

It was the morning of the day after her wedding to Khal Drogo. Despite that, Dany woke up again in her bedroom at Illyrio's manse in Pentos. The same goose feather bed that saw her wake up yesterday, was where she was waking up today. It seemed like the whole day before had been a dream.

'It was not a dream.' she thought while sitting on the edge of her bed, rubbing the eyes with her hands, as Dany recalled the events that took place the previous day and night.

Once Dany's nephew managed to make himself fully understood by the entire audience gathered in

the field outside Pentos, explaining to the detail that he was not going to follow the Dothraki ways and that Aegon did not intend to go to Vaes Dothrak except to set it on fire and blood, if they gave him cause, some of the coppery warriors who had previously knelt before Aegon seemed to rethink their newfound alliance, marching south east.

However, by midnight on what was to be her nuptial night, Dany calculated that among Dothraki warriors and families, plus the freed slaves, around twenty-five thousand souls had accepted, like her, her newfound nephew as their King and Lord.

And as Dany's nephew soon demonstrated, Aegon was not shy or hesitant in ordering and giving instructions to his subjects.

Dany, accompanying Ser Jaime, the Dothraki girl Jhiqui as translator, and the Stark boy a couple of steps behind Aegon, got a close look at how her nephew rearranged the broken khalasar. Bringing order among the mass of people until that moment in complete chaos.

Once organized, Aegon commanded that, with the exception of fifty of the best warriors, all present would march about a kilometer and a half in a northeast direction until they found a stream where they would meet all the horses. Place where they would have to erect a provisional camp and wait for their return in a couple of days.

'How does Aegon know the horses will be there?' Dany wondered to herself when Aegon relayed the order.

After that, Aegon ordered the healers to tend to Viserys and Mopatis. Although he ordered the latter to be gagged, and both of them had their hands tied. Then Aegon ordered that they'll be loaded onto one of the overturned carts. Once everything was organized and with the broken khalasar en route to the goal that her nephew had marked for them, as out of nowhere, sixty of the previously disappeared stallions and colts, burst in the opposite direction of the crowd.

It was this memory in particular, added to the stinging of Dany's groins that assured her that everything had been real. Although Dany had never straddled a horse in her life, when her nephew, Aegon's two shadows, Jhiqui, and fifty Dothraki riders stared at her when she was presented with a beautiful silver and white mare for her to saddle, she mounted it and she rode with the rest of the party in the direction of Pentos.

'I don't know what gods possessed me yesterday to do some things I did.' Daenerys mused as she remembered her interaction with the Winged Shadow, or her stubbornness and pride in keeping up with the galloping rhythm of Dany's nephew, Ser Jaime and the Stark.

'Which seem Dothraki as how they ride.' she remembered bitterly.

Cursing again the pride that she had slept all her life and that yesterday had possessed her 'Or is it that I wanted to look good with my nephew?' Dany got up from the bed, letting a hiss of pain escape between her lips, accompanied by a slight trembling of her legs. The half-dozen kilometers at full gallop had been an utterly moving and liberating experience for Dany. But in turn it had taken a toll on her frail-built body. Something that did not prevent Dany from seeing in the front row how Aegon negotiated with the pentosi watch, the opening of the eastern Gate of Dawn for them, with the threatening presence of Balerion flying over the Pentosi Bay. Nor how then the Unsullied whom guarded Illyrio's manse were razed by the Dothraki warriors and her nephew, while Ser Jaime and the Stark remained protecting her and the coppery translator at the entrance of what had been her residence for almost half a year.

Deciding to wear the cerulean dress with which she was presented to Drogo, Daenerys left her

room to go to the common hall to have breakfast and so that her nephew, Ser Jaime and the Stark could solve the questions that the appearance of these had created.

"[Princess, I think that with what you have experienced today you have enough. Tomorrow, once you have rested, we will talk.]" was the dry and cold answer that Aegon offered her as a solution to all her doubts.

At that moment, Dany would have loved to challenge her nephew, but she hadn't challenged Viserys in her entire life and she wasn't going to challenge her nephew now.

'That is a Dragon that I do not intend to wake up.' Daenerys thought with a slight trembling, remembering the serious and severe face of her nephew, totally covered in blood of the men whom he had killed to rescue her and when taking the manse of the pentosi magister, while Aegon offered her that cold answer as good night farewell.

Walking over the soft myrish rugs that covered the floors of the enormous manse, Dany made her way towards her destination through one of the arcaded galleries that surrounded the courtyard, where six cherry trees were sentinels around a marble pool, with its thin brown bare branches. In the middle of the pool of water, was the statue of a naked boy, about to duel with a Braavosi sword in hand. The boy depicted was lithe and handsome, no older than sixteen days of his name, with long straight blond hair that brushed his back.

'It is impossible for me to think that Illyrio was ever like this.' Dany mused, remembering the explanation that the obese Pentosi magister offered her when she inquired about the statue.

Magister who was now held hostage in his own home, confined to the cellars and guarded by four Dothraki warriors.

'At least Viserys, although watched from outside and without permission to leave it, still has his room.'

'Without a doubt, everything is different today than yesterday, even if it is the same manse. For now, I think the change is for the better. Who knows what this dawn would have brought me if Aegon had not appeared with Balerion.' thought Dany as she crossed the last arch of the gallery.

Across from her, seated in the ostentatious and comfortable ebony chairs at the long white porcelain table, her nephew Aegon, the Stark, and the Dothraki girl took account of the breakfast served by the old woman, small and gray as a mouse that never said a word during Dany's stay at the manse.

Unlike the Unsullied, the manse's semi-slave servitude and serfs did not resist the imprisonment of the property owner. Dany's nephew, Aegon, explained them that they were now free and that if they wanted they could go wherever they wanted. But if they stayed in Aegon's service, at least for the duration of their stay at Pentos, they would be handsomely rewarded. Therefore most of the staff with whom she had been in contact for the last seven moons of her life were still in the manse. Thus giving the feeling that nothing had happened the day before, and that all it had been a dream of a silly and stupid girl like her.

But looking to her left, Dany could clearly see that it had not been a dream, that she had not married Drogo and that the khal was dead. The place where Dany set her gaze, in the corner of the common hall, was where the black and white figure of Ser Jaime stood. That morning without a helmet hiding his straight and short golden hair.

'The murderer of my father and according to Ser Jaime himself, my nephew and the one-eyed boy,

also my brother. Or half-brother.' Dany mused to herself.

But she was brought out of her inner musings by the steely, yet melodic tones of her nephew,


"Good morning princess!" he greeted her with a certain effervescence, totally strange in the Aegon that Dany had known so far, as he outlined a tired-looking half smile in her direction. "Would you like to join us for breakfast before starting our day? As you well remember, yesterday before going to your rooms, you've asked me for explanations and I replied that today would be the time to have them. When you know everything we have to tell you, you will understand that if I did not tell you yesterday it was in your own interest. Because, well, I think after the day you had, the last thing you needed was more emotions and life-altering revelations." elaborated Dany's nephew as he pointed with the right hand at the unoccupied chair to his right, exonerating himself somewhat for his cold and curt response the night before.

While talking to Dany, her nephew had laid his indescribable eyes on her with a certain affection and warmth that had not been present at any time the night before.

"It will be my pleasure, My King." Daenerys replied with a certain formality and a somewhat forced smile, as she nodded shyly, going to the free chair to the right of the headboard where her nephew Aegon was sitting. Dany hardly remembered the times when she was referred by her title, but her nephew at all times, like Ser Jaime and the one-eyed boy, had always maintained courtesy and protocol towards her.

"Jhiqui could you go to the cellar and tell our friends to bring in a couple of hours the magister up here? I think it would be time to have a conversation with him. Once we've discussed some unfinished business with her, my lady aunt might be very interested in knowing why Mopatis wanted to sell her to Drogo. After that, you have the whole morning free in the city. Before that, I only ask that you take with you some servants, some warriors as escorts and gold in quantity from Illyrio's chests, to go to the market and buy clothes and cloths worthy of my aunt. Also buy good cloths for yourself, the servants and the men who are here. Similarly, I've to ask that you acquire parchments, as well as red, black, and white leaded wax. I leave the rest of the purchases to your discretion." Aegon spoke to the Dothraki translator in a close voice, without being exempt from the dryness, the imperative and the steel that seemed inherent to it.

The bronze girl's eyes widened at the instructions she had just received, but she soon recovered and nodded. Nimbly rising from her chair, the Dothraki bowed slightly in the direction of Aegon and the Stark, then towards Dany herself, to turn on her heels and be lost in the direction Dany had previously come.

Next, Aegon raised the left hand and looked at the old gray woman, who bowed in the direction of those present and left the room through a side door for service, which the woman closed after she left.

"Jaime, the door." Dany's nephew intoned dryly.

When Dany looked in the direction of the Lord Commander of Aegon, he had already begun the maneuver of closing the main door of the hall with a bolt. Meanwhile, Aegon had risen from his chair, to stand behind it, resting his hands on the ebony back.

Looking better at her nephew that morning, Dany could barely recognize the Dragonlord warrior covered in blood that she had last seen before going to sleep.

Her nephew looked like a lad. Of extraordinary beauty and wrapped in an aura of power, but a lad.

The mighty armor had been cast aside and in its place, Aegon wore a black camisole of exquisite silk, the collar of which opened to the center of the chest and closed with crossed laces, now untied.

This allowed Dany to see something that focused her gaze on her nephew's bare chest and that made her remember the words of the Stark said before he unloaded the crossbow against Illyrio.

A cut about five fingers long by two wide, was carved as if by fire, between the sternum and the ribs. Said cut seemed fresh and throbbing with every beat of Aegon's heart, over which was directly the cut.

'How is it possible that he is alive?' she wondered to herself in utter amazement, her gaze completely fixed on the pulsing gash.

"Interesting, isn't it?" Dany was brought out of her trance by Aegon's voice, who was looking at her with a raised eyebrow and half-pursing his mouth. Certainly uncomfortable with Dany's gaze fixed on the impossible scar.

