Twelfth day of the seventh moon of 297 AC. Braavos, Northwest of Essos .
'Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought honorably. And Rhaegar died. ' Jorah Mormmont to Danerys. ASoS, Daenerys II.
Entering through the gigantic golden door, they were greeted by a mere concierge and the thirteen massive statues of the Keyholders responsible for founding this institution of unparalleled wealth and extortion. The Iron Bank, itself, a massive building made of marble and supported by golden stone cyclopean pillars.
'Although really this monumental edifice is built on the blood of everyone who dared to challenge them. That is really the Iron Bank.' Rhaegar muttered to himself, as he contemplated the long room in which they were now and in which they had already been for a long time.
Before accessing it, they were led by the concierge from the heavy golden door that could only be opened with the help of a good dozen men and through hundreds of steps that led from the entrance, to the stays where they now stand. They were awaiting the appearance of the Keyholders.
The stays in which Rhaegar and his family were waiting was a rectangular room that opened beyond doors, which, like the gigantic ones at the entrance, were golden. Wide, decorated on its high and long right wall with large paintings, surrounded by gilded frames. They depicted men in colorful tunics of silk, brocade and lace, all of them wearing the most impossible beards ever seen. Rhaegar waited for a while looking at them with great curiosity, as some of them showed a certain resemblance to the statues in front of the entrance.
On the left side was a gallery of tall windows, which practically covered the entire wall. At the back of the room was a huge black marble counter, in front of which stood a small stone bench. On the other side of the counter there were three huge stone armchairs, behind which was a door identical to the one through which they had entered and on which, engraved on the wall, was the infamous sigil of the entity that controlled the Essosi economy.
'The Iron Bank will have what is due to it.' Rhaegar recalled the common phrase used by the Braavosi institution as a little veiled threat to show its strength.
Lyanna was standing a couple of feet from him, leaning her back against the wall as she crossed her arms over her chest and frowned, glancing from side to side with a look that promised an ice storm in case the wait lasted longer. Showing that patience wasn't Lya's greatest strength. 'It is something we must work on more. I have no problem with her expressing herself freely, but she can't lose the facade so easily. It could be easily used by others.' He analyzed from the point of view of the Game.
Rhaegar's wife was dressed in her current gala clothes, which were the same with which she left Winterfell, more than two moons ago. 'Fortunately at the Wall we did not need too much etiquette, or to show off our position, but from now on we will need to improve our wardrobe.' Rhaegar concluded after observing that his wife, like the little Winter Princess, they seemed to be more well dressed to participate in a war campaign than for a diplomatic evening.
The presence of Needle on her left hip, the twin sword still unnamed on her right hip. All this accompanied by Visenya's dagger at her waist, did nothing but reinforce that impression that Lyanna transmitted.
In his opinion, the Lya who had come to life more than two moons ago in the ravaged crypts of Winterfell seemed more like a woman of legend, or the songs of the bards about historical heroines, than the wild, fiery and passionate teenager of whom he fall in love with, at the time of the Tourney.
'The Princess of the Free Folk, The Lady of Winter, The She-Wolf, the She-Wolf that tamed the Dragon... how many epithets will Lyanna have garnered among the Free Folk in little less than three weeks?' Rhaegar wondered.
Lya was now a woman capable of making any man fall in love with her, just as she might be capable of killing him with utter coldness if the safety of her family or hers were compromised.
Lya's youthful beauty had given way to a more mature one beauty, perfecting her features. The youthful fat, now gave way to a velvety complexion, which looked like porcelain and gave her an ethereal beauty. After a small grow that has raised her above the meter seventy five, she has left behind the vagueness of adolescence, to give way to an increasingly slender woman's body with more pronounced curves on her hips and chest. Her long jet-black hair of yesteryear was now in a long braid that rested on her left shoulder, reaching down to her chest.
Despite her eighteen days of her name fulfilled less than two weeks ago, Rhaegar's wife now possessed a trace of wisdom and a cold and hard look totally contrary to what her age would indicate.
Although far from that look of naivety, mischievous and full of illusion and hope that she had during the Tourney, sometimes she still showed flashes of it. Especially when Lya played pranks on Arya, when she was alone with him, or when she got their son Aegon to open up to her and act like a son to his mother. On these occasions, Lya's eyes, smoky silver of Valyrian steel, now seemed to glow.
Lya's always exuberant personality had been tempered a bit, being less smiling and impulsive than before.
'But thanks to her interaction with the little ones and especially, since the meeting with Uncle Aemon before leaving Forlond, it seems that a gigantic weight had been lifted from Lya's shoulders and she was beginning to live fully again.' Rhaegar was delighted inside as to think that maybe after all they have lived maybe they could have a happy life in this new life.
This was something that Arya and Bran had undoubtedly contributed to, especially when the latter did not wore his role as Branraven. Thanks to their childlike innocence, their illusions and the vision that everything they were experiencing was like a great adventure, they often managed to reduce the tension and anguish of the enterprise they were carrying out.
However, when Arya showed the cold blood that she could have and the confidence in the damage she could do to another person, it caused that at times, she had nothing to envy Aegon's attitude.
'And with the pace of training and the hardness of the same that Egg puts us through every day that is possible, I have no doubt that Arya in less than a year will be lethal even against adult men in plate armor and chainmail. She has more speed than Egg, is small, has exceptional footwork and is left-handed like Lya. If we get her a true instructor in The Water Dance, she will surely be able to make a strainer on anyone who gets in her way, although in pitched battle I still have my doubts about her.' Rhaegar analyzed, as he rested his gaze on the bulge nestled between the wall and her brother Bran. The little one who in a short time had transformed into a kind of daughter to him.
Rhaegar did not want, could not, and did not intend to replace the figure of Eddard Stark. In the same way that Arya could not, nor wanted, nor did she intend to replace Rhaenys. However, a relationship developed between the two that could well be seen as a parent-child relationship, going beyond that of an uncle and his niece.
Bran, for his part, could be the most vital of the five who had started this journey, however, since whatever happened in that cave beyond the Wall, there were times when his nephew and squire inspired real dread in him. The fact that Bran claimed to be Brandon the Builder reborn, or that he was an all-seeing being, was the least of it. The problem was the feeling that Bran seemed to know
the lives and secrets of all those who had ever stepped on land in contact with a Weirwood Tree.
'Just thinking about the Bran from a while ago in the house of Black and White makes a shiver run through my body. How does he invoke that terrifying voice of beyond the grave and by all the gods, how does he control the color and brightness of his only eye...?'
'No. Better not think about Bran's powers and magic. He may not even know it himself, and if he does, I doubt he will tell us.'
At least Bran is a great squire and a promising archer, although a true disaster wielding the sword
'To whom Bloodraven expressly yielded the Dark Sister until Bran deems it appropriate...and from what he has dropped about it, not even when the time comes, the sword will fall on my hands. Damn my luck that I will never be able to have a Valyrian steel sword.' Rhaegar grumbled internally, observing the hilt of the long sword that he would like to have hanging from his left hip, but which was inert on the ground between the sacks where Bran rested his head.
As he watched the scene before him, with Lya who was about to climb the walls in exhaustion from waiting, while the kids were sleeping peacefully at her feet, Rhaegar couldn't help but get a big smile on his face.
'I would die a hundred times more if it makes me stay with her for the rest of eternity.' Rhaegar affirmed to himself, as he drank from the image that Lyanna offered against the light of the tall chandeliers of the room.
Despite the uncertain future, full of dangers and possibilities of dying, Rhaegar thought to take advantage of his second chance in life, to love even more if that could be possible, his wife and mother of his only child, the latter at least for the moment. He was still unable to understand what he had done to deserve the unconditional love of his beloved, because in Rhaegar's opinion he felt that Lya should hate him for all the pain that he caused her, directly or indirectly, with his actions.
'Or as Aegon has reiterated me every time he could, because of my inaction at key moments.' Rhaegar thought, recalling the conversations about the pre- Rebellion era that he had had with his son. Thanks to the countless hours of conversation between them, Aegon had ceased to be a stranger and an absolute mystery to him.
Although without a doubt all that was possible thanks to the fact that they were able to air their differences. They probably did not do it in the most ordinary or most peaceful way, but in the end, it turned out to be absolutely effective.
Since the confrontation between the two of them and the immediately subsequent confrontation with the giant Umber, Egg infused him with tremendous respect, great admiration, deep pride and enormous affection, perhaps only comparable to what Rhaegar felt at the time for Viserys or Rhaenys.
'Almost certainly we not have the parent-child relationship more traditional, nor possibly the most normal of history, but after two months I can say that my son loves me and is someone to be enormously proud of.' swelled his chest thinking about his boy.
'The secrets between the family, as well as keeping the opinions and doubts about the family members to oneself instead of expressing them openly between us, only favor dissension, confrontation and ultimately our death. It is not about knowing everything that goes through the head of the five of us, but it is about knowing everything that we think and feel towards each other. We are dragons and wolves, we must act as such. Let us not be petty to each other like our rivals in Westeros or Essos. Let's go head-on with what we believe in. Better a cut in time, than an infection
that spreads throughout the body.' echoed in his head the words that his son Aegon pronounced before them after the Fight of the Dragons in the ramshackle shed that once was the stables of the defunct Eastwacth.
