"Ser Jaime, we have to talk" Aegon Targaryen, the fucking Dragon Reborn, addressed him. The Dragon's tone was warm, within the apparent inherent steel tone of the boy out from the songs, but a bit tremulous. As if he doubted how to approach what he wanted to talk to Jaime about.
'This boy, who I have not seen at any point of the narration of his incredible story barely flinch, suddenly seems alarmed and agitated? Why I have the impression that I am not going to like his words?' Jaime thought as contemplated the serious face but with some concern of the one who conquered Westeros once upon the time.
For his part, prince Rhaegar seemed to have lost his typical composure, revealing a variety of emotions rarely observable in the prince. It seemed as if he was worried, at the same time that was watching Jaime, up and down, searching for something
'But what? Jaime wondered to himself. The wife of the crown prince and mother of the Dragon Reborn, looked at Jaime with curiosity and her attitude reflected a certain apprehension towards the subject that her son was going to mention.
The little Stark girl seemed more keen on throwing daggers with her gaze at Rhaenys, though without the initial hostility that existed during the introductions and storytelling on both sides. Meanwhile, the sinister boy gave the impression of being in a world totally separate and distant from the one in which they were. Still, his presence seemed to permeate everything, as if somehow he was seeing everything, including what was going through Jaime's head.
The attitude of Jaime's King and the King's father, coupled with the expectant air in the 'Queen? Princess?' Mother set off all Jaime's internal alarms. Suddenly felt as if he were moments away from facing a horde of Dothraki alone. His body tensed even more if possible. The exhaustion of a sleepless night and the emotional discharges that had taken place around Jaime, only reinforced the feeling of exhaustion and alertness.
Thinking inwardly, Jaime tried to rationalize what he now knew.
'The Conqueror reborn?' Why would it be a lie? 'Rhaenys died and came to life in my arms. If not, how to explain the events of the night of the Sack?' Jaime affirmed what had just been informed of, with what he had seen and experienced first-hand.
'And if I had doubts about that, the presence in front of me of Prince Rhaegar and Princess Lyanna, dead for fifteen years, only confirms what I always suspected. That with the Targaryen scions and blood magic involved, anything is possible.'
Taking a look at the three creatures from the legends, who supposedly if they existed should be beyond the Wall, but who were now in a shapeless ball of fur in a corner of the solar, only helped to reinforce the ominosity and veracity of the words that Jaime had been hearing in the last hours of his life.
'Who is going to notice three Direwolves when there are three gigantic dragons flying over the city? Anyway, when you see legends come to life, you notice those that cover the sun with their wings, not the hypertrophied dogs with an aspect of unparalleled ferocity.'
That the Stark boy is a practically a God...? 'I think I can no longer rule out anything.' Affirmed bewilder Jaime to himself.
That behind Robert's Rebellion there was a conspiracy on a larger scale that had been for decades, perhaps centuries, in the brewing? 'Undoubtedly. No one sets out to overthrow a power established for more than 250 years without knowing that they have contingency plans. But who took
advantage of the movements of the Great Lords and the alleged kidnapping of Princess Lyanna? Who have been behind the scenes pulling the strings since times of the Unlikely?' According to Rhaegar and Aegon, that was the moment when certain actions could begin to be traced that led to the events of sixteen years ago.
The return of the Long Night and the Others? 'More doubtful...but, after what I have seen and heard, I cannot completely rule it out. I may not be one hundred percent convinced, but I never saw the prince as someone who hid himself behind fanciful lies to carry out his actions. And of course someone educated as the Bastard of the Honorable Eddard Stark, is not going to lie.'
That The Dragon Reborn intended to rebuild the Freehold and has already founded a province with the wildlings from Beyond the Wall in Westeros and has the fidelity of the North? 'Only possible if the second long night is it to come...' reflected Jaime.
But if after all that shock and stories almost impossible to believe, if it weren't for the evidence before Jaime's eyes there was still something to communicate to him. And that from what it seemed all clear, was going to be much more difficult to digest than all of the above, Jaime did not even want to imagine what the Stark boy or the Dragon Reborn would say next.
'Without a doubt, the Dragon's squire is his second in command, or at least that is what it appears from the way of adding small comments in everything that Aegon is telling.'
"What else do we need to speak about, Your Grace? Is Your Grace going to tell me that we will also have to fight the Empire of the Dawn? Maybe the Bloodstone Emperor? Or maybe his Grace is going to judge me for taking down his kingly mad grandfather? If Your Grace has to kill me for my actions, I will accept it. If there is one thing I will never regret, it is to end with that miserable being, for which all of us find ourselves as we are today." Jaime replied, perhaps more defensive than he originally intended and therefore, with large doses of sarcasm and cynicism in his reply.
'Gone are the times when I was the proud White Lion. I am no longer able to answer arrogantly.'
Jaime lamented internally, as he watched as Aegon and Prince Rhaegar exchanged glances, while the former sighed deeply.
Since Rhaenys's appearance and introduction, she and the Dragon had decided to use the same seat. 'Or rather, Nys has decided to sit on top of his brother and hold on to him as if her life depended on it.' but at that moment, it seemed as if the weight of his sister and what he wanted to tell Jaime, crushed The Dragon against the chair.
The boy outlined a half smile, wrapped the right arm around his sister's waist, at the same time as he caressed her left hand with the left hand, while fixed his dark unfathomable eyes on Jaime.
"If there is one thing that was clear to me before meeting you, it was that you would be the Lord Commander of my Kingsguard. Your explanation of what happened that night and the days that followed, as well as Aerys's plans for King's Landing, have reaffirmed that thought for me. The inner fire you've and your defiance to the authority you just demonstrated are necessary in a position like the one you will occupy. But you are wrong if you think that I am going to come to judge you or hold you accountable for what you did with my grandfather. [If I could have, I myself would have gladly help you. I curse the curses of the Gods on those who shed blood of their kin, for I am Aegon Targaryen, The Dragon. And a Dragon does not answer to men nor Gods.]" The Dragon Reborn replied now with steel and imposing tone, laced with pride and certain defiance, as he mixed the common tongue with High Valyrian at the end.
'He seems to have as much appreciation for Aerys as I do. And this one was his family ... But if not that subject, what is so extremely important and worrisome, so that has not come out earlier? My
appointment as Lord Commander? I doubt that this causes discomfort and apprehension to Princess Lyanna.' Jaime thought, trying to accept at the same time that he was the new Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, and that this news, was not what was important in all of this.