Embarrassed at having been staring at the cut, Dany quickly lowered her gaze to her lap. "It was not my intention to disturb you, My King." she said in a small voice, trying to apologize.

"Aegon, Aunt Daenerys. Aegon is my name. As long as we are only between the family, I would prefer that we address each other by name. And it really doesn't bother me that you look at the cut. Rather I feel ashamed of it. At least six moons have passed and I have been accepting it. Although sometimes I look at it too and I am not able to explain to myself how the hells I am here." answered Aegon with a certain melancholy, regret and trembling in his voice.

"Aegon...then is it true what Brandon said about you ...? That you..." Dany asked timidly and without being able to finish saying what she intended, barely looking up from her lap to look at her nephew.

"Yes. My brother Bran, despite having a very long beak, does not lie." Replied Aegon, as he shot an icy look to the Stark. This one, wore the same clothing and armor as the day before and seemed unfazed by the slight scolding, except for a certain shrug.

"In fact, it's because of this cut that the four of us are here today. If it weren't for it, I might still be unaware of my true identity and would be serving as watcher on the Wall. You would have married the Khal and suffered who knows what torments at the hands of him and your stupid brother. My sister and Ser Jaime would have continued to live under anonymity and fear in Braavos. And Bran would have suffered some misfortune, in order to awaken his powers with which to face our final enemy. You may not understand anything of what I mean, but soon you will. I can assure you, you will know everything you need to know. I only ask that you keep an open mind and trust in us." Aegon replied monotonously absent, with a gesture of pain and sorrow, as well as his gaze lost in infinity.

Dany responded by nodding her head slightly.

Aegon in a couple of sentences had answered many of the questions that she had in mind since yesterday. But these answers, instead of clarifying all of Dany's doubts, only increased the number of them.

'Again the Stark boy is named even by Aegon himself as his brother, but in his introduction, Ser Jaime said that they were cousins. Did they grow up together?'

Dany thought, looking first at Aegon up and down and then, at the boy sitting across from her and who seemed totally absent from what was going on around him.

Although imperceptible, there were certain traits in common between the two. Especially in the severe and elongated face as well as in the pale skin color, even whiter than Dany's. Without a doubt, the rest of her nephew's face had more in common with Viserys than with that of the Stark. Aegon's forehead, eyebrows, nose, cheekbones, and lips were an improved version of her brother's. The hair was very similar to hers, but somewhat lighter and less straight and more curly. When Aegon's eyes turned purple, the old Valyrian heritage in her nephew was undeniable.

'Impossible. Aegon as he looks, no matter how much family he is to Lord Stark, could have never lived on the same roof as the rest of the Stark family. The usurper would have found out that his best friend's had a Targaryen in his household.' She affirmed to herself inwardly, knowing that soon, her doubts would be sated.

'Nor do I understand what he means by that he would not know his true identity, nor do I know what it is that Wall that both he and the Stark child have referred to on several occasions. But at least now I have confirmed that my niece and Ser Jaime survived the Sack and that there is a final enemy, which is why Aegon yesterday faced alone the Blood riders and the Khal. Is he referring to the Usurper? So great a warrior is the Usurper that could stand up against my nephew? He killed my brother Rhaegar and I suppose Aegon will not want to face the same fate as his father.' reflected Dany.

But thinking about her deceased brother, she couldn't help but ask something that she had on her mind since yesterday.

"Why do you call yourself after your dead brother?" Dany asked abruptly, almost without being able to control what she was saying and that in the face of the decomposed face in the Stark and in her nephew, she would never have liked to ask.

"There was never a male child born of the marriage between your brother Rhaegar and Elia Martell. Due to gray rats and physical frailty, Elia was left sterile after giving birth to Rhaenys. The baby whom for various reasons posed as the son of a long-annulled marriage by the time he was born and that I could not protect from the Mountain that Rides, was the cousin of here His Excellence and His Grace. The son of Ashara Dayne and Brandon Stark, my princess."

Said a sad voice on Dany's right, belonging to Ser Jaime. Who without her realizing it, had approached to the right and behind Dany.

With sure horror on her features, though not understanding what Ser Jaime meant by the gray rats and why Dany's brother Rhaegar had concealed having his marriage annulled with Elia Martell or the need to fake an heir, Dany now understood the reason for the expressions on the faces of the Stark and her nephew when she asked the question.

'My mother also had trouble delivering healthy children. Because I wasn't born earlier, all of that happened.' Dany thought to herself inwardly, which made her feel even worse for having asked the question in the first place.

'Viserys is right. I am a stupid girl who is useless.' she wailed to her inside, as she fixed the gaze on her lap in shame.

"Although we here present, for various reasons, are particularly hurt by the topic you just brought up, Daenerys, it is precisely for the honor of my late cousin that we have a problem to solve with Illyrio Mopatis." Aegon now spoke with closeness and a melancholic gesture, while he tenderly

rested the right hand on Dany's left shoulder.

The gesture caused her to look up from her lap, to stare into Aegon's eyes, which seemed to convey a certain sympathy and understanding towards her.

"The magister who has taken in you and your vicious fool brother is the father of the last in the Blackfyre line The mother of this black dragon, was a pillow girl of Lys, named Serra. Whom also was sister of Varys, the Spider. The one who was Master of Whispers of your father the Mad King and is now Robert's."

Aegon began to explain himself before Dany's attentive gaze, with a voice that conveyed fury and rage, calling Dany to the attention that her nephew used the same tone when referring to her brother Viserys, her father Aerys, this man Varys and the Usurper.

'I would almost say that he has more contempt for all those mentioned above, than for Robert Baratheon.' she mused, observing Aegon's gestural reactions as he spoke the names and the loosely concealed disgust evident in his frown. Frown, which kept great similarities with Viserys when he found something that displeased her brother.

"Why do you call my father like that? Viserys told me that only the usurper and his dogs call him that way and that it was all lies. My father was the best king in the history of Westeros, right?" she asked defensively, puzzled by Aegon's way of referring to whom was his grandfather.

Ser Jaime coughed forcefully, hiding a laugh. The Stark child seemed to want to speak, but a gesture from Aegon's left hand stopped him.

Aegon changed his look and expression for one of pity towards her.

"Aunt, I am very sorry to tell you that from what I see, your brother Viserys has been lying to you all your life. The nickname of your father, my grandfather, Aerys the second of his name, was well justified and more than deserved. It is said many times that the Rebellion started when my father supposedly kidnapped my mother. But that is not reality or the facts. That is the truth constructed by the victors." Aegon sentenced dryly and with a certain contained rage, while he shook the head slightly.

"The facts are that the Rebellion had been brewing for decades before my parents met, for a series of reasons that we will explain later. My parents' romantic getaway was only the excuse that led to the the alliances and plans hatched and schemed in the shadows, spring into action to destroy house Targaryen. We don't really know whom yet, but we will know, told my uncle Brandon Stark on his way to his wedding with Catelyn Tully, that my mother had been kidnapped by the Crown Prince." explained her nephew, with certain anger and irritation in the voice, although without losing the dryness and steel in it.

After taking a deep breath, Aegon continued with what he was telling her.

"The controversial coronation of my mother Lyanna asQueen of Love and Beauty, who at the time was engaged to our cousin Robert Baratheon, in the Tourney of Harrenhal, offended many. More offended by this event after Robert himself, apparently it was my uncle Brandon Stark. Whom, apparently, was temperamental in excess." intoned Aegon, using a melodic tone but with a certain coldness and reproach in it.

"Therefore, when my uncle Brandon found out about my mother's alleged kidnapping, he tied up the knots that he wanted to tie in his head and, accompanied by a retinue of sons of the lords from the North, the Riverlands and the Vale, he rode at full gallop to King's Landing, where at the gates

of the Red Keep, he demanded my father's head to your father." Her nephew continued explaining events that her brother had never told Dany about.

And Dany was beginning to fear what her father's response was to the action of the irresponsible Brandon Stark.

'If my father was half of Viserys, surely the Stark woke the Dragon.' she thought with a chill running through her body, terrified of the truths her nephew was about to tell. Aegon ran the left hand through his hair, grimaced at her, and pressed the right hand tenderly to Dany's left shoulder again, before continuing with the bitter truth.

"Obviously, Aerys had Brandon imprisoned in the black cells. But instead of finding out the reality of the matter, before administering justice for my uncle Brandon's inappropriate actions, Aerys summoned my maternal grandfather Rickard Stark to the trial of his son Brandon. When my maternal grandfather came to the trial, we believe that he knew or intuited that my mother had not been kidnapped. However, Lord RIckard was part of the plot to put Robert on the Throne and knowing of Aerys's state of mind, he demanded a Trial by Combat. Your father agreed and declared fire as champion of House Targaryen. The pyromancers of my grandfather Aerys, your father, suspended my maternal grandfather, Rickard, over a pyre. While in front of him they placed my uncle Brandon Stark with a rope tied around his neck and a sword in front of him, but out of his reach. If Rickard Stark survived the fire, or Brandon Stark was able to reach for the sword and cut the rope, to then save his father, the judgment would be won by the Starks. Obviously, what happened was that my maternal grandfather was burned to death embedded in his armor over the pyre, while my uncle suffocated himself fighting to reach the sword in front of him. Ser Jaime was in the hall of the Iron Throne that day and he can corroborate everything I am saying to you." concluded Aegon in a dry and cold tone, casting a glance in the direction of the Lord Commander.

Dany was so shocked by what she just heard from her nephew that she could hardly react. She had clasped her hands to her chest and was apologetic. Dany couldn't believe that someone was capable of such sadism and torture.

'My nephew's grandfather, my father, killed Aegon's other grandfather and his uncle. How is he so whole while counting it?' she reflected in horror, as a tear began to fall down her left cheek. The gaze, lost in her lap.

