

"Is there any progress on whom our future Grand Maester will be?" Tyrion asked the eunuch. Ever since he had been appointed as an attaché to the Small council, Varys had gotten into the habit of taking an interest in Tyrion. Something that had bothered Tyrion at first. But as the weeks went by he began to appreciate the dialectical battles he had with the Spider.

'Not to mention that such conversations help me to be even more informed than my father. And as the picture is, information is power.' Thought Tyrion to himself.

"Not at all, my lord. The archmaesters of Oldtown are blocking your lord father election. Among them, there are those who wish to insist on a Grand Maester of their own choosing, rather than one chosen from among his grace, the Lord Hand, and your Lord father on the grounds that only the Conclave may make or unmake a Grand Maester." Replied the Spider in soft voice.

Bloody fools, thought Tyrion. "I seem to recall that Maegor the Cruel's headsman unmade three of their elections with his axe."

"Quite true," Varys said. "And the second Aegon fed Grand Maester Gerardys to his dragon."

"Alas, we're quite dragonless. I suppose Pycelle could have dipped himself in wildfire and set himself ablaze. Would the Citadel have preferred that to a death between four whores in his own bed?"

"Well, it would have been more in keeping with tradition." The eunuch tittered. "Thankfully, wiser heads prevailed, and the Conclave accepted the fact of Pycelle's death causes and set about choosing his successor. After giving due consideration to Maester Turquin the cordwainer's son and Maester Erreck the hedge knight's bastard, and thereby demonstrating to their own satisfaction that ability counts for more than birth in their order, the Conclave was on the verge of sending us Maester Gormon, a Tyrell of Highgarden. When I told your lord father, he acted at once."

The Conclave met in Oldtown behind closed doors, Tyrion knew; its deliberations were supposedly a secret. So Varys has little birds in the Citadel too.

"I see. So my father decided to nip the rose before it bloomed." He had to chuckle. "Pycelle was a toad. And whomever my lord father is thinking for the office would be. But better a Lannister toad than a Tyrell toad, no?" Tyrion asked more to himself than for the spider, and then added. "But speaking of pretty things, is Margaery Tyrell in King's Landing yet?"

"No. She's coming, though, and the city's has mixed feelings for her. The Tyrells have been carting food up from Highgarden and giving it away in her name, trying to steal our Princess' favor from the small folk. Dozens of wayns each day. There's hundreds of Tyrell men swaggering about with little golden roses sewn on their doublets, and not a one is buying his own wine. Wife, widow, or whore, the women are all giving up their virtue to every peach-fuzz boy with a gold rose on his teat."

'They now spit on me and on Tysha, and buy drinks for the Tyrells whom have done nothing to alleviate the critical situation of the Realms' coffers.'

Tyrion slid from his chair behind his desk to step on the floor.

"Pod!" he shouted. "Podrick Payne! Where in the seven hells are you?" Tyrion hated weakness, especially his own. But Tyrion knew that without Pod's help, he would be late for the meeting his father had summoned him to during that hot and humid afternoon. While Tysha was with his nephew and niece, Tyrion had no choice but to resort to the help that his, sometimes lackadaisical, squire could offer him. It shamed him, and shame made him angry.

"Pod, get in here!" The boy came running.

"My lord. Do you... do you need wine? Another book of ledgers? Should I get the acolyte to help you?"

"I have stayed with Littlefinger's numbers more time than with my wife this last four moons. Bring me some clean garb."

"Garb?" asked Pod confused.

How the boy could be so clearheaded and resourceful some times and so confused at other times, Tyrion could never comprehend. "Clothing," he repeated. "Tunic, doublet, breeches, hose. For me. To dress in. So I can leave to meet my bloody father."

Varys, meanwhile, watched the scene with certain humor reflected in his gaze, though not in the gesture.

In the end, Tyrion settled for a pair of leather breeches, crimson hose and an oversized crimson and gold robe that hung loosely about his shoulders. Pod yanked Tyrion's boots onto his feet while Tyrion drank the rest of his cup of summer wine to fortify himself for was ahead of him.

A serving girl was coming up as they were going down through the steps from Tyrion's rooms above the Queen's ballroom. She stared at him with some contempt, as if she were looking at the puppeteer of the prince and princess that now the songs told about him.

'The evil imp that has risen far above of his position thanks to having control of the crown prince and princess because my wife is supposedly a sorceress, or a witch. Varying the song that one

listened.' Tyrion thought with resentment and some bitterness.

'And look, he's uglier than what the songs sung, run tell your friends.' Tyrion added mentally

while smiling profusely to the wench and fixing his mismatched eyes on her.

Maegor's Holdfast was the strongest place in the Red Keep, a castle within the castle, surrounded by a deep dry moat lined with spikes. And Tyrion's father, albeit not a member of the court, has his rooms in it.

The drawbridge was down during the light hours, so they should have been able to pass without having to exchange words with Ser Meryn Trant.

But being one of Cersei's creatures, Trant stood at in front of the bridge in his pale armor and white cloak.

"Lord Varys is allowed passage, but where do you think you are going, dwarf? There is no Small Council meeting today." said the King's Guard sourly and with disgust.

'He certainly has orders from my sister not to let me pass. That way, at least in Cersei's head, I won't be able to influence Orys or Cella. I don't know if it is the pregnancy, or that she has lost contact with all reality, but doesn't she realize that Orys and Cella are the ones who come to my rooms with all their retinues? I would see less of my nephew and niece if my rooms were in Maegor's than above the rallying point between Myrcella loyalists.'

Tyrion thought to himself why he was having trouble accessing Maegor's Holdfast for the first time during his five-plus stay at King's Landing.

The spider, with his arms folded and the hands tucked into the sleeves of his ample robe, bowed the head slightly toward Tyrion and continued across the drawbridge into Maegor's Holdfast.