Without a doubt, Jaime's body and facial expression must have shown the internal bewilderment he was suffering, since the 'Queen?' intervened in his favor, quickly cutting off his brother's speech, pitying in a way of Jaime's internal nervousness at what was about to be revealed before him.
"Egg, this is not the time to being playing the legendary hero, tell Ser Jaime what you wanted to tell him. And think that maybe our grandmother doesn't think the same as you about our grandfather..."Rhaenys said with a certain humor at first and some doubt and concern in her voice when referring to what was a practically taboo subject for the 'Queen Grandmother?
Before Aegon could continue, the hissing High Valyrian of the grandmother of both interlocutors interrupted them. With an iron voice that Jaime had never heard from sweet, caring Rhaella before, and with a body expression that Jaime would attribute more to the Conqueror's missing sister than to the timid and introspective Targaryen on his left, this one expressed her opinion.
"[Don't worry my girl. Your brother has every right in the world to tell the truth. If after Dunksdale I had done something instead of let me be being mistreated, maybe we would never have had to live this whole situation. If I had had the luxury of traveling back in time to that night, I would have also helped Ser Jaime.]"
The reactions to Rhaella's words were unmissable and Jaime would have given anything to capture the expression of her son. Rhaegar Targaryen's typically stony face seemed to disengage completely, while his jaw could practically touch the table from how open it was. Rhaegar's eyes had widened like plates. Rhaella's daughter-in-law, Lyanna Targaryen and the niece of hers, seemed to have found a model worthy of admiration in the eldest of the Targaryen family, based on the looks of pride and gestures of approval after her words.
Rhaenys showed herself no less shocked than her father, though it seemed more like she had received a pleasant surprise. 'It seems to me, that after all, the Dowager Queen has more steel than many suspected.' Jaime thought, seeing some surprise in Davos and Marya as well. The only two who did not seem at all surprised or at least affected by the forcefulness of Rhaella's words were Rhaella's grandson and Rhaella's lover.
The Dragon Reborn seemed to enjoy his grandmother's display of character, while Jaime's uncle, Gerion, seemed even more in love if it could be with the woman with whom he had been in a clandestine relationship for five years. Clandestine relationship which was practically an open secret between the group of exiles. 'I have no doubt that in their pillow talk my uncle has heard similar words about Aerys before. Seeing the internal fire that she has, I can understand that it is not only the external beauty that led my uncle to crawl through for her for two years'
The only one who seemed totally oblivious to everything happening now, was still the unsettling Brandon Stark. The eye that his long coppery hair allowed to observe, showed a crystalline blue, typical of paradisiacal waters. An eye that seemed to be looking at a thousand meters from where it was supposedly perched. That is, in Jaime.
Dale and Allard were still standing by the door, pretending as Kingsguards, trying not to show an iota of reaction to what was happening in the solar, but the younger of the two seemed more interested in the conversation than in the possible danger that could enter through the door.
'And of course if there is a moment when we should be aware of external dangers, it is now. A few hours before subduing the city of Braavos and after less than a day that dragons, both humans and
legendary, revealed their existence publicly to all the world.' Jaime knew inside.
Still, Jaime couldn't blame Dale for his curiosity. If he had been in the boy's shoes, Jaime would also have been more aware of the conversation in the solar, than of watching the corridor and the stairs.
"My sister Rhaenys is right in what she says. But I am faced with the dichotomy of not knowing how to express it without hurting the parties involved." said Aegon with some doubt in his voice, which seemed to clearly express his discomfort regarding the subject at hand.
"How Serious is it?" Rhaella asked with a worried face.
"No mother. It is not something that is a matter of life or death, but it is something that Jaime, as well as you, need to know. Ultimately, it affects the both of you."Rhaegar replied to the question posed by the mother of the silver prince.
Something that affected him and Rhaella Targaryen 'They will not tell me what I think ...' Jaime's thought was interrupted by the cutting voice, hard and this time without trembling or doubting of Aegon Targaryen, The Dragon Reborn.
"There is no simple or painless way to say it, so I will say it and I hope that the information does not change the relationships that already exist in this family group, or those that will develop in the future." said The Dragon, looking both at his grandmother, as to Jaime.
Suddenly his stomach knotted as cold sweat began to trickle down Jaime's spine. Jaime knew that the next words the Conqueror spoke would change his life completely.
"Ser Jaime, you are my uncle. Your father is Aerys Targaryen, my grandfather." said The Dragon Reborn with all the simplicity in the world.
Rhaella let out a stifled sigh, while both Rhaenys, as well as the little Stark girl's eyes widened. 'It seems that only Aegon, his father, his mother and his squire knew about this ... It can't be true ... That would mean ...'
"Are you sure about that?" Nys asked between excited and puzzled that, if Jaime could, would have asked But it simply seemed that someone had hit him with a flail or a morning star across the head, taking away all ability to respond, and even to react.
Before the Dragon Reborn responded to his sister and indirectly to Jaime, the haunting Stark child pushed his hair back with his left hand, leaving a picture that froze Jaime in place. Making him almost forget what had just been revealed to him.
The very temperature of the solar gave the impression of descending, at the same time that the sun seemed to be hiding behind a cloud at that precise moment, leaving the room in almost total darkness.
The one that Jaime now fell was the only eye of the Stark child, until that moment crystalline blue, seemed to take on the same bloody color of the tear of blood under the ocular cavity where the absent left eye should be, increasing in intensity at time that seemed to throb.
'BY ALL THE GODS WHAT THE HELL IS THIS CHILD?!' Jaime thought, incredulous at what he saw, while all the hairs on his body stood on end. 'WHAT THE FUCKING WITCHCRAFT IS THIS? THE DAMN CHILD GIVES ME MORE DREAD THAN THE FUCKING BLACK DREAD AND THE FUCKING CONQUEROR BACK TO LIFE! Of course it is difficult to refute what they had said about him up to this moment ...'
A voice that did not belong to the world of the living and that did not seem to come from the inert lips of the Stark child, brought Jaime out of the sudden attack of panic that was suffering. And that like Jaime, all those who saw this new facet of the Stark child, seemed to be suffering.
