When Blackfyre finished the descending arc at Bessaro Reyaan's fat neck, the only sound that echoed throughout the amphytheather was the muffled thump of the head as it made contact with the now-moistened stone. The blood, as red as summer wine, soon puddled around the severed head.
Looking away from the edge of his sword covered in the blood of the late Keyholder, Aegon could see to his left that Arya, although she pretended not to be, was somewhat shocked at everything she had seen.
Despite the fact that Aegon's little sister had been present when he dispensed justice after the disorders that occurred when the Free Folk arrived at the Wall, what Arya have experienced today must have been the bloodiest experience to which she had been exposed in her almost two and ten days of her name. The presence of at least fourteen lifeless bodies, added to another ten men who were in their last throes of life around the place and the strange black stone, testified to the violence unleashed by the greed of some of the Braavosi.
And Arya seemed to be responding to her first near-war experience the best that could be expected from a girl her age. She was pale and her skin was sweaty, clutching to Nymeria's neck as if her life depended on it. Meanwhile Aegon's little sister's eyes seemed unable to move away from the plump head on the stone floor.
'Sooner or later she had to lose her innocence about the world she lives in. Now is not the time for you to go to comfort her. Now is the time to confront the surviving loan sharks and make it clear to
them who you are and what will happen to Braavos from now on. Now you can't be the bastard big brother. Now you have to be THE DRAGON. You already had been, will you be able to do it again?' a voice inside Aegon's head challenged him, at the moment that he thought of going to hug Arya and try to offer her shelter.
It was a voice that he knew at first was not his. But the lines that marked borders between the two personalities inhabiting within him, in these last two moons, had become increasingly blurred.
'I no longer even know who my father figure is. My uncles Daemon and Eddard, under whose guidance and advice I have found myself half my life? The stoic and distant Aerion? Or the close and at times caring Rhaegar?' Aegon wondered sadly to himself, as he looked back at the thick blood dripping from the edge of his sword.
What on the day of his name, and even after Bloodraven's cave, seemed to be clear lines of where Aegon ended and The Conqueror began, was no longer the case at the present moment.
At some point in his previous life, or in this new life, Aegon's voice and that of the Conqueror began to become one.
Egg couldn't tell when, if any, was the moment that the voices become one. Or maybe it was that after becoming aware of the reality of his situation, he began to see things differently.
Maybe it was the fact of knowing that those lines that he thought existed from the moment he appeared on the slope of the Dragonmont, never existed. Maybe, from the first moment, the two voices were always the same and one.
That voice, very similar to his own but without the northern touch and always speaking in High Valyrian, was that of Aegon Targaryen; The First of my Name, The Conqueror, The Dragon.
'Who also turns out I was, am and will be.' He thought wryly, making an internal grimace and imperceptibly shaking of his head, while he extended Blackfyre to the impassive Bran who was a couple of steps behind him and to his right, to clean the sword.
'I wonder if there is something capable of impressing Branraven.' The Conqueror commented to him in passing and with considerable reservations, when they observed the absolute tranquility in the childlike face of the Three-Eyed Raven.
This impression only increased when Aegon's brother grasped the hilt of the bastard sword, taller than the child himself and whose blade was smeared with blood, with total poise and coldness between his two hands. A gesture that according to everything Bran had told Aegon, and what he himself suspected, made him agree with The Dragon.
'My Valonqar have moments that is capable of deeply disturbing me. Of course, with Ser Jaime Bran could have been a little more tactful.' Aegon thought remembering the family revelation that morning, affirming to his past self.
While it was true that his father Rhaegar and uncle Aemon had brought Aegon up to date on the history of house Targaryen that he did not know firsthand due to the contempt for everything Targaryen in the North since the year of his birth, If there was something about growing up as a bastard of House Stark, it was that he knew the history of said house like few people. And of course if there were ruthless kings, those were the Winter Kings.
And if Bran was experiencing at least half of what Aegon was, his little brother was sharing the boots of THE WINTER KING. Something that when the jovial and full of life Bran appeared one
was unable to associate with the mythical Builder. Possibly the best known person on Planetos along with Azor Ahai, the Last Hero, the Emperor of the Dawn, or Aegon himself in his previous journey through life.
However, seeing it from that last point of view Aegon could understand that just as he had a childhood in both lives, the fucking Builder must have had it in his first life as well. 'The only thing that happens is that in this life he is my squire and my little brother.'
Coming out of his thoughts, Aegon straightened up as much as the accumulated fatigue of five days and four nights without barely any rest would allow him. He had doozed a couple of loose nods on top of Balerion or in an uncomfortable chair at the Green Eel, but nothing else.
The overexertion on Aegon's right shoulder the day before in the House of Black and White, coupled with the public sparring with the sons of the now called Ser Davos Seaworth, was crying out for him to remove the armor. It seemed to weigh, after five days of being inlaid in it almost uninterruptedly, as if it were steel- plate armor.
'Your body now, is not the mine when I was twenty-two days of my name. You may be able to do the same things I did, and faster than me. But you still don't have the stamina, the height, or the strength that I came to had.' The voice of the Conqueror rang out with some arrogance whitin himself.
Before Aegon could question himself, it seemed that the Dragon noticed the forms in wich he had expressed and Aegon's disagreement to The Dragon's recent statement.
'But nothing that with training and the passage of the years you will not have.' The voice of Valaena's son resounded inside him, with warmth at the same time that The Dragon voluntarily cut the connection shared between them.
This allowed Aegon to refocus on what was before him. Despite his fatigue, the Gods, Fate or luck, had given him a golden opportunity to not only do what they originally planned, but to do it in the closest way to the ideal of their plans. 'With hardly any great landowners, fortunes or nobility between the common people and us.' Aegon thought with a certain internal glee as he fixed his gaze on the few figures huddled together next to the rubble of what until just moments ago, had been the left side of the monumental building.
At first, Aegon had no thought of resorting to Balerion. And to tell the truth, he almost remains faithful to that initial approach. But seeing the carnage that was taking place between the Magistrates and Keyholders themselves, if neither of these ended up surviving to tell the reality of what happened, the people of Braavos would never believe that Aegon and his family were only acting in reaction to an attack.
And trying to recreate the Freehold from those who had fled the Freehold, thinking these that they had been subjected and enslaved again, was not the best guarantee for the final success of Aegon's enterprise.
Not to mention, that not even in the best of Aegon's dreams would it have occurred to him that his appearance would justify a betrayal and power struggle between the braavosi magistrates and Keyholders.
But if the Conqueror 'Or myself.' was right about something, it's that the circumstance presented the ideal moment to ensure the total submission of Braavos. So he had to be THE DRAGON.
"It's all good, little wolf. You have done well, I am sure your brother is proud of you." Aegon
heard the sweet voice of his mother who had approached Arya and was hugging her at the moment. A Scene that moved Aegon, and that was about to make him join the hug.
As if she had been waiting for that moment to intervene, Rhaenys stepping decidedly in Aegon's direction, decided to make herself noticed. Although she seemed to show the same doubt that seemed to be on the face of Aegon's grandmother, Ser Jaime, Lord Gerion and even the Seaworth brothers, it seemed that above all, Rhae wanted to make sure he was okay.
Practically throwing herself at him, assuming Aegon would obviously grab her, Rhaenys wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.
"[Are you okay? For a moment I thought they were going to kill us all.]" she said softly in Aegon's ear with a certain tremor in her voice. Something he responded giving her a loving kiss.
After the breathlessly kiss, Rhaenys fixed her deep purple eyes on Aegon's eyes, looking for a moment as those of Rhae's dragon, Meraxes.
'That look doesn't bode well Jon ... I keep arguing that you should have told Rhae the whole plan. Not only part of the plan.' The Conqueror seemed to take advantage of the occasion, sensing like him, what would come now from their Hāedar.
"[Aegon, can you tell me what the hells was this all about? Did you know from the beginning that we were coming into an ambush? And by the Seven Hells, what the hells was that little act with Dale, Allard and the Faceless Man?!]" Hissed Aegon's sister's High Valyrian like a whip. With a calm tone only audible to him, but with an edge of aggressiveness to it.
Only to the sons of his new advisor on naval matters, in a way Aegon had put them on notice of what was going to happen. Being the only new members of his new entourage who were fully aware of the plan. And that by way of distraction and to strengthen the realism of the farce, at that moment they would have their test fighting against him to be King'sguard and Sworn Sword respectively.
And both Dale in the first, and Allard in the second, had been more than apt. Without a doubt he could tell that they had been trained and polished to exhaustion by his uncle Jaime, although very far from Jaime's level.
'Hells, my uncle would possibly put me in a tight spot. I may be faster than him, but his blows have a much greater range than mine. It is the situation of the Dragon with Senya, but in reverse.' Aegon now thought, after observing firsthand the handling of the sword by his Lord Commander
and uncle, before focusing again on his sister in front of Aegon.