"I have come to see my lord father, Lord Tywin Lannister." Tyrion spat in response to Trant. There was magic in the name of Lord Tywin Lannister. Grumbling, Ser Meryn Trant stood aside.

A second Kingsguard knight stood sentry across the moat. Ser Boros Blount managed a smile when he saw Tyrion waddling toward him.

"Have you already collected some copper, m'lord?" asked Blount.

"Much. I'm looking for something new to tax. I can hardly wait to see what occurs to me now. I should put tax on the faith for every service performed in their Septs. In this way I would equate it with the copper of the whores, proving that both entertainments are equally frequented." He retorted scathingly to the plump King's Guard, who along with the rest of his brothers, with the exception of the Lord Commander, were a stain on the white cloak.

'Maybe Ser Arys could be saved and Ser Aron too. Although, isn't hypocrite of me not consider them stains while being faithful to Orys and Cella instead of their sworn King?'

Tyrion thought, with some disgust knowing firsthand the dilapidated state of the historic order to which his late brother Jaime once belonged.

'I highly doubt that except for the Bold, any of the other seven would give their lives to save Myrcella or Orys. Something my brother did. And against a man of our father to go further. '

Unfortunately for Tyrion and for the late princess Rhaenys in question, Jaime's protection and

defense did not serve of much in the end.

'At least they both died from wildfire. From what I have been able to know, with the temperature that was reached in the rooms of Prince Rhaegar, Jaime, the princess and Lorch should not have felt the wildfire. They were consumed in the blink of an eye before could experience pain.'

Quickly, Tyrion tried to put away from his mind the morbid thoughts that invaded him every time he remembered the situation in which his brother Jaime died, precisely in the Holdfast where Tyrion was now to meet his father.

If he wanted to successfully defend himself against the offense, real or imagined, against the Lannister legacy that his father would surely now attribute to him, Tyrion needed to have his mind as sharp as the blade of his late brother's sword.

When Pod and he reached the serpentine steps, however, Tyrion could only gape at them in dismay.

'Maegor and Visenya must have hated every person with a short stride. I do not understand but why so many stairs with such high steps. At least this time I don't have to go see Jon Arryn at the top of the Tower of the Hand.' Tyrion thought as he sighed, heading up the serpentine staircase.

Within they came upon Ser Addam Marbrand, descending the turnpike stair in the ornate black breastplate and cloth-of-gold cloak of an officer in the City Watch.

The presence of the once best friend of Tyrion's brother at the head of the Gold cloaks was one of the most notable changes that the new tax policy of the crown had brought about.

Although Tyrion did not have the power to intervene directly with the Gold cloaks, while waiting for his father to come to King's Landing, he made a list of the names of those City Watch men who needed to be exiled to the Wall. The rampant corruption that between Renly and Littlefinger allowed among the Goldcloaks, caused that for every five golden dragons that were invested in them, three disappeared. Increasing the City Watch's need for gold, which ended up creating endless trouble.

List of names Tyrion procured to his father, as well as a report on the situation at court, kingdoms, and coffers, in the only meeting Tyrion had had with his father more than a moon ago. When Lord Tywin arrived at King's Landing with two and a half million in gold pieces freshly mined from the Westerlands and more than five thousand men-at-arms and two hundred knights sworn to House Lannister.

"My lord," Ser Addam said. "good to see you again. Since my arrival with Lord Tywin I've had no time—"

"—to be in the presence of the evil imp? I would like that too. But he seems to follow me everywhere." Tyrion let a chuckle out, and said to the knight "You're commander of the City Watch. Shall I offer congratulations or condolences?"

"Both, I fear." Ser Addam gave him a small smile. "The Wall and desertion have left me with some forty-four hundred. Only the gods, you my lord Tyrion, and Littlefinger know how we are to go on paying wages for so many, but your sister forbids me to dismiss any."

'Cersei must undoubtedly have loyalties in the City Watch and intends to use them as a shield in case Cella decides to act against her, gods forbid, in Robert's absence.'

"Do you come from my father?" he asked.

"Aye. I fear I did not leave him in the best of moods. Lord Tywin feels forty-four hundred guardsmen more than sufficient to fill the Watch along the Lannister men. Something that the Lord Hand don't want. Arryn wants a City Watch of more than twenty hundred, so Lord Tywin can send his men to their lands."

'So the old falcon fears the presence of so many Lannister men in the city, but not of the Tyrells. Maybe they really want to marry the Golden Rose to the fat whoremonguer.'

While it is true that Lord Arryn has not complained about the prompt payment of the debt to the Iron Bank, he certainly has not been amused by the increase in the Lannister presence at court. To this day, one could sometimes confuse whether the king is a Crowned Stag or a Rampant Lion due to the number of banners with the Lannister sigil on the towers of Maegor's Holdfast.

The most curious thing about the situation of the banners, is that most of the banners with the Crowned Stag were those personal ones of Orys and Cella. 'In truth, Cella's banner.' A single quarter with field half black, half dark green and in the center a Crowned Stag in gold.

"You will find your father in his solar." Said Ser Addam as goodbye, after which he left down stairs.

Walking down the corridor that led to his lord father's solar, Tyrion thought of the unstable situation brewing at King's Landing. Situation that had been created around the future succession of Robert, together with possible betrothals for Orys and Cella and the generalized increase of taxes to all the kingdoms and especially in the Crownlands, to face the immense, and in many cases superfluous, crown expenses.

To this, it had to be added the cat that nobody wanted to put a bell on, but that every day became more noticeable and added tension to everyone. 'Rather, the dragons that everyone seems to want to ignore.'

