At least I know Aegon sells me for far more than Viserys. With that amount of Dowry one could buy Pentos and more.'
Dany thought with a certain smile drawing on her face, remembering the moment that the price was stipulated.
The trick of exchanging betrothals, letters, and Official Dowries, aside from making Prince Bran, Princess Arya, and herself, unattainable in that regard, was that both Dowries would be paid. Regardless if there was finally wedding or not.
The Dowry of Princess Arya Stark would begin to be paid once defeated, if that was achieved, the final enemy. Dowry amounting to five million golden dragons that Lord Stark should pay within a maximum period of ten years.
'Basically it is the return of the flow of gold and silver that had been sent to prepare the North against the Long Night'
The braavosi who on the day of Mopatis' Trial was waiting in the backyard of the Targaryen manse during the negotiations with the Pentos' magisters council, turned out to be no more, no less, than the Magistrate of Free Bank of Valyria. Jakob Fugger. Literally, the man to whom Dany's nephew had entrusted the entire economic plan of the Valyrian Freehold and on whom much of the bureaucratic cadres that were being implemented in the Freehold and House Targaryen domains all over Essos depended.
After a private conversation between Fugger and her nephew Aegon, Dany learned that once the banker learned of the news that had reached His Grace about the whereabouts of Dany and
Viserys, he decided to get on one of his fastest merchant ships to intercept the fleet that had departed from The Lost Daughter less than a week earlier and was to arrive at its landing site on the Andal Coast. These dominions, bordering the north of Pentos, were owned by the second family of the Freehold of Valyria, Dany also learned at the time.
The Nestoris, whose family head, Beqqo, was the First Archon of the Freehold of Valyria and the first of the citizens who were not part of the rings. The one responsible for making Lorath a Federated City and the one who is subjecting Qohor to the domain of the Valyrian Freehold.
'I think it was since that revelation, that the ring began to feel like a weight that sinks my hand every time I look at it' Dany wondered inwardly, feeling the breeze in her hair.
Nestoris's nephew, apparently, in turn was the Archon of Coin. Basically, they were the owners of Northwest Essos along with Dany's family.
And when Fugger arrived at the Nestoris lands, they gave him even more ships, more soldiers, and more supplies, to extend the sea voyage to Pentos. Place where in the dawn of the ninth day of the eleventh moon, the seven thousand men trained by four moons and fully armed by house Forel would disembarked.
The contingent that would disembarked, formed and forms, according to the official denomination embroidered in blood red and in High Valyrian on the back of their banners and sigils, the First Targaryen Army of Essos. All the banners, sigils and identification cloths, by their front showed the rampant scarlet three-headed dragon and a white wolf with scarlet eyes growling frontally under the first, all this on a black field.
'The banner of the Dragon Reborn. One of Nyhelí's early works, like the personal banner of my nephew that Bran always carries high when Aegon is present, as well the one of the Freehold that I will soon see in the column with which we are about to contact. Banner that was the first she produced for my family and the reason for Nyhelí social and status advancement.'
As if the First Army were not enough, Fugger decided to add to the original contingent four carracks with citizen-settlers, three ships loaded to the brim with clerks, bankers, scribes and accountants, as well as five galleys with their holds full of freshly minted coins of gold, silver and copper, to add the incredible figure of more than twenty million in gold and another ten in silver and copper.
When the Braavosi fleet appeared at the mouth of the bay of the port of Pentos, shortly after dawn on the ninth day of the eleventh moon, Dany was on the terrace of her bedroom and could see it in all its splendor. Being amazed by the power and majesty that the forest of masts, wood and black and scarlet sails outlined in the sky. The great war galleys, with up to three decks for rowers, carried huge cloths waving from their mainmast with the sigil of the Freehold of Valyria.
In all, Dany later learned from Aegon, more than 120 ships anchored in Pentos Harbor and Bay.
'Even me at that time without knowing anything, I understood that it was a display of force such as had rarely been seen in Essos since the times of the Spice Wars and those of the Rhoyne. And that's just a fraction of what the Freehold and House Targaryen could currently muster.'
As well Bran had told her while they watched the landing of men, if Aegon wanted, Dany's nephew could conquer Westeros in less than a moon. And she believed squarely in, whom apart from her fiancé is her confidant, teacher, guide and friend.