"[Oh my sweet Haedar, didn't I anticipate that they would attempt against our life? Or have not all those capable of wielding a weapon come dressed in steel from head to toe?]" Aegon answered calmly, returning a look daring her to deny the reality of what he was saying.
"[Yes...]" Rhaenys replied with a certain resignation and lowering her gaze a little. Although it was only momentary, as the fire and the challenge returned to Rhae's gesture and her gaze. "[But it has never occurred to you to mention that you have somehow gotten the most renowned assassins on the world to be at your service. It has never occurred to you to mention that we were going to see a bloodbath.]" Rhaenys replied this time in a higher tone, which was heard by everyone present around them.
Looking askance, Aegon could see that fortunately the braavosi were not yet in range to hear them, so now he responded to his sister, really answering the doubt of all of those unaware of the plan.
Those were Aegon's grandmother, his grandmother's lover, his uncle and his sister.
["If my eyesight is correct, even my mother has helped father. And Ser Uncle, despite the possible surprise in the form of our friends the assasins, like father, had protected exceptionally well the family. I don't know where you see the problem Hāedar. We are all safe and one step closer to our final goal.]"
Aegon answered to his wife in a rather cynical way, without really answering the question that he knew was implicit in the question of Rhae. 'Why haven't you told us the whole plan?' while with a squeeze of Aegon's left hand on the waist and an almost imperceptible gesture with his gaze, Aegon let her know that it was time to get down from where she was, to resume her role as sister- wife of the Dragon, because the survivors of the meeting were aproaching .
"[Your Grace, if you'll excuse me, your answer don't explain a shit. And if you allow me to tell you, if you often mount such antics, it will be impossible for me in the long run to protect you from danger.]" Ser Jaime told him bluntly. Telling Aegon what he wanted without waiting for Aegon's permission to tell.
Aegon certainly liked his new uncle. If there was something he hated in the previous life, it was the continued submission of everyone and the absence of someone who was capable of opposing him.
And although both of his sisters before, as now his parents, brother and sister, had fulfilled that role of opposing him, Aegon knew perfectly well that possibly with the exception of Bran, they would abide by his final word.
His uncle Jaime was a breath of fresh air in Aegon's command style and he appreciated it. Outlining a half smile while raising his right eyebrow, Aegon directed the gaze to Ser Jaime who was with his grandmother and Lord Gerion in line.
"You'll see Ser Jaime" Aegon replied in common tongue, while Rhae unhooked herself from him, getting back on her feet "We forgot to inform you that before visiting the Iron Bank, we made a short visit to the extinct House of Black and White." Aegon concluded shrugging the arms in the direction of his family.
Aegon knew however that this explanation would not be enough, so before the usurers arrived at the place where the whole family was gathered, on the right side of the hemicycle, he decided to tell everything
"From the moment father and I decided that Braavos would be our starting point in Essos, we had clear that before doing anything we should eradicate the assasins or add them to our cause. After a friendly exchange, the Kindly Man, Jaqen and a couple of acolytes, decided to join our cause. Even helping us to discharge their former comrades." Aegon continued his explanation nonchalantly, addressing those before him.
Aegon's grandmother let out a deep "Oh" of surprise while staring hard at his father Rhaegar whom had returned to his mother and Arya's side after ordering the Faceless Man to gather the survivors.
It seemed that her grandmother Rhaella had found it as funny as Rhaenys or Ser Jaime to not being aware of everything. But both his father, like him, knew that it was a necessity that not everyone present was aware of it.
"And why couldn't you tell us?" his sister Rhaenys inquired Aegon again, in common tongue and
in a calmer and less indignant tone than before.
Although Rhaegar was also Rhaenys's father and at that time Egg would have been delighted that
his wife's question was asked to him, it seemed that Rhae wanted the answers from Aegon himself.
"Because the ambush towards us had to look real. It's hard to be surprised if you know something beforehand. If those involved do not believe they were succeeding, they would have never revealed to us that they have warned Myr, Tyrosh and Volantis." Suddenly understanding flashed in Rhae's eyes, who seemed to quickly understand the reasons for the mummery just carried out.
In view of the fact that the braavosi usurers were already within range to hear him, he decided to use the high Valyrian and his Dragon tone again, talking with cold and metallic voice "[And because knowing the way of operating of the bankers and usurers of this city, it was clear that the first thing they would turn to, would be the fucking Faceless Man. Therefore it was imperative that the desperate reactions could be real and those involved could never come to realize that the ringleaders of their conspiracy have been dead since last night.]"
"[Did you know this was going to happen?]" inquired in a tone that was certainly not appreciative, but not exactly aggressive, the one Aegon thought he identified as Tendyris. Although he had found it difficult to stay with whom was who.
"[Excuse me, but unfortunately I have not been able to retain the names of all the attendees at this meeting.]" Aegon replied in a voice that could freeze a flame of the world, as he fixed his eyes on the man.
Without giving the braavosi the option to reply, Aegon added acidly and aggressively, "[Meeting, where, don't be naive, from the beginning and as well as your colleagues have shown, it was intended to end my life and that of my family. This kind of attack is what I suspected and knew before arriving in this city. And this is what happened.]"
Aegon paused, looking around, letting the scene show the truth of his words,
"[But I never knew or imagined that your colleagues wanted to get rid of you too and I have not had a hand in this. No member of the Targaryen family, or dependents of it, have raised a hand against you. Save your indignation for your deceased colleagues.]" Aegon sentenced harshly and fiercely.
"[Tendyris, you know perfectly well that you have only been attacked by the men of the Volentin and Water Dancers. His Grace has acknowledged having the Faceless Men under his control, however they have not acted against anyone except those who have attacked the Targaryen family.]" added Ser Jaime to Aegon's reply, with a lot of reproach in the voice, at the same time confirming for Aegon the identity of the braavosi.
For a moment Aegon had forgotten that his uncle had been in almost permanent contact with the men who were present at the meeting for the last year. Aegon had noticed how before the sudden intervention of Ser Jaime, the bald water dancer with the beak nose made a small gesture of greeting and respect towards Ser Jaime, who responded.
"[And are we supposed to take the word of an unscrupulous mercenary from Tyrosh who up until yesterday was defending the Sealord, and who has been in half of the Essos mercenary companies? Who has Aucturum defended today? And tomorrow?]" the most obese braavosi survivor snapped in disgust and aggression towards Ser Jaime, showing a deep cut on his left shoulder.
The obese braavosi then turned the gaze towards Aegon, bowing slightly as he turned towards him.
"[Your grace, this scum does not deserve to be part of your entourage. You may not know what kind of scum it is, but I do. Even in Braavos there have been rumors of how he killed in cold blood those who were paying him in Myr.]" proclaimed the plump Braavosi, with a voice that was intended to please.
"[Izembaro, you better be careful how you address me and what you say about me. Qarro is no longer here to defend you...]" Ser Jaime uttered almost gutturally, as he began to bring the right hand towards Brightroar's hilt.
Everything about the obese man, from his demeanor to his manner, disgusted Aegon deeply. But despite having insulted and questioned the honesty of his uncle Ser Jaime, this did not give Aegon the power to eliminate him. Although the mention of what had happened in Myr had intrigued him, before the situation escalated, Aegon had decided to step in and stop the discussion.
Now he could not allow personal troubles to be settled. Aegon hadn't come to discuss Ser Jaime's past actions. He had come to take over the Iron Bank and, if possible, establish the first province of the Freehold in Essos.
However at the moment that he was about to intervene and Ser Jaime began to draw his mythical greatsword, Rhaenys was ahead of him.
"[Ser Jaime sheath your sword immediately.]" His sister's imperious hissed Valyrian echoed while she put the right hand on their uncle's left shoulder. Rhaenys then pointed with the index of the left hand at the plump braavosi. "[Izembaro, from now on you will address my uncle as Prince Ser Jaime Targaryen, His Excellency, or Lord Commander. What Ser Jaime did or didn't do in Myr is none of your business.]" Rhaenys stated fiercely.
'Undoubtedly, like your mother, they both have decided that Ser Jaime is as much of the family as the one that most with an amazing ease.' The Dragon commented to him in passing, as Aegon observed the barely noticeable contraction in his uncle Jaime's body when he was publicly enunciated for the first time in the life as a Targaryen.
In an almost imperceptible gesture for the people who were not accostumed to her, Aegon's sister closed the eyes for the blink of an eye. The roar of Meraxes did not take long in being heard, echoing in the skies while eddies of air produced around them with the descent of the dragon on the hemicycle.
While this was happening, Rhae had fixed her gaze on the fat braavosi. Aegon's sister's face seemed relaxed, wearing a bright smile and a relaxed attitude. Placing herself a couple of steps ahead of Aegon and Ser Jaime, interposing herself between the braavosis and them, Rhaenys addressed them in the most mellow voice she had, to everyone present in general, rather than to the plump man who had pending concerns with Jaime in particular.