"As sure as the Wall is made of Ice and Blood and the desert of Dorne has sand. As sure as the air we breathe. I have seen both your conception, as your birth after your twin, as well as your patricide..."
Nobody knew how to react to the harshness and naturalness of the words expressed by the child. Even the brother and sister of the Stark child had been shocked, or at least appeared appalled, at the way to confirm what was information that turned Jaime's life upside down.
Prince Rhaegar seemed to look at Jaime with a face that mixed sorrow, understanding and concern, while the prince's mother seemed to be on the verge of a stroke.
Uncle Gerion's face was flushed and seemed to be in a rage 'With whom?' Jaime couldn't tell.
'The child may terrify one of the Others and will be less tactful than a hedgehog, but after all, my mother was my Uncle's cousin? And taking into account what we know about Aerys's dealings with his wife, it is most likely that I am a child born of a ra... '
"BRANDON STARK!" Princess Lyanna's voice interrupted, with an authority and vehemence that imposed, as she got up to go to the person being addressed, to whom she gave a slap on the ear.
"How many times have I got to say to you? What I say of save the magic and horror antics for our enemies and not for the family? Ask Ser Jaime for an apology right now for the ways in which you have confirmed a piece of news that can be difficult to process." the mother of the Dragon Reborn rebuked her nephew, with a firmness and posture that implied that it was not a request, but a requirement.
Jaime for a moment, felt seeing a scene between a son and a mother.
Immediately, the room returned to full light. As well returned the sticky heat typical of the Braavosi city. In the same way, the child's eye returned to its natural color, or what now Jaime believed to be natural, but for the first time since he had met him, the eye really seemed to be focused on its surroundings. And the Stark child really present in the solar.
With a childish voice, totally in the antipodes of the previous one and this time, using the lips, although not without a magical touch in the tone, the Stark child addressed Jaime again.
"Excuse me if I have offended you Ser Jaime. First of all I want you to know that you are one of my heroes, along with Ryam Redwyne, The Dragon Knight or The Black Merlin. You are the Protector of the Princess. You're one of the reasons I've accepted my mantle. my last intention was to be impolite. Only that I remembered a similar situation in another life and tried to be as enlightening as possible. I'm sorry if my words may have affected you."
"The truth may hurt, but it's not your fault for that. I appreciate your apologies." Jaime replied with just a small voice, while mechanically nodding his head.
Trying not to think too much that the terrifying child had him as a Role Model or what was the mantle that the child took thinking of Jaime to do it, he analyzed the exchange between aunt and nephew. To try to understand a little better the dynamics in the group of five people that changed his life and that of all his surroundings in one night.
'Strange ... The Princess seems more like the mother of the terrifying child, than of the adolescent
from the songs. And yet she seems to have total control over these two. Or at least, it seems that the Princess is the only person before whom they soften their quite direct and cutting forms.' Jaime reflected before what he saw, not giving much thought to his inclusion as a family member of the House Targaryen and Stark.
'If I walk that way, I will fall into a well of self-lamentation and rage that would be useless now. I still do not know this Aegon Targaryen well as to express myself with total freedom and I can't break myself in front prince Rhaegar ... who is my brother ... And the fucking Conqueror reborn my nephew ... Just like Rhaenys is really my niece... I must be dreaming, there is no other explanation for all of this.' Jaime began, without really want him, to process what he now know.
Jaime felt like a deer before the bows of hunters. Totally defenseless. It seemed that someone had moved his world and turned it upside down. Looking around, he could see that uncle Gerion had changed his face to one of enormous concern for Jaime and seemed to be holding himself back to hug him and reaffirm that they were still family.
The Queen 'Mother? Grandmother? Dowager? My Stepmother? My second mother? They are going to have to explain the hierarchy of the house Targaryen to me again... With me included in it, it seems.' had her gaze fixed on Jaime.
Tears seemed to gather in Rhaella's purple eyes that did not finish coming out, and her face, generally composed, was totally disjointed.
But Rhaella's expression, was an expression that reflected empathy and sadness for Jaime and without a doubt, for his mother Joanna.
'She must know better than anyone what my mother went through to conceive Cersei and me.'
Jaime reflected internally, at the same time that he tried to direct her an attempt at a smile and a gesture of reassurance, which without a doubt, from the outside, must have looked like a pathetic wince of pain and disappointment.
Rhaella Targaryen had been like a second mother to Jaime and she never hid from him the friendship she had with his mother, Joanna. Or Aerys's infatuation with Jaime's mother.
Rhaella had always been a shoulder to lean on. When they barely had enough to eat, she did not hesitate to launch herself into tasks that until then were unthinkable for someone of her position. When Jaime suffered injuries in his various journeys through the mercenary companies, Rhaella was the one who would sew his scars every time he returned to the place where they were residing at that time. Rhaella was the one who decided two years ago that it was time to leave behind all her previous burdens and start a new life as ones of the common people.
In the darkest days of Jaime's life, after hearing the news of the death of Princess Lyanna, the disappearance of her son, who was also left for dead, and the death of the Kingsguards who protected them at the hands of Eddard Stark and his Men, Rhaella was the one who picked up the pieces of Jaime's broken morale and helped him continue his task of protecting Rhaenys.
The Targaryen matriarch always displayed resilience worthy of the highest praise. A descendant of the Forty of Valyria, who except for prostitution, had done all kinds of work in order to get some cash with which to live from day to day. A woman who, after the terrifying life she had led during her marriage to The Mad King, was able to draw strength for everyone.
And now, when Jaime was shown to be one of the living proofs of the disgrace Rhaella has suffered, what she showed to him was affection, understanding and concern for him.
'If I knew this before, Aerys would have taken much less time to die.' Jaime thought. But again, the icy tone of the princess brought him out of his well of pain and disappointment.
"Show some empathy with Ser Jaime, Bran. He's your uncle in law and third or fourth cousin, on the part of your paternal Blackwood great-great-grandmother. I am sure that you would not like to be told that you are the son of the trout and a person who has ruined your life and that of hundreds of thousands of other people. And remember that if not for Ser Jaime, hundreds of thousands more would have died because of that man. And your cousin Rhaenys, Ser Jaime's niece, would not be alive today." Lyanna said in a motherly voice, but with steel intertwined in her words and like something Jaime would swear was as some affection towards him.