As he contemplated his son completely straight and undaunted before the stone banquet, with his impressive full armor, crowned by the Valyrian steel band and rubies around Egg's fledgling mane that already reached his ears and with Blackfyre girded on his back, Rhaegar couldn't help to think that it was difficult for him to contemplate Aegon in any other way than in the way he was observing him now. 'Like a conquering warrior.'
Although both he and Egg had garments that could certainly be worn on occasions like the one they were in, courtesy of his niece Sansa, after visiting the Faceless Man they decided it was an unnecessary waste of time, so they continued to wear their armor and swords. This despite the fact that Rhaegar's body asked him to shed once and for all the almost twenty kilos of weight that he had carried for more than three days and that at least in his case, made his shoulders and legs were beginning to numb.
'If we can gather enough Valyrian steel I need a breastplate and backplate like Egg's. It would surely make more bearable flying Vhagar for battle, not to mention that I could adapt the same fighting style my son has.' Rhaegar aimed internally, considering it a priority to achieve in the next six moons. After that period they would surely enter a maelstrom of endless successive battles, until they defeated or died in front of the Others. 'If someone don't kill us first.' Rhaegar added internally with a certain chill to himself.
The newly forged relationship with Aegon, allowed the two to fine-tune the plans and schemes to be executed in the next five years, approximately. The entire construction of the project was based on ideas expressed by Aegon and himself in the first three days after the ritual, but revised and improved.
Thanks to contributions from Uncle Aemon, Bran, Lya and even Arya, Ser Jaremy, the young Tarly and his brother-in-law Benjen Stark, had drawn up a plan in stages, which would allow them to proclaim themselves as sovereigns of a great extension of territory in short time frame. Said plans used the double oath as the backbone of everything, being the entity of the Freehold of Valyria the common thread between those subjected to the double oath.
'By creating an entity that indistinctly included subjects and Kingdoms, it's possible to maintain the feeling of independence and autonomy in the territories under Aegon's aegis, at the same time that the subjects who inhabited them were directly linked to House Targaryen in general and not liable to a vassal in particular.' In Rhaegar's opinion, it was the ideal solution to eliminate the high nobility as an intermediary between the common people and the rulers. That is, them.
The fact that at that time the family was under the command of the same one who was taking the oath of the Freehold, was an exception due to the situation they had to face. But in the future, this would prevent someone like his father or The Cruel from holding power without question. The counterweight to the ruler of the Freehold of Valyria, which being Valyrian had to be yes or yes ruled by the only living descendants of Valyria, was the Targaryen family from which the aforementioned ruler would emerge.
This had allowed them to reach a conclusion about the possible development of their plans and shadow work that they had carried out and that still need to be carried out. This conclusion was that in between seven and eight moons after what happened in Winterfell, after the events that occurred at the Wall, after the acts that were carrying out that same day in Braavos and those that were to take place in the next few weeks in the northwest of Essos, all the world would know of the return
of the Dragons. Both the legendary creatures, as the Targaryen and those of the Valyrian blood.
Therefore, it was necessary to raise a series of smoke screens and mummery actions, so that in Westeros their intentions would never be known for sure and that what the Westerosi not adept at the Targaryen cause knew, was that their intentions were centered entirely in Essos in pursuit of the reconstruction of the Freehold.
In order to initiate and sustain such a large-scale farce, the direct and willing participation ofthe Iron Bank was essential.
Without their collaboration, or by eradicating them directly from the face of the earth, the difficulty of implementing the plans would grew enormously and with it the danger of death for them. That is why an active collaboration of the bankers is essential. Uniting them to their cause, making them see that the best thing for their profits and business ventures was to bet on house Targaryen and the rebirth of the Freehold of Valyria.
Ultimately, completely eliminating the Iron Bank, although now was possible and relatively easy, would end up being counterproductive on the long run, since without those responsible for the Braavosi banking entity, they would lack their commercial and client network.
"Auuuf ..." Lyanna sighed wearily, pulling Rhaegar out of his inner thoughts. "Several hours have passed and we are still here waiting for these seven damn times bankers to come. It's already completely dark and we don't even have a place to spend the night. And I warn you one thing and it goes for both of you: I am not going to spend another night dozing on top, next to or under any kind of Dragon." His wife addressed him and their son in a rather exasperated and blunt way.
Rhaegar couldn't blame Lya for her exasperation. If it weren't for previous experience in negotiations with the Iron Bank, he too would have lost his patience long ago. But Rhaegar knew that it was a common tactic of the braavosi entity when it came to building a business relationship with potential clients.
'The Keyholders of the Iron Bank have always believed themselves to be more intelligent than the rest of the men. It seems that because they control a large part of the Planetos wealth, it would makes them better than the rest.'
"Mother do not despair, it is a common negotiation technique. Waiting provokes doubts, impatience and tends to make you lose your composure. In this way, when the negotiation starts, the party that has been waiting begins the meeting at a disadvantage, without the serenity and mental acuity necessary for the dialectical battle." Egg responded in an educational and calm tone to his mother, turning around to place his gaze on the wall where Rhaegar and Lya were standing.
At Lya's feet, Rhaegar squire and his niece slept soundly. It seemed that after the adrenaline rush in the House of Black and White, coupled with the three uninterrupted days on Balerion's back, had taken their toll on the youngests of the family. Therefore Lya and he had agreed to let them rest until those responsible for the Braavosi entity appeared. What they did not expect is that it would end up giving them time to take a long nap.
Aegon for his part, despite the display of power he had made hours before, had been standing for three hours in front of the large marble counter of the Iron Bank, not been fazed by the wait. To be exact, since his son Aegon spoke cryptically with Bran about the pups and about if Bran felt them in the vicinity, shortly after descending from the dragons in front of the monumental building, Egg had not uttered a single word until he had spoke to his mother.
At times it seemed as if his son was internally elsewhere, or even in dialogue with himself.
'I suppose that sharing his body with the Conqueror's soul in a way has the advantage that Aegon always has someone to talk to while maintaining the privacy of what is expressed. Because I have no doubt that in these hours of waiting we are being observed in detail through cracks in the walls.'
Rhaegar reflected internally on why his son was so calm and serene, but on many occasions giving the impression that he was totally away from what was happening around him, unless it directly affected him or them.
Before Rhaegar could confirm what his son had just said in reference to the Braavosi Bankers, Aegon seemed to return completely to the present and to the place where they were for first time since their entry in the stays, completely focusing his gaze on them, to continue what he had begun to explain.
"The Keyholders would possibly lose a sword duel even with Bran, but their strength is in words and in the art of negotiation. Braavosi usurers, since the Century of Blood have been renowned for using words more effectively than weapons. It was said in Myr, that only a Braavosi fishmonger is able to bargain better for a price, than a representative of the Iron Bank." said Aegon in a resigned voice, shrugging the shoulders.
'Certainly what Aegon knows of Braavos is not something he likes if I am guided by the tone and attitudes he uses. I wonder if the Conqueror had run-ins with the Iron Bank during the campaigns against Volantis. Taking into account that for my son it was fundamental and immovable that Braavos was the first destination after the Wall, some past between the two must exist.' he thought, looking at his son's body attitude.
"Not to mention that they are tenacious negotiators, who always seek to win in any agreement that they are going to make." added Rhaegar to his son's explanation, confirming the impressions that he had previously transmitted. "When I came seventeen years ago to open the family account, they made me wait from noon until the hour of the wolf. If I didn't have a book on me, it would have been the most desperate wait of my life."
'Even though I don't have the reasons that he possibly has, it doesn't mean I don't share Egg's opinion. Braavosis are generally petty, profitable usurers, capable of selling their mother for a higher return on their investments.' Rhaegar muttered internally.
"And for that reason we have to be here until these people feel like attending us?! Because something has always been like this, it doesn't have to stay like that!" Lyanna replied vehemently.
His wife, with her sudden mood swings and increased fire behind her words and actions, clearly showed the symptoms of what neither of them dared to discuss yet. 'And if I needed more evidence, the morning sickness from a few days ago practically confirms my suspicions'
Rhaegar had suspicions that before leaving Forlond Lya's consultation with her Uncle Aemon was related to the matter. But neither his uncle nor his wife said a word to him. 'Possibly Egg will have also sensed that his mother is hiding something, although at no time has he made reference to his doubts ...'
"It has always been this way since the days we freed ourselves from the yoke of the Dragon Lords, and it will continue to been so long after you and your family can do something to us." A voice came curtly and sharply from the door behind the stone seats, immediately returning Rhaegar to the business that had kept them waiting for several hours: Seizing the Iron Bank, preferably without spilling blood.
The voice belonged to a man about forty-five days of his name, wearing a long green robe. Slim, dark-eyed, and sporting a black beard streaked with gray. He lowered the head as he walked, his
voice soft and heavy from the Braavosi tongue.
"[Noho Dimittis is my name, welcome to the Iron Bank.] "
After the man who had spoken, three other men appeared, although the last one was not at all like those who preceded him.
The Keyholder who had called himself Noho Dimittis took his seat first in the central place. He was dressed in a luxurious green myrish velvet tunic, with various gold thread motifs engraved on the sleeves and finished in a wide, high, fully gilded neck, making it appear that his head was on a gold tray. He was of medium height and of advanced age judging by the sparse hair and gray that he painted on what was still left, but still in full physical condition. He looked sour or had been eating lemons. And the look of contempt he shot Lyanna with those cold, brown eyes was not at all lost on Rhaegar.
To the right of Dimittis sat a tremendously obese man of low height and about forty days of his name, who was able to cover the immense support of the stone armchair.