Possibly, despite Bran's powers, being the person closest in age to her, the one with whom she
talked the most and spent the most time each day, they soon established a friendship. Something that came in handy to maintain the farce of betrothal that was pending between them. That was how she began to know more of the, at first for her, unsettling, Brandon The One-eyed.
'Or Bran the Builder, as I like to call him. Although he really prefers to be called Raven or Bran. Or the mixture of both.'
As Dany almost always rode beside Bran, in the line immediately after Aegon's, Ser Jaime and the army commanders, soon began to have place endless conversations, between squire and princess.
In this way, Dany met Winterfell through Bran eye and experiences, allowing her to conjure images of a grim gray fortress that is the Heart of the North. In that way, she also knew that Brandon could change skin with the Builder, but at a time of the life of this one when he hadn't even finished the Citadel of Oldtown and still lived under the command of his father. The mythical Garth. The supposed father of all the magic bloodlines in the world including the Valyrians. Whom according to Bran, at first were first men, who after the Long Night decided to emigrate back to the east, guided by the First Dragon.
However, despite Dany's curiosity about those ancient times, Bran never went too far on the subject, generally diverting the conversation towards Bran's great passion. Which was to devise new means and ways of build things. Something based on his fondness for observing the buildings from above, either climbing before the ritual that took place in the according to the image conjured by Dany's mind after being told about it, the terrifying cave of Bloodraven and the Singers of the Earth, or well now that Bran could take over almost any living thing on the planet, via flying in the skin of birds.
It was Bran who stood by her, watching with almost the same fascination as Dany, how the landing of men and material in Pentos took all day. Giving a show from the might of the Freehold towards the city of Pentos and its magisters, as well for Dany herself, confirming Bran's words regarding what Aegon could do in Westeros with the forces available at that moment.
The dull noise produced by leather boots, sabatons and horseshoes emanating from the Targaryen army, accompanied by the continuous rhythmic rumbling of war drums, could be heard in Pentos from the dawn until the night of that day.
'Unfortunately for me, since that day, I haven't stopped hearing the damn drummers. Above all, I think the children know that I hate it, because every time they see me, they begin to laugh and increase their strength in the drum roll.'
Dany sighed resignedly, feeling the wind caress her skin and refresh her from the sultry weather produced by the inclement midday sun essosi. Her scarlet silk tunic with white trims on the sides, V-neckline, both in the front and in the back, was one of the freshest she had. But as they got closer to the great river flow that divided the continent in two, the more humidity. Which caused the tanned leather riding breeches to stick irretrievably to her skin, producing even more chafing than riding itself would cause Dany.
'I have to put powder on my thighs and groin to put them on. And unlike Aegon or even Jaime, whom seem unfazed by the heat, I still feel the heat and the sultriness. Although at least I tolerate it much better than poor Bran, stuffed into his chain mail and black livery all day.'
Dany thought, while letting out a hiss of pain and annoyance as she dismounted from Silver. Taking her mare by the reins, she went towards the trees and bushes in front of her, in search of the pond that she was convinced must be out there and thus water for her mare. Then she would return at full throttle to the thick of the column.
'I hope that if Jaime finds out that they have lost sight of me, he would be merciful to Rakharo and Aggo, my guards on duty.'
Because of the landing at Pentos of the First Targaryen Army bound for Ny Sar, as well as provisions, guild members, citizens, officials, laborers, apprentices and settlers, plus the army of bureaucrats, clerks and bankers brought by Fugger. And especially, because Aegon distrusted the loyalty of the Dothraki and as many of the freed slaves wanted to put a sea in the way of slavery, nearly half of the people who recognized Aegon as King and Lord on the night of Dany's non - wedding, was randomly awarded with allotments of land, royal grants and works in Tar nu Fuin.
More than fifteen thousand people embarked for the northernmost territories under the control of the Freehold of Valyria. Along with half of the broken Khalasar, freed slaves and nearly ten thousand horses, also set out the vast majority of blacksmiths, builders, and dock and cargo grooms who had been freed from the semi-slavery at Pentos.
The fact that the Dothraki boarded the ships was a true test of loyalty towards Aegon. The almost eight thousand who did it, have been the first Dothraki to ever sail on the poisoned water that was how they called seawater. The Dothraki who stayed and embraced the Valyrian Freehold and the sovereignty of House Targaryen, were all young men and some young women, between four and ten days of the name and twenty days of the name. All enlisted in the army and in the process of being converted into heavy cavalry some, and light cavalry to exercise as screen force, the vast majority. About half a thousand remained as stable masters and keepers of horses and wagons for the armies. Of the forty thousand warriors with whom Drogo appeared at the gates of Pentos in the last days of the tenth moon, barely a ten thousand would remain in the column.