"Unfortunately, this is how it happened. It will be a memory that haunts me until my last breath. Nobody did anything to stop him. Just like nobody stopped him when after burning someone for some minor crime, then he raped your mother Rhaella. Our father after Duskdale, and with all of your mother's fertility problems and miscarriages, became totally paranoid and mad. He saw enemies everywhere Daenerys. I killed him, because his last order as king, was to order his pyromancer and hand of the king, Rossart, to light the Wildfire stored under the city. I couldn't allow more than half a million people to die in the middle of a green firestorm." Ser Jaime added with a shocked and serious voice.

Grimace of pain and suffering drawn on his face and a look that conveyed regret, but not for the fact of killing their father, but for not having protected Dany's mother. Ser Jaime's gaze seemed lost in the infinity.

"Furthermore, Aerys, the second of his name, decided to execute at the stake most of my uncle Brandon's companions, including Elbert Arryn, Jon Arryn's nephew and heir to the Vale. Not content with that, your father, my grandfather, decided to demand from Jon Arryn the heads of his wards Robert Baratheon and Eddard Stark. Jon Arryn, by honor, opportunity and greed, decided to defend his wards and raised the Vale in open Rebellion. That's when the Robert's Rebellion really

started." Aegon declared vitriolic.

"It is for reasons like this that my father Rhaegar had to hide Elia Martell's sterility and the marriage annulment between them. Or by which Ashara Dayne's son posed as Rhaegar's heir. According to your father, my wife, his granddaughter, Rhaenys, smelled too Dornish and she was not a real dragon, she was a hostage. Aerys would have burned my sister had he not received help from Dorne during the Rebellion. What would he not have done to Elia Martell if he found out that she was sterile? Aerys was mad and Ser Jaime did something that should have been done a long time before. That is the truth behind your father, my grandfather." Dany's nephew concluded, squeezing her shoulder again, although Dany couldn't even feel it. She felt as if her soul life had been stolen.

'My father really was the Mad King. He abused my mother, burned people for sport and his actions led to the Rebellion.' Dany thought bitterly, now crying openly in silence. 'I am the daughter of a Monster!'

"You are not your father Daenerys. In what little I remember of her and I was in her presence, you physically resemble the Dragon's mother, Valaena Velaryon. You are your own person, aunt. The people in Westeros will judge and associate us initially on our family relationship with Aerys. In the same way that they will invent the most bizarre story possible to make us look bad. You are Daenerys Targaryen, of the blood of the Forty. You may lack a dragon now, but the Dragon's blood flows through your veins. You are a unique person who can achieve whatever you would set out to do and you have us to protect and help you. I don't know you very much, but I can see that although exile has hardened you, you still have a good heart, tenderness and innocence. That on my list already makes you a good person and better than your father or Viserys. My sisters are going to be delighted to meet you, as are other people in our entourage who are looking forward to meeting you. You are a lady from Valyria. Do not allow anyone to tell you what you are or are not, because they can never know what it is to be like us." Intoned Aegon with sweetness, understanding and warmth. Leaving her stunned that Aegon believed in her more than she did in herself. Suddenly Dany felt great pride and joy in the image that her nephew had made of her, although she felt overwhelmed.

Aegon withdrew his grip on Dany's left shoulder and reached over a small black velvet pouch, closed by a red silk lace, which lay on the table and into which she had not fallen as yet.

Her nephew grabbed the bag, then delicately grasped her hands with his left hand and held them open upward. Then he placed the bag in Dany's hands, closing his hands between hers. Aegon's hands were rough and hardened, but transmitted heat and his grip was delicate.

"Besides, now you are going to have to pass sentence when we judge Mopatis. For this you will need what is in this bag and, know exactly what the magister is going to be judged on. Apart from being the father of a Blackfyre, of course." Aegon surprised her again with what he told her and the trust and power that he suddenly placed in her. Then he removed his hands from the grip between hers, to sit back in the chair at the header of the table.

'Why would he trust me for that?' Dany thought with some anxiety, as she opened the bag.

A stifled sigh from Dany while she raised her left hand to her mouth, was her reaction when she

saw a ring similar to that of her nephew Aegon, but thinner and designed for women.

"If you need to adjust it, there will be no problem. They are a present from an ancestor of ours who had kept them awaiting our arrival. With that ring in hand, you have the same power as anyone from House Targaryen in the Freehold of Valyria. I'll explain to you the ins and outs of what that entails in more detail, but feel free to act with full authority when it comes to the service personnel

and Dothraki here in the manse."

Her nephew had not finished saying the words, before Dany jumped out of the chair and hugged Aegon, practically throwing him to the ground, while again crying uncontrollably, although now with joy.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Aegon. I promise you that I will not disappoint the trust you place in me." Dany said solemnly, feeling her nephew return the hug and wrap her in his arms hard as strings of steel.

'At last I feel safe. I am sure that with Aegon I will find my home.' Dany affirmed to herself, sheltered between Aegon's neck and chest. He ran his hand soothingly down her back. Dany's nephew gave off a scent that she could only describe as intoxicating. It seemed like a mixture of forest, ash and salt.

"I'm sure of it aunt. Now let us bring you up to speed. There are many things you need to know, before we talk to the cheesemonguer." Dany's nephew told her, while giving Dany an affectionate pat on the back. She took that as a signal to un-hug him.

Dany sat back in the chair across from Stark and to the right of her nephew, while recomposed herself as best she could from the very opposite emotions she had just experienced. Looking sideways to her right, she had realized that now Ser Jaime was looking at her with a certain nostalgia and warmth in the gaze.

"Varys the Spider and his sister Serra, until the birth of the son of Mopatis with the lyseni whore, were the last two descendants on the maternal side of the line started by Daemon Blackfyre and driven by Aegor Bittersteel Rivers. Both of them, like Brynden Bloodraven Rivers, Mya Rivers, Gwenys Rivers and Shiera Seastar were Great bastards of my namesake, the Unworthy."

Aegon began to relate the story of their family that Dany barely knew, with a little hidden disgust in the gesture and tone when referring to this Varys again and towards Aegor Rivers, a certain reverence when mentioning Daemon and something that if she was not wrong, akin to respect for Brynden Rivers.

'Now I at least know who Bloodraven is, but I still don't understand what one of the Great Bastards of Aegon IV has to do with the good aim of the Stark boy yesterday, when he took down Illyrio.' Dany thought to herself, without stopping paying an iota of attention to the explanation from Aegon.

However, when her nephew mentioned Bloodraven's name, Dany couldn't help but feel a chill through her body. Which she didn't know exactly where or why it came from.

"Although it may seem impossible, Shiera Seastar is still alive somewhere in Essos, waiting for us for more than a hundred years. And until five moons ago, Lord Brynden was still alive beyond the Wall, awaiting the arrival of my valonqar Bran. In fact, technically, Bloodraven remains with us in a way. Both of them, along with my mandia Visenya, are partly responsible for my cut in the chest and of our current situation. Similarly, Bloodraven and Shiera are largely responsible for the entire situation that sparked the Blackfyre rebellions and the situation that we have to resolve with Mopatis." Aegon concluded by casting a stern look, although not without affection in the direction of the Stark. Something that didn't allow Dany to finish understanding what she had just heard, but which distracted her gaze in that direction.

When she returned her gaze to the front, Dany could see how Brandon Stark had his one eye completely stained in blood red and the blood tear under the empty eye socket, seemed to throb. It

gave the impression that around the, in those moments, very disturbing child, a shadow of cold and darkness hung.

A voice from beyond the grave and that did not belong to this world, with some sad musical overtones and without being emitted by the mouth of any of those present, seemed to completely envelop the room.

"My princess, my cousin Aegon is correct. I was there when Shiera despised Aegor in my favor, more than one hundred years ago, propitiating Aegor's motive for incite Daemon to rebel. I supported Daeron, even knowing that he was the son of Aemon and Naerys. I did this, because I knew that Daemon did not want, nor should he, wear the crown. Because both Shiera and Lord Brynden before, as same as me now, knew that there was something more important at stake than who sits on the Throne forged by the Dragon. And for that very reason, I was there when the Raven's Teeth shot their arrows at Daemon's sons and at Daemon himself. I launched the first of the arrows myself in the direction of Aegon Blackfyre. Whether I did it because it was supposed to be, or because by doing so I made it be, is irrelevant now. The important thing is that the actions carried out by Shiera and Lord Brynden, caused that it was me, through the second, who was in the Skin of Bloodraven. My left eye was lost in the Red Grass Field at the hands of Aegor Bittersteel and the sword wielded by my brother Aegon, as the payment of blood through which to awaken my gifts. By my hand, Lord Brynden became a kinslayer and an oath-breaker. I was in his skin when under parliament, Bloodraven betrayed Aenys Blackfyre less than seventy years ago in King's Landing. Through Bloodraven, I caused Daemon's offspring to end up living a life in exile like the one you and your brother have led, leading to their near demise."

Resonated in a way that Dany could only describe as magical, the voice she now realized belonged to Brandon Stark.

"[Being in his skin?! What in the seven hells is he talking about?]" the question escaped from her soul in High Valyrian, in a high-pitched squeaky tone, total incomprehension and quite a bit of fear towards the Stark.

It is seen that her scream, together with the face of horror and incomprehension that Dany should had, given what she was seeing and just heard, made her nephew address her with a warm, melodic and explanatory voice. While supporting his left arm on the table and fixed his indescribable eyes on hers.

Aegon's eyes seemed to show some doubt, but at the same time something that she could only describe as affection and longing for acceptance. Aegon's gesture for the first time since she had met him the previous evening had softened.

"Aunt, you don't have to be scared. Bran has gifts through his blood that make him... special. But all of this really began less than six moons ago. On the day of my name. Until then, I had raven black hair and lived believing myself as Jon Snow, the Bastard son of the honorable Lord Eddard Stark..."

"... Technically, I'm older than Uncle Jaime. And, along with my sister-wife Rhaenys, we are your grandparents for twenty-four or twenty-five generations."

Dany's nephew concluded the bizarre explanation and story, nonchalantly, as if he were talking about the weather, while he looked at her expectantly. Aegon's right hand, where he wore the wonderful gold and ruby ring on his middle finger, was caressing his hairless chin, while the left arm was resting on the white surface of the table.