Ever since the first rumors about Dragonlords descended from Old Valyria appeared on the last moon of the previous year at the meeting that catapulted Tyrion into power and into being the target of the hatred from the common folk, the rumors had only increased. To such an extent had rumors from across the Narrow Sea become frequent that Jon Arryn forbade the members of the small Council, Tyrion included, from divulging anything about the Dragonlords to Robert. As according to old Arryn's opinion, something he agreed on, Robert would lead the kingdoms to ruin in order to wage war on these so-called Targaryens who appeared out of nowhere and supposedly possessed immense dragons. For that very reason Lord Hand had not summoned his grace to any session of the small council since then.

When they arrived, Pod opened the door for him. Lord Tywin Lannister was seated beneath the window, writing. He raised his eyes at the sound of the latch.

"Tyrion." Calmly, he laid his quill aside.

"I'm pleased you remember me, my lord." Tyrion waddled closer. 'Something is wrong.' he knew at once.

Lord Tywin said, "Podrick. Perhaps you had best wait until we are done."

Pod's gaze never left the stone floor; nonetheless, he bowed and withdrew.

The heavy door swung shut behind them, and Tyrion Lannister was alone with his father. Even with the windows of the solar open and the sun blazing through them, the chill in the room was

palpable for Tyrion.

'What sort of lies about me has Cersei been telling him?'

The Lord of Casterly Rock was as lean as a man twenty years younger, even handsome in his austere way. Stiff blond whiskers covered his cheeks, framing a stern face, a bald head, a hard mouth.

Lord Tywin didn't look up from the parchment he was writing on. "You had best be seated. The stairs have made you pant."

"I am sick of being sat." Tyrion knew how much his father despised weakness. But nevertheless he claimed the nearest chair to the desk. "Such pleasant chambers you have. Would you believe it? My lady wife and I have been here for more than five years and never we had rooms in Maegor's. But first you and then Garlan and Loras Tyrell have it."

"The Red Keep is always a bit overcrowded with court guests. Once they depart, we will find you more suitable accommodations." Tyrion's father replied in cold tone, without even looking to him once.

"I would like these accommodations. Have you set a date for your depart?"

"Maybe at the turn of the year or if autumn finally comes, as it seem to be, I would depart. But first I need to clear the mess that between your sister, her husband and Jon Arryn have made. I must ensure a new Lannister era as our legacy. And I'll do it."

'A new Lannister era without a Lannister near the Iron Throne.' thought Tyrion.

"Oh, bother, I thought you would stay here and send me to Casterly Rock instead. Considering that my presence here until a few moons ago was merely to remember your presence, being you here, I see no need to continue residing here receiving the derision of the people every time I leave the Red Keep. Or the whispers of the nobles to my back and to the back and in front of Tysha as well. Perhaps that way they will stop thinking that it is my fault that the crown is broken and that Myrcella and Orys are their own people over whom Tysha and I have no influence."

"Aren't you an attaché to Small Council? I'm not and if for Robert were, I would be for the rest of my days at the Rock than here. I have not summoned you to come and complain that people do not like you because they associate you with higher taxes and because the nobles whisper behind your back because you have power." Replied Tyrion's father, now looking at him sternly. "you want your own reward, is that it? Very well. What is it you would have of me? You are a Lannister, you should be above that. If you have come to complain about your perceived unfairness of life, then go and I'll see you next week. I have important letters to finish."

"A little bloody gratitude would make a nice start."

Lord Tywin stared at him, unblinking. "Mummers and monkeys require applause. So did Aerys, for that matter. You are doing as you were commanded, and I am sure you're doing it to the best of your ability. No one denies the part you are playing to keep afloat the realms."

He looked at the parchments his father was writing and said amused "Important letters. To be sure."

"There are times where quills and ravens are more important than swords and gold. Spare me these coy reproaches, Tyrion. I've summoned you to speak about the realms and the court because you've made a great work with the taxes. I thought that finally you were taking your mantle as

Lannister from the Rock, and not a peasant crofter's son." Lord Tywin steepled his fingers under his chin, while gazing him sternly and coldly.

"Why I would take that mantle if you took off me of it when I married Tysha?" Tyrion shrugged.

"The heir you may not be, but a Lannister from the Rock you are. As that you should be acting always. And that's something your crofter wife knows better than you. To my shame, I'll say that she's doing better for our legacy than Cersei. At least Orys and Myrcella hear her. Why my grandson and granddaughter seem to hate me, Tyrion? Why only through your wife I was able to have a meeting with the both of them and only once in more than a moon?"

'They fear you and your schemes, Father. For that reason, they hate you. Because they know you'll impose your will through them and they don't want that.' Was what Tyrion was thinking as reply to his father.

"Tysha is Myrcella First-Lady. And Orys it's too lazy to manage his own schedule. I think, that Myrcella had a full schedule this last moon. I've barely see any of my wife this last moon between myself being immersed in the ledgers and Tysha in Myrcella's retinue. And you could know that if you want."

"Don't be impertinent. What you've said, I know. But have you ever sullied my name in their presence?" Lord Tywin studied his son's disfigured face, his pale green eyes unflinching.

"Never." Tyrion replied sincerely. 'Why I need to do what others do for me? You aren't the most beloved person in the realms, father.'

After staring at him hard and coldly for a few moments, his lord father relaxed his gesture and his gaze a little, setting aside the quill and parchment. From an end table next to his desk, he picked up a Pitcher and refilled two fine crystal goblets. First he put one on the desk in front of Tyrion and then another in front of him. Tyrion waited for his father to grab his goblet and then he took his, savoring the wine.

"Ah! Dornish wine. Good vintage. Is this my reward for the services rendered, or for those that I am about to render?" Tyrion asked, now knowing full well that his father had summoned him for Pycelle's death.

'Or rather, as a collateral effect of Pycelle's sudden death. I am the only reliable source for the small Council that he has now.'