"[To the next disrespect to my family, I Rhaenys Targaryen, swear that my dragon,]" intoned Rhaenys, while pointing with the left hand at the silver and purple being that was perching heavily and awkwardly on the eaves of the mural, destroying part of it in the maneuver "[will show you the meaning of the words Fire and Blood.]" Rhae sentenced in such a way that even instilled a certain respect in Aegon.
Aegon sister's reaction did not surprise him at all. If Rhaenys possessed something in the previous life, was internal fire to defend those she loved. 'And it seems that Ser Jaime has earned my sister's infinite love and esteem.' Aegon reflected.
'Senya being the one who wore the armor and sword was the one who took the fame of implacable
and ruthless. Everyone tends to forget, thanks to Rhae's devotion to the arts, that our Haedar was responsible for being the first person to ever use dragon fire on Westerosi soil.' The Conqueror contributed from within him.
Their father Rhaegar, apparently did not expect such a reaction from his daughter, something that was very clear by Rhaegar's half-open mouth and eyes that bulged out like saucers. Reaction that seemed to replicate Aegon's mother. Who, if he had read well the situation, had some apprehension and fear towards Rhaenys.
'If you take something of your mother in something, it must be in the continuous feeling of guilt you have. I have no doubt that your mother feels guilty about what happened to Rhae's mother in this life and that she certainly knows what she means to us. Fortunately, Rhaenys has never been spiteful, nor was your mother to blame. Without a doubt your father Rhaegar, sooner or later, will be faced by Rhae in the same way that he was faced by you. ' the Dragon analyzed quickly.
Knowing what Aegon knew about both women, without a doubt his other self was right in everything he had said, but still ... 'A talk alone between my mother and her, or even, with my grandmother and them, could come in handy.' Aegon wondered when he saw that his grandmother Rhaella, like him, was judging the reactions of the family, rather than those of the braavosis, to the words of Rhaenys.
His grandmother for now, was a mystery to Aegon. What he knew about her through his father, portrayed an adorable and loving mother, but meek, shy, insecure and without any internal fire. What Aegon had seen in the day that had elapsed since they were introduced, except for the first two points possibly, did not resemble at all with the woman who now was a couple of steps to Aegon's right side, next to Bran, Lord Gerion, the Seaworth brothers, Summer and Ghost.
For his part, Gerion Lannister seemed to have internalized the message Aegon had sent him by inviting Tywin's brother to this meeting. The paleness and sweat on the Laughing Lion's forehead showed that he would think twice rather than betray them.
Arya on the other hand, now seemed to have come out of the slumber she had fallen into after the Braavosi ambush to look with admiring eyes at Rhaenys.
'Good. Rhaenys has the same or more things than Senya to admire. Maybe the two of them are able to have a good relationship.' Aegon was internally excited, hoping that a good relationship would emerge between the love of his life and his little sister. Otherwise it could add unnecessary stress and trouble to his already stressfull situation.
"I think threats are not necessary, Your Grace." Nestoris's uncle enunciated in a defeated way, bringing Aegon out of his musings "After what happened with our colleagues and with the power that your family has, you have us at your mercy. If you want, you could eradicate us from the face of the world and take over the city. Nobody and nothing will prevent it. With our death, you would completely decapitate the power hierarchy in Braavos and it would be all yours." Concluded the Braavosi magistrate, practically without emotion in his tone, as he gazed blankly at Rhaenys.
'They consider themselves sentenced.'Aegon thought with a certain bitterness. Although the expressions of the Braavosi varied, after Rhaenys' threat it seemed that someone had sucked the life out of them. They were fevered and timorous expressions on haggards skins and foreheads beaded with cold sweat. Stares lost or focused on the ground, unable to focus on anything more than it took to blink.
The escalation of tensions has to be stopped immediately in a peaceful way. Although it should appear that what came next seemed like punishment and a warning against future attempts of this
type. Surely they would think that the logical thing after what had just happened, would be the summary execution of all the survivors. Those who, such and how things were at the time could be considered the only hindrance to implanting their new domain.
And this was something that was totally out of Aegon's plans. 'Had I wanted to eliminate the entire ruling class, I would have done so before reaching these extremes. I need Braavosis running Braavos.'
However, the fact that the survivors had been attacked by their colleagues for voting in favor of his proposal, that didn't automatically make them allies or people to blindly trust.
That is why Aegon remembered the words he had spoken when said goodbye to the management of the Iron Bank the night before. Although Aegon really intended to carry out what had planned from the beginning even if there had not been a double betrayal, the braavosis did not know this and could consider Aegon's behavior and judgment as punishment and warning for the attempt against him and his family. Therefore, that way Aegon was going to dramatize it.
After taking a long stride, catching up with his sister Rhaenys, Aegon stared hard at the seven survivors, who seemed totally resigned.
Pointing with his right hand index, in a cold and dry voice, Aegon spoke. "[Nestoris, you were present at the meeting with us yesterday, is that true?]" addressing a pale Tycho Nestoris who, as it seemed, was more visibly shaken by the betrayal of his fellow braavosis rather than by Aegon's question.
"[That's right, Your Grace. But I don't understand what it has to do with the current situation. All of us present here have voted in favor of your proposal thanks to that discussion and my presence in it... ]" Tycho answered hesitantly, looking at the ground and crossing the hands as he did so.
Without allowing Nestoris to conclude with what the usurer was planning to say, Aegon cut him off curtly. "[Do you remember when I said goodbye what I said would happen if my family or I were attacked?]"
Tycho Nestoris's eyes widened while swallow, apparently remembering the words Aegon had spoken to them, then nodded slightly.
"[And what were my words?]" Aegon asked coldly, with steel and threat linking each word.
"[That the terms of the negotiation would not be so generous if an incident of that nature
happened.]" replied Tycho Nestoris with trembling and broken voice.
'Without a doubt after this, they definitely think that I'm going to eradicate them all.'Aegon reflected as he saw Nestoris's uncle increasingly pale and sweaty face, which seemed to begin to look more decomposed if possible.
Aegon glanced at the survivors of the ambush, noting that few had emerged unscathed from the skirmish in the ancient stone hemycicle.
"[And so it will be.]" Aegon sentenced with steel and coldness in his voice.
As Aegon glanced at his father, Rhaegar responded with a gesture of doubt. A slight shake of Aegon's eyes was all it took to convey that he was not going to take any further action against the braavosi. He was only thinking of demonstrating and staging who the new Lord of Braavos was.
Addressing the braavosi, Aegon asked them dryly, "[You now are the only ones with right to vote
for Sealord, aren't you?]"
After looking beteween each other in surprise, Tendyris seemed to regain some composure in the survivors. "[So it is, Your Grace.]" The braavosi replied in a way that pretended to be carefree and close, but bound in trembling.
Nodding with his head, Aegon addressed the survivors again. "[In view that there are none, choose candidates.]" he ordered nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders and extending the palms of the hands to the front.
The message seemed to have gotten through quickly, as the braavosi formed a circle among themselves and began to debate in barely audible tones.
Taking advantage of the impasse, Aegon turned in the direction of the black mahogany table, under which a child of no more than two and ten days of the name was huddled.
"[Scribe, what's your name?]" Aegon asked in a warm tone, although without losing an iota of his imperativity.
The boy looked at Aegon with a face of surprise and horror in equal parts. The boy's almond- shaped eyes had widened and a slight tremor seemed to have invaded him.
Aegon's mother seemed to read what he was trying to do and the state in which the boy was, taking a couple of steps in the direction of the table that was close to her.
With a relaxed and cordial gesture, Lyanna addressed the boy "[I imagine you know who my son is and who are we with him.] " Aegon's mother said in a sweet voice, in the best High Valyrian she could pronounce.
The scribe nodded, beginning to relax his posture as he stepped out of the cover provided by the black mahogany table.
"[Perfect. Would you like to be our scribe from now on?]" Aegon's mother asked the boy again.
The boy looked at the braavosis, looked at the bodies, looked at Aegon and finally, focused the gaze on Meraxes. After that, the boy returned to place the eyes on Aegon's mother's and said in a small voice "[Yes.]"
"[Great. Later we will discuss your exact salary and position. But first, you must swear the double oath before my son to the Freehold and to my House.]" Aegon's mother replied, making the gesture with her head that the boy approach to Aegon.
After getting to his feet on shaky legs, the young scribe advanced in Aegon's direction, trying not to stumble, it seemed. When the young scribe arrived in front of him, the boy who must be shorter than Bran knelt down.
From the prostrate position, the young scribe looked at Aegon with a certain fear in the almond- shaped eyes. Hesitantly, with just a small voice, the boy addressed him "[Your Grace, it is not my intention to offend you, but I do not know the double oath that your mother speaks of.]"
Gently pressing his left hand on the scribe's shoulder, Aegon gave the boy a warm smile and gaze. "[Don't worry. First tell me your name and then repeat after me.]" he said closely, but without losing the steel inherent in his tone.