She, for her part, hadn't even eaten a bite of the breakfast on the table and lost any appetite she previously had.

But Dany was thirsty, even though she hadn't said a word while the explanation lasted. Gulping down a jug of water with lemon, she tried to quench her thirst, but Dany knew deep down that her dry mouth was a product of what she'd just heard.

"Do you see the face she's making? That would have been my expression of horror at the Raven's number and your explanation of time travel, skin changes, being the great many times grandfather of your own father and that Bran is your own ancestor on the maternal side. If Rhaenys had not died and come to life in my arms, along with those who were present before me at that moment, I would have taken you for bat crazy. That's what must Daenerys be thinking right now. Isn't so sister?"

Ser Jaime interrupted the deafening silence, now in the chair to Dany's right. He had sat next to her while their nephew and Brandon Stark told her the truth behind the Conquest of Westeros, the dream of Rhaenys, Visenya's ritual, the Dance of Dragons, the Blackfyre rebellions, the reign of the Unlikely, the tragedy of Summerhall, the crusade of the Citadel and the faith of the Seven against magic and the existence of this in the world, as well as the occurrences of the last six moons

'The death of Aegon assisted by magic in the crypts of Winterfell, his passage through the past, the encounter with the terrifying Others and the establishment of the Freehold of Valyria included'.


Silence was all answer that Dany could offer, still trying to process the torrent of information that has been dumped on her and that in many cases was incredible, if not impossible.

'I wonder what my face will look like from the outside right now. Because the truth is, it is almost impossible for me to believe anything that my nephew or the Stark had said. Of course Aegon was right that last night was not the time for explanations!! A ritual of arcane arts of fire and black magic of blood, just like the one that caused the Doom of Valyria, which has been feeding on the blood shed in the countless Westeros' wars during almost three hundred years of history to ensure that Aegon is alive to face an enemy of legend?'

Dany wanted to scream that it wasn't possible when it came up. But the distant sound of Balerion's flapping of wings, the fresh and throbbing scar of her nephew on his chest in front of her and details that she knew her interlocutors had omitted in the explanation, based on the looks between the three on some occasions, made her slow down in her reaction.

In those moments Dany had pondered what it was that they weren't telling her and that Ser Jaime had just hinted again. But she decided not to inquire about it yet.

'At least I can finally understand Ser Jaime's comment yesterday! But if the madness they are telling me is true, the child is responsible for killing the first born of the Blackfyre line and for knocking down the father of the last, with an arrow. It is impossible! People capable of taking control of animals and other people? Navigating through time's threads just like that and taking control of a person? At least now I fully understand about the Dragon Reborn and why they refer to the Stark as Raven. At last I know the final enemy and I would have preferred not to know him. Nothing they have told me can be true. If it is... if it is, how do you defeat death itself?'

She mused to herself with a shudder.

'At least, with their story, the events of yesterday before Aegon's irruption with Balerion are better explained, all a diversionary maneuver product of Brandon Stark in the skin of animals. And if everything they say is true, maybe some of my dreams are Dragon Dreams as Aegon has called them.'

Exclaimed Dany's mind, which was totally blocked, unable to decide whether to believe all the fantastic story that had been told to her, while she crossed the fingers of her hands over and over her lap.

To Dany's great relief, Bran, the person responsible for the distractions that allowed to isolate her from Drogo the previous afternoon, had used his mouth and a sweet, childlike voice when contributing to the explanation. Something that reassured her about the boy.

'He has also shown in his tones an undoubted affection and devotion for Aegon, shame for the actions of his maternal family and some resentment towards his father Lord Eddard Stark. Although he can be terrifying, Bran doesn't have to be so terrible. In addition, no matter how many abilities he has, he is still just a child who loves his brother and his family.' reflected Dany with some envy at the evident affection between the two cousins by blood, brothers by choice.

'Aegon had have lived as and like a bastard, he will have his pluses and minuses with his other cousins, and from what it seems in his tone when referring to him, Lord Stark is not Aegon's favorite person in the world. But at least he grew up surrounded by family, protected by walls and a roof over his head. Always in the same place, without having to live in constant flight and fear from the usurper's murderers. Aegon had the home that I haven't had since Braavos and the red door.' Dany thought with some bitterness and resentment.

"Daenerys' silence gives her consent with what I've said. But seriously, thank the gods that there aren't many people left to tell the minor details of the story, because no matter how many times you tell it, you are unable to make it sound more truthful." Ser Jaime answered himself, receiving a look of feigned annoyance from Aegon as reply

"Ironies of fate, the circumstances that led to the necessary birth of my cousin Aegon, his sisters, and yourself, provided the perfect opportunity for the surviving Blackfyre to repay the debt of more than a century of resentment, hatred, and exile. Varys entered the court of Aerys the second of his name to sabotage and destabilize the worn and weak Targaryen regime from within. This while waited for his sister Serra to have offspring with Illyrio Mopatis." Bran Stark added, completely ignoring Ser Jaime's words, delving into the issue they would have to resolve as soon as Illyrio appeared in the room.

"It was Varys who sabotaged every attempt by your brother Rhaegar, Aegon's father, to overthrow Aerys. It was Varys's fault that the Tourney of Harrenhal during the false spring did not end up being a Great Council of the Seven Kingdoms to force the change of King. Actions that without Varys knowing or intending, led to Rhaegar's relationship with my Aunt Lyanna and ultimately to the conception of you and Aegon. And that is the problem. Westeros, at least for the moment, is unaware of the existence of my brother Aegon or of the marriage annulment between Rhaegar and Elia Martell. And with the exception of a small number of people still alive today, the majority of Westeros thinks that Ashara Dayne and Brandon Stark's son was actually the heir and was brutally murdered during the Sack of King's Landing at the hands of Ser Gregor Clegane, the Mountain Who Rides." The squire of her nephew and of her half-brother continued, with a neutral voice and a stern face.

'It is incredible that a boy of his age can speak with such ease of such topics. At least my voice would be half broken after told what he just has told me.' Dany thought about Brandon inwardly, still stunned and unable to understand all the information they had dumped on her in the last hour and a half.

"And that's where you and our brother Viserys come into play, Daenerys. To the knowledge of Westeros, the Spider and Mopatis, you two are the last Targaryens. Without you present, there would be no opposition to any candidate claiming to be Targaryen. In this case, the son of Serra Blackfyre and Illyrio Mopatis would be presented as the son of Rhaegar and Elia Martell, thus gaining the alliance of Dorne with his revelation alone." Ser Jaime contributed with disgust in his tones.

"Aunt, Mopatis intended that the last woman of the Targaryen line ended her days being raped to death by Dothrakis and the last male Targaryen scion killed before or after, also by them. In this way Varys and Mopatis, would get rid of you and Viserys, clearing the way for their fake Aegon."

Aegon continued where the other two had left off, crudely explaining to Dany the effects that all past history would have on her, in which she had done nothing but of which she would be the most punished. Her nephew's voice seemed to exude disgust and fury, with sorrow and sadness.

'The disgust at the situation I can understand, but the rest of the feelings that seem to be hidden behind his voice of steel and his face carved in white marble? Does he feel sorry for me or for the dynasty he founded? Who is he furious with? Does he feel guilty about the situation? Why should I, who never hurt anyone, or wish anyone bad, was condemned to live the life that I have led and such a fate if not for the intervention of Aegon?'

All those questions ran through Dany's head, as she fully understood what was directly affecting her.

'I will not be the Prince that was Promised, nor will I had built two of the greatest dynasties the world has seen and I really do not quite understand, if I come to believe in it, anything about the ritual or the Long Night. But I thank Visenya Targaryen who has prevented me from ending up suffering what seemed to have the future in store for me.' Dany thought to herself, as a chill ran through her body when she imagined what would have happened to her without the actions of her nephew in the previous evening.

Precisely Aegon's voice brought her out of her thoughts, returning her to the present and to what the future would have brought her, had it not been for Visenya Targaryen and the ritual she performed.

"In the event that by some unlikely miracle, the Dothraki had decided to agree to invade Westeros in Viserys' name, this would only have angered even the most Targaryens loyalist, antagonizing them and much of the peasantry. Not to mention that the Dothraki in Westeros would be wiped out in a matter of hours. They have not the slightest notion of tactics or strategic. They do not carry out sieges, nor do they have weapons for it. They have no infantry, nor heavy cavalry, and are pathetically equipped to fight organized and well-trained enemies wearing armor and chain mail. Still, in that case you would only have reinforced the cause of Varys, Mopatis, and the false Aegon."

Aegon paused to take a drink from the jug in front of him, after which he sighed almost imperceptibly and continued to reveal the plans that Mopatis had for her and her brother.

'Which from what I see, all would have ended with more suffering on my part.' Dany thought bitterly and angry.

"Your host's son would break in Westeros with the Golden Company at his back, made up exclusively of Westerosi exiles and Blackfyre loyalists, claiming to be the heir to the Throne by blood and hereditary rights, as well as being the savior against the savages outsiders brought to Westeros by your brother and you. The loyalists and those unhappy with the Baratheon-Lannister regime, as well as those threatened by the Dothraki, would soon ally themselves with the false Aegon. Whom Doran Martell would support if he can put his daughter Arianne on the Throne. Therefore, you see that the magister whom has welcomed you and your brother, with Viserys's foolish acquiescence, has been planning how to put his son on the Iron Throne, as well as how to commit the most shameful and terrible possible death for House Targaryen." Aegon sentenced, just at the moment when a couple of thumps could be heard coming from the front door of the room.

"Ser uncle, open the door. It's probably who we're talking about." said Aegon, as he rose from his chair to head for the wall behind him.