'Why does the Princess like me, if we only met once and from afar?' Jaime wondered, avoiding much thought about the ease with which the princess had resolved the conflict over who he was and what Jaime's family was.
But at that moment Jaime thought into the end of Princess Lyanna's sentence. He understood that the affection for him came from keeping the promise made to prince Rhaegar and that they had some idea of what had happened that terrifying night of the Sack, before him telling his version of events.
This caused Jaime to recall for an instant the moment when he killed his Seven Times accursed father.
'He told me I was his son and I thought he was lying, or having an even bigger outbreak of insanity than usual. The last thing he tried to tell me was that he was my father and I killed him. Doubly cursed. Kingslayer and Kinslayer. And still, I would do it again without hesitation. In fact, I would have done it long before, as soon as I had the chance. If the Gods punish me for it, it is that there really are no Gods.' Jaime convinced himself, trying to be able to justify his actions in the past, so that he could reconcile himself with who he was now.
'But who am I?' At that moment, Jaime was faced with an internal question, which he could not answer himself, at least at that moment.
Therefore Jaime tried to mend his position as best he could. Once Jaime was able to recover a bit from the emotional blow, he thought about the hostile way in which Princess Lyanna referred to the Stark child's mother. And how neither this, nor his sister, even put a face or a frown at the nickname the Princess had used for Lady Tully.
'It seems they still have a lot to tell. And this afternoon we will have to go to the Iron Bank. It is clear that with the exception of the children, the women and my uncle, neither the Dragon, nor Davos, nor Rhaegar, nor myself are going to sleep until after the negotiations.' Jaime tried to think as a Kingsguard, to avoid falling into his thoughts.
"Jaime, I can understand that all this is a hard blow for you, but I want you to not doubt for an instant that not only are you still my nephew, but that you are like the son I have never had. Never forget it." said uncle Gerion with great affection, who was suddenly standing on Jaime's right, resting his left hand on Jaime's right shoulder.
Looking around again, Jaime saw that the prince had equally risen from his seat, approaching where Princess Lyanna, the Stark boy and girl were. While Rhaenys had come to her grandmother's side, also standing and with an expression of wanting to take air.
Only Jaime and on his diagonal The Dragon Reborn, remained seated. The latter seemed to perfectly read the tension and the need to vent the solar's environment and with a warm voice,
Aegon addressed everyone present.
"How about we take a break until after lunch? I'm sure there are many things to process." Aegon expressed himself as he glanced to Jaime and at Rhaella.
"I want you to know," said Aegon, now directly addressing Davos and the former smuggler family. "that you are fully entitled and free to choose a path other than ours. You do not have to link your destiny to ours. However, I feel that I have a lifetime debt to you and your family. So request, and if it is in my power, I will make it happen." Aegon's voice was iron and warm at the same time. It was a voice that conveyed sincere gratitude, while promising to make his words true.
"My king, I could never ask for anything. We only did what any decent person would do." Marya said with a trembling voice and certainly showing reverence in her, speaking words for the first time since they had arrived to the Inn with such illustrious company.
'I would bet all the gold in the Iron Bank that the last thing Marya expected when she woke up yesterday, was to end up meeting the revived Conqueror at night' Jaime thought sympathizing with the sweet woman.
'Others take me. I myself believed to be in the presence of one of the gods of the Old Valyria when Aegon presented himself in the Bank Square, with Rhaenys in his arms, the Black Dread roaring from above, the dragon of my Niece? ejecting its radiant flame behind him, while the scarlet and black silk cloak flared in the wind.' He remembered with a lot more reverence than Jaime would cared to admit.
"I cannot assure you of the final success of our company. Nor if when we reach it, all of us who are now in here, will be present. But I can assure you, and this also goes for you my Lord Gerion," TheDragon said pointing Jaime's uncle with the index finger of his right hand, as he rose gracefully from the chair and retreating three steps behind it, to place himself in the center of the solar. All with an action that seemed a single movement "That a dragon never ceases to protect and defend its own, in the same way that it will help them to fly in exchange for the trust and faith placed in him."
'Now I understand why this boy was followed in his conquest.' Jaime thought as he emulated the same gesture that everyone present in the room had suddenly made, including the Dragon's own family.
The gesture which Jaime took longer than the others to perform, because he was sitting in the chair. The gesture was a very simple one, but one of direct and profound involvement. They kneeled before Aegon.
"Rise. No such representations are needed. I trust that with our actions and deeds, we will earn mutual trust and respect. Without your help I would just be one more man. Together, fighting for a common goal, I am simply the figurehead of our collective effort." Aegon pronounced with modesty and humility. The one who apparently had become the King and Lord of all those present in the family solar of the Green Eel Inn of Braavos. The boy's expression denoted some discomfort at the recently made deployment, by those who the Dragon apparently considers his family, or failing that, extensions of it.
Jaime could not get out of his amazement and his emotional sway. He did not know exactly what it was that affected him the most of everything that happened on the last day of his life.
'And this boy does not stop causing me a respect like the one that I had not felt for anyone in my life. It's incredible.' Jaime analyzed internally, while coming to the conclusion of the only thing that
was clear to him. 'I will be with my family until the end. Whatever this may be.'
Marya and her children had long gone to the kitchen, where they would surely be talking to each other about everything that had happened. Jaime's brother, sister-in-law, stepmother and nieces were having lunch in the closed tavern downstairs, also accompanied by the Direwolves, except for the silver one with yellow eyes like the summer sun and who seemed to be that of the Stark boy. The latter had remained in the solar and made as his own the opposite corner from which Jaime stood on the stay, where the Stark had unfolded the contents of the saddlebags that Jaime had seen unload from Balerion the day before.
Before the Stark child, over a huge black and a little oily cloth, were pieces of Valyrian Steel with which the continent of Essos could be practically bought. Blackfyre, Darksister, the rubys band, the wondrous and portentous full armor of the Dragon. And finally a Dragonbone- hilt dagger topped by a golden flame.
The wonderful castle-forged steel longsword with a white wooden hilt topped by a deep blue sapphire, which was the possession of Jaime's brother, prince Rhaegar Targaryen, looked like a trinket next to everything else that was on the cloth.
Seeing out of the corner of the eye the eagerness in which the Stark child polished and cleaned each of the various pieces placed before him with various rags and polishing stones. As well as the Stark's totally relaxed and energetic gesture, accompanied by a facial expression of joy overflowing, made it seem that someone had replaced the being who had confirmed who Jaime's true father was, for a nine-day-of his name boy .