"[Bessaro Reyaan is the mine.]" The round Braavosi said in a nasal bastard Valyrian as he bowed his head very slightly over his double chin, as a greeting.
Emeralds embroidered on the immense breast forming the shape of the sigil of the Iron Bank. The man, despite his physical appearance, had a certainly smiling face and a clean sincere blue gaze that conveyed curiosity and boredom in equal measure. The plumpness of his face was only accentuated by the total absence of hair and a bald spot that seemed polished, where sweat beaded.
'I imagine this man will be out of air for a brief displacement. I am sure that he doesn't climb daily the infinite steps that led to this room, or he would certainly not be here. Long ago it would have been replaced by another Keyholder, which were alive.' thought Rhaegar internally with certain sarcasm.
'I will definitely have to comment on that to Lya later. She's going to be laughing till midnight. And maybe she will forget that we will have to doze off to the side of the dragons.' Rhaegar sighed deeply through his nose, thinking about the reaction of Lyanna to having to spend another night sleeping with the dragons.
'It was one thing to do it in the North close to the Wall, but if even I who am a Targaryen am starting to get fed up with the heat, Lyanna who goes on top of me and is especially sensitive to heat, surely she can't take it anymore. And it's not cold in Braavos ...'
Complaining about the heat and feeling a tug inside Rhaegar's head was something simultaneous, indicating that Vhagar was being exceptional witness of all of his internal monologue and was beginning to think that if Rhaegar was so fed up with the heat, maybe he would prefer not to be bonded to him.
'Quiet. Don't be so touchy. I was just making an observation. You will be fire made flesh, but think that I am not. Three days on you is a wonderful experience, but there comes a point that even a Targaryen has enough heat.' Rhaegar addressed internally to the dragon with whom he had bonded two moons ago.
This was something that little by little Rhaegar managed to have as something normal and part of his second life. Although at times it still seemed to him that he was going mad for directing to himself and knowing that a being of legend with more than sixty meters of wingspan and ten tons of weight, listened to him and understood him perfectly. 'In fact, according to Egg, until the day I
die, the dragon will know everything that goes through my mind and will respond to that.'
Turning his attention back to the gathering, Rhaegar could see that the last to sit down was the tall, thin man with a haggard face from which a long, thin white beard fell almost to his waist. He was dressed in a rather understated purple robe trimmed with ermine and a high collar.
'Tycho Nestoris. With whom I negotiated the opening of the family account ' He remembered quickly being able to recognize the features on the face of the banker.
"[Nestoris, Tycho. Although I think we know each other, Your Excellency.]" presented himself Nestoris in a perfect High Valyrian that had nothing to envy Rhaegar's own.
'Showing that they have undoubtedly heard everything we have talked about. The High Valyrian that in Westeros, except for the descendants of Valyria, was not used and hardly known by anyone, in Essos has more roots. It will almost be better from now on to speak in the Common Tongue and show as we do not know any form of Valyrian.' Rhaegar thought with a certain bitter aftertaste that the method that allowed them to have parallel conversations in front of anyone in the Wall without the people around them really knowing what they said couldn't be used anymore, or at least not as effectively.
In the background against the wall, the fourth man who had entered the room and who had made no attempt to introduce himself remained standing.
Although was obese, he did not reach the extremes of the Keyholder who sat opposite to Rhaegar's left. In addition, the clothes of the man against the wall clothes were much more extravagant and ostentatious than those of the three members of the bank who had taken their seats at the marble counter.
'For the amount of jewels, rings and riches he is wearing. Coupled with his eminently Braavosi aspect I would say is the Sealord or a magister of the elective council to the same.' analyzed Rhaegar, watching who would be their partners.
They had no plans to contact the leader of the free city so soon, but 'who were they to miss the opportunity to kill two birds with the same stone?'
"Your visit is quite a surprise to us, Crown Prince Rhaegar. We have heard about your brother and sister, Prince Viserys and Princess Daenerys Targaryen. But your sudden reappearance among the world of the living is a surprise even to us. We thought that everyone who died remained dead. But hey, another surprise and something new to learn. Now tell us, why did His Excellency come to our humble institution?" asked sarcastically Dimittis.
The mention of his brother and sister, the latter whom Rhaegar did not even know, for a moment distracted him. But he remembered that he might know what they were hiding after the negotiation was over.
"It is logical for a client to go to check the status of his savings, right? Although you surely already knew that." Rhaegar answered the question with a sly voice but with a grim and serious expression, at the same time that he crossed his arms over his chest.
Without giving them time to answer, nor to ask who his companions were, in case they still did not know or had joined the pieces, Rhaegar extended his right arm and pointing with the index he addressed the only one of the three bankers with whom he had dealt .
"Tell me Nestoris, how are the personal vaults of house Targaryen? Has Robert Baratheon been
granted permission to plunder them as well as the Seven Kingdoms?" he said in a voice of iron, linked to the disgust that his voice let go of every syllable.
A silent hiss could be heard from the supposed Sealord after Rhaegar had said those words. Rhaegar read the disgust that permeated Bessaro's expression, while Dimittis addressed him with an open frown. Nestoris seemed simply amused by the notion that the Iron Bank would allow such a thing.
"Robert Baratheon's Hand has repeatedly tried to access your family's personal vaults, but we are not just any institution. We are the Iron Bank of Braavos. Therefore, your family's fall from grace never had an influence on the strict policies of the Iron Bank to protect the wealth of its honored clients." The Braavosi banker Nestoris said with pride in his serious voice.
"And that Means?" Rhaegar asked with some sarcasm.
"That his Excellency savings are as they were before his Grace, Aerys the second of his name, lost his crown. The vaults of the Iron Throne, on the other hand ... that's a completely different story." Replied Nestoris.
"They're empty." Rhaegar guessed immediately when the braavosis brought up the subject. They probably intended to place Robert's debt on them. "It's not like that?"
"They're not just empty." Nestoris said with a certain humor in his tone, as he stroked his beard. "The Iron Throne has accumulated a great deal of debt during the reign of Robert Baratheon."
"How much is deposited in our coffers and how much does the Iron Throne owe?" Rhaegar asked dryly. He was not going to play the game that the banker with whom he had opened his accounts almost eighteen years ago was trying to introduce him.
'If memory serves me, there should be roughly two and a half million Golden Dragons, the tiaras of the Baelor sisters, my gold band crown, jewels, books and manuscripts.'
Taking a small scroll from his sleeve, evidencing that they knew at least who Rhaegar was beforehand, Nestoris began to read a series of numbers that were undoubtedly the balance of Rhaegar's savings.
"Two and a half million Golden Dragons. Half a million fewer than what the Iron Throne owes, but it is something that we could let go of in exchange for that when your Excellence is seated again in the seat that belongs to him, His Grace remembers who helped him to return to it." Nestoris announced in a friendly voice and an attitude that conveyed that the Iron Bank would see the option of changing the King in Westeros well.
The two colleagues of the banker and the supposed Sealord were impatient and expectant for Rhaegar's next words. Aegon was still in his place in front of the counter, but was being totally ignored by the bankers who had their full attention on Rhaegar.
His son's attitude was impassive and totally neutral. But in Aegon's eyes, thanks to two moons day and night with him, you could see the reflection that he enjoyed when he was underestimated or taken for granted because of Egg's adolescent appearance.
'He adopts the attitude of a fox in a chicken coop. Or should it be that of a dragon before any animal lair?' Rhaegar thought jokingly within himself.
Stepping forward and a step behind and to Egg's right, in a totally deliberate act that showed Rhaegar's position, he glanced up at the wall that until a few moments before had served as a
backrest for his back.
Lyanna was tapping the awakening children with her right leg as she repositioned her dark gray cloak, wrapping it around the leather breastplate and around the waist, like a crossed headdress.
Lya pushed herself away from the wall a couple of feet and proceed to step a couple of steps behind Aegon, straight and tense, her gaze locked on the bankers.
His wife's attitude was quickly emulated by Arya, who proceeded to stand to the left of her aunt and as her, performed the same maneuver that Lya had done earlier with her cloak.
'There are times when Arya looks like a miniature version of Lya. They are two drops of water really.' He reflected when Rhaegar appreciated the one together with the other, in similar postures, with the same hairstyle and the same clothing.
Rhaegar's squire, Bran, was the last to arrive at his place, which was none other than behind Aegon and Rhaegar's back. His banner-cloak had been girded the same way as his sister and aunt, showing the white dragon on his breast, whose scarlet-red flame rose up to Bran's right shoulder. His long hair completely laid over the left side of Bran's face, hiding the eye socket and the tear of blood. The remaining eye offered the deep turquoise color that it showed when Bran was actually present on the site, as himself and not as one of his alter-egos.
Everything was ready, it was time to make up for the defeat at the Trident's, or at least reap a great victory, even if it was not a military battle in this case.
'Egg relies on my persuasion and diplomacy to carry it out. He himself asked me to be the one to take the lead in the negotiation. I can't fail him.' Rhaegar swore to himself.
Regardless of whether the final decision that Rhaegar was responsible for negotiating with the Braavos entity was due to Aegon's confidence in his ability, or that Aegon's diplomacy was similar to Bran's skill with a sword and would possibly end up laying waste the building with all the bankers inside, rather than getting their help.
Clearing his voice first and while outlining a half smile, at the same time he was casting a cold look at his counterparts. Rhaegar spoke in a cold but low voice, the phrase that would allow them to conquer Essos without shedding large amounts of blood, or turn their campaigns into a veritable bloodbath.