"[Thucydides Parmeion is my name, Your Grace.]" the boy replied with a firmer voice than before.
Aegon nodded at the boy's words and began to intone.
"I Thucydides Parmeion,"
"I Thucydides Parmeion,"
"I swear allegiance and eternal fidelity to the Freehold of Valyria, abiding by its laws and my duties as a citizen of it."
"I swear allegiance and eternal fidelity to the Freehold of Valyria, abiding by its laws and my duties as a citizen of it."
"I swear allegiance and eternal fidelity to House Targaryen under whose protection I will be, and which I will never betray."
"I swear allegiance and eternal fidelity to House Targaryen under whose protection I will be, and which I will never betray."
"Home, heart and harvest, I yield to you, my Lord. Grant mercy to our weak, help to our defenseless, and justice to all, and I will never fail you."
"Home, heart and harvest, I yield to you, my Lord. Grant mercy to our weak, help our defenseless, and justice to all, and I will never fail you."
"I swear it by The Fourteen, The Old and New Gods and The Mother Rhoyne." "I swear it by The Fourteen, The Old and New Gods and The Mother Rhoyne." "I swear it by Earth and Water."
"I swear it by Earth and Water."
"I swear by Ice and Fire."
"I swear by Ice and Fire."
"If I fail to fulfill this double oath,"
"If I fail to fulfill this double oath,"
"My life is to be extinguished."
"My life is to be extinguished."
"[Rise up as a citizen of the Freehold of Valyria and a subject of house Targaryen, Thucydides Parmeion, Scribe of the Lord of Valyria.]" Aegon patted the boy affectionately on the same shoulder that had been gently squeezing, indicating that it was time for the young scribe to rise.
"[Now Thucydides, get ready to record the vote for Sealord.]" Aegon ordered, but without sounding too ironclad. 'If he's going to spend all day taking notes of what is being discussed in my presence, he cannot be terrified of me.' Aegon thought with some frustration as he noticed a slight shrinkage in the scribe when nodded.
After that, the boy headed back to the position he had occupied during the meeting, unfolding a couple of scrolls of parchment as he repositioned the overturned inkwell.
When Aegon saw that the young scribe was already at his post, he looked at his father who nodded slightly with the head, after which Aegon went back to the gathered braavosi.
"[I imagine you have already decided who is going to present, right? Well, apply and vote.]", he declared in a way that did not admit discussion or objection, interrupting the improvised discussion between the remaining magistrates and Keyholders.
The braavosis looked at each other, first surprised and then confused. 'This is certainly not what they expected after the promise of punishment in case of action against me. But none of these men had really done anything against my family, or against me.'
If Aegon followed the gazes of the survivors, they all pointed to Beqqo Nestoris and Oro Tendyris. 'After the events of this evening, without a doubt the two most powerful men in Braavos.' He concluded inwardly.
After a few seconds in which both Beqqo Nestoris and Oro Tendyris looked between each other, the former shrugged and nodded. Then Tycho Nestoris's uncle stepped forward and cleared his throat before speaking.
"[No voting is necessary, Your Grace. We all agree that the best candidate for the position is master Oro. So now you have our vote. Oro Tendyris is our new Sealord.]"
"[Perfect.]" He answered dryly, while nodding.
Directing his gaze to the newly appointed Sealord, Aegon sealed the fate of the ancient city of
"[Master Oro Tendyris, as political leader of the Lost Daughter fold your city to the Freehold of Valyria and to me as his Lord. Take the double oath on behalf of the new city and yours.]" Aegon said coldly and with steel in his voice, giving no choice to reply that it wasn't what he was demanding.
"... The Jade Compendium, Battles and Sieges of the Century of Blood, Before the Dragons, The Last of the Giants, The Fires of the Freehold, Glory of Volantis, Rhoynar Cities in Ruins, and The Life of the Triarch Belicho." Arya finished reciting monotonously, with a tired voice and bored expression, the list of books that she had been dusting off while inspecting the chamber with the riches stored by Aegon's father. Behind his little sister was the scribe, recording everything that was in their possession at that time.
"[Doesn't anyone really know where they might be exactly? This is full of chests, trunks, manuscripts, scrolls, books, jewels and riches without any order.]" Aegon listened his sister ask. In this case the sister who was also his wife, with a certain disdain and a closed gaze on Tycho Nestoris, who could only shrug the shoulders at the evidence.
Their stay in Braavos could not be prolonged for too long and Aegon was in dire need of sending materials and skilled labor to Forlond immediately. For this, they need to establish their total control over the Lost Daughter through the administration of the Freehold.
'Administration which to be honest, are the chosen ones today, Uncle Aemon, the Tarly boy and the scribe Thucydides.' Aegon thought with some internal anguish.
For this reason, Aegon had had to trust his intuition and the support he received for his proposal, immediately incorporating into positions of responsibility and trust those braavosis at hand.
Because Tycho Nestoris and Jakob Fugger came forward to lead the Bank, Aegon and his father had to agree quickly. Rhaegar wanted Tycho Nestoris as Archon of Coin of the Freehold. Aegon would have preferred Nestoris at the head of the Bank, since at least he was known to Aegon's father and there was some apparent understanding between them.
Alas, it would have to be the braavosi of whom they knew nothing the one on whom the magistracy rested.
Fugger had become the new management of the Bank, being in charge of replenishing the bureaucratic ranks of the institution and beginning to establish the guidelines set out by his father the day before at the bank. From now on, in theory, Fugger, with Izembaro as a subordinate, only answer to the orders from Tycho Nestoris and the ten rings of house Targaryen.
Thucydides had been appointed as scribe of the itinerant Targaryen court and during Aegon's stay in Braavos, when the young scribe was not attending his entourage, he would have to contact his trusted colleagues with whom to train bureaucratic cadres for the new province and for the province of Tar nu Fuin in Westeros.
Gyleno Prestayn, because of the key place his domains occupied and the abundance of quarries in them, had been elevated to the position of magistrate of the administration of the Freehold, responsible for transportation and land communication in the Lost Daughter.
Prestayn had been the first of those present at the meeting who had left the building, leaving in the direction of his lands where Prestayn would have to start preparing horses, draft animals, carts, tents, pavilions and all the necessary quartermaster for when the column of Aegon's entourage actually set foot on the eastern continent. In the same way, from among Prestayn's subjects the first master citiziens and specialized guild members would come out to Forlond. The oaths would have to wait until they reached Prestaynos, but Aegon trusted the wit of Prestayn to accurately translate Aegon's words and what the citizenship implied.
The last new member of his incipient administration was Nestoris's uncle and the one who had most impressed him with the words spoken during the meeting. For this reason Beqqo Nestoris had been elevated to Commercial Magistrate of the Freehold. This one, having the largest commercial fleet in Braavos, was to be responsible for maritime trade. Along with this, Beqqo had also been appointed, at least provisionally, as Archon of the Administration of the Freehold of Valyria.
'Basically the most powerful person behind the Targaryen family in the Freehold .' The closest thing to a Hand of the King that there would be in the Freehold.
Aegon hoped that the trust placed in the Nestoris did not end up turning against him. But in light of the fluid and cordial relationship between his father and the one that until that day, was Keyholder of the defunct Iron Bank, added to the fact that Aegon believed he had recognized someone in whom could trust in Beqqo Nestoris.
'In addition to this, I show that more is gained by being on my side, than against me.' Aegon reflected, seeing certain similarities between the current situation of the Nestoris, with that of wich the Tully went through during the Conquest.
'I hope that in three hundred years, we will not be considered an evil aberration by a woman of the Nestoris family.' The Conqueror commented very ironically in reference to his, up to two moons ago, in-law aunt.
Preferring not to get into a game with the Dragon, which would possibly end up taking him back to Winterfell for retribution, while trying to get out of his inner thoughts and doubts, Aegon returned the attention to the conversation that was taking place inside the vault between his sister Rhaenys and Tycho.
"[You'll see, Your Grace, except for those pieces or objects in which the need for ease of access is specifically clarified to us, we tend to crowd everything.]" The newly appointed Archon of Coin of the Freehold of Valyria, paused in his justification of the disorder in which the Targaryen treasure was found, looking around the vault-chamber and the large number of objects.
"[As you can see, it is not a large room, and in cases like your family vault-chamber, there are a lot of bulky objects that may certainly be hiding what you are looking for. But I can swear to you that since the day your father deposited the contents found here, no one has ever entered this vault- chamber until now.]" Tycho Nestoris culminated the reason for the inability to quickly find what Rhaenys was looking for.
Glancing from the entrance to the vault-chamber lit only by a pair of torches on either side of the door, Egg couldn't help but think that for his opinion, the room was quite large compared to the one his uncle Eddard provided to protect Aegon for five and ten days of his name. So he was very aware that the disorder and lack of control over the contents of the vault were due more to the disdain of the old Iron Bank, than to a matter of space.