'And I don't know if the change reassures me for the better.' Jaime admitted to himself. 'At least, proves that he is? Was he? Is he being? Will he be? The Builder and all the things said about him.'
At the end, Jaime looked at the bright side of the changes in the ways and forms of the Stark child and who happened to be his nephew-in-law. 'A boy who also has me as a role model and knows better than I who I am and what I have done in my life.' Jaime concluded, not being able to avoid continuing feeling a deep desire to avoid cross the child's path at least.
The Dragon Reborn for his part, and the reason why Jaime was now standing without having slept , had remained in the same posture in which he had gotten up from the table, staying behind to speak alone with two people, before accompanying the rest of their family.
With Aegon's back as only sight, Jaime could see how Aegon's head seemed to swing slightly between Davos and Uncle Gerion.
Jaime, for his part, had assumed his position with little solution of continuity, standing in the corner of the solar, about four steps diagonally from his nephew and King.
'If there is a moment that the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard must be with the King, it is today and now. As much threat and fear they may have instilled in the bankers, I have no doubt that they will try to do something against Aegon and the family. And of course having the three dragons flying over the inn and from time to time, descending on the nearby breakwater, does not help to go unnoticed.' Jaime thought, trying to focus his head on something that would occupy it, in order to avoid thinking about his new reality and about the reality behind who he was himself.
'The last thing I need right now is self regret and self pity. I'll have time to lick my wounds'
"Davos, you have told me that you have experience as a smuggler, and I imagine that from that
experience, you will surely have contacts with pirates and sailors. Both your knowledge and your contacts can be very useful to us. If you want, I would be delighted to have you as a naval advisor, as this is a field in which I have almost always been entirely dependent on my relatives of house Velaryon." Jaime's Nephew said with total sincerity and closeness to Davos, shrugging the shoulders.
'Perhaps by repeating the family relationship between them and I, I am able to believe that I am a Targaryen. Or a Blackfyre. Or a Hill. Or maybe a Waters. I suppose it depend on who appreciates that. Although I doubt that this King will give me his sword even in the best of my dreams. Brightroar looks like a rusty iron sword at Blackfyre side. That blade is unlike any other Valyrian steel I have ever seen.'
That was a thought that Jaime could also express about the wonderful armor that Brandon Stark was polishing in that moment. An armor that at times, seemed to flood the room with light thanks to the incidence of the sun on it.
But for Jaime those thoughts were a curtain to numb his mind. His true objective in that moment was to think and fix his head on anything but on what has been revealed to him.
Fortunately, Davos answered the Dragon Reborn's offer, allowing Jaime to observe how the first distribution of power that he saw Aegon carry out, instead of turning to what was hovering in Jaime's head.
"I don't know if would be qualified for it, Your Grace." Davos replied with conviction in what he said. This was reflected in the face of the former smuggler, as he was looking at Aegon, but also at the tips of Davos's threadbare boots, as he frowned. "Also, I imagine that when you reconnect with your relatives, they will be able to offer you better services than mine." Davos added politely, if dryly.
Jaime, who had known Davos for more than fifteen years, was convinced that he was wrong about the first assessment 'If you give Davos the means, without a doubt he would manage to carry out what they ask him to do.' Although regarding the possible, or, future, incorporation of the house Velaryon, the contribution of Davos was totally true.
'Without a doubt The Dragon Reborn will once again have the services of house Velaryon. His other mother was theirs and although it is a house that has been in decline since the Dance, they still have maritime and naval capacity. If you add that to what he gets here in Essos, Aegon can have a large fleet in a short space of time.' Jaime analyzed how the situation they were touching could develop in the coming moons.
A chuckle coming from Jaime's nephew and the moving of Aegon's right arm extended on Davos's left shoulder, brought Jaime out of his reverie. The hand Aegon placed on Davos's shoulder had a magnificent gold and ruby ring set on the middle finger, carved with the three- headed dragon Targaryen.
"Foolishness. Even if house Velaryon comes to us, that does not certify them to be the right to fit for the position. Also, even if that were the case, it would not be a reason to displace you from your position if you show that you do it well. For most things in the life, you just need to have knowledge and common sense. And from the little I've learned about you, you have the first in this particular regard and the second in all facets of your life. Before leaving for the meeting this afternoon, give me your answer. If is affirmative, go thinking about a surname and a coat of arms for your house." Aegon sentenced in a cordial and close tone, although without losing an iota of the steel and respect that it instilled, while gently withdrawing the arm from Davos shoulder, leaving it soft on his side.
Although it could be clearly seen that Jaime's nephew was in a totally relaxed position, this one continued to radiate a sense of power like no one Jaime had ever known or see in his life.
'It is as if he were suddenly able to become a real Dragon made a person when the occasion requires it ... Or a Dragon that from time to time seems to become a person if those around him, he considers them worthy of contemplating his human side ... and transmits that feeling to all those around him.' Jaime was trying to understand Aegon better, while his thoughts seemed to be reflected on Davos' face. Who was practically in a straight line to Jaime.
Davos's face seemed to adopt a veritable melting pot of emotions, ranging from utter surprise to deepest respect. From that, Davos seemed to pass to admiration and finally to utter disbelief. All this in the brief interval of time in which Aegon's words were processed by the former smuggler.
'It is not for less. He has been offered to be a Great Lord and have power. If Davos feels like it and our company is successful, his family will have life resolved for generations.'
Of course, if Jaime had managed to make something clear about His Grace, it was that he was unpredictable and that he was vastly complex. Although Jaime only knew him for less than a day, he was sure that if Aegon wanted to, he would continue to be an enigma to Jaime until the end of his days.
Davos, showing the same ignorance that Jaime had about Aegon, seemed to consider himself to be dismissed, since Davos began the gesture of reverence. Only to be interrupted by His Grace as Aegon extended the left hand to stop what would surely have been rather an uncomfortable attempt at reverence by the man who, with his vessel, went through one of the worst storms in history, to reunite a granddaughter with her grandmother. Something that Aegon's words showed, he also had in mind.