"It seems to me that you are wrong. We did not come to ask for a loan, or to pay another's one loan, or to withdraw the gold from my accounts, the which I do not understand why yourselves did not give it to my brother and sister when you heard about them. No. My family and I have come to propose you an offer that you cannot refuse and that will enrich you infinitely."
"Right now, yourselves will have about thirty million gold coins in your vaults and another thirty million distributed in various loans, loans on seconds and businesses. Is that so?" Rhaegar stated more than he asked, trusting that the numbers performed between him and young Tarly at Barad Suvion [1] were correct.
'If I have overestimated the ability to generate wealth that they have, our own calculations and future projects will have to be totally revised. However if I have underestimated their purchasing power and savings, they may see our plan as contrary to their interests. I hope not to fail. I need it to go well, both to make up for my past, and to show my son that I can also carry the burden of the power.' Rhaegar thought internally as he observed how the three Keyholders approached each other to whisper something, which was imperceptible from the place he and his son were in.
"We don't know how your Excellence found out, but yes. The numbers you handle about us are correct. What does that have to do with your open account in our entity?" Dimittis asked dryly, his voice showing a hint of trembling and uncertainty.
The banker's colleagues had expressions that could be called as of disbelief and surprise behind the stone facade they displayed. The one with the most expressions so far, save for Dimittis' barely restrained hostility, was the fat man in colorful clothing that Rhaegar assumed was the Sealord.
'And his face reflects curiosity and business opportunity in equal measure. It seems that at least we will get out of here today with the support of the politic leadership of the city.' Rhaegar rejoiced internally, while analyzed the situation and attitudes of those present.
Rhaegar's bodily attitude, until that moment relaxed, gave way to one of tension and rectitude. The gaze fixed on the three bankers. With his metallic and harmonic voice, once so renowned in The Seven Kingdoms, Rhaegar decided to explain exactly the reason for his presence and that of his family in the Braavosi institution.
"It has nothing to do with it. But I reiterate, we do not come in relation to the account opened by house Targaryen. We have come because we are going to acquire and be the owners of the Iron Bank, to rename it and make it mint and the minting house of the new Freehold of Valyria. Once this formality is completed, yourselves will continue to manage it on our behalf and for us."
Rhaegar replied with total seriousness and without a tremor in his voice.
"Excuse me, Your Excellency, but are you kidding us? I understand that coming back from the dead can be a difficult experience to digest and especially considering the history of your family ... But be clear about one thing: that you have dragons again, it does not give you any right or power to claim ownership of something that is not yours! Bring us a hundred and fifty million in gold coins and maybe we could start discussing the possible partition of the property," Dimittis answered abruptly, who could hardly contain himself.
The strident, vitriolic tone exuded a hatred for them that was almost palpable. Dimittis' brow furrowed, his mouth gaping open with a clenched jaw. Arms and hands outstretched on the black marble counter. Everything in the banker's attitude conveyed hatred towards what just had heard and therefore towards Rhaegar's person in particular and his family in general.
The banker who for now seemed the head of the entity, or at least the one in charge of carrying the weight of the negotiation, was showing open hostility towards Rhaegar's presence in the bank from the beginning and was making this known, trying to put them uncomfortable from his first word. Now however, it was not just hatred that spoke trough his mouth. Dimittis pride, which had betrayed him, also spoke.
"Ehem" interrupted with a dry cough his son to Rhaegar's left. Aegon remained fully upright and tense, giving the impression of being at least two feet taller than Rhaegar, when his son was actually half a foot shorter.
Aegon's serious but serene face showed not a single fissure. It was impossible to know what was going through Rhaegar's son's head. Egg's eyes to a stranger seemed fixed on infinity, showing the silver and purple glow on a black background to which those close to Aegon were so accustomed.
But if you knew the looks of Aegon, you could know that the look Aegon now had in those moments was not an absent or disinterested one. No. Egg's eyes at that time did not convey annoyance at allusions to the madness of house Targaryen, or anger at the more than subtle insult referred to them by the circumstances that had returned them to the world of the living.
His son's eyes shone like those of a child who is getting a present for his name day. The purple streaks in Egg's eyes seemed to emit discharges of light thanks to the contrast with the silver veins that crossed his black irises.
'And is not for less! They have already set a price. Now is the time for they to accept how they are going to get it. It is also about a hundred and fifty million less than what we had estimated they would ask for.' Rhaegar thought with some internal excitement, but showing just as impassive as Aegon, trying not to show that they had the Keyholders where they wanted them.
"[It seems to me, dear Noho, Tycho and Bessaro, that you have not fully understood my father, His Excellency Rhaegar Targaryen. We, that is, my mother, Her Excellency Lyanna Targaryen, my sister Her Excellency Arya Stark and my brother and squire, His Excellency Brandon Stark, are going to make yourselves an irreplaceable offer. An offer which will make those one hundred and fifty million gold coins that you've ask for half of your organization seem like a joke.]" Aegon began to say to the Keyholders in front of them, to pause in his speech. His tone was warm and persuasive, yet with steel in it.
Aegon spoke with the confidence of one who can endorse with actions what he says. Something that had not gone unnoticed by the bankers, in the same way that the surname of Arya and Bran did not go unnoticed, before which they showed a hint of surprise on their almost permanent neutral faces
"[We, with our dragons and thanks to your contacts and financial influence, are going to bring the economies of almost two continents directly under our control. Through your business with the leading elites of the Free Cities, you will be in charge of bringing them closer to our project. If by tomorrow evening the Keyholders have not decided to generously assign their ownership of the entity to us through a contract signed in the presence of the elective council of Keyholders and Magistrates to the Bank and the Sealord , we will ensure that the next elected Keyholders will do it. It's not about if the Iron Bank is going to be ours or not. What we are dealing with in this negotiation is whether it will be ours under yourselves direction or, under a new and renovated direction, more in tune with us, the new owners of this entity.]" Aegon sentenced in a way that implied that each of his words was true and the threat behind them, a security.
Bessaro and Nestoris looked at each other as if curious, however before either of them could address them or Dimittis, the latter seemed to have received a slap and it had not done him well at all. The neutral face had given way to one decomposed with rage.
"[Do you think you can scare us with threats, boy? Do you think that you with your fancy sword and fancy armor and your dragon from the legends can do something that not even the old Freehold could do? Who are you that in all this time you have not spoken and not even have you been introduced? The only son Rhaegar Targaryen had was killed by a Westerlands knight during the sack of King's Landing. So unless we are facing another divine return to life on the part of the dead, cut the talk and let your elders speak.]" Dimittis concluded, fixing his browed gaze on his son's face, trying to intimidate him.
Although seeing the mischievous half smile that began to draw on Egg's lips, but that did not reach his eyes, the effect produced by the Braavosi banker had been anything but the one he intended.
"[I am Aegon Targaryen, the Dragon. My dragon is not just some creature from the legends, it is The Black Dread. My sword is Blackfyre, and only with this fancy armor I could buy the Free City of Braavos if I wanted to. Surely these references sound like those three hundred years ago to your institution, or am I wrong? I thought that after forgiving this city for its covert alliance with Volantis, they would remember the magnanimity of House Targaryen. But it seems that they have lost all respect for us, so I will reiterate a warning one last time.]"
Balerion's roar capped Egg's words, echoing through the monumental building until it trembled to its cyclopean foundations.
"[We are giving yourselves only one option: join us and help us create a new world, or perish in the ashes of the old.]" concluded Aegon the declaration of intent by his winged mount. The gaze previously seemingly lost in the distance, had given way to a predator on its prey. Aegon's eyes closed fully on the central figure behind the counter, who seemed to have lost all his bravado.
'I finally understand why Aegon's obsession with the Iron Bank. These were behind the Essosi war of Volantis during the Century of Blood. War that according to Aegon, was a thousand times more bloodier than the Conquest and all because of Volantis's desire to settle in a place that did not belong to them. Or at least that claims Aegon. I imagine that with the Conqueror obsession with the reestablishment of Valyria, the Dragon must not have been amused that some fugitives from the Freehold supported a colony of this one to seize power throughout the continent. And all this, with the slavery business in the background.'
Rhaegar processed the new information he had acquired about his son's past life. 'Life of which Aegon hardly speaks. Except for events known to everyone, or about what the Conqueror's sisters were like, we hardly knew anything about the two and twenty days of his name that Egg had passed in the Dragon's body.'
Despite that, they could infer it based on certain comments or individual memories that Aegon was saying in some moments. Thanks to these comments and memories, especially his brother-in-law Benjen, Bran and Rhaegar himself, had been able to see glimpses of the Dragon before them and episodes of the same one life.
This was something that Arya had not yet fully assimilated well, since according to her claim, she was the person who knew Jon the best. Seeing Arya with a surprised face at gestures and attitudes of her cousin, was immediately accompanied by a look of sadness and loss in the direction that Aegon was not looking. 'Lya should talk to her and explain that now her brother carried a load on his shoulders that did not allow him to be the same as before.'
Although Rhaegar really thought that after so long in the skin of the Conqueror, the Jon that the Starks knew prior to the Visenya's ritual, was totally dead.
'In a way Egg killed the boy in him during those two and twenty days of his name within the soul of the Conqueror. He became a man from the role of one of the most influential men in the history of Planetos. For Arya's sake I hope that she is able to mature just as quickly as Bran, albeit without blood magic rituals involved. If not it could become a problem. No matter how changed he is, I doubt that it feels good to Egg to know that his little sister no longer sees him with the same eyes.' Rhaegar thought with some fear that the two would grow apart.