Yet Aegon had no intention of pointing that out to Tycho, or fanning his sister's flames. No. He no longer felt like arguing or pointing out faults. At least for today.
'There will be plenty of time for it. There are moments when I feel that I have spent two lives pointing out and trying to correct the failures of those who preceded me and those under my command.' Aegon pondered resignedly to himself, holding a sigh that would have shown to what extent he wanted to return to the pension to be able to sleep one night.
'Or try to rest while I relive in dreams the previous life I was in.' he thought bitterly. Despite the fact that after having successfully negotiated with the braavosi, explaining his motivations and plans, including the coming of the second Long Night, he would have to find himself back at the pension, Aegon was still in the cavernous vaults of the building that until that day had been the headquarters of the Iron Bank.
The moment Rhaenys found out about the existence of the vault-chamber and its contents, the love of Aegon's life had insisted that before leaving the building, they had to go, no matter what, through the vault to collect the objects of her search. His sister argued that, even if it was an act facing the gallery, it was necessary to present the status of the family.
'Not to mention that she refuses to use your grandmother's crown, almost as if it were a cursed object.' The Conqueror reminded Aegon internally. Despite the comment he had made, Aegon knew that neither he in this life, nor the Dragon in the previous one, would ever be able to say no to their younger sister.
So now Aegon and his entire entourage were in the vault-chamber or in the ante-chamber access to it, in the deep vaults of the centuries-old Braavosi building.
Arya and Rhaenys, accompanied by Dale and the little scribe, were fully engrossed in the search for the tiaras of Baelor's sisters amidst the multitude of scattered scrolls, books, manuscripts, and the myriad of chests brimming with gold coins, jewels and gemstones accumulated in nearly three centuries of Targaryen rule over Westeros.
Aegon, along with his father and Ser Jaime were in the antechamber of access to the vault where said riches were found, standing around a counter where they had unfolded a map of Essos.
'We should be grateful that Rhaegar on this he was far-sighted. I have to admit that as an administrator he has great talent.' The Dragon told him internally.
This was something that Aegon fully shared in his opinion regarding who in this new life was his father. 'The truth is that yes. Although unexpected, this wealth in gold and jewelery is welcome. It could help as bait for mercenary companies. Although having the complete control and support of the Bank, it is almost redundant. ' Aegon replied, trying to turn the page regarding the lately more
tempered, lack of respect of the Conqueror to his father .
Although Egg still had some resentment about his father's performance after Dunksdale and before the cursed Tourney, Rhaegar had become a person whom Aegon respected and to some extent in some things, admired. 'I could say I'm almost proud of who my father is.' Aegon thought inwardly, as he fondly watched the aforementioned.
Aegon's father had already found the golden band with the three-headed dragon made of red rubies that Rhaegar had ordered to be made as a crown for when would have managed to overthrow Aerys. Aegon's grandfather, like the Unworthy first, and the Good later, had placed on theirs heads an ostentatious and monumental gold crown. 'And before without a crown, than to use that monstrosity.' Aegon had clear. And it seemed his father had too.
During the talks in Forlond in which his father updated him on the history of their house, because after all, after the rebellion much knowledge had been erased by the victors and since in Winterfell, the word Targaryen was practically taboo if not to be used in children's games or in lessons from the Maester, the subject came up of how much Rhaegar had wished to have the crown-band that Aegon now wore around his frown. And so Aegon's father decided to be inspired by his Valyrian steel band to make his own. Although it was in gold, it was far more modest than Aegon's own. Just one of the rectangular rubies in his valyrian-steel band would accommodate the three dragons of Rhaegar's band.
Apparently, not even after marrying Elia did the Dornish acknowledge owning the crown-band that were once lost in the warm sands of the southern kingdom by The Young.
'Surely the history I knew best about the Targaryens, apart from my own. And the person I always dreamed of being.' Aegon thought with some melancholy contemplating the unfolded map of the Essosi continent on the counter of the ante-chamber, where Rhaegar and Jaime were drawing the advance lines of the campaign they were to carry out.
The strategic plan was quite simple and entirely his own idea. 'Or rather, mine but updated.' The Conqueror pointed out with a certain touch of arrogance. Unfortunately,Egg had no way of answering him as it was true. He had taken The Dragon's plan to become lord of Valyria and updated it to the circumstances.
The advance of his campaign drawn on the map was quite similar to a great sickle that hung from the north in Braavos, to the east in Qohor and then curved to the southwest, resting the tip of its edge on the Golden Fields.
To carry out this plan, they would had to advance as they subdued and conquered the Andal Mountains and Velvet HIlls, while following the course of Upper Rhoyne and the lower Hills of Norvos. Upon reaching the ruins of Ny Sar they would be immersed in the macro project of the future capital, creating at the same time a province that would cover from Ghoyan Drohe in the west to Ar Noy in the east and from Norvos in the north to Dagger Lake and the Golden Fields in the south.
Assuming that Lorath, due to it dependence on Braavos, would likely enter the Freehold in one way or another, such a plan would grant Aegon and his family the control over virtually the entire northwestern Essos, from the Narrow Sea to the Forest of Qohor and from the Shivering Sea to the Flatlands and Dagger Lake. At all times the Rhoyne and the Qhoyne would act as their eastern shield against possible slaver's or Dothraki armies.
Once reached that point, circumstances would dictate where to go. Heading west to take Pentos, rescuing his uncle and aunt from the Pentoshi and gaining access to the Myr Sea bay. Which in
turn would enable future advances on Myr, Tyrosh, and the Step Stones. Heading south to collide head-on with the pirates of the Rhoyne and then Volantis. Or continue east towards the Great Sea of Grass and Slaver's Bay.
'Only time and circumstances will tell which direction to take.' Aegon settled internally, trying to stop thinking about what the future would held.
'And no matter how great Branraven's powers are, I don't think your valonqar is capable of seeing the future.' added The Conqueror with some dismay.
Neither of them liked at all the uncertainty of what might happen in the next six moons, but they had no choice but to hope for the best as they prepared for the worst.
Looking into the corridor that gave access to ante chamber, Aegon could see that his mother, his grandmother who had no qualms about wearing the crown that Rhaenys was almost afraid to look at, had come to the camera, with Lord Gerion and Beqqo in tow. Which whom theywere chatting amiably about the plans they had for the next day at the port.
It seemed that like Aegon, his grandmother wanted to unify the women of the family, proposing that the visit to the port to see their new fleet should be a strictly feminine issue.
They agreed to this, in exchange of Lord Gerion, Dale, and Ser Davos accompanying them. Along with them and Aegon's family, Nestoris's uncle would go, as well, the head of Arsenal, Essorio, who at that time was with the absent Bran, Araldo and the Forels.
Bran was absent as it was his job to close and confine the city. Something that thanks to the fact that the city itself was a series of islands on the lagoon would theoretically be easy. In addition, Aegon's valonqar has the support of the highest military authorities of the free city until that day.
Not in the wildest of his dreams would it have occurred to Aegon that the first recruited for the Targaryen Army in Essos would be Araldo, commander of the Titan and the first sailor recruited for his war fleet, Essorio, from the Arsenal.
Although Aegon wanted the army to be made up of voluntary recruits, he could not deny that the voluntary incorporation of both into his nascent war machine would encourage many of those who until that day were subordinates of these, to commit themselves for the stipulated fifteen years.
At the rate of six gold dragons a year for the mere recruit and up to a thousand gold dragons a year for command posts that did not fall into the first two census categories, Aegon saw the fifteen-year contract as fair.
Araldo and Essorio, being commander and admiral respectively, would receive the maximum that the Freehold would pay to those who were in positions of high responsibility, but who did not belong to any of the first two census classes. Those who would enter in the Targaryen Army and who belonged to the two higher categories, would not gain a single copper even if they conquered the entire Essos alone.
Along with Bran, the three Direwolfs, Araldo and Essorio, there were also the Forels, possessors of the greatest military force in Braavos with the exception of the Titan Watch and the Arsenal sailors. Syrio Forel himself had volunteered to enter the family guard and as Bran and Arya's teacher in water dancing. This was something Aegon had gladly accepted, assigning Syrio as first task to protect his valonqar while Bran carried out the orders he had been given.
Aegon's order had caused Bran to, with barely nine days of his name, command approximately
thirty hundred men *. The order was clear; decree curfew at the hour of the wolf and confinement of the city for a week. Nobody is to get in or out. Intercept any ship that tries to enter or exit the lagoon waters. Intercept and apprehend all possible mail, spies, whistleblowers, orphans without a tongue, and crooks. Take out the watch and all troops available for crowd control on patrol. Placing proclamations so that from the next morning and for the next seven days, every inhabitant of the city goes through the registration that would had place in the Freehold Square every one of those days.