"Similarly, if any of your children wish to join the Kingsguard or remain as my sister's or my grandmother's sworn sword, if they are able to last more than a minute against me, I would be delighted to have them. With the actions of you and your family, it has become clear to me the loyalty, devotion and trust that you have in my family and that is something that I cannot leave without reward." Aegon said this last piece, twisting his head a little to the side where uncle Gerion was, who now seemed to be preparing to face a dragon of the winged worms, according to Gerion's forehead beaded with sweat and the nervous gesture of the hands.
'I wonder because of why Uncle is nervous. Because he is whose brother is he or because of Gerion's relationship with Rhaella? Knowing Uncle and seeing who is in front of him, I'm sure it is for both things.' Jaime thought, as he watched as an astonished Davos tried to find the words with which to respond to Aegon.
"My king, we are not worthy of such praise." The once-smuggler paused briefly, glancing in Jaime's direction, clasping his hands. Davos seemed to manage to steer his position, to continue the answer to Jaime's Kingly nephew.
"As my wife Marya said, we only did what decent people would do. I don't know how we can serve you efficiently, but I can promise you that we will never abandon your sister or your grandmother. For me Rhaenys is like the daughter that I have never had and I would give my life for her. So I think this is my answer regarding my services and those of my family. Now I will pass on what Your Grace have tell me regarding my children and they themselves will transmit their responses." Davos replied, now voice firmer, but still a little shaky at the beginning, to speak passionately about the sister-wife of the Dragon.
Aegon nodded, showing that had already concluded what he wanted to discuss with Davos and that
the next discussion would be a private one with Jaime's uncle, Gerion Lannister. Davos noticed this immediately, briefly glanced at Jaime, bowed his head as formally as Davos knew in deference to Aegon, and walked out the door that led to the corridor on the first floor of the Inn.
Jaime's uncle was practically hopping from one foot to the other and continually intertwining the fingers in his hands. The sticky heat had stuck the doublet to Gerion's body, causing the light green of it to change due to the effect of sweat, to a dark green. Jaime was sure, that although he could not see him from the front, Aegon must be fixing eyes on his uncle's. Who was looking everywhere except forward.
"[My Lord Gerion, from what I have seen so far, I am convinced that you handle High Valyrian just as well as the common tongue and if it is not annoying, I would prefer to have this conversation in that language.]" sounded the iron tones of Jaime's nephew, linked with a certain hardness and coldness.
"[It's not a problem, Your Grace. My journey through Essos has allowed me to know the richness of the language.]" Jaime's uncle pronounced in a trembling and flattering way, in a hissed High Valyrian that was very reminiscent of Gerion's teacher's.
'By all the gods, he is smart. Aegon has confirmed what he suspected without even asking Gerion and I think my uncle has not even noticed about that.' Jaime was amazed at the political and dialectical genius of the Dragon.
'He does not have tact, but knows how to handle the words and the situation so that the other ends up giving in to what Aegon intends. And in this case Aegon wanted a confession before carrying out the sentence.'
Jaime thought with some concern, that he really would not know what he would do if in the end the situation led to having to choose between saving his uncle by facing his nephew and king, or collaborating with the latter in shedding blood of his own.
'I hope I never have to answer that question.' Jaime thought bitterly now that he began to better appreciate the complexity of his situation. 'And sooner or later there will be a clash with Tywin and Cersei...Although she is innocent and is family of the Dragon. And Tyrion was a brat during the Rebellion.' Jaime tried to maintain some hope of being able to come out relatively unscathed when it came to family choices, from that morning onwards.
Although Jaime's uncle Gerion had nothing to do with the events of Robert's Rebellion and the Sack, from a certain point of view, it could be considered that Gerion also did nothing to prevent the Sack or the murders of Elia and the son of Ashara Dayne. Making Gerion indirectly guilty.
'And that only the birth of Joy and the tensions between him and the one who until a while ago I thought was my father, were the trigger for Gerion's reproach towards Tyrwin.'
If Aegon, The Dragon Reborn's, was one of those who shared this vision of the events after everything explained and told during that night. A vision, probably many other loyalists would surely share in Westeros. Adding the fact that Gerion was also bedding with the Dragon Reborn's grandmother, point to a fleeting future in Jaime's uncle's life. Or at least out of Targaryen favor.
Aegon in a completely relaxed posture, rested his left hand on Gerion's right shoulder.'But coincidentally, unlike with Davos, now Aegon leaves his skillful hand free.' Jaime observed as Aegon accompanied the gesture with a small laugh that it had a certain dark aftertaste. Something that completely baffled Jaime and made Gerion's face lose the color.
"Ha! Velaena always told that you recognized your family by how they spoke the tongue of the
Forty. Because, well, even if you don't want to, the teacher's way of pronouncing is inherited by the student." Now Aegon spoke in the common tongue with a strong northern accent, leaving Uncle Gerion like a fish out of water, Jaime wide-eyed and the Stark child giving a giggling click.
"You had nothing to do with the acts of the Sack and possibly acting against your brother Tywin, if you could, would have been counterproductive to your health. So don't worry about that. Just as a child is not responsible for the sins and acts of his parents, neither is a brother of the sins of his siblings." Aegon's harsh voice resounded with steel in the solar, exempting with a stroke of the pen all possible acts of his uncle in the past, although without lowering the hardness and coldness of the tone one iota.
"So tell me my Lord Gerion, what do you want with my grandmother?" Aegon said now imperative, with a totally tense gesture and dangerously drawing Gerion with his right arm towards where Aegon was stand, now being face to face, a few inches apart, at the same time that triggered the tension in the situation.
Jaime was about to intervene in favor of his uncle. But it seemed that something in the gaze that the Dragon Reborn was giving Jaime's Uncle, and that he could not perceive from his position, completely loosened Gerion's posture.
Then Jaime's uncle lowered his head in defeat and surrender. With just a small voice, Gerion began to say. "I intend to make her as happy and safe as possible as I can, while giving her the love that she had never been given. My intentions are totally honest with her. And if your grace desires and she wishes, I would be delighted to marry her on the Isle of Temples. Furthermore, if such a union occurs, myself and any possible fruit of our union, will renounces to the inheritance rights of house Targaryen." concluded uncle Gerion, who during the speech was able to straighten his posture, returning the gaze to Aegon, maintaining a firm and sincere voice.
Jaime's nephew immediately relaxed the posture, pulling away and letting go of Gerion, while nodding with the head.
