nerves.

"Why will they let us meet her?" I enquired Alessia.

"I told them we are grad students, working on a paper called 'Abandoned People'."

"And that worked?"

"I have a few tricks up my sleeve." Her words and look killed me. I contained myself, her attractive personality made me admire her.

We went to this well-made asylum and waited for a long hour to meet Hazzle. They informed us about her current mental state. Alessia went through her file, she was silent looking spaced out, we didn't intrude."They found her; she killed many animals in that apartment. But I think they were sacrificed, something doesn't add up. Why didn't she kill herself?" Alessia kept talking to herself more than us, trying extraordinarily to solve equations that we couldn't.

In front walked two nurses with Hazzle, she sat in front of us, Alessia intervened, acting like a true grad student. "Hello, Hazzle, we are here to meet you. We want you to know that you are not alone." We could barely see her past the crazy hair, long and curly, all falling on her face. Her head down, swinging in one place, muttering something unclear. "Hazzle." Suddenly she started laughing.

One of the nurses begins "She always stays like this, doesn't talk much, but sometimes in her room, she interacts with us. She likes talking about a man, we don't know his name or identity, but feels like he interacts with her every day, especially at night." Hazzle still in her own world, Rayn shakes his head like all this was a big mistake, we won't get anything from her.

"Here it says you received her covered in blood. Do you know who's blood? Is there a crime that took place there?" Alessia asked although she knew everything.

"It was a long time ago. I have known Hazzle for five years now. All I know, she started to kill animals like rats. When her landlord and family dropped her here. Several years of ongoing treatment to make her stabilize". We looked at each other and we found one key: the landlord. We tried to reach her in between all this time but could never. Something right there was wrong. Alessia went ahead and took Hazzel's hand in her, showing comfort. However, she was trying to get some vision to help us forward, she shook Alessia's hand off and started to scream. The nurses went busy trying to calm her.

"I am sorry did I upset her?" Alessia apologies. "We should take her to her room, we don't want to make her uncomfortable." Her eyes meet Hazzle's, she acts more and more uncomfortable. We offered a helping hand back to her room. Entering her room, we understood what Anne meant, the walls are layered with writing, signs, and symbols. It looked like a replica of our living room, except for the big pentagram and bold writings. The colors all she got there were crayons, and some watercolors, stationary blunt items, preventing anything from self-inflicted injury. I couldn't bare the walls at the sight, it felt like the haunting never ends. I really wanted it to end, but the world felt small in that room, with nowhere to run, nowhere to go. No answers to begging for our freedom.

We saw Hazzle getting a pen and started writing on the side of the walls next to her bed. "She always writes something or the other on the walls. We gave her so many papers but she only writes on the walls." The nurse told us.

We reached the apartment as soon as possible, Anne called us saying Dream is back. A part of me just hoped Anne would unbind Dream from the clutches of the demonic spirits, that she's back and we could escape from that place. Rayn and Jennifer started to argue before we entered the apartment, well the history of our friendship be damned we couldn't look into each other's eyes. We went to find Dream, sobbing like a child still tied to the bed.

All of us wanted to run to her, but we held back. After what happened we didn't have the heart to set her free. Anne looked at us, weak and ill, her physical body was getting drained by the place. She didn't have much left in her to fight back. "Guys please untie me, this hurts so bad. Digging in my skin please untie me. I beg you."

"Honey." Jennifer in tears "Please hold on for a minute, the father will come, and then you will be free."

"Jenni please, I beg you. My back is burning like someone set me on fire. Guys, you can't do this to me. Why are you doing this to me, please let me go."

Alessia couldn't take anymore, coming back to the living room. Rayn asked Jennifer multiple times to leave but this time he crossed his line. Grabbing Jennifer by the hand and dragging her against her will. I tried to stop him, so he landed a punch deep in my guts. And followed by a sound of a slap, Jennifer never in her life never thought a day would come that she would actually hit Rayn.

"You are a monster; I can't believe I ever loved you!" Jennifer cried. "You saw that Hazzle after all these years, still haunted. Knowing that you want to leave Dream like this?"

"Yes, I do. You saw the truth… Dream can't be saved anymore." Rayn in a rage got close to Jennifer. "You want to be like her?! Huh! We tried goddamnit, I am scared for you Jenni, let's just leave…"

"There's no us here anymore, I am not leaving. If you step out the door it ends for us." Rayn in uncontrollable anger takes a pocket knife out of his jacket and goes to Dream's room and starts to cut all her ties. I tried my best but when he's determined there's no stopping his temper. He sets Dream free. She holds her head back in pain, staying where she was on the bed.

"Happy! Dream is now okay and back to normal. Now can we leave?!" Rayn argues with Jennifer.

"Why would you do that? It's not safe!"

"Damn right! Nothing is safe here, let's just leave." He takes a breath "Please let's leave, I can't hear it anymore. The voices, the haunting, if it wasn't for you…"

"Say it, if it wasn't for me you wouldn't be trapped in this situation. Rayn this is not love. You've changed! I won't leave, and if you do, that's it for us!" I couldn't believe Jenni could say anything like that to him ever. Everything was falling apart, our friendship, love, and belief. I couldn't control the flow of time nor could I hold onto the dearest of mine.

Rayn took a bag and proceeded to leave, I wanted to stop him at the same time I had nothing left in me to stop anyone. A stand next to the apartment door, where we kept the cactus, he slams it against the floor. Breaking Jennifer's heart, scattered on the ground, remains the best memory of their love. Jennifer, numb to the core, didn't go near it. Suddenly again a scream, in the living room stood Dream with a terrifying smile on her face and a pen in her hand. We all moved away from her, Alessia held onto Jennifer as I thought of slowly approaching her. My feet felt glued to the floor, I couldn't move neither could I breathe properly, in a struggle I collapsed to the ground. Dream started laughing again and left the door. Jennifer thought that she followed Rayn and thus she sprinted after her.

The blood drops left an imprint of where Dream ran off to. She on her way might have stepped over the Cactus, which explained the blood marks. We didn't waste a second following the print. We reached the roof, where at the edge stood Dream. Jennifer, a bit faster than us, reached Dream on time, holding her by the hand. Me and Alessia also grabbed onto her. She used the pen to wound our hands, it was the peak of the situation, we were almost losing her.

Rayn comes out of nowhere grabbing Dream's other hand, tears run down his red eyes as we see him pulling her in. Dream fought back but Rayn had her in locks.

"Dream, please! I can't lose you; I can't lose any of you so please come back!" A scream escaped her mouth as she again lost consciousness.