

Once he had helped his wife dismount from her mare and sent for Jon Connington to be picked up and carried to the healers, Ghost approached Lya while Dale helped Rhaegar's mother to dismount from her mount.

"Lord Husband, can you explain what is going on?" Lya asked with noticeable incomprehension in her voice in view of the situation, for then added. "And who is this boy who looks like my late brother?"

A deafening roar from Vhagar prevented him from answering his wife. The smallest of the three living dragons in the world, circled above their heads, to descend heavily near the ford and the

horse that had ridden the once Hand of The King of Rhaegar's father. The latter a subject that Rhaegar did not yet know, nor really want, to deal with at the time.

'Jon never understood the reality behind our relationship, nor did he understood that he was close to me because he was one of the high lords who were under the rule of my cousin Robert.'

Vhagar brought him out of his musings, bringing his huge snout closer to where he was with his wife and mother, looking with curiosity and some hostility in the direction of the now jumble of nerves and tremors that was his nephew, Ash's son.

"[Easy there, he's a friend]" he said to his winged mount while pointed with the right hand towards his nephew. "[He has no intention of doing any harm to us]" Rhaegar finished, as he rested his free steel gloved hand on the scales under Vhagar's left eye.

The dragon narrowed its elongated black pupil against a yellow background, staring at Rhaegar's nephew, whom was quavering in fear.

"I advise you not to make any sudden movements, lad. Vhagar is deciding if you are a friend or not." he appealed to Ash's son.

The boy's reaction was to nod his head vigorously as he took a couple of steps back, practically standing behind Lya and Ghost.

Rhaegar's wife snorted and said "Kid, if you think that getting behind me, Vhagar isn't going to do anything to you, you have no idea what dragons are like."

"If you have no ill intentions towards us, the dragon notices it. You have nothing to fear young man." Seeing that the boy was turning even paler than Ghost's fur when it was not coated in blood as was the case, Rhaegar's mother seemed to want to reassure Ash's son.

"Aside from the fact that all of you three are supposed to be dead, you are all mad ..." Ash's son muttered under his breath, as he stared wide-eyed at the scene in front of him. "Can someone explain to me what the fucks is going on?!"

"That language is inappropriate to speak in presence of the dowager queen, the princess and the prince." chided cold and harsh, Dale, whom was standing behind Rhaegar's mother. Something that was accompanied by Vhagar's gaze fixed on Ashara Dayne's son.

"Calm down Dale, it's logical his reaction due to confusion. From what I have inferred, as with my son, this boy has been made to live a lie his entire life. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you believe that yourself were my son, isn't it?" Rhaegar asked to his alleged nephew.

"But I'm your son, if it's true that you're whom you claim you are..."

"As far as I can remember, before I died from my loins only came out Aegon Targaryen, the first and sixth of his name, and no one else." said derisively Lya towards the boy in whom she fixed her cold steely gaze. "So this must be the Blackfyre," his wife pointed with her left towards Ashara's son, then trailed in what she was saying, "If it is him, why is he still alive and with his head on his shoulders, Lord Husband? And by the seven hells, why does he have the same face as Brandon but less harsh and with pouty lips?" finished Lya while looking expectantly towards him.

"But I am Aegon Targaryen!! And I'm the son of princess Elia Martell, not the son of any Stark bitch ..." the son of Ashara Dayne and Brandon Stark growled defensively before Rhaegar could answer to Lya, confirming what Rhaegar was suspecting.

Ghost tensed, silently snarled and began to baring his fangs towards the lad, while Vhagar broke away from contact with Rhaegar and took a threatening bite into the air above the boy's head.

Lya's response to the insult was even more direct, in the form of a quick turn with her right hand extended, slapping the boy. "If you tell me that again, you're going to end up being Vhagar's snack, boy."

The slap rang out and nearly knocked the boy to the ground, leaving the imprint of Lya's hand on the boy's left cheek.

'The kid has no idea of who he really is and it seem they made a number with him and his preconceptions about some noble houses and people from Westeros' past. I think that Ashara made him continue to live in the charade that we created for him since before his birth and Connington never had any love towards Elia, and even less towards Lya or the Starks. But how is this boy alive? Allegedly the Mountain bashed his head.'

