
In The Walls

A story of five college kids moving into a new apartment to live their lives of dreams and freedom, soon turning into a trapped nightmare. Follow me on Instagram- @ciel.tales

Ciel_Tales · Horreur
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12 Chs

Chapter 4: Intruders

As time moved on Alessia and Dream started to look eye to eye. Dream apologized to Alessia for that night the next day itself. Where a pang of unidentified guilt crawled underneath her skin. Dream was Alessia's best friend to be accurate, they have gotten into fights but this time it was different, she left Alessia hurt. Despite how Dream had been with her, Alessia was busy browsing something. Alessia was a person easy to forgive but she was also a person who never forgets. I knew deep down her words remained and kept aching from time to time.

I won't lie in the entire process of moving. I almost forgot that the apartment was a bother to me. I was entertained by the matter of getting a new internship and a place with friends. Things couldn't be more perfect; as we all were blinded by the utmost living goals. After breaking our backs the place was finally somewhat decent to live in, well almost. The biggest room went to obviously Jenni and Rayn. They got a big king bed with a luxury mattress of delighted comfort. Dream's room looked the most abstract with maybe fifteen different lights and neon, her art set at one end and her computer desk at the other. Her room could easily fry your brains out. Alessia's room was mostly like her college dorm, her elements included books, plants, and herself. I felt a lot of things about that woman, how she could make any place home, how she could leave traces of her own without even trying. I found her at the end of the day passing out on the desk. I would take the glasses off and look at her for a moment, no makeup, less care for appearance, just her. I wanted to take her in my arms and put her in the bed however I wouldn't. I went on to put the laptop down when suddenly it flashes back at me. 'History of the Elliott grounds' was her search, her notebook opened next to her and a lot of information was taken down. I took it in my hands to give it a read. When a map of the estate fell to the ground a lot of markings had been done on it. I instantly put it away, I loved her researcher's brain, but for some unknown reason I was getting upset, I wanted her to move past this apartment. I was moving back to my room when I suddenly saw a figure sitting on the living room couch, in the dark, the back of the person only in my vision. I looked at it from the corner of my eye and proceeded to my room when suddenly I remembered all the things in the living room were covered by plastic, and the next day we decided to paint the living room. I walked to the living room, in my head I thought that was Rayn, a guy I deducted by the broad back. I couldn't recall what was seen like a diluted vision. The living room was dark, covered with protective plastic on every piece of furniture however, it was empty. I stood there holding my heart in my hands, I knew someone stood behind me. I couldn't move, stagnant I froze in time.

"Yo!" Dream jumped on me from behind. I could say without shame my heart almost came out of my mouth when she did that. Letting go of a historical laugh, Dream was almost on the floor.

"Jesus Dream! You scared the life out of me."

"Earlier you scared mine away." Dream blamed, still laughing at her prank "Why would you sit in the dark? On top of the covered couch, your room is no good? Man, are your walls also thin like mine?" I could barely contemplate the words falling on my ears.

"I was not sitting on the couch, I thought…" I tried to talk to her but she drifted to brighten the living room. She giggled and lit it up. I worked in my room the entire day and didn't notice when Dream installed moonlights at the corners of the room. They looked absolutely magnificent.

I again restrained myself, my words, which I still regret. Only if I told Dream that day, only if I spoke up sooner, I wouldn't be here today. Clenching on to your ashes, your memory, writing so I could hear my own voice, this life would have been different. Only if…

"Do you hear that?" Dream exclaimed we all were in her room in the morning deciding what to color the living room walls. My first call was to take the wallpapers down, they were the most monotonous wallpaper I had ever seen in my entire existence. Then I looked at the amazing faces flipping at me, they were tired and exhausted from all the renovation and moving. Dream showed us a painting that honestly was a lovely blend and symphony of colors. However, none of us knew how to paint. She gave us a mysterious smirk and we followed her lead. The first thing I took down the moonlights, we evened out the walls, buffing them and fixing the wallpaper. We all waited for Dream's cue on which we will start to throw the paint at the wall. We went insane over the idea that we will just randomly through the paint. And so, spent the day playing with colors like kids, don't get me wrong we had a blast. With rollers, Dream showed us how to blend, and we messed up but somehow regardless of how crazy your art is it's yours so you cherish it. We might finally understand Dream's abstract art, it doesn't have a head and tail, but it does have the essence. We also very much painted each other as well.

Exhausted, we took some hard and some soft weapons to clean ourselves. Rayn is the only one sitting it down, letting Jennifer wash up first. A sudden sound behind him, the door to their room cracks open very slowly, him expecting anybody to mess with the door. "Who is it? Andrew?" He calls out my name. "Dream?" as he can't see anybody, he found everything to him a bit weird. The door kept on opening, with very settled movement, the anticipation built in fear, it cracked to the point, where it was completely wide open, to no one on the other side, no one to push, just emptiness followed. He got up to check, and suddenly a scream came from Dream's room. Rayn rushed to the sound, behind him is their room's door in the same slow-motion closing.

I heard Dream's shrill scream. I put on something in a hurry, reaching her room which was next to mine.

"Dream, can we come in?" I banged on the door, followed by silence.

"Dream we are coming in?" Yells Rayn hesitantly looking at me.

I couldn't think of right and wrong; Dream was on the other side of the door. At that exact moment, Alessia arrives, her hair wet drenching her top.

"What are you thinking about? Go in!" Alessia said and barged into the room finding Dream in a corner, just towel on, shaking on the floor. We avenged our eyes as Alessia profligately covered her with the white bed sheet. Dream still had residual colors on her. Her hair wild open, and everything indicates that she rushed out of the shower anyhow. Her body to her gaze repulsed the bathroom door. I took a baseball bat and charged in finding nothing except a wet and paint-spotted messy bathroom. I checked back on her; Dream was frightened to her core.

"Someone was there!" I was showering and someone was on the other side near the door." Dream's shaking voice explained what she saw. We all looked around finding not a single trace of a person. "When I screamed that person moved so fast, I felt someone was behind me. I left the shower, I couldn't stay there…I swear I saw someone!" Her eyes are gathering tears as Alessia held on to her as tightly as possible.

"We should check the house," I said to them, and right away Rayn sprinted to their bedroom door.

"It's locked!" He yelled from the other side; we could hear the loud bangs Rayn was generating. I joined him, "Jenni! Jenni!" He yelled with intensity. The room was locked from the inside.

"Coming!" We heard Jennifer on the other side of the door. Rayn kept on banging till the knob turned and Jennifer opened the door from the inside. Her face baffled as she investigated the door knob.

"How was it looked?" She asked Rayn, we entered and checked through the room. Next, we took down every room, tore to search it through, not a single trace of an intruder. Dream remained in disbelief; she knew what she saw, nobody questioned her, everything was silent, calmed down but from inside we all were aloof, scared of exactly what had happened. Alessia was the only one who knew what was going on, we just walked into apartment number seven. We started living our worst possible nightmare, trapped in these walls, which that time we were blind to see.