Although Aegon claimed to have seven and thirty days of the name, Rhaegar found it difficult to shake off parental protectionism. And without a doubt he would try to avoid the suffering of his son, which was, together with Lya, his motivation to continue forward.
In a way, Rhaegar and his son formed a tandem in which Egg wielded the stick and Rhaegar the carrot. If that approach didn't work first, then it was Bran's turn to instill real panic in the hearts of the other negotiating side. A few words from his nephew and squire could make the most impassive of men tremble like jelly. Rhaegar thought about the possible course of the negotiations that were taking place. However his son brought him back to the present.
"Father, if you have the pleasure, you could continue with your explanation to our audience. You had stayed in how we will do to skyrocket their benefits." Aegon said warmly as he turned to give him an affectionate look and extended the arms in the direction of the Bankers.
Clearing his voice, Rhaegar mentally returned to what was at hand. Putting his most aristocratic and confident voice, he continued with what was about to happen. 'There is no room for doubt. The first who have to be convinced of the success of this company are us. We cannot allow anyone to perceive doubt about our plans.'
"Through the establishment of nine provinces in Essos, the already established province of Tar Nu Fuin astride of the Wall in the North of Westeros, the fold of the latter kingdom to my son Aegon and the future but inevitable return of House Targaryen to its rightful place on the Iron Throne, we will recreate the old Freehold of Valyria. However, this will not have this slavery and will be a common entity, where there will be no subjects, or nobility as it is conceived now. There will be equal citizens before the laws and justice, working to improve what will be known from now on as the Freehold of Valyria and Westeros."
Without giving time for them to reply, making a gesture with his raised right hand, Rhaegar continued with the explanation "House Targaryen and the Freehold will acquire all the productive and extractive means between the Westerlands in Westeros and Qarth in Essos, between the Wall and the Lands of Eternal Summer. Thanks to us, your organization will be fortunate enough to manage all of this, putting the exploitation and commercialization in the hands of the new management of the Free Bank of Valyria."
"How is it that your Conquest and wars are going to bring benefits to our institution?" Nestoris asked with real interest.
"You will take care of all trade on both continents and beyond. You will have the sole and tax-free monopoly in the exploitation of natural resources considered as belonging to the Freehold. Yourselves will be able to direct the market, control merchandise traffic, guide purchases and optimize the production of handicrafts and luxury materials." Rhaegar paused for the bankers before him to think only of the benefit of what they were offering.
Rhaegar knew that greed was the best weapon to negotiate with the Braavosi entity and this meeting was based on exploiting it. So it was time to finish awakening their instincts for business.
"You will have total control of the economy in all territory under the dominions of the Freehold of Valyria and Westeros and only the council of house Targaryen will be able to veto or alter your decisions on economic and commercial matters." Rhaegar's last words addressed to the three bankers as to the Sealord, whose eyes had been opened like plates, served to show the magnitude of the business they could dominate.
TheKeyholders continued with the same unflappable facade, but the greed for the potential benefits should the adventure go well, could be seen clearly in their gazes.
"Yourselves will also be in charge of collecting taxes and conducting the Freehold census. Said taxes may be used to amortize any expense without profit return that will be made. In this way, in approximately five years, we believe that theFree Bank of Valyriawould monopolize a commercial and savings market of around between three hundred and three hundred and fifty million in gold coins." Rhaegar outlined some of the functions that the Free Bank would have from now on.
Without a doubt, the census would be a measure that would cost to be established and accepted, but if the Bank was able to exert pressure on their clients and to be the recipients of the taxes instead of the rulers of the cities, dominions or kingdoms, much of the coin that was lost in the collection, now would go to the coffers of the Free Bank, therefore, to the Freehold.
"Together with all this, we estimate that we will need to mint and put into circulation during the next twelve moons, approximately between fifty and one hundred million coins of gold that will be called Gold Dragons, as well as another hundred million in a new currency with greater weight than the silver Stag, to be called the Silver Wolf. In the same way, you will mint five hundred million copper coins that will be called copper Suns. Yourselves should use tin in the alloy of the minor coins and silver in the gold coins."
"What is the objective of such an investment? With such an amount of coin circulating there will be rich people who will cease to be rich at that moment..." Dimittis tried to cut him off, but Rhaegar was starting to get fed up with the little uni-browed man, so he fixed the coldest gaze he was capable of invoking on the braavosi and finished the reason for such wealth creation.
"The objective of this coin injection in the economy of both continents is for the bank to end up having a business base of approximately two hundred and fifty million gold dragons and its equivalent in silver currency. When creating great supply and demand, it is necessary to establish a base from which the supply demand can be covered. Without circulating currency, there would not be as much demand, therefore, supply would shrink, in turn shrinking demand, in an infinite cycle. If the demand has the coin backing to be covered, the supply shoots up, increasing production and the same demand, since those who produce earn more and more coin, which they spend on supply. That virtuous cycle is what the proposed currency injection will create."
"And how does Your Excellency suggest that we practically double our minting capacity and from where will come a market capable of reporting annual profits of almost four hundred million in gold coin?" the fat banker to Dimittis' right asked in total disbelief.
"The hills and mountains northeast and northwest of Qohor and the Andal Hills have the largest known mineral deposits. There's also the Norvosis hills...From there we will extract those minerals for yourselves to use as..."
Rhaegar tried to explain from where they were going to get gold, silver, tin, iron and other minerals that they were going to need on a large scale in the next five years, but Aegon interrupted him dryly and coldly, probably tired of them having to explain themselves. Putting his right arm on Rhaegar's chest in a gesture that showed that it was not worth continuing with the explanation, Aegon gave him a look of affection but that showed that he was tired of turning so much and having to explain something that, without a doubt, they would have to explain again tomorrow.
"[That is your mission and that is why we are going to allow yourselves not only to preserve yours life, but also yours position in the management and direction of the new Free Bank of Valyria. You must knew beforehand, that as the new treasury and mint of the Freehold of Valyria, you will invest at least sixty million gold dragons to meet the commitment of one gold dragon per year per citizen or subject of the Freehold. We will provide all what you need. If then you don't know how to do what we ask of you, that will be a problem for the next bank management and not mine.]" Rhaegar's son voice reverberated in High Valyrian through the long room.
Rhaegar's son's tact when negotiating was of course, a little to extreme, but sometimes it served as a great incentive to convince the other side that it was better to be with them than against them. Rhaegar for his part was content with his role as diplomat and voice of the Freehold. Being the second in command, Rhaegar could allow himself to appear more benevolent than Egg, something that was also in line with his way of proceeding politically before his death at his cousin's hammer.
Seeing that both, father and son, had the full attention of the bankers, Rhaegar proceeded to finish laying out the plans on which the conquest would be based. The way they would control the citizens under their Domains.
"For all this, a census will be carried out, which will be fundamental for the administration of the Freehold of Valyria, being the decisive factor when it comes to access to the Provincial Council or the Council of the Freehold, which will be the elective bodies, in the manner of which have you here in Braavos or in the Night's Watch and that will serve as a link between the lord of the Freehold, house Targaryen and the different provinces and kingdoms subjects of the domain." Rhaegar explained while he accessed with his right hand the bag that hung from the belt on his back from the waist, hidden behind his cloak. He extracted the rolled parchment that had been reworked over and over again, in order to write down the precise way in which the Freehold of Valyria will be work.
Taking a couple of steps towards the counter, but without exceeding his son's position, Rhaegar placed the scroll on the front of the counter, where would also force the bankers to get up from their seats to grab it.
"In this parchment everything is detailed *****" he said with a smile, after which he turned and retraced his steps. Lya and Arya gave Rhaegar looks of affection and pride, while Arya raised her left hand slightly, raising her thumb, as a sign of congratulation and that he had achieved what they wanted.
As Rhaegar turned and looked back at the bankers, he could see that the scroll had been spread out in the center, right in front of Dimittis. It was being watched by the three bankers who were now
leaning over the counter. Even the obese man in colorful clothing had positioned himself behind Dimittis's seat from where he could no doubt see the written contents.
After a few minutes, Rhaegar considered that they had already had time to digest what was written in his own handwriting, so with a close tone and with a certain humor, he finished explaining some things.
"I imagine that you will enter the first census class, which will allow you to retain your position in the management, since from tomorrow night the Free Bank of Valyria is part of the administration of the Freehold. However, as you will understand, the first two categories will not receive any salary when performing as magistrates." finished accompanied with a smile on his face.
"To achieve this census, you will be assisted by the new Citadel of Knowledge that we have created on Barad Suvion under the organization and direction of Prince Aemon Targaryen. They will create a file with each and every one of the people who acquires, or has acquired, the citizenship of the Freehold. By signing the citizenship contract and taking the double oath to House Targaryen and the Freehold of Valyria they must be registered and therefore be subject to the census. Special representatives of your institution will swell the ranks of the administrative apparatus of each province. In each army regiment there will be a member of the institution as a payor and stipendiary."Aegon contributed with a tone and attitude less threatening than in his previous intervention, but with coldness and steel in his voice and attitude. The gaze was still that of a dragon playing with its prey.