"You know why you are here. Don't try to be witty with me, Tyrion. Tell about the realms."

"If we are talking about the payment of taxes, if we count the prompt payment of the North, the lords of the mouth of the Blackwater and Stannis, as well as that of Dorne, at the same time that we trust that the Tyrells will give the gold they owe to the crown without have an engagement with Orys, only the equal to three kingdoms would've been actually paid. From the North I could not demand more of them than we've demanded, because simply, they don't have anything of value except wood. And we must feel fortunate that the Quiet Wolf seems to be opening his hand to spend in anticipation of the arrival of winter. Dorne's prompt payment surprised the Lord Hand, but I think they did it so that they could remain isolated from everything with their heads stuck in the sands. Stannis is Myrcella's man and his lords, albeit former Targaryen loyalist, follow him without complain. My plan for direct taxes on brothels, taverns and inns, despite having given me the hatred of small folk, is what is allowing the payment of salaries in the staff of the Red Keep and the Crown's Household. With all of that, we barely reached the million golden dragons of income." he let out a sigh once finished with the positives news.

Now was turn for the bad news.

"Collecting from the Crownlands is proven to be another added matter to the Crown's coffers. Because right now there is no gold to pay those who have to go to collect. Literally nowadays the crown can't exert its power over the Point lords. Littlefinger insists that when some liquidity in gold is achieved, it will be the first thing to do. But there always seems to be a hole that needs to be covered first. Curiously, all the houses with a presence in the retinues of Orys and Myrcella, have already paid, regardless of the kingdom they come from, in exchange for not having to pay their Lord Paramounts." Tyrion stopped, gave a drink to his wine, while extended his left arm in the air. He tasted the wine in his mouth, looked at his father, put the glass on the desk again and spread his arms helplessly.

"The Riverlands with the tax increase that Hoster Tully has made to face our increase, is in a delicate situation and it does not seem that it is possible that they will be able to pay. In fact, if the situation continues as it is, the Crown may have to send men to take over the outlaw gangs that are roaming abandoned farms and villages to avoid paying taxes. There are even rumors that one of those outlaw gangs is being led by the descendant of Tristifer IV Mudd, who has appeared to do justice for his fellows riverlanders. The Storm lords can only hope to cope with what has been asked of them in two or three years. And Balon has not even answered the raven or the royal parchment. "

His lord father nodded at Tyrion's words, as if he was confirming something Tywin already knew. He with his right hand brought the cup to his mouth, while he dropped his left onto his desk. After taking a drink, Tywin put the glass back on his desk, resting his right elbow on it and his hand on his chin, on which he leaned.

"Because I am interested in knowing to what extent it is possible for the crown to actually pay me the debt that they have incurred, I have pressed Littlefinger during this moon. Thanks to your explanation, I have seen that he left some things along the way and added others. Tell me Tyrion, what is true in the rumors regarding the North? Jon Arryn and Robert certainly have reliable news from Eddard Stark. On the way here, as well as during in my stay this moon, I have heard crazy things about the North. None of them mentioned by you, but you have also mentioned the North. And the North is not a kingdom that is a frequent topic of conversation. What do you know about the North?" his father asked Tyrion, as he looked at him as if he was measuring every one of his gestures and words.

'It's like he's looking for or judging something. But what? I thought that he had avoided me during this moon, but it turns out that during that time he has been doing his work and gathering information, so that the time has come to have this face to face with me. And it seems that in that information there are none of the lies spread by Cersei or Littlefinger about me or Tysha. Would he have turned to me, if Pycelle was still alive? Is he proud that I am close to power on my own merits?' All those thoughts assailed his head, for a moment almost ignoring the words of his father. Yet seeing Tywin's cold emerald gaze, Tyrion picked up the thread of the conversation.

"The North is Westeros' northernmost kingdom. It has been ruled for thousands of years by house Stark, their words are Winter is Coming ..." he replied as if he were replaying his lessons to Creylen.

"Tyrion, try again, but without sarcasm and without treating me like a fool. Don't make me rethink whether it was a good idea to call this meeting." His father interrupted him abruptly and dryly.

"Yes, wild rumors about the North were and are circulating. At the small council meeting where I was promoted to my current position, I first heard them from Littlefinger. Dragons rampaging the

First Keep and ghosts emerging from the crypts to roam the ancient fortress. However through Jon Arryn the council knows that the incident of the fifth moon last year was just as the Citadel enunciated, Lord Eddard corroborated it. What Lord Eddard did add is that he was worried about the possible arrival of winter and for that he wanted to take advantage of what happened to reform some parts of the fortress for this. In fact, preparing for winter is something he seems to want everyone to do. With the announcement of the end of summer on the horizon, Stark has summoned all of his bannermen for the Harvest Festival that must be celebrating these days. He also reported increasing activity by the wildlings and the possible existence of a King from beyond the Wall. This is something that the Watch has also communicated to us. Little else is known the truth. If they tend to isolationism per se, since the improvements in the kingdom have begun for the winter, they seem Dorne. Nominally in the Seven Kingdoms, but in practice they are almost an independent kingdom. Now being Lord Eddard his lord there will be no problems because of his friendship with Robert. But in the future the Stark in charge of Winterfell may realize that he no longer needs the Iron Throne and proclaims himself King in the North again. This is why Arryn is not head-on against a compromise between Myrcella and Stark's heir. The problem with this engagement is that apparently because of his marriage to Lady Tully, the son of the Honorable Eddard Stark must marry a girl from the North. Regarding a possible marriage between Orys and her eldest daughter, Stark said that if Orys wanted her, he could initiate correspondence with her to woo her. Alas, Stark's daughter is not a weapon to wield, therefore Orys is not interested. On the other hand Arryn wants the Golden Rose for Orys and thus counteract the weight of our house in court, as well as acquire a new payer for the Crown." Tyrion finished saying everything he knew about the North and what he believed in about this kingdom.