Rhaegar bitterly mused, knowing that the answers to those questions were held by the now unconscious Ashara Dayne. Whom, like Rhaegar's own mother and his daughter, lost consciousness when saw persons supposedly dead

'In the end it seems that Eddard and the Northerners have a little more tolerance when confronted by things that should not exist.'

"Everyone, please calm down." He said coldly, trying to de-escalate the situation while avoiding the fury that the insult directed at his wife had produced inside him. "Look, I know you may have a hard time believing it, but you are not my son. From Ashara's words before I carried out your sentence, you are his son," Rhaegar said to the boy somewhat harshly and cold, but politely, as he pointed his gaze towards the woman unconscious he hold on his left arm, "Ashara Dayne's, and my good brother, Brandon Stark's son. That's why killing you would be kinslaying."

"So the woman you're holding is Ashara ... But shouldn't she be dead?" interjected his mother.

"So the three of us should be, and look at us. We are living and breathing." Rhaegar replied to his mother curtly. "Lya, can you loosen me up the belts and bridles from the armor? If I've have a bolt on the backplate, don't remove it. It hasn't pierced more than a few inches of the steel plate, but it's annoying."

He said trying to distract his wife from the rage that he knew she was beginning to have regarding their nephew. 'Luckily Winter isn't here, otherwise this boy would be killed by his own aunt's she- wolf.'

"Ok ... But in the meantime, tell us what the hells is going on. Thucydides and Márië were accommodating the Inn near the stone bridge as our quarters during our stay in this decrepit city and Lord Gerion had gathered the inhabitants in the central square to explain the situation and who are the new rulers of the area."

"The first thing I should do is ask why the two both of you are here. I gave you clear orders to stay on top of the hill until the battle was over." Rhaegar said sternly and wearily to his mother and wife yet with some warmth in his tones, the previous battle taking its toll. His left arm was totally numb and he felt an unhealthy tingling in the fingers of that hand. 'Ashara's dead weight supported on that arm, doesn't help either.'

Lya huffed, but began to loosen the belts and bridles of his armor, while his mother looked ashamed to the ground. The latter was whom answered Rhaegar question.

"A runner send by Gerion told us that we've taken the city and that you were here. We bring reinforcements in case you were having troubles here." His mother explained, while pointing with the right hand to the rest of the cavalry behind them, now mixed with those whom had fight along him the previous hours.

"So you two thought that a pregnant woman and a woman whom has never wield a sword would be the best to head those reinforcements..." He scoffed, but in not too harsh voice, albeit somewhat chiding them, while shaking his head.

"Summer has accompanied us too. Or rather, I think Bran is the one who accompanies us. Better protection than Brandon's wolf and his eagle, I don't think there is, except for your dragon and Ghost." His mother replied rather sarcastically while pointing towards the sky with her chin where Stormy was doing circles around them, as Lya chuckled behind him.

"Seriously, who the hells are you people? Why ..." Ashara's son tried to interject, but a deep growl and eyes as golden as the summer sun fixed on the boy when this one turned on his heels, made him recoil, almost throwing himself towards Rhaegar. "By all the gods ... how many of these beasts do you have?"

"They are not beasts!!" growled Lyanna, who had already finished loosening Rhaegar's armor, allowing him some bodily release and breathe again without the feeling of oppression that he had had until that moment. "They are our familiars and companions!!"

Lya exclaimed harshly, as she heavily and awkwardly bent down to stroke and pat Ghost "Who's a good boy? Who's a big momma's boy?? You are, Ghost, you are!!" to which their son wolf answered by tamping his tail on the ground and lolling his tongue out in joy at Lya's tender caresses.

Faced with such behavior of Lyanna with Ghost and the previous action of Rhaegar with Vhagar, as well as the tender gesture of his mother with Summer now seated on his hind legs to whom she was patting between the ears, it produced that Ash's son darted his eyes to and fro them.

"You're really Rhaegar Targaryen?" asked the lad, to what he nodded. "And she's really Lyanna Stark and is your wife? She's telling the truth? You were telling the truth when you said that you never had a son with princess Elia? I'm really your nephew?"