"How do you propose that we do a census on such a vast scale? If we accept your offer, the first thing is that we do not have enough personnel for such dispersion. The second is that not everyone is willing to allow themselves to be audited, even less by our institution. And finally, do you realize that what yourselves propose is not only to know the wealth of every person who is under your power, but to completely change the productive and social system of hal of the world? If I understand well what yourselves have told us and you achieve what have planned, we are talking about the fact that between fifty-five and sixty million people will have their lives regulated and compartmentalized by yourselves and the administration of the Freehold of Valyria and Westeros." Nestoris told them, addressing both Egg as to him.
Nestoris certainly seemed to like the plan, but had doubts about its feasibility. Unlike his colleagues, Nestoris's attitude and gaze was totally receptive, without any hostility. Although since Aegon's intervention and after understanding the depth and scale of what they intended, Nestoris showed some respect, and even some fear.
"We realize. We are fully aware of this and if we come to a happy agreement, we will be able to explain to you exactly why this measure, which seems extreme, will be very necessary in the not too distant future. Anyway, yourselves are the Iron Bank, or were. Claim your debts and see where your debtor's wealth comes from. I have no doubt that they will seek to the last being with wealth to be able to pay their debts, doing part of your future work. Follow the coins and you will have a large part of the census done." Aegon sentenced in the voice that Lya called the Conqueror's voice. It was a tone that did not admit of discussion and that compelled to comply with what it said.
"And tell me Your Grace, those savages from beyond the Wall who, according to you, are citizens of your Reborn Freehold of Valyria, have they knelt before you in submission and recognition? If I remember correctly, they live on the other side of the Wall due to the fact that they do not kneel before anyone. Not even before His Grace himself when conquered the lands beyond the Narrow Sea, if that is possible. Although it seems that today is a day that defies the possible, do not agree Your Grace?" Dimittis asked Egg with disgust and scorn. His son saw the change in Dimittis's attitude and tone, and for a moment Rhaegar thought that Aegon was about to laugh.
The irony and contempt in Dimittis's voice, as well as the giggles Bessaro let out, when inadvertently or knowingly Dimittis correctly identified his son with the Conqueror of Westeros, seemed to amuse Aegon more than annoy him.
'If Dimittis knew that with his irony he is referring to him by the due title he would bite his tongue. His hostility towards us has caused his pride to shine and without knowing it, he is totally entering the game that we had raised. And the fat man is earning a fate similar to Dimittis. Possibly if Nestoris is sincere, he will end up being the future magistrate of the Bank.' concluded Rhaegar when analyzing the men before them.
"I'm glad you asked me that, dear Noho. It turns out that after a run-in with a now-deceased wildling clan leader called Rattleshirt, in which he threatened my brother, here His Excellency Brandon Stark, I had to have a conversation with the different tribal and clan leaders of beyond the Wall. After hearing my generous offer, they accepted that a better life was possible south of the Wall. Therefore they decided to take the double oath and sign the contract. According to the latest count, around 103,000 citizens of the Freehold of Valyria now reside in the province of Tar Nu Fuin."Aegon explained, planting a fake smile on his face, which did not hide, nor did try to hide the disgust the Keyholder was causing Rhaegar's son.
"And what was that generous offer?" Bessaro asked in a tone that was genuinely curious.
Shrugging his shoulders and in a totally casual way, Rhaegar's son, Aegon, responded to the question. "In short: Join me, or I will end all of you, whether be old people, women, children or men, in less than fifteen minutes." said Aegon with total normality and as if it were something ordinary.
The silence that ensued after those words could have been broken by a pin falling in the room. 'Although now we of us know perfectly well that at no time did he intend to destroy all the Free Folk, these men do not need to know. At least for now. IF they think we are capable of that, they will no doubt think twice before betraying us. Not to mention that the idea was not from Egg, but from Branraven.'
"In fact one of its leaders, Tormund Giantsbane, told me that if I had asked them to kneel they would not have accepted the offer and they would have tried to assassinate us, but that an oath in exchange for hopes south of the Wall and options for a new life as equals to the rest of the world, it was all advantages to them. They are a peculiar people for sure..."said Aegon, breaking the moment of tension, while raising an eyebrow looking sideways at Lya and Arya who were looking at Aegon with the face of suppressing laughter at the euphemism that Rhaegar's son had just said in consideration to the Free Folk.
"Even so, the occasional one bent the knee before me, but the point is that I don't care if yourselves believe who I am or who we are. I don't care if you think it's impossible to do what we've already done and what we're going to do. Tomorrow night we will return to see yourselves and your fellows Keyholders and magistrates, to know your decision." Aegon continued with a tone of steel and now a totally tense and with threatening attitude.
"But I warn you one thing. If any of you, or someone on your behalf or on behalf of the institution, tries to do something to my family or me, can you be sure that tomorrow night the terms of the negotiation will not be as generous as they have been today. Remember. Free Bank of Valyria with yourselves three where you are now, giving your best to meet our objectives, or there will be three others sitting where you are, the day after tomorrow, at the headquarters of the new Free Bank of Valyria. Have a good night and see yourselves tomorrow."
After that Aegon made an exaggerated bow to the Keyholders, turned his heels and headed towards
the golden door through which they previously entered, followed by Arya, Lya, Bran and finally, Rhaegar was left before the three Keyholders and the fat man standing behind them.
"[Dear Tycho, Bessaro and Dimittis , I imagine you have a lot to think about and some things to put in order before you can answer us. Tomorrow before dark we will meet here again in the presence of the remaining Keyholders and the Magistrates. I hope you know what is the best decision for you and your organization. And although I think it is not necessary to be repetitive, whether your answer is affirmative or negative, I hope that you do not think of doing anything stupid between now and tomorrow. My son does not handle betrayal well and I fear that this imposing building will not withstand the heat of Balerion and Vhagar flames. Have good nights.]" Rhaegar said goodbye with his sweetest and most persuasive voice, but one that was linked by steel in his tone and gesture. After that he turned and walked briskly towards his family.
When after walking down the long corridor, they reached the endless stairs that would return them to the square, Arya stopped walking beside Rhaegar, to pulling his hand so that he was at her level.
"[Uncle]" Arya whispered when he bent down, in her attempt o f High Valyrian with a strong northern accent "[The fat man with the funny clothes is following us. Shall I throw the dagger at him?]" his niece asked, bringing Arya's left hand to the dagger that she had at her waist hidden behind her cloak, while she directed her eyes behind them from where they were.
When Rhaegar turned and saw what Arya was referring to, he saw that just as he thought from the description his niece had given him, the one he believed was the Sealord of Braavos, was briskly following them. Trying to breathe in deep gulps of air while doing it.
During the entire meeting with the representatives of the future Free Bank of Valyria, the fat man had not uttered a single word. Yet it seemed that had been calculating the situation, staring at the five of them and measuring his time.
No doubt the man had come to the conclusion that it was best not to link his fate with that of those who still controlled the Iron Bank.
'Which shows that is very smart and sharp. He who comes after us instead of after the bankers indicates that our plans for Essos are to his liking and he sees that he can take advantage of us. I have no doubt that he will want to establish himself as our main ally in Braavos in exchange for maintaining his position and privileges. We will see if after exposing what we have in mind for the free-city, he is still of the same opinion,' Rhaegar thought as he watched how the obese man in colorful clothing approached the place where the whole family was standing now.
As they were left ahead, Lyanna, Egg, and Bran must no doubt have turned around and watched who was approaching.
Rhaegar's son had positioned himself in front of his mother, almost beside him, while Bran continued on the first of the steps, seemingly absent from everything that was happening now.
'He must be changing skins with some raven or leading the wolves to the Square downstairs.'
thought as Rhaegar looked to his sides and behind him.
"Your Grace, Your Excellencies." The obese Braavosi said in a common broken tongue with strong overtones of Braavosi slang. The greeting was accompanied by a small nod in their direction and a slight bow of shoulders and arms.
'He is certainly intended to please. A climbing boot-licker indeed.' Rhaegar mused quickly as he
analyzed the body gesture, tone, and demeanor of the so-called Sealord .
"I am glad in my heart that the Dragons return to their home continent. It was about time someone considered putting order to this once splendid continent, which today is increasingly drifting. Without a doubt to carry out such an undertaking as the rebirth of the old Freehold of..." the fat man said pompously, to be cut off sharply by the raised right hand of his son Aegon, accompanied by a look capable of killing.
"The New Freehold. I reiterate what my father has said to the provisional members of the management of the Free Bank of Valyria: Slavery, whether directly or indirectly supported or perpetrated, will be persecuted relentlessly and without mercy." Aegon's abrupt irruption showed that like him, his son had quickly understood the intentions of plump man.
"Who are you my Lord? I believe that your name or status was not pronounced during the meeting that my son and my husband had with those bankers."Lya interpelled with an inquisitive and imperative tone, linked with disgust when referring to the Keyholders.
"Ohhh!! Her Excellency Lyanna Targaryen! Stories of your beauty pale when one see you in person! If I were the lucky one to possess Her Excellency heart, I would certainly go to war against the Dothraki themselves." The obese man said in a sweet and caramel tone, brimming with falsehood in him. The braavosi eyes were roaming his wife's figure with lust and appreciation, as if it were an object he could buy.
The dart thrown at Rhaegar, accusing him of starting a war for Lya, had produced the physical effect of a blow. However, Rhaegar managed not to take the hint and continued to watch with his mask of neutrality as the man tried to flatter his wife.
"Her Excellency did not hear my name, because I preferred not to be introduced until I knew exactly who I was dealing with. Incredible as your situation is, someone in my position would easily recognize who you are. Ferrego Antaryon is my name, the Sealord of Braavos to serve you, your Excellency."