However, in the case of the fifty warriors who accompanied Aegon in the seizure of the now Targaryen-owned manse in Pentos, these remained to be part of the select unit of nearly three hundred soldiers, forming the shock unit personally commanded by her nephew. The elite of the army. The Dragon's Guard.
'I don't even want to imagine what a nightmare a column of more than fifty thousand people would have been.' Dany breathed relieved, grateful that her nephew made that decision.
Aegon decided to take advantage of the fleet deployed in Pentos. As the ships were emptied of cargo, they were re-filled to the brim with grain, cereals, untreated wool, cotton, and spirits, as well as people. Only thirty vessels remained at Pentos, which together with two thousand soldiers of the Targaryen army hastily recruited in Pentos, and under the command of Tycho Nestoris' brother-in- law, would serve as garrison for the Freehold and City Watch.
"Dany! May I know what in the seven hells you are thinking!? A fucking advancing column is sighted and you go out to meet it, losing sight of your guards in the process. Ser Jaime had found out by the time I left camp, and he's foaming." rang with alert and concern, a warm voice behind her. A voice that Daenerys thought she had forgotten, never to hear again with those tones, cadence and that melody, but that she immediately recognized.
Turning abruptly, releasing the reins of her Silver, Dany's eyes almost popped out of surprise to see Viserys mounted on his brown and white-speckled colt. Donning his full armor, save for the helmet he now had hanging from the left elbow.
"Since when can you speak again?!" she ask what came out first of her mind, and what had surprised her the most about Viserys' sudden irruption in the place where she was.
'Then, I'll ask him how in the hells he knew I was here.' Dany mused to herself inwardly.
Viserys, who on other occasions would have been offended by answering his question with another question on Dany's part, gave the impression of being half ashamed. He lowered his gaze and scratched the hairless nape of his neck with the right hand.
'With that haircut and with the armor, it is undeniable that Jaime and he are brothers.' She suddenly thought to herself, seeing the enormous facial and expression similarities between her brothers. Although that did not stop Dany of being somewhat surprised by the somewhat submissive and timorous attitude of Viserys at her question.
"Since the day you told me everything you had suffered since I sold the crown of mother." Vis replied with just a thin, shaky voice as he subtly shook the head.
Daenerys' brother clicked bitterly his tongue and continued with his reply.
"Before you entered into the pavilion to give your lessons of the day with Aegon, I was planning to tell you about it. But when you arrived in the way you arrived, with that aggressiveness and attitude unrecognizable to me in you, I preferred to let you release your demons. The gods well know that just as I have and will have forever, you have yours Haedar. Demons of which I now know, unfortunately I am one of the great culprits." said her brother, almost choking and half excited, to shake his head once more and let out a sigh.
"Really, only Aegon knows that I can speak again, although he has not told anyone, nor has he asked me why I have not spoken for two weeks, except with him. A strange guy our nephew, with whom I want to continue in good graces. I can assure you that the two days of pain and delusions, until I heard the First march through Pentos, after the meeting of my jaw with his steel-gloved fist. Coupled with the brutal sparring to which he submits me, while showering my head with historical and political knowledge. As well as being his current squire, make me to have a lot of respect for Aegon. Whether he has experienced, and whatever he claims to have experienced, or not. For that reason, you know that he will not be amused in what are you doing, right? In the same way that thanks to the being with whom you are betrothed they know that there is an armed column coming towards us, that same being is unable to know exactly who is in the column. And you know that too, Dany. You should not expose yourself in these ways. What do you have your four guards for?" ended up asking Viserys with a concern and affection towards her, which she could hardly remember.
Dany could hardly even react to her brother
'Is it really Viserys?' Dany wondered while pinching herself on the inside of the left arm. "Ais" she sighed, silencing the groan of pain in response.
Viserys looked at her blankly, deciding it was time to descend from his colt. With an agility and expertise that Dany had never seen in Viserys, her brother descended and closed the few meters between them.