In short, his valonqar Bran had the responsibility of securing and closing the city tight, while controlling the population. As if this were not enough, Aegon had also ordered Bran to cordon off the bridge and the square when he returned to the bank building, as well as to bring with him at least two hundred men-at-arms. Another hundred men were to be sent to secure and control the Palace of the Sealord under the command of Commander Araldo and the new resident of the palace, Oro Tendyris.
"What do you think of what Reyaan said about the warning to Tyrosh, Myr, and Volantis?" asked his father, showing some concern in the voice and doubt on the face, pulling Aegon out of his inner musings.
"Myr and Tyrosh, still fighting together, will pose no problem. If necessary, with Myr I could even try to claim some old favor. Volantis is the problem. Volantis will be the problem. Volantis has always been the problem." Aegon answered calmly and poised at the first, conveying more anger and disgust than he originally intended in his last remarks, at the same time that clenched his fists.
The tone and gesture in the last part of Aegon's reply to his father did not go unnoticed by his mother. Approaching where they were, she frowned in concern, as examined Aegon's facial expression in detail, as if memorizing his face at that time.
'I imagine it is a typical thing for mothers to worry about everything, right?' He asked to himself internally, knowing that his knowledge of the functioning of a mother-child relationship was something that he was still in the process of acquiring.
'Thanks to my dear Uncle Ned and the moment Senya chose to take me back in time, I have never met a mother, or how a relationship really works with her. When I see Lord Stark again and if Senya is again among the living, I intend to highlight that detail to both.' Aegon thought bitterly, while subtly avoiding his mother's gaze that made him feel uncomfortable.
Looking around, Aegon could see that in the same way, his tone when referring to Volantis had not gone unnoticed by his grandmother or his uncle. While the former wore an expression similar to her mother, it was Aegon's uncle Jaime's expression that for a moment almost made Aegon laugh.
'Without a doubt, he must not know that there is a bitter past between that city and me.' The Conqueror told to him inwardly.
Although it was true that the troubles with Volantis were not originally his, Aegon could not ignore that he had been an exceptional witness to these and to some extent, they had made him the person he was today.
"Volantis has the economic, political and military capacity to make us bleed slowly. Something that is the last thing we want." Aegon replied coldly, but without the aggressiveness previously present.
Pointing with his right hand on the map, Aegon continued the reason for his position towards Volantis. "Volantis could try anything. From building an anti-Targaryen coalition among the
slaver's cities of Essos, to independently funding some of these cities, and not others, in their fight against us. In this way they would avoid directly engaging us until the moment was right for them." He continued now in a warmer, but somewhat sobering tone.
It was true that Aegon had pending accounts with Volantis, but everything he was exposing was very likely to happen, although he would had never had anything against the Daughter of Valyria.
"In turn, they could contact Westeros and incidentally try to enter in a new war with the free cities, to achieve what with your help they were already denied more than three hundred years ago." Apostilled Aegon's father with some ominous tone in his voice, while pointing his index finger at Aegon.
"Or be content with the Disputed Lands, in exchange for services rendered." Ser Jaime added, who by the grim gesture and contemptuous tone, seemed to understand better now that Aegon's position regarding Volantis, came from the Century of the Blood.
'Undoubtedly, living half of his life in Essos, Ser Jaime should have sooner or later, heard the story of the war between the Three Whores and the greedy climbers of The Daughter. A story that will make more sense for him, now that he knows what blood runs through his veins.' commented with quite an internal rage, the one who taught Aegon to what extent what the Volantines pretended was practically heresy.
Aegon may not have been as proud as in his previous passage through life, but he was The Last of Valyria and he planned to prove it to anyone who would dare to say otherwise.
"What could this depend on?" Aegon's mother interpelled with some concern in her voice and eyes fixed on Aegon's father, as she brought the left arm to her abdomen.
Trying not to pay too much attention to the gesture that seemed to confirm what Aegon had suspected for a few weeks, he stared at his mother as he rested his face on the back of the hands, resting the elbows on the counter
"On who are the triarchs." Aegon answered with total simplicity, letting out a sigh after that.
'I really need to take off my armor and rest. It hurts the waist already. I hope Bran doesn't take much longer. It's completely dark now.' Aegon thought to himself, contemplating that there was no longer any trace of light coming from the windows in the corridor.
"But regardless of whether they are the majority of Elephants or Tigers, I have no doubt that they will take action against us until we take the city by Fire and Blood." Aegon developed his earlier statement further, in view of the fact that his mother was still showing some confusion.
"The latter is something that comes into our plans from the beginning. We knew first-hand and since we started this plan, that the liege-vassal feudal goverment of Westeros and Volantis would be the biggest problems in the whole plan." Rhaegar added with resignation, knowing that Aegon's latest statement could be misinterpreted.
It took Aegon almost two months to convince his father, but with the help of Uncle Aemon, he was able to make Rhaegar see that the Black Walls had to be the Harrenhal of Essos. In Aegon's mind there was no viable scenario where the new Freehold of Valyria coexisted in harmony with those of the old blood, the real power behind of slavery throughout the continent.
However, this sense of inevitability regarding the fate of the old blood did not give Aegon the power, nor the reasons, to launch himself and Balerion headlong to completely destroy the Black
Walls of Volantis. No. His action in Volantis should be exemplary, but there must be motive for it.
"Regarding Volantis, I am not going to be the one to take the first step towards confrontation with them. And much less an open confrontation at this point in the game." Aegon emphatically reassured his mother, grandmother, Lord Gerion, and Beqqo Nestoris. "No. Volantis will be a dagger threatening the lower belly of our expansion for much of the next two years." He concluded sadly, something Aegon had accepted by changing the Conqueror's plan.
If Aegon's plan was a sickle that would slash Essos from north to southwest, The Dragon's was exactly the other way around. Of course, three hundred years ago The Dragon had the support of Lys, Myr, and Tyrosh, which he didn't now. If The Conqueror intended to make his first Essosi conquest on Volantis, Aegon had left Volantis to be the last to join.
So Aegon went to Beqqo, pointing out on the map the curve of the sickle drawn on the map displayed on the counter "[We need all your clients and relations in Lorath, Norvos and Qohor to become owners of all the property if necessary, but we do need a friendly entry from those three cities into the Freehold.]" Aegon said imperiously to Beqqo.
The new Archon of the Administration glanced at the map, then crossed the left arm over his chest and began to run the right hand over his golden pointed beard. "[But your Grace, don't you plan to conquer those cities and their lands?]" Beqqo asked with some confusion the reason for what Aegon had ordered.
"[Submit is not always by conquering. There is no point in conquering Qohor, Norvos or Lorath by force, when what I seek and need is Qohor, Norvos and Lorath as they are now. With the artisan industries, specialized workers, blacksmiths, spinning mills, tanneries, sawmills and commerce that they have. If these cities are opposed, they will not field a host to beat in the open. They would hire mercenaries, use slaves and forced serfs to defend the walls as best they could. Forcing us to a siege with less than a thousand men or to reduce a large part of the cities to ashes.]" Aegon resolved the question of Beqqo Nestoris, while emphasizing why it was almost mandatory to incorporate those cities into the Freehold in a peaceful way.
Norvos and Qohor had the source of most of the materials they did not have under their control. Not to mention that the first would disappear as an autonomous entity, to be absorbed by the province of their future capital.
Rhaenys appeared behind him, grabbing Aegon's waist. When looking at her, it seemed that the search was over, according to the golden band with a huge purple amethysts embedded in one of the sides in the form of a rampant three-headed dragon.
Directing her gaze to everyone present, especially Beqqo, Rhaenys clarified her voice and put on her queen mask.
"[Our three dragons are adults. Their flame does not distinguish between friend or foe. Between wall or armory. Once a dragon releases its flame, it will destroy everything in front of it. That is why a dragon should not be awakened, my lord Archon. And that's why we kept the dragons away during the meeting. Had they been flying over the Bank during that farce that your late colleagues had prepared, right now half of Braavos would be a dry lagoon.]" Aegon's sister pronounced melodious, but dryly, while outlining one of her smiles that seemed to be laminated.
Rhaegar, seemed to also have his own argument as to why the need for a friendly submission. "[Returning to the explanation of the need to preserve intact these three cities and their domains, it all comes down to the fact that without the materials and human resources of the northwest of the continent, we will not be able to face Volantis. Pentos has no real value in our plans. For its part,
Tyrosh is an island. That leaves Myr as the first point of expansion once we have reached the Upper and Middle Rhoyne line.]"
A noise in the corridor, followed by a couple of muffled moans preceded Nymeria's furious entrance into the antechamber, lunging at Aegon's little sister lovingly.
After the sudden appearance of the silver wolf, Ghost appeared trotting wearily, apparently opting for ignore Aegon to lean on his hindquarters next to Aegon's mother, who began to caress Ghost between the ears. Something that looked his wolf appreciated, according to his red, half-closed eyes and his lolling tongue.