The forms, attitudes and tone of the obese Sealord interacting with Lya, quickly confirmed something that Aegon had warned him about repeatedly.
'Different continent, Different people. Same game. Same shit. Sometimes I wonder if it might not be better for the family and the remaining Starks to go to a lost island near the Summer Isles and let the Others eradicate any trace of life. At least the revived puppets of the Others don't try to prey on or kill each other.'
The Sealord now cast an exculpatory gaze in Aegon's direction, crossing his arms over his vast belly, as the Sealord clasped his palms apologetically.
"Your Grace, regarding my previous slip in reference to the roots ofyour enterprise, my sincere apologies . The novelty of the new imprint, as opposed to the custom of the traditional Valyrian seal, may be problematic in the immediate time. However, I am sure that tomorrow night over a dinner we will be able to finalize the details of our alliance and the role that my city will play in the future Freehold of Valyria." Pompously announced the invitation, accompanied by the subtle hint on slavery, almost imperceptible but present.
'Just like his intentions to be a peer to the Freehold and not a subject.' Before any of them could respond, the Sealord continued with a speech that seemed to have been thinking about since he learned of his plans.
"As a gesture of my goodwill and that of the Free City of Braavos, I am going to reveal a secret that involves your family and that will surely erase my previous confusion." Antaryon said now with a singsong voice and a smile from ear to ear that did not reach the eyes. The posture continued with his fat arms crossed over his belly and the hands palms together.
"Although I would like the secret to be entirely good news, it also has its downside. You see, since the time of the Conciliator, a chest containing three dragon eggs was in the possession of the Sealord on duty..."
"The eggs that Lady Farman stole from Rhaena!" Rhaegar immediately fell into what the obese Braavosi ruler was referring to, before this one could elaborate more on the subject.
'By all laws those eggs belong to house Targaryen and they have always refused to even acknowledge that they had them in their possession. If he mentions them now it is because he no longer has them.' Rhaegar reflected quickly.
At the face of surprise from the Sealord and confusion in his family, he decided to expand the information. "Generation after generation of Targaryen, the story has been passed orally of how Rhaena's love for Lady Farman enabled the latter to appropriate dragon eggs from Dragonmont itself. It used to be counted as a warning of what could happen if you had love affairs with people who did not have a proper lineage for House Targaryen."
Trying not to look at Lyanna, Rhaegar concluded "The ultimate example of why Love is the death of Duty. Rhaena preferred to avoid her duties as princess of the Kingdom and of house Targaryen and in the end the only thing she won were betrayals and a broken heart."
"I see that you know your story well, Your Excellency. Indeed, until a few moons ago those eggs were a hereditary asset among the Sealord of Braavos. However, someone managed to steal them, although made stone by time, whoever owns them could now sell them in exchange for great riches. My suspicions fall on a Pentosi merchant who currently houses your brother and sister, His Excellency."
The stifled sigh that came from Lyanna, Arya, and even Aegon himself, was replicated by himself. Bran for his part had his one eye totally blank, as he continued to lean against the wall of the staircase where he had been since the Sealord intercepted them.
At this point, a thousand questions raced through Rhaegar's head, not to mention the desire that had just come to him to get on Vhagar and go to Pentos to rescue his brother and sister. It seemed that Aegon was not expecting this news either, as it was one of the few times that Rhaegar had seen his son bewildered.
It looked like Lyanna was going to say something, but a roar that was neither from Vhagar, nor from Balerion, brought them out of their astonishment and uncertainty.
'Meraxes roaring on its own free will? Something must be going on...' a noise behind Rhaegar and the Sealord's terrified groan brought Rhaegar out of his reverie. When he turned around he could see that the three puppies, already the size of an adult dog but looking more ferocious, were at the feet of Bran, who had adopted his alter ego of Branraven
'I wonder if the Sealord's wail of terror was by the Direwolfs or by Bran's unfathomable red eye.'
"Aegon, they are here." his nephew said with his voice from beyond the grave, as he placed the red gaze between Rhaegar and his son.
Those simple words changed the attitude and ways of Aegon. For two moons, Rhaegar thought he had gotten to know his son. But with four simple words from Bran, had suddenly totally changed Aegon.
Rhaegar's son seemed to have lost an enormous weight off his shoulders, so that his body was not tense. The marbled and impassive face, had given way to one that wore a dazzling smile, accompanied by a look of innocence, hope and a certain fear, which was totally alien to the cold, hard, sure and sometimes lost gaze, which Aegon usually displayed.
'I would bet my life that it has more to do with what Bran has said than with the knowledge of the possible location of his paternal uncle and aunt.' Rhaegar thought carefully as he contemplated the scene that was unfolding before him.
A glance at Lyanna confirmed that as Rhaegar thought, Bran was not referring to the Direwolf. "[Of course they are here, stupid. We can see them.]"Arya said practically inaudible to Bran, as she
bent down to pet her she-wolf.
"[Soon sister, you will know what I mean.]" Rhaegar faintly heard Bran say in his particular voice when he went into the kind of trance Bran's was entering.
"Why can't you tell me?" Arya grumbled, this time more audibly and using a common tongue for the first time in days.
"Because I gave Aegon my word to not to." Rhaegar seemed to understand, after which Bran turned on himself and began the descent of the stairs followed by his wolf and Arya after him.
"[Stupid...]" was the last thing he thought he heard Arya say again speaking in her northern High Valyrian as she shot off on her brother's trail, Nymeria hot on her heels.
Ghost for its part was being more expressive and playful than had ever been. The pup kept circling Aegon, giving little shoves to Aegon's legs, as if trying to push Rhaegar's son in the direction his brother and sister had gone.
At that moment both, Rhaegar and Lyanna turned in the direction of Aegon, who had his head bowed, staring at the ground, while constantly bringing his right hand over his hair.
Everything in Aegon's attitude showed that the situation in which he found himself made him very uncomfortable in the same he seemed to felt some shame and 'regret?' in it. Not to mention that Rhaegar had never seen his son act that way.
Coming as close as he could to regaining some composure, Aegon took a deep breath and shot an icy look at the Sealord. Ghost seemed to have calm down immediately by leaning on his hindquarters on Aegon's left side, though was still tense, ready to run at any moment.
"Thank you for your information and for the invitation that we gladly accept. I hope that tomorrow you can share more with us about what you know about my uncle and aunt, as well as give us your support in signing the contract with the Iron Bank. But we must leave you shortly, as an unforeseen event has arisen. Have a good night and see you tomorrow." Aegon said in a voice more tremulous than usual, but cold and metallic, ending the brief meeting at the top of the stairs.
Before the Sealord could reply, his son had already turned around, heading at a brisk pace after Ghost who had shot down the stairs. Lyanna bowed her head gently in greeting at the Sealord and followed in their son's footsteps, something Rhaegar soon followed.
When they had already descended a long flight of stairs, they reached Aegon, who looked like a man on a mission that no one and nothing would separate from. It seemed that Aegon had not even registered the presence of his parents behind him.
"Egg, can you tell what the hell just happened? You have suddenly gone from being the compound and all-powerful Dragon to looking like a child about to receive a gift and a punishment at the same time. And I'm sure as hell that Bran doesn't need to be the three-eye raven to tell you that the wolves were there." Lyanna told Aegon vehemently and with some reprimand, while grabbing him by his left shoulder.
"Ehm ... Do you remember that Senya's ritual was supposed to bring the Dragon and his sisters along with the dragons?" Aegon asked in an uncertain voice and a look that eluded both of them. Again his right hand rocked through Egg's hair, while his left played over and over with the hilt of the dagger at his waist.
When both Rhaegar and Lyanna nodded, his son continued to descend, while continuing his narrative.
"When I was about to face the Others, Bran convinced me that it was not the right moment, because there was someone who was counting on me. That night Bran told me a series of things while we were returning to the Wall, which I considered that the best thing for the common well- being and in the situation that we were immersed in, was that only Bran and I knew about them."
When they finally reached the bottom of the stairs again, where the thirteen statues stood, Aegon turned and stared at him, conveying what was undoubtedly guilt and regret in the eyes.
"Father I don't know how to say it less blunt. Rhaenys, Ser Jaime and Rhaella are alive, or were alive two years ago, when Bran saw them for the last time through the Weirwood Tree located on the island of temples in this city, Braavos. Before you just get indignant with me for my secrecy, let me finish telling you what I know."
Despite his son's request, his dragon was waking up and it was difficult for Rhaegar to control.
"Was bullshit what you said after our fight?. Where is that what you have to trust and be honest with each other. A bit hypocritical in view of what you are saying." Rhaegar said with more contempt and anger than he intended to his son.
Lyanna tried to intervene, but Rhaegar's character was clouding. To think that two moons ago he could have hugged his mother or daughter again, or at least not having the burden of their deaths on his soul was seriously angering him with Aegon. "YOU HAVE TAKEN TWO MOONS KNOWING THAT MY DAUGHTER, YOUR SISTER, IS ALIVE AND YOU HAD NOT SAID ANYTHING! YOU HAVE TWO MOONS KNOWING THAT YOUR GRANDMOTHER, MY MOTHER IS ALIVE AND YOU HAD KEPT IT FOR YOURSELF! YOURSELF!! WHO HAS GIVEN YOU THE POWER TO DECIDE WHAT OTHERS SHOULD OR SHOULD NOT KNOW? " Rhaegar shouted at his son, who had not been daunted at all, although didn't seem to replicate Rhaegar's anger or indignation at all. Aegon was holding on stoically, maintaining his composed attitude.