"Dany... are you okay? I know that being the only petitioner serving all citizens must be overwhelming. But I assure you, when I camouflaged myself in the audience this morning, I could see that you were born for this. You have a good heart and you always seek to resolve disputes in the fairest way possible." Viserys told her in a soft and sweet tone, resting his gloved right hand on Dany's right shoulder, while looking at her with his lilac eyes, which for a long time had not offered such a clean look, although now seemed full of doubts.
"And I also know that not all petitioners are like your fiancé's friend, Nyhelí. Which by the way, Aegon wants to push me as a betrothed or wife directly. Apparently she is a distant relative of ours,
a direct descendant of Aegon and therefore of the Forty. If you believe the fantastic story they tell, of course..." Viserys finished in the ways and means she knew best.
However, thanks to her brother, Dany only now found out that Bran and Nyhelí were friends.
'I must take a better look at who was that sealed the grant and the Dragon Spinner's mercy.' Dany reflected, at this point, apparently unable to separate her duty from her personal life. 'I think I understand some things about Aegon better now.' she thought with some resentment, to refocus on her brother and the situation before her.
"What happened to you? You look ... You look like the brother I thought I lost long time ago. Although still with some of the pathetic worm things..." she said the first part with wishful and almost childish tone, ending the phrase in emulation to her nephew during the presentation between Aegon and Viserys.
As she said this, Dany brought her right hand to her brother's breastplate, where engraved on the steel was the Targaryen sigil, pointing her index finger at him.
Dany's brother laughed, throwing the head back, his whole armor vibrating.
"And such a worm I was, that I was going to sell my Haedar to a savage who would be of no use for me. I don't think you can ever forgive me for that, so I'm not going to ask for your forgiveness. But I will try with my actions in the future, to make up for it in some way."
Viserys uttered regretfully and embarrassedly, but with a certain steel of truth, not the imposter of before Aegon's irruption, when referring to his purpose of amendment. Then her brother wrapped her in a hug, which she more than reciprocated. Despite how uncomfortable the armor made it. This one in the image and likeness of Aegon's, but in forged steel and without any jewelery or ostentation beyond the sigil.
Dany was happy that she seemed to have regained part of the brother that she thought she would never see again, but she was afraid inside herself if this was just a mirage, or even a charade concocted by her brother to lower her guard around of him.
'I am Daenerys Targaryen, Lady of Valyria and Fourth Archon of the Freehold of Valyria. I am the descendant and aunt of the Dragon. I am a Dragon. I cannot, nor should I, lower my guard.'
'I can believe that spending so much time with Aegon would change anyone. I am proof of the effect my nephew can have on a person's life. But what I see in Viserys, are big words.'
Regaining her recently lost composure a little, Dany asked her brother again why he had changed so much in little more than a moon and a half.
"[Viserys, how did you go from threatening me to let me be raped by forty thousand Dothraki, to this? I don't believe Aegon made you have a divine revelation. Or do you want to tell me that our nephew is an omnipotent God?]" Dany asked in her velvety, but cold, High Valyrian that she had perfected as a petitioner.
Dany's brother Viserys, buried his head on his chest and shrugged. With a grimace of disgust and a look of rage, he replied.
"I was very lost Dany. Memories of my childhood, of our father and his poisonous influence on me. Seeing mother die, who had always tried to protect me from the monster that was our father. The feeling of abandonment and loss..." Viserys spoke in a low, almost inaudible tone as a tear began to trickle down his right cheek.
Her brother's eyes were fixed on her, but they seemed to be reliving everything he was listing.
'With different color and intensity of eyes, but now looks like Aegon with his thousand meter gaze.' she thought suddenly, seeing a new resemblance between her family.
Unable to do or say anything to her brother, because these same things were, in a way, what she had said to him during all her monologues on this last moon.
Although Dany felt compelled to comfort her older brother, something inside her 'Fear?' prevented her from doing it, while Viserys extended what he wanted to say.
"The pressure at having the responsibility to take back what was ours by rights, without having an idea or preparation to do so, beyond our blood and name. That the very thing that made us be something, forced us to survive the murderers of the usurper and his dogs. Something that although you lived by my side, you were not as aware as I was about the danger we were in permanently. It didn't take long for me to see dangers around every corner. Something that was reinforced when we were humiliated wherever we asked for help. I lost myself in myself, worrying about what we would have to eat the next day. When someone came recognizing what I believed of me ... and that he would give me the option of getting everything I thought I wanted ... I almost went mad. Then the Winged Shadow appeared and our nephew from the songs ... And being Aegon's shadow, I have been able to verify that the last thing I want for myself is to carry that destiny. I'd settle for ruling Lys or Volantis, once it's all over. Maybe have a family and find a way to be of use to the dynasty. So here we are Dany... I... "
The broken voice of her brother, which except when mentioning the future, seemed ominous and resigned to a fate that Dany was beginning to see, her brother would have been unable to cope, was interrupted by a powerful whistle that came from the grove in front of the two of them.