Looking behind the chair where Aegon had been sitting, Dany could see what her nephew was heading towards. Leaning against the pink marble wall decorated with plaster moldings and reliefs, were two swords. Both were in their respective sheats and their blade could not be observed. However, at first glance they both looked almost identical. The one closest to her nephew could be half a span longer and the guard, instead of gold, was made of smoking steel. Both had hilts in what appeared to be black dragon bone and were topped by a rhomboid ruby the size of Dany's palm. Remembering what happened last evening, Dany remembered that one of those swords must be the one wielded by his nephew.

'The sword of the Kings. The sword of the Conqueror. Aegon's sword. Blackfyre. But since when have there been two?' Dany wondered to herself.

"Andal. Aggo and Jhogo bring merchant that Dragon ask." Dany heard the grunts directed at Ser Jaime, in the attempt at common tongue produced by one of the two Dothraki practically dragging


At first glance, Dany could tell that the magister had certainly seen better days. The typically groomed and stylized beard in a forked shape was now a mass of dark straw-colored hairs swirled over one of the double jowls that fell from Mopatis's neck. The delicate and exclusive cloths with which he left the morning before for Dany's wedding, were beginning to fray in several places. One of the sleeves had been completely ripped off and was now tied around Mopatis's left thigh, absolutely soaked in blood. The magister's skin was pale, haggard, and in places covered with a thin layer of ash, mud, sweat, and blood. The pants, apart from being stained with blood and mud, appeared to be stained with urine and shit.

'Something that from the smell that practically numbs my nose since they have brought him, he has undoubtedly done on himself.'

The magister's ever proud and carefree posture was now one of utter despondency and could hardly stand upright without being supported by the Dothraki who had not spoken. Mopatis' feverish and sunken eyes seemed lost in the infinity of the ground. Hands behind his back and shackled.

"Illyrio Mopatis. Magister of Pentos. Friend and brother-in-law of Varys Blackfyre. Serra Blackfyre's husband. Father of a Blackfyre. Welcome to the common room of what was once your manse." rang the cold and hard tones of Dany's nephew's voice.

Mopatis' reaction to Aegon's greeting, a tremor that ran through his body and that from the outside seemed to make all the fat of his obese body vibrate. If he had shown despondency and defeat before, Dany could see before her a man that knew he would not make it out of the room alive.

'Even I understand that.'

"Thanks, Aggo and Jhogo for bringing our friend. Who commands the escort that has gone with Jhiqui?" Aegon spoke now to the two Dothraki who had given Mopatis to Ser Jaime, and whom were still under the lintel of the arch of the door.

After looking at each other for a few moments, the man who had held Mopatis by the shackles up to that moment, uttered a series of guttural sounds with great speed and harshness, to which the other replied with a terse growl.

"Rakharo plus two handfuls go with Jhiqui, Great Dragon. A braavos and merchants Pentos at door. To do?" Finally answered the Dothraki who had initially spoken with Ser Jaime.

"Look for the lady in charge of the servants and let her take care of them, while you watch over them. If they try to do something, you know what you have to do." Aegon replied dryly, at the same time that he nodded urging the Dothraki to leave the room.

They seemed to understand what they had been told, for they both brought their right fists to their chests, then turned around and left through the arcaded gallery.

Ser Jaime took the opportunity to close the door again with his right hand, while with the left hand he continued to hold Mopatis' shackles.

"Take the gag off him. Let it not be said that we do not let people defend themselves against of what they are accused." Aegon said to Ser Jaime, as he moved the chair where he had sat, away from the head of the table.

Then Dany's nephew drew the swords and placed them on the seat of the chair. Upon better

appreciation, Dany could see that the sword that seemed to be shorter and had the guard in gold, was of Valyrian steel, just like Blackfyre. But unlike the sword on its side, its color was only smoky, turning to dark. That of her nephew, however, seemed to vary in color depending on the moment in which she looked at it. There were times when it seemed completely smoked and black, while at other times it seemed to flood the room with its own light.

"Illyrio Mopatis, since my lady aunt would have been the worst victim of your machinations in collusion with the Spider, she will be the one to decide what we do with you. Whatever Her Excellency Daenerys decides is your future, that will be." Aegon said as he moved to Dany's left.

Ser Jaime, for his part, had removed Mopatis's gag and sat him in the chair at the opposite head of the table. Gesture that produced a pitiful groan from the obese Pentosi.

"Princess, apart from everything we have told you, we have more evidence of Mopatis's betrayal. The first of these are the eggs that were presented yesterday at your non-wedding, currently guarded by Balerion and that at the time were stolen by Lady Farman to pay for her trip around the world with Braavosi coin. Although he has returned them to their original owners, he did not tell the hidden truth behind them, nor did he give them away for altruistic purposes. Surely, because of their appearance and not having the blood of the Forty, the magister must have thought that they were fossilized. However, dragon eggs are like this even freshly laid. To be exact, these eggs I believe were laid by my dragon two hundred years ago. The second evidence, as you see in the chair where I have sat before, there are now two and a half hand swords. One is my sword. The other is an imitation designed to give to his son and reinforce his claim." Aegon addressed Dany, easily grasping the hilt of Blackfyre with the right hand and offering it in her direction.

Dany didn't understand what her nephew was trying to prove now. On one hand, she was excited and hopeful now knowing that the eggs she had seen the previous evening were still alive. But she was still unable to understand or believe the story Aegon had told her. Or to process the truths of her father. Or accept the terrible future that the plans of the obese cheesemonguer who now was in the same room as her, would have in store for her. And she didn't know what was supposed to imply that she was the judge of something that everyone present knew beforehand would end with Illyrio's death.

'Does he intend that I wield the sword? Does he want me to execute Mopatis?'

"Your Grace, I know that I am the judge, but I don't think it is in the best interest of us, being me

the one to use Blackfyre. I have never wielded a sword."

Dany replied shyly and doubtful to her nephew Aegon, who seemed to give her an amused smile.

"My princess, you confuse my intentions. The evidence I speak of, is on my sword. To be exact in the two inscriptions that are in the flat of the blade, almost on the edge with the guard. I would like you to examine them." said her nephew, as he offered Dany the sword again.

Dany got up from her chair and when she stood fully upright, grasped the hilt with two hands and nodded towards Aegon for him to release the grip it. In doing so, she thought that she would be unable to lift the sword. To her surprise, the sword was incredibly light and Dany could grasp it with ease. She did it very carefully though, as the blade looked extremely sharp and was almost of her height.

Twirling the hilt between her small hands, she placed the sword flat in front of her. As the light fall on the blade, Dany was almost blinded by the glow of it. Sharpening her eyes at the base of the blade, almost engraved with the guard, was a High Valyrian word "Perzys." she said aloud.

Aegon who was looking at her intently over her left shoulder, nodded slightly.

"Princess, now on the other side of the blade. Surely the magister would have liked to know this detail before ordering to make the crude imitation that is in the chair." contributed her nephew with a certain melody in his tones.

Aegon seemed like amused with what Dany was unraveling for the magister. This one, seemed to want to say something, but an elbow from Ser Jaime in the exposed ribs on Mopatis's left side, made him lose all desire to interfere with what was happening.

Once more, she twisted the hilt in her hands, turning it around, until the other plane of the sword was in front of her. This side, although the sword was in the same position as before, seemed to have absorbed all the light around it to turn the blade into a dark and smoky surface, blending into a shadow.

Still in awe from the steel of the Dragon's sword, Dany again sharpened her gaze on the base of the blade plane.

"Ānogar." she enunciated with some amazement, in a somewhat faltering and reverential voice.

'As little as I know about the history of my house and Westeros, I know that this was a secret that only the bearers of the sword and those who had very close access to it should have known.' Dany thought, amazed and excited.

"Indeed My Princess. Fire and Blood. Those are our words. Those are the words of the Forty. Magister your hand has been broken and your plans have come to light. The Blackfyre line will end."

Daenerys' nephew spoke as he walked slowly towards the opposite head of the table, where Mopatis was. The magister had looked up and was staring at Aegon. Because Dany now could only see Aegon's back, she didn't know what must be passing troughs her nephew's face. But from Mopatis' reaction of lowering the eyes to his lap and burying the head against his chest, Dany was sure that her nephew's gaze must be anything but friendly.

"[Dragons in the sky, the fighting has begun. Shadow versus Light, and who will stand when it is done?]" asked Aegon rhetorically in High Valyrian, but to no one in particular, as he spread his arms with the palms of the hands facing forwards.

Despite not wearing the armor, the Dragonlord who had brutally killed the Khal and his blood riders, now seemed to be present in front of her again.

After that, the Dragon took a couple of steps in the direction of the terrified Illyrio and to his side, pointing at the magister with the index of his right hand. "[You, I am sure not. Magister, your fright is justified. Your destiny calls you.]" declared the young man that seemed coming out of the songs, looking at Mopatis with fury and contempt.

Now that Aegon was in profile towards her direction, Dany could look into Aegon's gaze with fascination. Aegon had eyes like none other that she had seen, and that at times had Dany totally fascinated and even captivated.

'It's a look capable of burn.' Dany thought inwardly, realizing that she was beginning to feel something that she had never felt in her life as she gazed into the incredible eyes of her rescuer.

'Without a doubt, what I have before me is the Dragon. Viserys had never been like this, not even when we were little.' Dany mused to herself, giving more and more credit to the story she had been


At that moment, Aegon turned on his heels and faced her. Even though they were about five meters away, Dany could feel heat coming from her nephew.

Almost without her noticing, Aegon closed his eyes, sighed deeply to reopen them in an instant. Suddenly a thunderous screech shook Pentos, accompanied by an even more powerful and intimidating roar.

"[Princess, be what you were born to be. Be a Dragon.]"Aegon told her with passion and conviction in his perfect Valyrian, after which he turned away from the magister and went to the great window on the side of the stays and on whose stand he sat.

'Doesn't he plan to do anything else? I am the judge ... What should I do?'

Dany thought as she watched Ser Jaime look at her expectantly.

She was still standing at the side of the head of the table where they had sat since breakfast, and where she had heard the story that had changed her life and the very perception of the world around her, if Dany believed the many impossible things that she had heard. Without noticing, Blackfyre was still in her hands. Now the sword was leaning toward the carpeted floor, under the left side of her waist.