"The bedroom issues that exist or not exist between my grandmother and you, is something in which I do not intend to interfere. The vows you both want to take or not take are not my business. Both of you are older to know what you can do and how you do it. What I am questioning my lord, is your loyalty and honesty to House Targaryen. As you well know, sooner or later, we will collide with your family. Almost certainly spearheaded by one of yours brothers. So this is a warning and an opportunity. Reflect on the words I have said to you. I do not intend to annihilate your house, unlike what your brother did and later tried to repeat." said coldly, although in some moments exuding a certain sarcasm and in others genuine repulsion, the Dragon.
"Tywin has his life forfeit, but the vast majority of your family have never done anything against me or my family, at least to this day." Aegon sentenced at first with hostility and at the end with some empathy.
After that, Aegon shrugged and extended the right arm, pointing to his uncle with the index finger "When the time comes, that will come, if the current Head to Casterly Rock not comes to be part of the Freehold, know that I would have no other way to solve the issue than having to replace the Head. In that hypothetical case, you would be my candidate for that position. Think, reflect and tomorrow morning tell me your decision. You can check with my grandmother if you wish. But I'll clarify one thing for you now. If you ever gabled swimming occurs to you, you will meet the wrath of a Wolf and a Dragon."
Gesturing with his left hand to interrupt Gerion's possible reply, Aegon concluded. "Don't answer me now, take your time. I would be delighted if whatever final decision you makes, first you will
accompany us to the meeting with the braavosi this afternoon. So, we'll see you before leaving for the gathering. "
Uncle Gerion knew he was now dismissed, for after swallowing, bowed gracefully, turning round on his heel and leaving the solar with all the dignity Gerion could muster in direction to the corridor and possibly his room.
Jaime lost sense of his surroundings, gaze fixed on Gerion's retreat. So Jaime hadn't realized that just a few feet in front of Jaime, almost at his height, face to face, was Aegon Targaryen.
Recalling in Jaime's head the words of the night before in his presentation 'The first and sixth of my name. King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men. Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and of the Nine Provinces of the Freehold of Valyria. King of Westeros and Lord of Valyria. The son of ice. The son of Fire. The King in the Shadows and The Dragon Reborn. The Promised Prince ' reviewing the boy's full titles that now Jaime had in front of him, made Aegon seem taller than him, when Jaime would easily get a foot over of him. However, Jaime felt like a child in front of an adult.
Jaime had reasons for this feeling. It was the first time since he had seen him descend from Balerion that they were alone, face to face. 'If we don't count the Stark boy for company. Although in view of what he is, is possibly that he isn't really in the room right now.'
"Ser Jaime, first of all, I want to reiterate the statements made to your uncle Gerion. I do not seek revenge against your other family. Or perform a bloodbath to later call it justice. Anyone who had a direct hand in the acts that led to Elia's death, the Sack, the murder of my cousin and my sister, will pay. But nobody else. If when the time comes, they agree to our terms, you know that I will not retaliate. I did it once and I would do it again." Aegon assured Jaime.
After that Aegon's posture seemed to loosen, his face severe and sharp was softening and a warm glow was shining in Aegon's unfathomable eyes.
"On the other hand, I want to thank you for everything you have done for my sister and my grandmother all these years. On top that, after the news that we have delivered to you today you have assumed your new mantle with such speed and effectiveness. Although really, was something you didn't have to worry about immediately, but I can understand why you're doing it..."
"Your Grace, I ..." Jaime tried to reply Aegon, but it seemed that his nephew wanted to express what he thought and so Aegon let Jaime know.
"Let me speak and then tell me what you want." Said a bit cutting Aegon. Took a deep breath and then addressed Jaime
"First and foremost, remember that we are family, I think we could at least speak to each other by name. To my little sister, I am Jon. For the vast of Westeros, even though they haven't seen me once in my life, I am known, thanks to my maternal uncle as the Bastard of Winterfell. To my aunt- in-law, I am Daemon born again and the most hideous abomination that ever lived. For whom I consider my younger brother, I am a being predestined from before I was born, to do something that I supposedly already did. To my older sister, I am The King in the Shadows and The Dragon Reborn. To my father, I am The Promised Prince and The Song of Ice and Fire because that's what my older sister thought I would be. For my mother, I am the fruit of a love that she could never give me and that I don't know how to receive. To my Haedar, I am The Dragon. For some of the Free Folk, I am one of the Old Gods who has come down to the world to save them from the Others. For many others, I will be Aegon Targaryen, the grandson of the Mad King, the product of a civil war or whatever they can think of to insult and denigrate me. But behind all that, is always
the same person. Me. And I am Aegon, or Egg. Nice to meet you Ser uncle." Aegon concluded, displaying a warm smile from ear to ear.
The speech was with excited voice, tremulous, trembling at times, oscillating between High Valyrian and common tongue with a closed northern touch. With a small physical tremor that seemed to be running through Aegon's body, causing at the same time the neutral mask that had exposed at all times, to break completely.
Before Jaime, there was no longer the one who the night before he had taken for a god of Old Valyria. If not, the face full of doubts and insecurities typical of a boy of barely five and ten days of his name, thrown into the position where Jaime'snephew was.Aegon's eyes, those otherworldly eyes, sparkled and gleamed unnaturally. Oscillating between a black like that of the mouth of an inkwell and a silver purple that glittered brilliantly.
"Jaime, my name is Jaime." he replied shakily, with just a small voice, as he shifted uncomfortably on his feet.
Jaime was quite unsettled by Aegon's sudden outburst of sincerity and by the ease with which Aegon had included Jaime as part of his family. Therefore, Jaime did not even know what to answer, apart from pronouncing the only thing he knew for sure about himself; his name. Apart from that, Jaime was petrified looking at the face of his nephew, who seemed to realize the dilemma Jaime was in.
"I could guess that your current emotional situation must suck. Believe me, I know what it is like not to know who you are. But in the end we are what we do. Our actions dictate who and how we are, not our parents or the way we were conceived. If you want, you can call yourself Jaime Lannister, Targaryen, Blackfyre or Florian The Fool, that as long as you are yourself and do not threaten our family, I wouldn't beat an eyelash against you." Aegon replied, showing sincerity in his words, although not without their edge.