Rhaegar nodded again, trying to outline a smile of sympathy, which surely from the outside must have looked like a grimace of exhaustion.

"But why? Why they've lied to me all my life? They told me that Varys rescued me before the Mountain could kill me, and that Illyrio was a friend of House Targaryen. Does Jon knows all of this?" asked with trembling voice his nephew somewhat resigned, but totally confused with the development of the day and the truths it brought with Rhaegar's appearance.

Lya pressed her lips on a thin pouty line, "So he's really our nephew? Brandon's son? And he belittles his own paternal house?" sneered Rhaegar's wife.

"Apparently he is." Rhaegar replied to his wife while raised his right eyebrow, after which he stared at their nephew, with some pity.

"I have almost none of the answers you're looking for, lad. I'm sorry. Most of them has it your mother. I can only tell you how you came to be and why you were posed as my son and Elia's during the end of my father's reign. When your mother and Connington are In conditions to hear the full explanations, we will explain to you how it is that my wife and I are alive again. My

mother never died, though. Dragonstone's Maester left her for dead after giving birth to my little sister, Daenerys. Fortunately my half brother rescued her before she was burned on a funeral pyre. And she, along with Ser Jaime, who is my half brother, and my daughter, Rhaenys, have been living in exile in Essos for over fifteen years. Regarding Varys, as I have already told you before, he is the last descendant of the Blackfyre line on the maternal's side. And the Spider's sister was the wife of Mopatis, after living as a pillow girl in Lys. Serra Blackfyre was her name. As you can imagine, neither of them had or has great appreciation towards house Targaryen. For that reason I assumed you were the son of Mopatis and Serra Blackfyre. We thought that you were killed by the Mountain who Rides during the Sack. But as it seems by the events today, you were not."

"Wait, when do you say Ser Jaime, you mean Ser Jaime Lannister? The Kingslayer? Tywin's son?"

"Not Tywin's, my late mad husband's son and Joanna's son. And he isn't a kingslayer. He's an hero. You can be family, but that doesn't allow you to insult or denigrate my children. And Jaime for me is almost as much my son as Rhaegar is." stated his mother in cold tone.

"Please could you stop throwing barbs, threats and insults at each other? I'm too tired and battered for this kind of shit right now." Rhaegar sentenced harshly and coldly.

"My mother tells the truth, Jaime and his sister, the current queen of Westeros, are my father's bastard children. Just like you are the bastard son of Brandon Stark and Ashara Dayne. The result of an adventure between the two during Harrenhal's Tourney. I don't tell you bastard with acrimony or in mockery, nor do we have any problem with you being bastard. And the truth, I do not know even if you really are a bastard or your mother has more surprises waiting for us." Rhaegar paused, fixed his gaze on the lilac-blue eyes of his nephew, and trailed.

"What I know is that your name was Arthur Rivers when you were born in Dragonstone, or Waters if you prefer using your birth place as surname instead of the place where you were conceived. And we passed you off as my son to prevent Varys from delving into the truth in my marriage to Elia and my love affair with my wife Lyanna. If my father had known that I had annulled my marriage to Elia because of her sterility after Rhaenys' birth, I don't know what he would have been able to do to her and my daughter. So we lived in a mummery, expecting to dethrone my father and then, make the truth public. You were destined to be my son's friend. Your mother, my wife and I hoped that you and my son would create a relationship of friendship, almost brotherly, like the one I had with your uncle Ser Arthur, in honor of whom you were named."

"Has everything in my life been a lie?" replied sadly and on the verge of tears the boy.

"Just like our son lived up to six moons ago in a lie. Aegon was passed off as the bastard of my brother Ned after my death after giving birth in the Tower of Joy. Until his name day of the last year, my son thought that his name was Jon Snow and that he was the sole stain in the unsullied honor of his lord uncle Eddard. Whom Aegon believed was his father. But now, all the lies that you two have lived can be corrected and you can have the life we had in mind for you when we made the plans before finishing the damn Harrenhal's Tourney. " Lyanna tried to reassure the boy, moving closer to their nephew, trying to caress with the right hand where before she had slapped him.