'If I tell my father about an alleged sighting of an Other by the Watch, I end up at the Wall to see how mad was to give credit at those words.' Tyrion thought, preferring not to mention the Watch scroll in which they asked for more men, more gold, more food and more help, because a wraith had been sighted, supposedly, that resembled the descriptions of myths.

"What can you tell me about Orys and Myrcella? I know they are both attached to you and your peasant, but I know little about them personally. If I were to be guided by what your sister has told me, once Cersei has given birth to a healthy boy, as it seems she'll do, I should disinherit them both and do the same with her for provoking and allowing this situation. According to Arryn, Myrcella should be compromised with WIllas Tyrell or Quentyn Martell and thus removed from power and her influence at court. Varys recommends the opposite of Arryn and tells me that I must put all the eggs in Myrcella's basket and persue in a engagement between her and one of the Essos Dragonlords. Littlefinger, on the other hand, bets on a wedding between Orys and the Golden Rose as soon as possible, while recommending a minor lord as a future husband for Myrcella. The first, something that Arryn also wants as you have told me, despite the fact that he opened an attempt at negotiations with Stark. And Robert ... Robert when I asked him what would happen to the Iron Throne if something happened to him in these convulsive moments, he laughed, drank a goblet of wine in one sip of which at least a quarter finished on his double and said that I let his girl do, that she would know what to do to make her brother a great King. Except for Renly, I have the opinion of all the small council on this matter. As his uncle and a Lannister, I want your honest opinion on the matter." Tywin Lannister sentenced, ceasing to rest his head on the right hand, to now cross his right arm over his left extended on the desk.

The question his father asked him was a question whose answer was fraught with dangers. On the one hand, and as he had already seen during that meeting, if Tyrion was lying, it is most likely that his lord father knew it immediately. However if he was telling the truth, he had no doubt that Myrcella would find out even before the Spider from the words that came out of Tyrion's mouth. Therefore Tyrion decided to try to pull down the middle track.

"Myrcella is the first-born and therefore she feels like the heir. She is clever, resourceful and has

the charisma to give and gift. On the other hand she is sometimes impulsive, relentless, arrogant, proud, stubborn and appears to be somewhat distant from the world. She however knows the name of everyone she comes across and she is very humble with people who are below her station. She is very good at numbers, history and has a better political vision than most of the great Westerosis lords. Depending on the people around her and the circumstances, she can be approachable and easy going. However at other times she can be sharp and cold. She took Tysha under her wing and made her Lady of her retinue and then her First Lady and Keeper of Myrcella's wealth. Mathis Rowan, Ser Baelor Hightower and his wife, Mathis Rowan's sister, adore her and every time they come to King's Landing they spend their time with Myrcella. Melara Rowan, the daughter of the Lord of Goldengrove is part of Myrcella's fixed retinue. The Mad Maid belongs to the circle of confidants of Myrcella and Orys himself, being the one they consulted on health issues before Pycelle sudden death. Lord Ball's daughter is also part of Myrcella's entourage. This, at the very least, would cause a good part of the Reach to support her. Or at the very least, she would nullify the marriage alliances that support the power of the Tyrells and divide them internally. The houses near King's Landing kneel before her as if she were their Queen. The daughters of Lady Tanda are also part of Myrcella's entourage, which causes the old Lady of Stokeworth to have Myrcella on a pedestal. The two daughters of Jonos Bracken, fruit of his first marriage, are also within what could be considered the court of Myrcella. Of the Riverlands there are more, Eleanor Mooton and Liane Vance from Wayfarer's Rest are the most notable. The list does not end here, but these could be the most prominent houses that would be behind Myrcella in case a sudden death of Robert and a step aside from Orys, supporting her to claim the Throne."

Tyrion paused in her speech, picked up the fine crystal goblet, and gulped down what was left of Dornish Wine.

'I have not lied, nor have I told the whole truth. Cella has heard me say all this to her face. I see no problem in telling my father the same thing I have told her.'Tyrion thought inwardly, knowing that the last thing he needed was to alienate himself with his greatest champion at court, but that it would not suit him to alienate himself further with his father.

Tyrion let out a deep sigh, looked at his father with a certain resignation, put the glass back on Lord Tywin's desk, to finish with what he had asked.

"In that case, and unless Orys changes from one day to the next, Stannis is convinced that after Robert's reign, Westeros will need Myrcella to re-set the course. Like me, his other uncle sees in Orys everything that makes Robert a lousy king, except for vices. Total absence of commitment to duty. Taking life and things very lightly. His manners and modals can be too rough for someone who needs large doses of political tact and left hand on a daily basis. However, he is very close to men-at -arms, hedge knights, sworn-knights, levies and the small folk. It is not uncommon for him to disappear from the Red Keep to go with his entourage to some tavern or inn in Flea Bottom or to be seen watching the genre on the Street of Steel. Orys has manifest inability to lie. Or at least to lie to his sister, who also has a lot of influence on Orys. He lacks the necessary cold blood and mettle for big decisions, preferring to defer to Myrcella on those occasions. Something that increases Orys's dependence on Myrcella. I encouraged him to be independent and to seek his place outside of the shadow of his sister, and he did not speak to me for six moons. Since he met her when they were both children, he has never hidden his dislike of Margaery Tyrell and is stubborn in that he will not marry her. He has even threatened to go to the Wall if he is forced to marry her. Something that today, with the current political situation, is a blessing and a curse at the same time. It's a blessing because it allows us, theoretically, to keep Orys away from the Tyrells. It's a curse because except for the Tyrells or possibly Starks, no one wants to marry his daughter to him. Or at least no one who knows Orys and Myrcella and has a modicum of knowledge about the situation in court. It would be difficult to have a king who does not want to rule, to add that there would be no possible descendants of him. The gods forbid, but in the scenario we are painting, in case Orys was

forced to take the Throne, I do not rule out that he already has found a way to leave the place to Myrcella. And without him present or descendants of him, Myrcella would be Orys' heir."