Viserys, faster than Dany could have imagined, drew his forged steel longsword with the right hand and with the left arm he brought her behind him.
'Viserys protecting me for the first time in so long, I don't even remember when was the last time. Was it someday stealing bread or fruit when we were still children?' she thought to herself, looking for the good side of the change in the situation.
"Ghost, furry ball, come back here! Don't make me walk anymore, the feet are killing me!" It came from the same direction as the whistle, the voice that no doubt belonged to a girl, who was certainly in a bad mood with this Ghost.
Unable to process anything else, out of the bushes in front of her and her brother, a gigantic white dog appeared, making their horses to bolt.
Taking a closer look at the oversized dog, which would probably be slightly below her groin in height, Dany could see that it was not a dog.
"Viserys! It's a Direwolf ! Look at the eyes and fur, and think about the sigil of the First and the Freehold. Sheathe your sword immediately, but do so carefully and without threatening gestures."
Dany told her brother without realizing that it was the first time in her life that she was the one who gave the orders of the two.
Viserys did not seem to fall for this and if he did, he did not give it much importance, since he complied with what Dany had ordered.
'Though I don't know if it's my order, or the exposed fangs, the fathomless red eyes fixed on him,
and the hindquarters ready to jump at any moment on Viserys. And all of that without making a noise. Between the color and the quiet, I wouldn't be surprised if this is the Ghost the grumpy girl is looking for. Could she be Arya?'
Dany asked inwardly to herself. But she quickly realized that Arya was supposed to be with Rhaenys in Ny Sar, awaiting both columns that seemed to be finally converging.
"Lyanna, dear. You are of almost six moons, so much jogging around is not good for you. Also, you know that your son's wolf always comes back."
Sounded the delicate and elegant voice of a woman, calling to the girl who at that moment was breaking through the same bushes, where the white wolf had previously done. The Direwolf with the presence of the girl, seemed to relax and sat on the hindquarters, lolling the tongue out and lazily squinting the red eyes at the sun.
For her part, the girl looked like she was seeing ghosts. The girl's beautiful face, which seemed carved from the finest porcelain, had completely dislodged. The mouth was half open and her eyes were wide. The girl in question would be around five and two feet tall. The hair was dark brown, almost jet black and somewhat curly, set in a very long braid that crossed from below the left ear to the center of the girl's chest, where a snarling gray wolf with yellow eyes was woven over a wide sky blue tunic.
The girl's second reaction, upon casting a stormy gaze, which looked like two pools of Valyrian steel, on Viserys, was to bring her left hand to 'A Myrish sword?' that the girl un-sheathed with a speed unfit for a woman with the dimensions she presented. Dimensions that were undoubtedly the consequences of a pregnancy. Something that was very noticeable when in the next gesture after drawing the sword, the girl brought her right arm to the very bulging belly.
"Lyanna, dear, do you hear me? Something wrong happens?" The velvety, somewhat hissed and now worried voice of the woman sounded again.
'She has been called her Lyanna. And the voice from the woman refers to the huge white Direwolf in front of us, as the girl's son's wolf. But the only one who has a wolf that fits this one is Aegon. Bran has told me a thousand times how each of the wolves is like. And Lyanna Targaryen has been dead for more than five and ten years. It can't be, right?'
Dany's brother was petrified, although she didn't understand why.
Viserys seemed to whisper something to himself barely moving the mouth, which Dany thought
she could understand as That voice.
Deciding to adopt the role that Dany knew how to carry better every day, she tried to compose herself again and steer a little in her posture. Outlining a somewhat incredulous smile, she addressed the girl in a doubtful voice.
"Lyanna Targaryen?" Dany asked.
The girl seemed to sigh in relief, gave a huge smile towards her and nodded vigorously, lowering her myrish stiletto to the side. It seemed that she was going to address Dany and her brother, but from the bushes emerged the woman to whom the other voice they had heard belonged.
Viserys let out a choked sigh and Dany began to feel how her brother's body seemed invaded by tremors that threatened to break him.