Looking to the left, she could see how Bran was still sitting in his chair across the table, looking at her with an amused and certainly childish expression, expectant at her actions.

'Do they expect me to use the sword to do justice with Mopatis? If that Arya they've been telling me about is as wild as they say, I have no doubt that the Stark's sister would do. Aegon also counts her as his sister. Will he expect me to act as she would? Does he expect me to act like Visenya? Or as Rhaenys? And what would my niece do in this situation?'

Dany was overwhelmed by everything that had happened in the last day and a half, and now she was unable to decide what to do. Therefore, Dany decided to be herself.

"Mopatis, is it true that you are the father of a Blackfyre and that you wanted to end my House? Is it true that you convinced my brother that the Dothraki would help him, but really wanted to see the last woman in the Targaryen line die after being raped for the rest of her days?"

Daenerys asked to the fat magister, beginning to walk slowly over the soft carpeting in the direction of Mopatis.

"I promised Serra ... It's nothing personal, seriously ... I didn't want you to die ... just you to stop being a factor ... Your brother would have been killed, yes. But you would have been Drogo's khalessi. You would have lived a good life, much better than the one that awaited you next to your fool brother. I was doing you a favor..."

Mopatis tried to justify himself.

But Dany for the first time in her life was feeling a fury she didn't even know she could possess. Everything that had happened to her in life was the fault of men like the one in front of her. They did not care to step over innocent girls, as long as they achieved what they wanted.

'He would have condemned me to be a brood mare for a savage and he says it's a favor. Does he take me for a fool?'

The fury, the rage, the indignation, the pain, the fear and everything that was inside her seemed to explode inside her.

"A FAVOR ?! A FAVOR ?! A FAVOR THAT A WILD DOTHRAKI WOULD HAVE RAPED ME FOR THE REST OF MY DAYS LIKE I WAS A BITCH?!" she yelled, while inadvertently lifting Blackfyre over her left shoulder.

Breathing hard, she pulled herself together a bit, and shot a look of hatred and contempt towards Mopatis' direction. After that, Dany placed her eyes on Ser Jaime's, who gave her a slight nod.

"Ser Jaime, as my brother and Lord Commander of the King's Guard of my nephew and king, Aegon Targaryen, I ask you to be my sword." she pronounced, closing the distance with Ser Jaime.

Twisting Blackfyre's hilt as best Dany could, trying not to hit the carpeted floor with it, she wielded it with the ruby in the direction of whom she had addressed.

Dany's half-brother looked askance, like Dany did, in the direction of Aegon, who nodded almost imperceptibly.

"Your Excellence." Ser Jaime replied as he grasped the sword in Dany's hands with the right hand and rested his left for a moment on Dany's right forearm, at which point he made a light caress and a tender squeeze on her wrist.

"I am not a mare to be sold to a horse lord. I am Daenerys Stormborn, of House Targaryen, of the blood of Aegon the Conqueror and Maegor the Cruel and old Valyria before them. I am the Dragon's aunt, and I swear that my smiling face will be the last thing you'll see before you die "

Dany said in a vitriolic way she didn't knew she was capable of muster, exuding pride when referring to whom she was. In those moments, her voice was hard and dry. It seemed alien to her, with a steel and firmness to it that had never been there before.

Immediately afterwards, Ser Jaime kicked out the chair on which Mopatis was sitting. This one fell prostrate, after colliding with the porcelain table on the forehead.

In this way, the obese magister was now on all fours, half to the side of her, Mopatis' head facing towards Aegon's direction.

Dany's nephew, for his part, was looking at her with something she thought she understood was a mixture of approval and pride. However, it seemed that he still expected something from her. Ser Jaime for his part was already across the pentosi, Blackfyre firmly grasped in the right hand, ready to unload on Illyrio's fat neck, but he continued to look at Dany expectantly.

Dany looked to her left, searching the Stark for answers that seemed to escape her at the moment.

Raising her right eyebrow and inquisitively, she cast a glance in the direction of the boy who continued to sit in the same position he had been since she arrived in the room. He seemed to understand the dilemma Dany was in, or at least seemed to take pity on her situation.

"You have to pass judgment and ask for last words." Brandon whispered under his breath, vocalizing each word in an exaggerated way, so that Dany was almost certain that only the two of them had heard the exchange.

Realizing that in the eyes of her nephew and Ser Jaime she had not yet handed down her sentence, Dany set out to do what the Stark had told her that they both expected.

Trying to use the cold and serious voice again, after clearing her throat and focusing her gaze on Mopatis, she spoke the words that she believed were correct in that situation.

"Illyrio Mopatis. I, Daenerys of House Targaryen, condemn you to die for scheming against my family and wanting to sell me to a Khal. What are your last words?"

The obese pentosi turned his head towards Dany's direction, fixed his pale eyes on her, and spat to the carpeted floor in front of her.

"Varys will know about this and take care of bringing you down. No one is untouchable." The magister threatened as last words.

Dany didn't know if she should answer this, or if she should order Ser Jaime to cut off Mopatis' head.

It was Aegon and his cold voice, whom pulled her out of the momentary gap in which she had wrapped herself.

"Your brother-in-law is used to deal with lesser people. Unfortunately, for both you and him, I am

The Dragon."

Aegon declared proudly and almost mockingly as he nodded in Ser Jaime's direction.

And just as she had told him a few moments ago, the obese magister couldn't quite take his eyes off Dany before Mopatis' head was separated from the rest of his body.

And just as she had promised, Dany watched him die with a smile, knowing that at last she was safe from the machinations of the magister.

Sixteenth day of the Twelfth moon, 297AC Southeast of Ghoyan Drohe, Essos.

Because a column had been sighted north of where they were, which they believed was the one under the command of Ser Jaime's uncle, both Dany's betrothed and her nephew had marched with an advance party of scouts and the vanguard of the first army to go to meet this marching column.

For their part, Dany, her brother Viserys and their other brother 'Half-brother.' Jaime, had stayed behind, in the camp they had established during the previous day.

Although theoretically in the absence of Aegon or Bran, she was in command and that midday it was up to Dany to be with Jaime helping in the tasks of raising the sea of tents, pavilions and palisades, as well as mobilizing the more than thirty-five thousand people who were their direct subjects, plus the saddles, cattle and countless wagons, Dany had decided to go ahead on Silver's back.

Exploring on her own the vicinity of the advance route to the east, trying to get away for a while from the whiff of bad smell that a camp of these dimensions and with that many people in it gave off, as well of her retinue.

'I want a lonely time, before there are even more duties for me when we join the new column.'

Dany was honest with herself.

Despite the fact that when she was asked almost daily in reference to it by Bran, Aegon or Jaime, she always answered that she was perfectly fine, and that she could manage with everything that they were teaching her, delegating on her, or simply, leaving to her judgment. Internally she wanted to yell at the three of them and tell them that what she wanted was a day of peace and quiet.

'I never imagined that having power consisted in having everyone waiting for you to give them the solutions to all of their problems.'

Dany sometimes felt exhausted serving as petitioner in the mornings. And the petitions session that morning had been no exception. However, since she had no military knowledge, in an endless column that was practically a small city on the move, where there were more than eighteen thousand enlisted, hierarchical and salaried soldiers, the role that Dany could best play was that.

And so, for one moon, twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon, she attended to all the requests and petitions from the citizens of theFreehold. Or what came to be the administrative and political needs existing in the almost twenty thousand people outside the military apparatus of house Targaryen, but dependent on the Freehold of Valyria. These were those whom departed from Braavos, Pentos and the surroundings of the latter city, in the direction of Ny Sar.

Fortunately to Dany, Jaime when he was not the shadow of Aegon, or was not exercising command of the Second Targaryen Army in Essos, and Bran, had given her a hand more than once. Especially the second in relation to the distribution of land towards the new citizens of the Freehold, the lessons regarding the history and politics of Essos and Westeros, as well as basic notions of political and military strategies.

'I never imagined that power could be so boring. Is that also why Aegon prefers to leave the petitioners and their little political disputes to me?'

Although to be honest with herself, she did not envy her nephew with his endless hours of work and duty.

There were moments that he gave the impression of being everywhere at once. If he was not training with the soldiers, he was training the newly formed units, which were immediately incorporated into the order of battle of the three armies that made up the column. Hammering to exhaustion of man and beast lessons in marching, deployment, redeployment, attack, defense, containment, and orderly retreat. There was not a day that there were not two hours of battle formation practice for everyone considered part of house Targaryen military apparatus, which

included Dany's own entourage. Therefore, Dany should always participate in them.

When it was not the tireless military work that absorbed her nephew's time, Aegon took care of the coordination and administrative cohesion that was taking place in the new domains of the Freehold of Valyria. Stuck for hours in meetings in the central pavilion of the camp in the presence of Fugger, special representatives of the Bank and career clerks. Meetings after which dozens of messengers always departed at full gallop towards three of the four cardinal points.

In turn, Aegon also seemed to be present whenever disorder arose among the citizens or soldiers. Disorders that were placated with speed, readiness, harshness, and relentlessness.

'I think that today, no one of those whom marched towards the east would dare to breach the criminal laws and internal order of the Freehold, much less, the census laws and those of internal conduct in the army.'

Dany reflected with some pride, and calm for her safety. In fact, Dany had never been or felt safer in her life than during this last moon of her life.

And her relationship with her brother Viserys had improved remarkably. Probably because every time they were close, Aegon was present. And because in addition, Viserys continued to recover from having insulted Aegon's mother.

Insults in reference to Aegon's mother, which apparently are an extremely sensitive subject and almost something sacred to Dany's nephew Aegon. In the Freehold, by law, the words spoken on her non-wedding day by Viserys were punished with the loss of the tongue at the very least.

'Vis must be happy that it's only going to be a couple of months without talking and eating only porridge.'

Therefore, when Dany conversed with Viserys, she actually had monologues with her brother.