Tyrion shook his head slightly, then tilted it to one side and looked at his father with his arms outstretched and palms extended forward.

"Orys's retinue, which we could count as part of the Court of Myrcella save for Cousin Devan and the Hound, does not include a single man from the Westerlands. Of course, the Reach, Stormlands, Crownlands and some of the Riverlands have a large presence in his entourage. And there are not many beardless. Orys is generally the youngest of his entire entourage. Something that Robert never saw a problem with, as he is proud of Orys's passion for the military arts. Hence most of Orys's entourage are seasoned knights and there are few who piss green grass. Ser Parmen Crane, Ser Bertram Beesbury, Ser Horman Norcross who remember is married to Delena Florent, Ser Edwyd Fossoway of Cider Hall, Lord Beric Dondarrion and his squire Lord Edric Dayne, Ser Bonifer Hasty, Lord Harwood Fell, Ser Bryce Caron and Ser Richard Morrigen would be these hardened men I mean, Father. Lucas Blackwood, Humfrey Hightower and Alyn Ambrose, the closest in age to Orys, but all at least a couple of days of their name older than him. In some cases I am not sure if their houses would follow the actions of these men, but I am clear that they will follow Orys. And if Orys decides to refuse to reign and support Myrcella in his place, I have no doubt that they will fight for Myrcella as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, before Renly as King. Of the possible son that Cersei is expecting, I don't even put it at stake. No one would support him but us. Arryn would never support Myrcella or Cersei's possible son and would place his trust in Renly. Stark possibly, after talking to Stannis and some other of Myrcella loyal lords like Rowan and Hightower, as well as Orys himself and Myrcella herself, would no doubt convince Stark to support Myrcella. Maybe he could even place his bastard in some southern castle, if he doesn't end up sending him to the Wall. Something that as the situation with the wildlings is, it seems to me that Stark will end up doing."

Tyrion paused for breath and finished.

"As you see father, the alienation between Cersei and Orys and the open confrontation between mother and daughter, with the father of both more aware of the wenches who serve him wine and food than of what happens around him, let's no say in the Seven Kingdoms, it's leading us at the gates of a Dance of Stags in case Robert has a mishap."

His father stared at Tyrion as he folded his hands in front of him, his forearms resting on the desk. Lord Tywin pursed his mouth slightly in disgust or anger, Tyrion couldn't tell, and took a deep breath, exhaling through his clenched mouth.

"Some of all this I had managed to read between the lines with the information gathered this last moon, but you paint a very critical situation Tyrion. You should know that in addition to being concerned about Robert's health, at least for the moment, we must be concerned about Arryn's health. First of all, if Arryn or Robert died suddenly or suspiciously, everyone would look in our direction even if we have nothing to do with it, since we would be the ones who would win the most if both disappeared from the table at the same time. In the event that Arryn dies, Robert will never turn to me for the position of Hand which is the office where I could truly do something to ensure that whomever holds the Iron Throne continues the Lannister legacy. Possibly Robert, who on this moon that I have been in the capital has lost no time to hurl jokes and veiled insults at me while I negotiated on his behalf with the braavosi usurers, would turn to Stark and, incidentally, would try to compromise Orys with the eldest daughter of Stark. Stark since what happened in the Sack hates me and did not hide it even during Greyjoy's Rebellion, so he would never support the possible son that Cersei is waiting and that would be our ideal candidate in view of the situation. Also with his sense of honor and being from the North, it would not be strange for him to support

Myrcella for being the first born. Orys has nothing against the Stark girl, which I just found out he seems to have against the Golden Rose. Through the Stark girl, as you have said, Orys could rally house Stark to support Myrcella. If it weren't for the fact that I suspect what Myrcella's next step will be once she is proclaimed queen, I wouldn't hesitate to support her. But with what I have more and more insurance in mind, I find it impossible. On the other hand, as you well say, if Robert were to have a misfortune, Arryn would surely be appointed regent and would maneuver to place Renly on the Throne. The tension between Lord Hand and the Realm's Delight is visible with being in the same place as them. And in this I do not blame Myrcella. If Arryn had been smarter, he would not have become estranged from her, possibly he could have influenced her and Orys more. But his continued underestimation of my granddaughter has made Myrcella hate him. The worst, correct me if I'm wrong, is that Arryn doesn't take Myrcella seriously, does he, Tyrion? "

"That's how it is." Tyrion replied as he nodded slightly, seeing that his father was able to see the picture of the situation even better than himself.

"I have one last question for you Tyrion. Do you rule out the presence of Dragons in Winterfell during the incident almost a year ago?" was the question Tywin asked Tyrion.

"It is the same as with the so-called dragons that roam Essos, father. A dragon to develop such a size and a flame capable of reducing stone buildings to rubble, needs at least five to seven years to live. A decade would be more accurate to say. If they are real, where have they been for the last few years? We should have heard rumors from sailors and merchants. Not to mention, I doubt Lord Eddard Stark would welcome a Valyrian descendant with open arms, based on what Aerys and Rhaegar did to his family. In my opinion, both the dragons supposedly sighted in the North, as well as the dragons that are supposedly serving the Dragonlords of Valyria to conquer Northwest Essos, are false. In the case of the North, a story invented by Littlefinger because of his resentment towards everything that smells of Stark due to his duel with the late Brandon Stark. The Essos rumors, I am convinced that they are a story created and disseminated by the Iron Bank itself, which must be who is behind everything that is happening in Essos. "

Tyrion concluded with a tone brimming with pride and some arrogance, since even his own father, the all-mighty Tywin Lannister, deferred to him what could be relative to Dragons.