Ethereal in appearance and beauty, but with an elegant and regal pose. Somewhat taller than Dany
herself, but shorter than 'Lyanna Stark?' Rounded and perfect facial features, although showing some imperfection product of the passage of the years. The woman's hair was a long mane of gold and silver, gathered in two very long braids that fell down her back. Fluffy lips like Dany's. Like a small, upturned nose very similar to Dany's own.
When Dany met her eyes, she too gasped. 'Those are my eyes.'
" Mu ... Muña?" Viserys's breathless, incredulous, almost unintelligible voice brought Dany out of
her reverie and reverence.
Hearing what her brother had said, she whipped her neck in Viserys direction, to see that he was crying uncontrollably and wide-eyed.
'It can't be, right? Can't it be true? Please let this be a bad joke on the part of the Gods.'
Because if is....
'If it is, why did she never searched for us? Why didn't she looked after for us? In what else have Aegon, Bran and Jaime lied to me?'
The woman whom Dany was beginning to suspect really was her mother, Rhaella Targaryen, wore on her head the same crown that matched the ring that Dany was wearing setting on a gold cord around her neck, and that her brother badly sold to some merchants in Myr.
And 'My mother?' looked just as shocked and petrified as Viserys or Dany herself. For her part, Lyanna was looking expectantly and worriedly at the situation.
However, cold steel tones coming from the same direction that the wolf and the two women had emerged, but unlike Aegon's, were melodic, only added to the confusion.
"Lya? Muña? Are you there? Gerion and Dale have returned with the vanguard and confirm that it is Aegon, along with all the reinforcements of the Lost Daughter and some more that he has been adding in the..."
The man of not more than twenty and two days of the name who had appeared from the bushes to make himself appear before those present, suddenly fell silent. Superhumanly beautiful and wearing an armor that even if Dany had never seen it, she knew exactly to whom it belonged to.
"Rh ... Rhae ... Rhaegar?" she asked in a small voice, to the brother forever idolized, almost unknown until a moon ago and until now only known through others, and who was supposed to have passed away and been swept away by the current of the Trident.
The man 'Rhaegar? looked apprehensively at 'their mother?' showing guilt in his expressions, while shunning down at 'Mother's?' gaze.
'Mother?' looked at 'Rhaegar?' reproachfully. After that, 'The oldest of my older brothers?' sighed in a perfectly audible way, raised the head and gaze, fixing his eyes first in a cold and accusatory way on Viserys.
'So that's where that look that seems to burn in Aegon comes from.' Dany suddenly fell, again seeing in another person a trait that she believed distinctive of her nephew, but what seemed Aegon shared with his 'father?'
After the hard and cold gaze towards Viserys, 'my older brother?' looked at Dany with sweetness
and some pity, but with a full smile from ear to ear that reached his unfathomable eyes.
The spell of paralysis and silence that seemed to surround the five of them and the wolf, was suddenly broken by the thunder of horseshoes and the gallop of at least a couple of dozen horses.
Turning in the direction of the noise, Dany could see the deployed banners of the Second Army, with the rampant golden three-headed dragon on a black background, accompanied from behind by the white cloth and seven silver swords in a circle of the King's Guard
Ser Jaime was here in search of her.
When Jaime arrived on his powerful brown steed, Honor, a few meters from where they were gathered in the awkward and inexplicable meeting, violently Jaime took off his helmet, practically throwing it at the child who covered Bran's absences and leaping down the horse.
Jaime looked at the expressions of those gathered there, he looked at Rhaegar, who shook the head almost imperceptibly, to a question that Ser Jaime had asked him with the eyes. Rhaegar in turn, laid his eyes on Dany first and then on Viserys, to ask some question with his gaze to Ser Jaime. Whom also shook the head with a barely perceptible gesture.
Dany's half-brother, at that moment fixed his emerald and bright gaze on her.
After shaking the head a couple of times, Jaime clicked his tongue, gave a bitter laugh, and said
with some humor.
"Daenerys fucking stubborn and independent Targaryen. Do you see the problems that cause leaving the camp without permission, leaving all the work to your brother?"
Meanwhile, in the background Dany could hear,
"Fuck, now we are going to have to explain everything to everyone." that undoubtedly belonged to the first born among Dany's brothers.
'And so much that they have to explain.' Dany thought between absolutely indignant, confused and happy.