'It is not the house with the red door and the lemon tree at the door, nor is it anything I imagined from the stories Vis told me, but it is worth to me and it is a great improvement compared to my life until almost two moons ago.'

Aegon's inflexibility put together with the demand and toughness intrinsic to his command, although not without closeness to his subjects and subordinates, caused that in the first week of the march, around two thousand and five hundred Dothraki and another thousands of pentosis deserted from the army.

Upon hearing the news, his nephew simply replied that it was something to be expected and that it had taken a long time, looking as affected as if someone had told him that he had stepped on a leaf on the ground and it had stuck to his boot.

'Honestly, sometimes I think it is impossible to see him convey any emotion other than cold pent-up fury when the Dragon is awake. Or the perennial calculating, distant and dry attitude when in his role as Dragon King. Or his ever-present sadness and melancholy when he thinks he's out of sight. Only the very strange moments of effervescence and effusiveness when he was in a good mood, or in trust with the family, confirm to me that he is human.' Dany sometimes mused about her nephew

Three days after the massive desertion, in conjunction with some scattered remains of Drogo's broken khalasar, around eight thousand men ambushed them as they advanced along the eastern dragon road.

Not a single soldier or citizen of the Freehold of Valyria suffered any harm, or even participated in

the fray. That day was the second and last time so far that Dany had seen Aegon on top of the Black Dread.

Thanks to Bran, they knew leagues before reach the site of the ambush and of this. Causing deserters and Dothraki to come face to face with Balerion's unleashed fury.

It was an action that showed that Dany's non-wedding day was a mere display of power, next to the slaughter capable of numbing the senses, caused by the gigantic dragon on the day of the ambush. Of the eight thousand men who charged head-on and madly at the column, five minutes later, only ditches remained in the ground full of ash, with a nauseating aroma and suspended ash invading everything.

'It was like seeing snow with a thirty-degree temperature and a clear sky. Only that the snow was gray and the smell of scorched meat will be one that will never go away.'

Dany thought with disgust, trying to hold back the gag that came to her throat just remembering how the battlefield was left, if it could be called that. After the incident and the subsequent management of it by her nephew, no one even considered complaining about the brutal regime of march, training or security and isolation measures, which were practically draconian.

Of course, with Aegon, Jaime and Bran being the first ones to carry out the actions, followed reluctantly and silently by Viserys who spent day and night under Aegon's watchful eye and instruction, it was difficult to complain. If the four men of the dynasty did so without a complaint or show disgust 'Although I am sure that if Vis could speak, at some point he would have awakened the Dragon.' whom were their subjects to complain? It was not as if Aegon was exempt from the hardships, pains, and exhaustion that the rest of the more than thirty-five thousand people in the column suffered.

On the contrary. Her nephew was the first to do the most thankless tasks. Which curiously by the third week, began to turn Aegon into a practically revered figure.

Despite the healthy respect and fear Aegon instilled even in her, the soldiers under his direct command were filled with pride in serving under the Dragon's banner. Those middle commanders of the army, sergeants, men-at-arms, regimental captains and commanders of Thirds of Armies, who had been personally promoted during the march by Aegon, in some cases even arming them knights with lands or lords of the Freehold, practically kissed the ground where passed their Lord of Valyria. The youngest enlisted, both from Braavos, Pentos, as from the Dothrakis, felt superior to the rest of the world for the simple fact of having crossed swords a couple of times in a sparring with Aegon, or for having received congratulations or advice from this one.

But if there are loyalists to Aegon, those are the ones who made up the ever-seething hive of workers around the military apparatus. These were mostly laborers, armourers, blacksmiths, carpenters, officers, master stonemasons, stonemasons, masons, potters, chandlers, tanners, draperies, dyeers, shearers, menders, spinners, merchants, and peddlers. They not only held Aegon in high regard and image. Rather, for the most part, they felt indebted to him. They believed that thanks to Aegon, they had a new chance in life. And they would die, before than to see the one who created the entity that is allowing them this new life to be in danger.

'The Dragon and the Freehold of Valyria have given me reason to live.'

Dany recalled the words of the young woman who was Dany's age and who had been caring of her three sisters and two younger brothers since their parents died of fevers a couple years ago. Before her nephew's arrival to Braavos, Nyhelí, which was the girl's name, was being taught in the courtly arts and only a couple of moons away from being used for the first time by the highest bidder.

Now, Nyhelí was in charge of all the embroidery of banners, sigils on clothing and cloth, as well as the signal flags of the various units that were being created new in the army every day. She was now nicknamed by the people as The Spinner of the Dragons. The Freehold of Valyria had granted her in Valyria on the Rhoyne a plot of land of more than five hundred square meters, and she has a royal grace twice the size for Nyhelí's trade, along with the embroidery monopoly for House Targaryen in the future capital on the Rhoyne.

Nyhelí had gone from not having enough to feed her brothers and sisters, to earning almost two hundred thousand gold dragons a year since the eldest of her brothers now also was the squire of

the former Forel man-at-arms, current commander of thethird 3rd from the First army. Alexandratos Farnexius.

Dany had already lost count of similar stories she had heard. Or stories about how a person could not do their job due to lack of currency to start their own business or industry or craft. Or how because of the brutal competition posed by industries, crafts and commerce formerly in the hands of the Iron Bank and the Sealord of Braavos or the Pentos' magisters, forced them to close or end up being part of these, losing all work and personal independence in the process.

However, since the arrival of the Dragon, no one lacked coins or materials from the best quality to carry out their crafts and work, which had never been in such high demand. Their wages were exorbitant and almost all had chosen their lots of land in Valyria on the Rhoyne.

'These are the true citizens that Aegon and Bran always refer to me, when they explain to me the political-social idea behind the facade of the Freehold. People who have freed themselves from the middle step between power and them. And although they do not hold power by themselves, they are the ones who support the power, which in their defect supports them. These will be the people most loyal to me and my family, so I must always give my all in petitioner sessions and do it well. My safety and the future of the family is placed on these people. Which, in the same way, have freely linked their destinies to ours. I cannot fail them.' Dany reflected coldly and seriously her role in the dynasty and regarding the Freehold of Valyria.

Paying attention around her, Dany could see that she had already passed the army's forward observer line, which meant that she had galloped more than three miles. Pulling loosely on the reins, while running the right hand around Silver's neck, Dany slowed the pace, directing the silver mare towards a kind of pond that should been less than a mile from where she stood.

Dany sensed that there would be a pond because of the trees and vegetation of tall shrubs that seemed to be concentrated in that area and because also, since a couple of days ago they had left the dragon road to go southeast, perpendicular to the Rhoyne. Since then, the orography and the scenery was showing like this. The great dusty plains had given pass to undergrowth and low green vegetation, dotted with ponds, lagoons, and the occasional small streams running northeast. In turn, the terrain was constantly descending, although it was a progressive level descent, not at all abrupt.

'We are getting closer to Ny Sar and ending this march.' Dany was inwardly glad, appreciative of Aegon's geography lessons.

Aegon for his part, taught her every night, before leaving for the pavilion shared by the four men of the dynasty to sleep, the art of government and everything related to it. Something that according to him, both his father at his time, as his sister Visenya, were better teachers than him, since Aegon for what he served was to be a soldier, as a good second born.

'Or so Aegon says when he sighs explaining to me for the umpteenth time the workings of the accounting, ledgers and census tables. Unlike when he tells me with a smile and warm voice how

you can take advantage of the terrain located in such place to carry out a defense at all costs, or the orography that allowed to carry out a surprise ambush in such another place. Or when he speaks of legendary battles, or of his descendant Daeron the Young, or of the military exploits at the beginning of the Freehold, or of the wars in the Age of Heroes ... More than not knowing how to govern well, I am sure that Aegon loves the Art of War and as he says so well, war is the art of doing politics through arms.'

And that was something Dany couldn't understand at all about her nephew. That he would prefer the frenzy of an army in march and training, instead to be seated for infinite hours, debating on many occasions, totally innocuous matters.

In the opinion that Dany had formed thus far on both issues, it was comparatively much easier to govern than to command a military campaign.

'Not that any of the tasks are pleasant. But after a moon seeing the wear on Aegon, Jaime, Bran and Viserys, as well as the frantic and indefatigable pace that they carry, I feel happy to be the petitioner.'

A strange thing 'Or one of the many inexplicable things that I find in my three rescuers.' was that the three speak in the present tense about her brother Rhaegar and her sister-in-law Lyanna Targaryen.

In turn, Ser Jaime, whom Dany saw almost as little as Aegon, took advantage of every pause in her evening lessons with Aegon to tell Dany about her mother Rhaella. Whom Jaime also used to refer strangely in the present tense.

However, taking into account that although to a certain extent, Dany believed the fantastic story that they told her the day after her non-wedding with Drogo, she was convinced that the traumatic experiences experienced by the three, had caused them some emotional damage.

'I have seen what exile has done to Viserys. What will not do, go through the experiences that they have gone through?'

And one of those damages, Dany believed, was speaking in the present of those people for whom they felt great affection, but that except possibly in visions from Bran, or in the past of Jaime as was with her mother Rhaella, or Aegon's past as was the case with Visenya, they were not among the living.

'Furthermore, only in this way could Aegon's absent air and his inwardly withdrawal be explained.'

In Dany's opinion, Aegon was a person who with few exceptions, such as Bran or Jaime, kept everyone at a certain distance from him. Something that to a lesser extent, he also does it with her.

She mused to herself that the reasons for it stemmed from the fact that Aegon seemed to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. In the same way, there were times when an air of sadness and melancholy hung around him, which seemed to exclaim that deep down Aegon would surely rather be doing anything but what he was doing.

'Preparing the living beings to defeat the Darkness.'

However, as Aegon was the first to do what he demanded of all who were below him, he caused that from the army boot patcher, to Dany herself, after Bran, the highest authority from the Freehold of Valyria in the column, felt compelled to be on par with Aegon.