"For this very reason, father." Replied Aegon, outlining a smile that expressed anything but humor or amusement, while extending his arms in Rhaegar's direction.
"I didn't say anything because I knew you would react like this, blinding you in their search. The chances of finding them were very low and would have been a deviation of our plans and forces. If they are still alive, I assumed that sooner or later they would come to us... [Don't judge me as
insensitive. For two moons, I have known that the woman I love was living the life of a persecuted woman in the exile, with high chances that every day someone would try to assassinate her. Don't you think that when we were in Forlond I have not sometimes been tempted to get on Balerion and come looking for her at the last place where Bran was able to see her? Do you think I have not felt like sending everything to fuck itself, looking for her and getting lost with the dragons on some desert island of the Summer Isles, letting darkness consume the rest of the world?]" Aegon sentenced in his high Valyrian, in a tone that progressively increased in volume and vehemence, which in turn exuded a certain bitterness and regret at the role that Fate had given Aegon.
Rhaegar's son's attitude had returned to the defiant and imposing one he used to show, like daring Rhaegar to contradict him after having proved the validity of his point.
Seeing this, Lyanna took the opportunity to calm the spirits between the two, resuming the conversation.
"How is it possible that they've survived? Everyone knew they were dead. Your Uncle Ned's men were the ones who found the supposed bodies of Ser Jaime and your sister...Is there anything else we should know? Don't you think that after all this time it is time that you stop trying to be the one who carries everyone's burden and start delegating a little more to us? We are your parents. We can get angry with you and you with us. We can have different points of view on the same subject. We can differ on which option is the correct one to take. But none of that subtracts an iota of the love we feel for you. You have to learn to trust us Egg." Lyanna instructed her son, who had lost all challenge in his attitude, in exchange for a more submissive and of infinite love for his mother.
"I'll try mom." said Aegon with a huge smile that reached his eyes, the voice warm and velvety, far removed from his usually cold and metallic voice. Aegon began to walk in the direction of the ante-square that gave access to the bridge that led to the square, where a crowd of people seemed to have gathered.
"Regarding the rest about their escape, I think it would be better if we asked them. But before that, I must tell you two things. Rhaenys died on the Day of the Sack and came back to life like me, but remember that she was less than four days of her name when that happened. So I don't know how much Rhae will be able to explain, remember, or if she can attribute it to dreams. She is as much the sister of the Dragon as mine. That is possibly why we have heard Meraxes approach. She must have felt it." Rhaegar's son continued speaking as they headed towards the steps where Arya and Bran were waiting with the wolves.
Before reaching where the children were, where Bran seemed to have regained his normal self, Egg slowed down, putting himself in front of them. His son began to look at them, the gaze oscillating between Rhaegar and Lya, like trying to find the words he meant to say.
"The other thing that I want to tell you and that I hope you will help me later with what to do, is Ser Jaime and I don't mean what he did with Aerys. Although in a way it does have to do with my grandfather."Aegon said strangely cryptically, with certain nervousness in the voice.
'Why is he so nervous? What is there after Ser Jaime and my father? It was rumored of Aerys's love for Joanna, but from gossip to reality...'
"You're making me nervous Egg. Usually you never go around the bush so much to say things." Lyanna questioned their son.
"Mmm... Jaime and Cersei Lannister, they are not Lannister at all. They are Blackfyre, Waters or Targaryen...depending on what you want to see." Aegon replied abruptly and almost without breathing as he said it.
"My father and Joanna ..." he asked Aegon in a practically inaudible tone.
"That's how it is father. From what Bran could see, Aerys loved Joanna, but when Grandmother began to be suspicious of her husband's interest in her lady-in-waiting and best friend, she tried to prevent what Grandmother knew would happen by sending her back to Casterly Rock. But she didn't made in time. That was the first time Aerys raped someone. Joanna Lannister, who kept quiet and sped up her wedding plans with Tywin. And that is why Aerys later repeatedly raped grandmother. Because Grandmother was not Joanna and she was responsible for the latter being no longer at Court. It was Aerys' way of getting revenge. That was why he wanted Jaime in the King's guard and Cersei away from you. If you and Cersei had descendants, the children would have been full fledged Valyrian, which would have raised many suspicions."
The revelation had practically broken Rhaegar.
'Cersei has more legitimacy than Robert has, and Jaime is my Valonqar...' Looking at Lyanna, it seemed that she still didn't quite understand the repercussions that such news could have in Westeros, although it was clear that she supposed it would be an added problem for them, to tenor of the frown Lya was sporting.
However, Rhaegar could barely process his son's words, as just like when they were meeting the Sealord at the top of the stairs, Meraxes decided to interrupt again. Although this time she was accompanied by her physical presence, heading towards the crowd of people who were shooting in the direction of the intersections surrounding the great Braavosi square.
In a few moments, on the other side of the bridge Rhaegar identified that only a group of about eight people remained, carrying what if his eyes were not deceiving him was
'My mother's banner and that one, without a doubt, by the white Sun crossed by a Red spear must be Rhaenys's!?'
Rhaegar came out of his momentary trance when saw that suddenly, from the group ran in the direction of the descending dragon, a slender woman, 1'78 tall, with silver hair like the reflection of the moon. With a body with pronounced curves at the waist and firm chest, wrapped in a beautiful scarlet red dress with crossed black lines of myrish thread. A true beauty of ancient Valyria.
'The same woman from my dragon dream, but now she has completely silver hair. However it is certainly Rhaenys.'
Before Rhaegar could process his own thoughts, his body, like Aegon's beside him, had taken on a life of its own and started a mad dash across the bridge. When they arrived on the other side, Rhaegar almost lost consciousness.
Less than fifteen paces from him was his mother Rhaella Targaryen, with five and ten days of the name more in her, but practically identical to how he remembered her.
Rhaegar's mother was trying to restrain a man with long hair, with a typical navy green Tyroshi coloration. Looking at the body of the supposed Tyroshi, he recognized the armor the man was wearing. It was the same one that Jaime Lannister used in the past, except that in Qohorí black steel, instead of the gold Lannister. Jaime's snowy cloak fell behind his shoulders. In the effort to stop him, there was one who undoubtedly Rhaegar recognized as Gerion Lannister 'The Laughing Lion' and a middle-aged man with short hair and the appearance of a sailor.
The reason that they were trying to stop the man Rhaegar sensed was Jaime 'My valonqar..' was that the woman who he had identified as his daughter was face to face with the immense mass of
muscles and scales that was Meraxes.
"Take it easy you all, Axes is reuniting with an old friend." said Aegon approaching the group of people, who immediately turned in their direction. Lyanna and the kids hadn't finished crossing the bridge yet and seemed to be keeping their distance, in pursuit of giving the Targaryen family more privacy.
'Not to mention that if Meraxes had put them like this, the presence of the Direwolfs would have only increased the tension.'
"Rhaegar ..." his mother uttered in a small voice, before collapsing in the arms of Gerion Lannister. "My king" Jaime Lannister intoned reverently, kneeling down.
Yet right now Rhaegar had no eyes for anyone other than his daughter. He started a mad dash towards Meraxes and Rhaenys
"Rhaenys! Rhaenys!" he began to scream desperately.
When his daughter turned around, Rhaegar couldn't help but start crying uncontrollably. His little
girl was in front of him.
"Daughter!" Rhaegar yelled heartbreakingly, closing the remaining distance between them.
Before his daughter had processed what had happened, he had her trapped in a hug that Rhaegar wanted to last for the rest of his life
'My little girl is alive. My little girl is here. My little Rhae. My little princess. The only joy of my life until I met Lya.' He thought, as was unable to stop sobbing like a little boy.
"Dad! I never imagined that I would see you again! I can't believe it! You are alive! And you look the same as in my memories!" Rhaenys said excitedly, her voice trembling and agonized, as she melted into tears over Rhaegar's armor.
Seeing how she began to shake, he couldn't help the urge and hugged her again with all his might. After a moment, Rhaegar turned slightly away from her to look at Rhaenys.
Looking into her eyes, he could see the incomprehension and confusion at what she was seeing. Without a doubt it must have been difficult for her to understand how his father, dead for fifteen years, was there hugging her.
"It's because I really was dead until two moons ago, when a ri..." Rhaegar tried to begin to tell the story of the last two moons of his new life to his daughter, but was interrupted by Egg who had appeared at his side.
"Hāedar" said his son to Rhaenys.
His daughter suddenly whipped her head around in Egg's direction. When Rhaenys's eyes closed on
her brother, her mouth dropped open and her eyes seemed about to pop out of their sockets.
After a couple of incomprehensible babbling, Rhaenys could finally find her voice "EGG?!!" she yelled shrill. "It can not be, it can not be! All was a dream! Just a dream!" Rhaenys began to scream maniacally, before her eyes rolled over their sockets and began to fall sideways.
Before Rhaegar could even react, Aegon was by Rhaenys's side, preventing her from hitting the
ground. "RHAEEEEEE!" shouted his son heartbreakingly
'If there was any doubt about the Visenya ritual, I think this proves it all. But where is Visenya in that case? I had no other children than Egg and Rhae... The more magic there is, the less I am able to understand what is happening. At least I am clear that a night of many explanations awaits us, but fortunately it will be indoors.'