'Traitor' he thought with some jealousy, noting that after Winter's departure his albino companion seemed closer to Aegon's mother than to him. 'When Winter comes with Uncle Eddard, I hope he will listen to me again.' Aegon resigned himself, as he contemplated the appearance of Summer and his master, with Syrio Forel a couple of steps behind him.
"[Your Grace, your orders have already been carried out. The city is closed, the Bank cordoned off, and the Palace of the Sealord taken. The proclamations have begun to be hang in the different squares and crosses of the city. Master Brusco has begun recruiting volunteers from among the men there were on the city watch. For his part, Master Tendyris has assured me that tomorrow everything will be ready in the square for the census.]"
"[Thanks Bran, well done.]" Aegon said proudly to his valonqar Bran to whom Arya, now wearing a crown-band similar to that of Rhaenys but with the dragon in sapphires, was congratulatory patting on the back.
And this was something that Bran seemed not to appreciate excessively, but at least it showed childish and not magical reactions. "Arya, you're going to leave me without my back." Bran said reproachfully to Arya.
Arya seemed to take that as an indication to redouble her congratulations, because without giving Bran the option to react, Arya wrapped Bran in a bear hug "How do you expect me to not congratulate you, stupid ?! You have taken a city with nine days of the name! You are already a legend of house Stark! Do you know how jealous Robb will be when he finds out? You will not know how to use a sword, but you are the best little brother in the world."Arya exclaimed in such a way that it was possible that even Aegon's uncle Ned in Winterfell heard her.
Of course there were reasons to be happy and proud of Bran, but Aegon needed his Master of Whispers breathing, not drowning in the embrace of their little sister.
So Aegon decided to take a couple of steps until he reached the height of his two Stark siblings, to hug them, while loosening Arya's tenacious hold on Bran a bit.
"Arya is right, Bran. Even if you've had everything on your side, you've secured a century-old city in a couple of hours." Aegon whispered in Bran's ear while patting softly him on the back. After that, he turned, with one arm resting on Bran's back and the other on Arya's, standing between them.
Facing all those present in his entourage except for his little sister and valonqar, Aegon said what he was wanting to say since he left Westeros to start his true Conquest.
"[I think that for today, it is time to leave and rest. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of our new lives.]"
As Aegon stepped out of the golden front door of the building gazing at the scene in front of him, he thought for a moment that the city had risen in arms against them.
On the other side of the bridge, in the great esplanade of the square, an excited crowd was filling up every possible space. The crowd could hardly be contained by three lines of men-at-arms positioned in a semicircle before the access to the bridge that crossed the canal.
Looking at Bran behind his right shoulder for explanations, Aegon's valonqar shrugged, spread his palms forward, and pursed his mouth, as if to say don't ask me.
When the crowd noticed the presence of Aegon and his family coming out of the semi demolished building at the very moment that the dragons had decided to take flight, the same earth seemed to roar.
Aegon was unable to discern the words uttered, but the tone was certainly not threatening. On the contrary, it seemed that the crowd was euphoric. Aegon even being able to observe some poorly made banners of house Targaryen among the crowd of people of all ages who had gathered in front of the Iron Bank building.
For a moment Aegon was unable to understand anything. Not him, not the Dragon. 'Are they cheering on us?' The Dragon asked inwardly with more disbelief than even Egg had.
Egg tried to answer himself, but it seemed as if his head had stopped working. He was totally amazed and not knowing what to do. Aegon glanced at Beqqo, who made a gesture similar to Bran's, albeit with greater courtesy and grace.
Seeing that there was an escort of about a score of men-at-arms waiting on the ascent to the bridge towards the square, Aegon decided to head over to the man who looked like a sergeant.
With the left hand Aegon made the gesture for his family to stay at the door, but it seemed that Arya, Bran and Rhaenys had no intention of doing so, following Aegon a couple of steps behind him.
The humid heat seemed to have loosened a bit and the currents of air caused by the dragons circling the building and the square, caused his cloak to wave like a banner on a ship's mast.
When Aegon finished climbing the steps and reached the sergeant-like man-at-arms who stood, like the others, gazing out over the plaza, he gently put the right hand on the supposed sergeant shoulder.
As Aegon had made the move, he himself was regretting it. The man-at-arms did not know who was behind him and with a violent movement, grabbed Aegon's right wrist as he turned with the sword in the direction of his breastplate.
When the sergeant really looked at who was in front of him, the man's dark face seemed to take on the color of a parchment. At the same time, the sergeant's eyes seemed to want to escape their sockets and the mouth was contorted in an impossible way.
Before Aegon could apologize for his approach to the sergeant, the man had dropped to his knees and seemed to have a keen interest in gazing at the cobblestones that made up the bridge.
The remaining men-at-arms had not taken a blink to adopt their sergeant's position, some gazing at him as if a God of the Fourteen had come before them.
Clearing his voice, Aegon quickly said to them "[You may rise.]" while leaving his hand on the sergeant's shoulder.
When the man saw Aegon's hand still resting on his shoulder and Aegon's eyes fixed on the sergeant's turquoise, the man seemed to suffer from a chill throughout the body.
Understanding the situation, Aegon hastened to apologize and clarify the situation.
"[Excuse me for the scare Sergeant, you may rise. I assure you that you have done nothing wrong. If someone touched me on the shoulder without me expecting it, I would have reacted the same as you had.]" Aegon reassured the sergeant in an affable voice, although not exempt from the steel inherent in it. The man seemed to relax and stood in front of him.
"[Your Grace.]" The man intoned reverentially in the common bastard Valyrian of the Braavosi slang.
"[Do you know what the crowd is due to?]" Aegon asked, while nodding his head towards the impossible crowd of people.
The score of men-at-arms looked at each other, looked at Aegon, looked at the dragons, and looked back at him with faces that mixed awe and reverence in equal measure.
The sergeant seemed to want to answer him, however not a single word came out of the mouth, making the man look like a fish out of water.
In view that his superior seemed just as blocked as Aegon when he saw the crowd, the youngest of the men-at-arms, possibly Aegon's age prior to the ritual, straightened up as much as the lad could while puffing out the chest.
"[They have come and they are here, for the same reason as us. You are the Dragon.]" The lad enunciated with admiration, in an almost shrill tone.
Faced with the answer that was supposed to explain the whole scene, but which did not explain anything to Aegon, he asked the young man again.
"[That's what one of my sisters calls me ... but why are they here?]" Aegon said in a close and warm enough way for what he used to, trying to reflect his confusion at the situation.
It seemed that the sergeant read Aegon's confussion perfectly, because raising the left hand the older man stopped the lad who seemed ready to say something.
"[You'll see, your Grace. There is a prophecy circulating for more than two centuries in Essos, which says that when The Dragon returns, the prostrate will rise, the chained will be unchained and a new Dawn will come for Essos. Many manifests and proclamations have already been posted on tomorrow's census and now many people know that Braavos is no longer Braavos, but the Lost Daughter. When we arrived there were barely a hundred people on the square. But now...]" replied the sergeant, who had recovered his color, although the voice was still shaky.
'He certainly had noticed my reaction to the mention of the word prophecy.' Aegon thought while he took a deep breath.
The mention of a prophecy almost leads him to lay hands on Blackfyre, but the poor sergeant was not to blame for it and Aegon was certainly convinced that the sergeant would have no idea who was the person who made the prophecy. So Aegon relaxed the posture, while nodding his head slightly.
'Jon, they've come to see THE DRAGON. Do not disappoint them.' the Conqueror encouraged him from the depths of his soul, using the warmest and most brotherly tone. The same tone with which he introduced himself and began this bizarre new life of theirs. And The Conqueror was absolutely right.
It was time to leave his supposed bastardy, his fears and his doubts in the past. It was time to be who he had been, who he was and who he is and would be. Aegon Targaryen, the Dragon Reborn.
Making a gesture with his right hand to the sergeant indicating that they should not follow him, Aegon began to advance across the bridge in the direction of the square.
At times his legs seemed like jelly and the bridge, infinite. Aegon had no idea what to do, or what to expect. But before he knew it, the bridge was running out and Aegon was at the top of the steps that descended onto the esplanade of the square.
The deafening roar of the crowded crowd made the hairs on his entire body stand on end.
"Se zaldrīzes"
"Āeksio hen Valyria"
"Aegon Se zaldrīzes"
"Se mōrī hen Valyria"
"Se zaldrīzes"
The crowd began to shout, cramming to the brim not only the esplanade of the square, but also all the intersections, as they contemplated his figure.
Thus, even if he were to shout out loud, a single word would never be heard. So it occurred to him to steal something from Senya's repertoire.
'I hope it works out.' Aegon thought, taking a deep breath.
He drew Blackfyre from his back with the right hand, running the edge of the blade across the palm of his left hand, while reciting to himself the words Aegon had heard his sister-wife repeat hundreds of times.