Her nephew 'And technically my many times grandfather.' was an enigma for Dany. They had never had a conversation alone that lasted more than five minutes, and these had almost always been on mundane and everyday topics. Usually Dany being asked by her nephew how she was that day, what she needed or what she wanted. Aegon also had a strange habit of messing Dany's hair when she did things the way they should be done and smiled at her with warmth and almost paternal pride on those occasions. Which on the face of a boy of five and ten days of the name, mentally misplaced her when she was the recipient of said expression. However, she was filled with pride by those external expressions of appreciation and affection, which from time to time, Aegon externalized in her direction.

Aegon showed great interest in Dany's well-being and had offered to teach her, if she ever felt like it, how to wield a sword. He had arranged all the comforts she wanted for her own pavilion during the march. For this, Aegon had assigned Dany four permanent guards who took turns between them to watch her and as if that were not enough, Aegon had given her the wonderful silver mare that she rode the night she re-entered Pentos as a free woman and a true Targaryen.

The Dothraki girls who were once a wedding gift, became waged servants under Dany's direct service. The two of them, as well as six others girls from Braavos, Pentos and one from Lys, making eight in all, were now maids and servants in Dany's service.

For now, due to the scarcity of these, they all shared a scribe and translators, but Aegon promised her that when he could provide for it, she would have one of her own at her service. In fact, Dany even had a seal, as well as red and black leaded wax, for her personal correspondence. In turn, a special representative of the Free Bank of Valyria was part of Dany's retinue, raising with this, to more than fourteen, the number of people who were following Dany in a procession wherever she moved, by orders emanating from her nephew.

'When you accepted the ring, you accepted these charges Daenerys. This is the weight of being who we are and having the responsibilities and duties that we have.' Were Aegon words when cajoling her to accept her retinue.

The red and black dragon egg, now in her possession, was also a gift from Aegon, and she knew it, despite his insistence that Balerion had chosen her as worthy of his hatchling. Dany would put it every night on the brazier in her pavilion, feeling it a little more alive every day.

'I know Aegon is trying, in his own way, to boost my self-esteem and my self-confidence, while showing me affection in any way he can. I don't even need Jaime or Bran to tell me that.' Dany thought smiling to herself, knowing that if she asked either of them, they would answer her questions.

She went from having hardly any clothes, to having six chests filled to the brim of the best cloths, fabrics and silks that gold could buy in Pentos. A gold tiara with the rampant three-headed dragon in emeralds was made expressly for her before leaving Pentos. Being a gift courtesy of the now Federated City to their recently named favorite daughter. Appointment for her stay for more than half a year in the city and that in addition to the tiara, carried a whole chest of jewels for her.

'Although they didn't even remember Viserys presence in their city.' Dany recalled with a certain bittersweet taste, knowing now that it was a maneuver to win the good graces of Aegon, after their fiasco on the day of Mopatis' trial.

Aside from the fact that Aegon was a person who cared for the health and well-being of his family, Dany knew little else about Aegon that the rest of the citizens and soldiers marching in the infinite column to the east did not.

Dany knew that Aegon was already married and that he loved his sister-wife Rhaenys madly.

'Who, technically, is my many times grandmother. Will she be closer and more affectionate than Aegon?' Dany wondered.

She knew that Aegon loved Rhaenys with all his heart. It was easy to see when listening to him talk about her when they were both teenagers in the life of the Dragon, or when he spoke with excitement and impatience of what Nys would have arranged in Ny Sar for when they arrived. When talking about his wife, Dany's nephew seemed to shed his sad and sorrowful aura, to give a permanent dazzling smile if Rhaenys was the center of the conversation. As if that weren't enough, looking at some of the fresh mints from Braavos, there was little doubt. In Fugger's words, one in five golden dragons possessed Dany's niece's face, entitling her as Rhaenys Targaryen, Dragon, Lady of Valyria and Queen of the Andals, Rhoynar, and First Men in Valyrian, Bastard Valyrian, and Common Tongue.

Niece and many times grandmother, of whom Jaime did not stop telling Dany things as soon as he had the chance, even if Dany didn't ask about Rhaenys.

'I think Jaime feels more like Rhaenys' father, than the Princess' Protector from the songs.'

Dany thought with certain jealousy towards her niece, seeing that despite living in exile like her, and removing Rhaenys' own death, and be part of Visenya's ritual, Rhaenys at least had a father figure to look upon to and to take care of her.

'And not just Jaime. Also my half-brother's uncle and the smuggler and his family. Next to that, Viserys is poor company and guide.'

Dany also knew that Aegon regarded his cousin Arya as his little sister of other blood. Although no one has ever specified Dany, if Aegon does love her in the same way that he loves his Haedar. And it was something that neither Bran knew, or did not want to answer Dany.

'Everything is and will be as it should be.' was the answer she always got from her betrothed when inquiring about Aegon's love life.

About her nephew, Dany also knew that accompanying the column they were to link with, was Aegon's albino direwolf. This was one of the pups given birth, according to Bran, by a gigantic she-direwolf who was taller than Bran himself, and whose litter had given a pup for Dany's nephew and for each one of the Starks siblings.

Although it is not that since the talk explaining the events of the last seven moons, there would have been a lot of time to think or talk about sentimental matters. Or even get to know each other better. Simply put, Aegon spent more time with Jaime, Bran, and even Viserys than with her, due to the tasks and duties Dany performed. And that was something that was clearly evident from the day after her non-wedding with the Khal. The day of Mopatis' trial. Day which now seemed to have been a lifetime ago although really only a little more than one moon had passed since. From that day on, Dany was engulfed in a whirlwind of frenzied activity. Activities that on many occasions, were the first time in her life that she carried out.

Dany was learning that in order to carry out entreprises of the ambitions and magnitude like the ones Aegon had, it was essential to be continuously on top of the actions that one took, as well as constantly monitoring the situation and context in which they occurred.

From having no idea of politics, ruling over people, or governing, she was beginning to have some basic understanding of what was necessary to perform those tasks.

'A king who cares for all his subjects, from the greatest to the lesser of them. A king who understands that the more those under his aegis prosper, the better off he will do. Although this requires a sense of duty and perseverance, which I do not know if I am capable of having.'

Dany could well tell that she was learning from this by force. The first thing they were confronted with after their trial of Mopatis, was the Pentos council of magisters and the prince of the city asking Aegon's intentions regarding the former Free City. Prince that the second thing he did as soon as he introduced himself, was to ask for Daenerys' hand.

The fact that Pentos was a city practically dependent on Braavos, and that the latter in turn now was a domain of the Freehold of Valyria, ruled by Aegon and dependent on Aegon's own House, allowed the negotiations of marital aspirations to be quickly removed, to give place to aspirations of mere survival as a semi-independent entity.

Before nightfall on the seventh day of the eleventh moon of two hundred and ninety-seven after the conquest, in Pentos were already waving for the first time in its history, several banners with the scarlet three-headed rampant dragon on a black field in its walls and port. That same night, Pentos would dusk as a Federated Free City to the Freehold of Valyria and this time for true, free from slavery and servitude.

But this occurrence, despite the success of the political negotiations and the rapid submission of Pentos, signaled, in Aegon's opinion, a problem that would not fail to arise and which in certain instances could not be easily denied, or without the possible repercussions, as in Pentos case.

And Dany's betrothed Bran recalled that despite the marriage of Aegon's mother with Dany's brother, the Pact of Ice and Fire stipulated a Targaryen bride, for a groom of house Stark.

Therefore, the farce of commitment between Dany and Bran serve not only to avoid repeated requests to her hand, but also to satisfy the North.

'At least until the Long Night and the terrible winter that may come after that, if we survive the former.'

'And that's how I have finished with Brandon Stark as betrothed, until he is sixteen days of the name. A moment that between us we will decide if we want to get married or not. Or if do we want to continue with the engagement charade.'

Dany muttered to herself, spurring Silver into a brisk trot, hugging the back of the silver mare with her aching and numb legs.

After more than thirty days on a horse for more than twelve hours a day, Dany was becoming, thanks to Irri, Jaime and Bran, an excellent rider. However, and to her great dismay when confirmed by her betrothed, with whom she shared that misery, the pains that accompanied the long riding marches would not subside until well into half a dozen moons. Or so Jaime had said to him, and then Bran to her.

'The day in Pentos after my non-wedding, I thought it was tiring riding half a dozen kilometers. How little did I know about anything a moon ago.'

She thought with certain internal self-contempt, knowing well how her life had changed since two days before leaving Pentos, leading along her nephew, her betrothed and her half-brother, a column of more than thirty five thousand people, with infinite amount in building materials, as well as food, cattle and animals, heading east.

To avoid cases similar to the first negotiations with Dany present as part of House Targaryen, Aegon became betroth to his cousin Arya Stark. In the event that Arya so wishes, when she has six and ten days of her name or she is flowered and want to consummate the betrothal, they would marry. Something that according to Bran, he did not believe would happen, but he did not rule it out completely. He argued that his sister and Dany's possible future sister-in-law, Arya, did not have it in her to marry. Not even with Aegon, of whom Bran did say, was the only man her sister would consider as a husband.

'If that girl Arya uses that yardstick when looking for a man, I think she's always going to fall short. There is no one like him. Only him.'

Dany thought the latter somewhat resigned and saddened, letting out a sigh knowing that the man she would like to be betrothed to, was absolutely out of her reach.

'Whether for blood rituals, prophecies or entire lives by his side, I have nothing to do against Aegon's sisters. And although I now know that the relationship with Visenya was never as cold as it was painted, it was not the same relationship that Aegon has with Rhaenys or could have with Arya. And since thanks to him I can choose my future, I have to forget about a man who, at most, would see me as a third option. I don't want to be his new Visenya.'

Because of her engagement to Brandon Stark, not a day after she was about to marry Drogo, Dany find herself writing a parchment to Lord Stark, describing herself as person and assuring him that she would honor the engagement for as long as it lasted. In the same way, Aegon and Bran wrote separate letters, referring to the same subject.

All of this really was another farce to justify the eight million of golden dragons that the Freehold of Valyria had destined for the kingdom of Aegon's maternal uncle.