This one recoiled from Lya's touch, and scoffed, "All my life I have been told that I was the rightful King of Westeros and that I had been usurped by Robert Baratheon. All my life I have been educated and preparing to be King. And you, my lady aunt," now sneered Arthur, while opening his arms. "You tell me that now all of that is going to be corrected, making me a bastard. While I am supposed to accept and see how someone else appropriates what they have always told me was mine."

Lyanna recoiled at the outburst of vitriolity and the aggressive gesture of their nephew, showing a face of disappointment and sorrow at the rejection of the attempt to restart the relationship with Ashara's son on a better footing.

"You have insulted my wife twice already. Let there not be a third." Rhaegar declared harshly, almost snarled, now threatening the presumptuous boy.

'I'm starting to get fed up with this kid. What the hell have they taught and educated him? This is whom they wanted to be the one to reconquer Westeros under the Targaryen banner?' Rhaegar mused sourly and somewhat angrily.

"[Vhagar, half of that horse belongs to you. The other half is Ghost's prey. Eat it.]" He intoned towards his dragon in a strong, iron tones.

The dragon seemed to notice his state of mind, for before lumbering toward the horse, the sandy yellowish dragon approached its muzzle less than a body's of distance from Ashara Dayne's son and let out a roar that left Rhaegar's ears ringing.

Once Vhagar reached the horse, the dragon caught it in his huge jaws, flinging it into the air and slicing up half the horse with a single bite. After that, threw the front half near where they were and the rear half that was left on the ground was quickly blackened by the yellowish orange flames of the mighty dragon. With a sickening cracking sound, Vhagar gobbled down half from the horse Connington had ridden.

Meanwhile, Rhaegar never took his cold gaze from his nephew's eyes. His eyes practically boring through the very being of Ash's son.

"Do we have an understanding? If kill you makes me a kinslayer, so be it. I'm a Targaryen and a Dragonlord. I do not answer to gods nor men, and I care little what people think of me, as long as my family is safe and secure. Do you understand, nephew?"

Ashara's son nodded vigorously, quavering in fear.

"I don't give a damn what they prepared you for or what you think you're entitled to. You still have your head on your shoulders because I consider your mother my sister of other blood, I considered your uncle Arthur as my brother of other blood and because you are the son of my brother-in-law, my wife's nephew and the cousin of my son and of those that Aegon considers as his brothers and sister." Rhaegar scowled now, speaking slowly and softly, but threateningly.

"Rhaegar ..." his mother tried to interject, but he raised the right hand so that she would stop immediately on what was going to say.

"Now, you're going to mount in the same steed that my Kingsguard, Ser Dale," he said, while pointing with the head towards Davos' middle son "And you're going to await for us in our quarters. When your mother and Connington are in conditions, you're going to be with them and hear what we have to say. You may like it or not. I don't care. But that what you think are entitled to, belongs to my son and my daughter. I never want to hear you say, or hear about you, something similar to your last words in response to what your aunt said."

Gripping Arthur by the shoulder with his right hand and drawing him closer, Rhaegar finished, "If you don't like your situation, you will learn to like it. Otherwise, you will be our prisoner and when the time comes, sent to the Nightswatch, where young men and skilled swords are needed. Do you understand? "

The boy, who at that time was with his face totally dislodged and his hands trembling, again affirmed with his head, looking at the ground at all times, barely looking up.

Glancing sideways at the wolves, Rhaegar said firmly "Ghost, Summer, what's left of the horse is yours." Something to which both wolves responded by shooting towards remaining half from the dismembered horse. Stormy at that moment screeched, descending on her flight to land on the head of the dead animal, whose eyes she began to peck. After his pause, Rhaegar looked behind his mother and trailed, "Ser Dale, if at any point he resists, tie him up or knock him out, is that clear?"

"Whatever my prince orders." was the dry reply from Dale, while bowing slighty the head in his direction.

"Good. You two, dismissed."

Dale moved to stand next to the boy, who seemed to have been exposed to the Stranger itself. Pale face and trembling body, unable to look up from the ground. Glancing sideways to his left, he could see that his mother had a reproachful gesture towards him, while Lya showed evident sorrow on her delicate features.

Framing himself towards the soldiers who had been watching enraptured the scene, he yelled in the direction of two riders he knew by name "Narion, Istarnië, come here."