"Now take a break. At least until we are about to leave for the meeting. We will need to be attentive this afternoon and while you rest, between my father, my mother, the wolves, the dragons and me, I believe that we are more than capable of defending everyone here without problems." Aegon told him with complete familiarity, confidence and a certain warm touch in his voice, especially when mentioning his mother Lyanna.
Trying not to be flabbergasted at the inclusion of Princess Lyanna as part of the strike force, who would brace itself in the event of an impromptu assault while he took a really needed break, Jaime realized that his nephew harbored suspicions similar to those of Jaime's regarding the meeting in which the destiny of the city of Braavos and its banking entity would be decided. City and entity with more than four hundred years of history as independent entities behind them.
'Not even did Volantis get direct support from the Magistrates, Archons, Keyholders and Sealord for its Century of Blood attempt. And now the descendants of those self-exiles from the Freehold are supposed to bow down to the last descendants of the Freehold in exchange for promises of unequaled prosperity and the common union of two continents? Of course they will not accept being mere figure-heads while they give up all the power that they have accumulated over the centuries'
"Do you suspect that the Keyholders or magistrates are going to try something? Do you think we are going straight into a trap, right?" Jaime asked him directly and without beating around the bush.
It seemed that their relationship was more fluid after the confession about who his nephew was and Jaime did not intend to miss the opportunity to ask what was on his mind.
"I do not suspect, nor do I believe, Uncle. I'm sure of both. I have no doubt that the time will come when swords will have to be drawn, but we must not act definitively until we know the scope of the plans or whom has been involved in them, is that clear?" Aegon told Jaime in a firm and imperative voice, in a way that it was impossible to say no to him.
'As much as it seems crazy to me, to go directly and willingly into a trap. Without the dragons and without the wolves. Starting at a numerical disadvantage beforehand with respect to the thirteen Keyholders, the thirteen Magistrates, the Sealord and all the entourage that surrounds and accompanies them.' Jaime was thinking internally. Something to which he now had to add not being able to do what Jaime was best at doing in the world and that which abstracted him from all thoughts outside of it.
"Yes ... but that would mean having to make the effort to try not to kill our possible and probable foes, causing that sooner or later, by number only, we can be overcome." Jaime added, showing Aegon that he wasn't very much in favor of the idea.
'Fighting against an enemy that tries to kill you and whom you cannot kill, no matter how good you may be, in the end causes the death of the one who cannot kill. And I do not intend to die on the first day of my new life.'
"All the more reason for you to be rested when it's time to be ready, Jaime. I imagine you don't want to miss the foundation of a New Province of the Freehold." Aegon told Jaime with a confident smile and relaxed gesture, while resting the left hand on Jaime's right shoulder.
The tone was iron, but the gaze Aegon directed his direction exuded warmth, appearing more concern for Jaime's rest than for the moment Jaime was dreading.
'As calm as if he had already had the meeting and it had been successful.' Jaime analyzed, trying to decipher the boy, or man older than him in age, depending on how the latter was viewed, which for now, was an absolute enigma for Jaime.
Jaime could not tell if the Dragon Reborn was completely mad, or fully confident in all that he set out to do, even if this seemed crazy at first.
'Rituals of magic, fire and blood aside, it seems he's the walking example of the saying that Ser Barristan had about the Targaryen and that according to the old knight, the boy's great- grandfather himself had told him. Jaehaerys II who that now I fall, is my grandfather. Only that my nephew seems to be continually flipping the coin and at every turn, doubling the stakes.'
Although Jaime should not really be really surprised. Because he was before the person who had established the Game of Thrones as a way to become lord of the Seven Kingdoms.
'And nothing combines madness and greatness more than a game where you win or die.' Jaime recalled his sister's words when she spoke to Jaime about her projects as the future queen of Rhaegar.
'If she comes to know that Rhaegar was her brother and she is also a descendant of Targaryen, I have no doubt that Cersei would have killed any woman who stood between her and her silver prince. Long ago Rhaella showed me the reality that I was the poor substitute. As in the end she herself was with Robert, or poor Rhaella with Aerys. We can't choose those who we love, but politics dictate who you have to marry. If Aegon's new game ends that, so be it.' Jaime thought, beginning to feel confident of the success and the correctness of his nephew's madness, while Aegon nodded in affirmative agreement towards Jaime and headed to the exit door of the solar.
"Bran, let's go get something to eat and catch up with the family." Aegon said to his brother, who was really his cousin, leaving on the way to the corridor.
"Get going, Egg. I'm going to help Ser Jaime to shed his armor. He will surely want to rest without it on and it looks like it is not easy to remove without help." said the Stark child with a childish voice and certainly brimming with energy.
'Fantastic. To be alone with the child that gives me panic.' Jaime thought with some repulsion inwardly. Aegon absently nodded and continued on his way at a steady pace.
Seeing that the Stark boy was looking at Jaime with his head turned to the side and with some expectation in his eye, Jaime tried to break the ice and go through the trance quickly.
In addition, the help would not hurt, since his armor was difficult to access on the back, "Well ... if you help me with the breastplate and the back, I could take care of the rest. I'm used to having to do it alone and you sure want to..." Jaime tried to tell the kid with a certain tremor and doubt in his voice, but was interrupted by the boy before Jaime could finish.
"Don't worry about who your father was or of whom you may have been father. Great men have always raised great controversies around their figure. Be yourself and you will see how that is enough to quell the doubts in your mind. Both my cousin and I have had questions similar to the ones you need to ask yourself now. But in the end, we are who we are, because of what we are meant to be. Things are the way they are for a reason and that is how we must accept them. And you for me are a role model. So if you need help from a squire, know that you can count on me." The Stark boy said with total naturalness and his childish voice, a little high, but distilling something that Jaime could only define as magical. Especially when it came to destinies.
Before Jaime could realize it, and despite the difference in height, the boy had detached the bridles that assemble his armor and had released it, in a movement that seemed to be mechanized. By the time he wanted to realize and thank the Stark boy, the kid was already hurtling out the door, his wolf hot on his heels.
Leaving Jaime alone, standing in the middle of the desert solar, his head full of thoughts, doubts and conflicts. Honestly, Jaime needed to go to the cot 'Or wake up in it after all this reverie.' Jaime thought on the verge of mental and emotional exhaustion.
The Stark boy's words echoed in his head and as Jaime lay down to rest, he couldn't help but think of one thing.
'Since when the hell am I a father?'