'But what kind of rumors and in what quantity, that has he come to consider the existence of dragons possible?' Tyrion asked himself, somewhat surprised at his father's question and reaction to his answer.

His father's gaze seemed to lose itself for an instant and he made a kind of nervous face. Or so Tyrion interpreted. Although Tywin's face really seemed impassive, what Tyrion had told his father about what he believed in relation to the Dragons roaming Essos, had further disturbed more the sober and hard mask that Tywin always wore, than anything before spoken in the meeting.

"Read this scroll, Tyrion." Lord Tywin said to him as he gave Tyrion a scroll that was unrolled under the letters that his father was writing when he entered the solar.

The first thing that struck Tyrion about the parchment was the extraordinary quality of the material used. The second, something that almost stopped his heart, the leaden wax seal in raging scarlet red with the rampant three-headed dragon in the lower right corner, just above the most elegant signature Tyrion had ever seen in his life. The writing on the parchment was flawless.

"My Lord Hand of Lannister,

I would like to warn you that although you believed you won the game sixteen years ago, you, Lord Tywin Lannister, my Lord Hand, you were used as one more pawn in the Game of Thrones.

I recommend that you check out the rooms of your Maester Creylen and those of your creature Pycelle. You will be surprised to find that those you thought were your creatures were actually puppeteers moving your puppet strings.

I will not say that I am happy for what they did to your wife and cousin, because it would be falling to the level of you. But I must admit that it seems to me something of divine justice that while you were trying to murder my mother or dry her womb at less, those who you thought were your creatures, did the same with Joanna Lannister.

Her passing in childbirth was a miracle, as they hoped that she had died earlier. Yet they received an unexpected blessing with your wife's resistance to poison. A son you would never respect and blame for Joanna's death. A child who you could not use properly in the Game and whom they could use to cause internal division.

Despite your crimes against Elia, my family and the people of King's Landing during the Sack, it seems to me that you deserve as much justice, as I do. At least on this subject. If you do not want to be subjected to my justice and that of my dragon, I recommend that you refrain from any activity east of the Narrow Sea, as the retaliation in that case will not only be justice, but revenge. If you remember correctly my good Lord of Lannister, I have a good ability to compose songs. Maybe I should compose one about the end of your house and its legacy?

Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, Lord of the Freehold of Valyria. Se Ojūdan Tala, thirtieth day of the tenth moon of the year two hundred and ninety-seven after the conquest."

"..." For the first time in his life, Tyrion didn't know what to say. "This is a bad joke, right? I imagine whoever the madman is who gave you this scroll, he must have been tortured to find out who gave it to him, right? Rhaegar Targaryen's body was long time ago eaten by worms and crows on the shores of the Trident ... "

Lord Tywin un-interlocked his hands, his left hand raised to stop Tyrion from what he was about to say. "Tyrion, it's from Prince Rhaegar. It's his handwriting. It is impossible to confuse or falsify it. Also the ways in which he refers to me are the same in which he did when I was Hand of the King and Rhaegar acted as Regent during Duskdale's defiance. Don't forget that I watched him grow up and I was a friend of Aerys at one time. Rhaegar Targaryen is alive, of that I have no doubts. If Rhaegar survived for more than fifteen years without being heard from, is it possible that he has managed to hatch dragon eggs, and that they have grown large enough for what the rumors attribute to them? " Lord Tywin said coldly, looking expectantly at Tyrion's response.

He could barely recover from what he had read.

'If the last dragon is right, Creylen murdered my mother and because of him I am a deformed dwarf!'

Tyrion wanted to get up from the chair, grab it in weight, and throw it against the wall. But it seemed that someone had taken away whatever power he had over his body. He wanted to ask his lord father if there was any truth to what the prince was accusing. Or since when did his father have the parchment, since it was dated almost five moons ago.

However, he was totally paralyzed. His father, for the first time in Tyrion's life seemed to direct a gesture of empathy and support in his direction, in the form of a warm look that Tyrion had never seen in his father and a melancholic smile that was totally strange and alien to the severe face.

"Tyrion, what the prince claims... Unfortunately it is true. I found this scroll perfectly sealed on this desk the day after the Braavosi usurers' ship set out for the other side of the Narrow Sea. I have no idea who deposited it, but I'm sure it's no one from the court. Along with the corruption in the Watch, that was what determined me to award Marbrand the Golden Cloaks. I sent several horsemen with orders for your uncle Kevan and ... Unfortunately a couple of days ago they came back with words from your uncle confirming what Rhaegar said. Creylen had even written down the doses and the type of poison that he administered to your mother during your pregnancy. There was correspondence between him and members of the Citadel in which they exhorted Creylen to find a way to increase the tension between Aerys and me, as well as to find a way to prevent me from having more offspring with which to make marriage alliances to through which House Lannister could gain power. Creylen is already dead and he has paid for what he did to your mother. Clegane has taken care of him. All those of the Citadel will feel my anger that I can assure you. So, I ask you again Tyrion, is it possible that Rhaegar Targaryen has a dragon that looks like the descriptions as those in Essos or Winterfell's rumors?"

'Cersei and father have been always accusing me all my life that I murdered mother and not only have I always been right that I had nothing to do with it, but there is also evidence that it was someone else's fault. Maybe someday my sweet sister should know something of that pain that she has inflicted on me. Maybe my father one day cares more about me than for being a Lannister pawn in the Game of Thrones.' Was the only thing that came right know to Tyrion's mind.