"[My blood is fire. Fire is my blood.]" Aegon chanted quickly in whispers, like a litany.
As the sword stopped piercing the skin of his hand, a dark flame engulfed the entire blade, causing
first a murmur and then deathly silence as he lifted Blackfyre over his right shoulder.
With his left hand, Aegon made the gesture of encompassing the entire plaza and then, with the most powerful and clearest voice that he could muster, he said what was thinking and the reason for his presence.
"[People of Braavos. People of Essos. My People!] " Aegon addressed the crowd, which thundered in response.
If before the crowd roar was deafening, now it was directly something that did not belong to this world. Even the ground itself seemed to shake.
Aegon raised his left arm halfway, pointing down with the palm of his bloody hand. Then clenched it into a fist from which blood dripped onto the cobblestones of the bridge.
"[With this blood promise, I, Aegon Targaryen, promise and swear that I'll never demand of you to fight for me for the Iron Throne in Westeros, nor will I ask you to fight for me in Essos to bring back to life the Freehold of Valyria! I'll only ask you to accept lands in your name, where you can live safely with your families and your children! I promise you freedom and safety in exchange for your oath to be citizens of the Freehold of Valyria! I swear that you'll never lack food or reward if you decide to swear to House Targaryen! I assure you that anyone who wants to join me and my
family will be welcomed as part of my family! A dragon will always defend and protect the freedom of its own and of those who want to be part of its domain! Join me under the banner of the Dragon!]"
Aegon's words echoed infinitely amplified by the strange echo produced by the beating wings of the dragons' in the heights, as well as the kind of resonance box that made up the esplanade.
'Without a doubt it had been built with this speech in mind.' echoed inside his mind, overflowing with pride and emotion, The Dragon.
The deathly silence that had overcome the square was beginning to worry Aegon, when suddenly and like a tidal wave, the crowd seemed to go mad.
The shouts and the cheers intermingled forming a cacaphony that did not allow to distinguish anything but two words; Se zaldrīzes, the Dragon in High Valyrian.
Like out of nowhere, Rhaenys appeared on Aegon's left side, with Arya in tow and Bran a few steps behind them, accompanied by the three direwolves, while he hoisted the double banner that the brothers not by blood, but by destiny and choice, had made as their own.
Rhaenys with an exultant smile that seemed to burst with joy and excitement, holding back tears of happiness, made a face at Aegon as she pointed to the sword with a gesture of her eyes. Aegon's response was to lower his head and hunch his shoulders slightly, a mischievous smile on his mouth, after which Rhaenys gave an adorable giggle.
When Arya reached Rhae's height they both looked into each other's eyes, having a kind of conversation between them, after which they slightly affirmed each other.
Aegon, still impressed by the shouting and the almost reverential adoration towards him by the crowd, did not quite understand what his two sisters were up to. And less at that moment.
"[Aegon, give me your band.]" Rhaenys demanded in a warm and sing song way.
'Now I understand less. And from Arya's face, it seems she doesn't understand either.' Aegon
thought as he looked almost scared at Rhaenys.
When Aegon looked towards the bottom of the bridge, he could see that his family was approaching, flanked by Ser Jaime and Dale on the sides. Behind them Lord Gerion, Syrio Forel, Oro Tendyris, the Nestoris, Fugger, and the newcomers Ser Davos, Marya, Allard, and Mathos Seaworth, closed the retinue.
It seemed that Aegon's father had listened to Rhaenys' demand, for Rhaegar's gaze oscillated between his two offsprings in confusion.
'Surely your face must be similar to the one your father is wearing now.' the Conqueror
commented with mocking tone, who seemed to understand perfectly what Rhaenys was trying to do, but that Aegon hadn't.
For their part, the others, except for Aegon's grandmother and mother, seemed mesmerized by the magic trick he had done with the sword. 'She was a zealot, but Melony had her good contributions.' Aegon thought, as he prayed into the void in memory of the manumitted slave, turned priestess of R'hllor.
However, even if Aegon didn't quite understand her, the request had been from Rhaenys. Therefore he placed his left palm on his sword again to extinguish the flame in which it was wrapped and
return Blackfyre to its sheath, all in one fluid movement. After that, with more doubts than in the previous action, Aegon put his right hand to the back of his head and detached himself from the band.
With an almost trembling hand, Aegon handed the band of Valyrian steel and rubies to his sister Rhaenys, who upon receiving it, wielded a smile that seemed almost ecstatic, laughing fondly.
But before she said anything to Aegon or he could address her, Rhae looked back at Arya.
"Do you remember well the story of Visenya and her words on the first day of this era?" Rhaenys asked melodiously and knowingly to Arya, who seemed as confused as Aegon.
However, his little sister's confusion seemed to evaporate in an instant, nodding vigorously, while a wide smile and eyes full of happiness, pride and something else that Aegon could not understand lit up on Arya's face.
Looking back at Rhae, Aegon still doesn't understand the situation. Rhaenys with a smile from ear to ear, looking proudly at Arya with a carefree posture.
Just at that moment, the dragons so far circling the bank building seemed to agree to land at the same time, hanging like gigantic gargoyles from the half-collapsed ceiling of the Iron Bank headquarters, causing a new deathly silence in the square. At the same time as the crowd that packed it, fixed their eyes on the four figures that were seen at the end of the bridge that presided over the gigantic esplanade.
"[Kneel, Aegon Targaryen!]" Rhaenys exclaimed at the top of her lungs warmly but imperatively, at the same time as the dragons roared in unison.
'OF COURSE! THE FIRST DAY OF THIS ERA! I'll be stupid!' Aegon understood in a lucid moment. The images of when he knelt in the mud atop Aegon's Hill, almost three hundred years ago returning to his mind.
Before Aegon knows it, he was kneeling, as Rhaenys handed the Valyrian steel band to Arya. His little sister, taut as a bowstring before shooting a bolt, but with a face blazing with excitement, proceeded to hold the band a couple of inches above Aegon's bowed head as firmly as Arya could, albeit with some small tremors on the handling.
Glancing sideways to his right, Aegon could see that the crowd on the esplanade seemed to be holding their breaths. Glancing to the other side, Aegon's mother was crying openly with emotion, hugging his father's waist, who was close to the same state as his mother, hugging her tenderly over the shoulders.
"[Aegon Targaryen, Dragon Reborn! Do you swear to protect the innocent, the weak, and those who cannot defend themselves?!]" sounded louder than Arya's voice had ever sound, in her tight high Valyrian, echoing throughout the square.
"[I swear it!]" Aegon answered solemnly.
"[Do you swear to protect and defend the domains and citizens of the Freehold of Valyria?]" Arya's voice struck again in the night, on that thirteenth day of the seventh moon, two hundred and ninety-seven years after Aegon made a similar oath.
"[By the Fourteen, I Aegon Targaryen, the Dragon Reborn, and the Last scion of Valyria, I swear!]" Aegon took the oath, almost more to himself than to the event that was taking place.
'I have to beat the Others by any means. There is no option to defeat. Even if it costs me my life again, I will not allow my family and the world to suffer a fate that is worse than death.' Aegon promised to himself, as he again felt the contact of the valyrian-steel band over his head.
Rhaenys, with her most powerful voice but not devoid of its sweetness and mellow, gazed into Aegon's eyes "[Rise Aegon Targaryen, Lord of Valyria and Protector of the Nine Provinces of the Freehold of Valyria!]"
Although the second was a newly created title, falling for the first time in history on his person, the title of Lord of Valyria had already been used by another person. This one ended up proclaiming himself Emperor. The Dragonlord Aurion. The one who managed to proclaim himself lord of many of the original daughters of the Freehold before his failed quest and who, together with his great-great-grandfather Gaemon, was the only one who could claim that title for being the last descendants of the Forty at that time.
Now Aegon was the last descendant of Valyria and he could no longer even tell that he possessed Valyrian blood completely. Or at least not as much as in his previous life had.
However, just like three hundred years ago when he must turned his gaze to the west and not to the east, he was still the last descendant of the Forty Families.
'Again I am the last Valyrian, only this time I have managed to be Lord of Valyria.' Aegon reflected to himself with a certain glee, as he rised and got back to his feet.
When Aegon finished getting completely straight, everyone gathered watching the scene both the crowd in the square, as well as his family and the entourage that accompanied them on the bridge, dropped to one knee and the dragons spread their wings to launch themselves into the air.
'If there is something true in anything that Eddard Stark advocated, it is that a leader must be able to make his voice reach all those he leads.' the Conqueror assured Aegon, before he take a deep breath.
Aegon then turned to face the expectant crowd still kneeling before him, and with a voice capable of commanding armies in the heat of a battle, deep and powerful, without coldness or trembling in it, Aegon proclaimed,
"[A new era begins today. The Freehold has been reborn. The Doom, defeated. Rise as citizens of the Freehold of Valyria. Rise up in a new era that will illuminate prosperity such as has not been known, nor will be known.]"