Tyrion rose on unsteady legs, closed his eyes for an instant as a wave of dizziness washed over him, and took a shaky step towards de pitcher of wine, picked it up and threw it against the wall.

"You only care about the damn Throne and you are incapable of even apologizing to me for the treatment I have been subjected to since the day I was born, for acts I never committed!" shouted Tyrion almost spitting at his father.

Lord Tywin's eyes were a pale green flecked with gold, as luminous as they were merciless.

"Tyrion, I understand your pain right now and that is why I am going to overlook the act of immaturity you just committed." Tywin declared in a flat cold dead tone. And then add,

"I'm not going to apologize for something that until a moon ago, it was clear to my eyes what it had been. You killing your mother, and then not content with it, take the place of your brother and despise such a place that you did not deserve, in exchange for the cunt of a peasant girl. We must both turn the page and write a new one. You have shown to have a sharp political mind, extensive knowledge of the Game and how to be a player in it. As you say, Arryn will never support the child Cersei is expecting and I think he has the same affection for you as he does for me. However as long as the old falcon is alive I will never have a position on the small council. So Tyrion, you are the only member of the Lannister family who has true power to influence our legacy at this time. Your wife's father brings zero soldiers, three gold dragons, twenty silver stags, and forty bushels of barley a year to the kingdom of the Westerlands. I understand, and at the time I admitted to myself, that your wife was more than just a passing whim of yours or a climbing whore. Even if you think me insensitive, I know what it is to love someone. Possibly without her in your life, I wouldn't even consider having this conversation with you at this point. You and Tysha have no offspring, something that can be used by the faith to annul a marriage. The defects that Creylen's poison inflicted on you may not make you the most desirable man in Westeros. But being the heir to Casterly Rock, future Lord Paramount and with dowry impossible to refuse behind you, surely we could get an alliance with some great house in the Reach, the Riverlands or the Vale. I don't even rule out Dorne. Once you have had a couple of sons and fulfilled your duty as a Lannister, if you wish, you can take Tysha to a manse near the Rock and have her as your mistress." Tywin told him in the same cold tone that he had used to address Tyrion earlier.

"Why would I leave Tysha, father?" Tyrion practically spat, "So that I can be one more piece in your power play and that you can install on the Throne someone who is going to be your puppet and whose mother would kill me if she could? To use me against my own nephew and my own niece?"

Lord Tywin rose abruptly, to tower over his dwarf son. With his right hand he took another scroll that was unrolled under the letters that Tyrion's father had been writing and held it in front of his face, while he said in a cold, severe and low tone.

"That puppet that you claim I will have, at some point will be YOUR puppet. Between you and I, we will ensure that within three hundred years there is talk of the Lannister dynasty and not the Targaryens or Baratheon. You would set Tysha aside, because now that you have tried it, you want more power and you know it yourself, even if you want to deceive me. I offer you all the power you want and more. You will be the second most important man in the kingdom. You just have to put your wife aside for a few years, claim what you wanted so much not long ago, that now you seem not to want, do your duty and help me face Renly Baratheon first. And then when the time comes, which will come sooner rather than later, Aegon Targaryen, dragons and your niece, my granddaughter."

Tyrion's jaw practically dropped at the end of what Lord Tywin had said.

"I see that Myrcella hadn't told you either." His father made a gesture of smile, but rather his was a grimace that seemed to laugh at the pain that Tyrion's face would surely express at that moment.

"What do you think is the fate of House Lannister, mine, yours, or even Tysha's with a Targaryen Dragonlord on the Throne? Dragonlord who, I must remind you, has reduced the Faceless Men to a pile of smoking rubble in the middle of Braavos' lagoon. He has taken over the Iron Bank and with it has made fun of us while stealing two and a half million gold coins as compensation for what happened at the Sack in the process. And he is already lord and master of northwest Essos. From the Narrow Sea to the Qhoyne and the Rhoyne. From the Shivering Sea to the Golden Fields and the territories south of Pentos. That Dragonlord rescued Daenerys Targaryen from the Dothraki Khal she was going marry, to whom then he brutally killed, as well as much of the Khalasar. How long will it take for him to subdue Myr, Tyrosh, Lys, and Volantis? One year, two? Three at the most? That's Myrcella's plan, Tyrion. To proclaim herself Queen of the Seven Kingdoms after Robert's death and, if possible Jon Arryn's death as well. For then offer herself as a wife and by dowry the Iron Throne, to Aegon Targaryen. With the reasons that the Targaryens already have to return to Westeros, this Aegon Targaryen that I do not know if he is the son of Rhaegar or not, but he is the one who seems to have command in House Targaryen nowadays and the dragons that you yourself know that it is very possible that they have, added to the host of men that they must be amassing... Think Tyrion, how long it would take them to accept Myrcella's invitation to sit back on the Iron Throne and with what plan they would come. You know their words. Look at the signature and who he claims to be. Whomever really is, he is very real and if you don't believe me, read this scroll that it's beginning to arrive like an incessant drizzle to all the noble houses in Westeros."

"As the last male descendant of the Forty of Old Valyria, I claim by my blood the right to regain all territories once were founded by and belonged to the Freehold of Valyria. From this day forward there is only one Lord in the territories of the Free Cities of Essos. Those who bend the knee to Aegon of House Targaryen will be welcomed with open arms in the Freehold. Those who break the laws from the Freehold will be persecuted and executed. Those who take up arms against the Freehold of Valyria or against House Targaryen, would be brought down, humiliated, and destroyed.


Aegon of House Targaryen, first of His Name, the Dragon Reborn. King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men. Shield of his People, Lord of Valyria, Protector of the Nine Provinces from the Freehold of Valyria.

Valyria Toliot se Rhoyne, second day of the second moon of the year two hundred and ninety-eight after the conquest."