After bowing their heads, the two riders at brisk trot approached where Rhaegar was. Reaching his level, Narion and Istarnië descended from their mounts.

"Thank you Narion, Istarnië." Rhaegar said as he nodded towards the couple.

"Your excellence." was the dry reply of the tall and slender man with eyes black as coal oil and hair jet black as raven's feather pouring under his helmet.

"My prince." Istarnië said cheerly. The tall and strong woman with her auburn hair sticking out from under the helmet, silver eyes that could be mistaken for those of Rhaegar's brother-in-law.

"Istarnië, I'm sorry but I must ask you to lend your steed for Ser Dale to use. I must also ask you to search that poleboat from top to bottom," Rhaegar said as he nodded in the direction of the Shy Maid. "Anyone you find there, should be held for future questioning. Any valuables, documents, scrolls, books, letters and envelopes that you find should also be seized. You are in command of the soldiers here when I march for the city. Once you have carried out my orders, leave a checkpoint of a dozen men between crossbowmen and horsemen until you're relieved."

"And if they resist, my prince?" asked Istarnië doubtfully while patting her horse between the eyes. She was one of the best soldiers in the column, whom along with her husband Narion had been in command of the calvalry force that had straddled the dragon's road during the battle.

"I am sure you will know how to go for apprehending them. As long as they are still alive, you have permission to do whatever you consider necessary. You're dismissed." he said in a tone of steel, but with a certain melody and appreciation for the woman. As reply she tilted her head slightly in the direction of Lya and Rhaegar's mother, then turned on her heel and headed towards the stranded poleboat.

To Rhaegar's right, his dragon had coiled in itself, burrowing a little in the dry ground next to the ruins of a building, while the wolves and the eagle devoured the other half of the horse. Offering a show that turned the stomach a little by the ferocity and speed with which the three predators gave count from the remains of the horse.

Narion glanced in the same direction Rhaegar was doing, letting out a snap. "Ferocious creatures, your excellences. They will never cease to amaze me. Especially when I later see how they behave with you, your excellences."

"You first, kid." Dale said dryly to Ashara's son. With Arthur in the saddle, Dale climbed into Istarnië's steed behind Ashara's son, then bowed his head slightly towards Rhaegar, his wife and mother, and nudged the horse heading north.

"Narion, help the princess and the dowager queen into their mounts, please. As you can see, my arms are busy." he ordered as he rearranged Ashara cradling her between his two arms.

Narion chuckled and nodded slightly towards him.

Before long, Lya and his mother were back on their mares.

"Narion, help me with this lady." Rhaegar said as he transferred Ashara from his arms to Narion's. "I'll get on my horse first and then you pass her to me, understand?"

"My prince." was the dry answer offered by Narion.

As he made way to his mount, Rhaegar lamented that his first meeting with his nephew since he was a newborn had gone so wrong. But Ash's son had forced his hand.

'Maybe it was good that Aegon was raised as a bastard. He has never been half as presumptuous as Arthur. Honestly, I'm going to have a word or two with Connington and Ashara as how they've raised my nephew. I am ashamed that instead of hugging his aunt who offered him love and understanding, he reacted like this. I hope Lya isn't too affected.' he reflected knowing how protective and caring was Lya with her kin.

Although his wife had perfected her impassive face, the cracks of pain and sadness were evident in her beautiful face.

'Good thing Aegon isn't here.' he mused quickly as he climbed onto his son's horse. 'Had Aegon been here, Ash would have lost his son quite brutally.' A shiver ran down his spine thinking about his son and how he might react when he found out what had happened in this first encounter with his cousin.

That led him to think that maybe Aegon would find out before time and come with Fire and Blood for his maternal cousin. So before returning to where his mother and wife were already on their saddles and Narion was with Ashara cradled in his arms, Rhaegar headed towards the wolves and the eagle.

"Bran !! Are you in there?" he said in a doubtful tone only audible to the predators devouring what was left of the horse

The response was swift, in the form of Summer ripping the floor with the right front paw twice and bobbing the head.

"Bran, please just tell Aegon that we've taken Ghoyan Drohe and that the Blackfyre isn't going to be a problem anymore. Will you do me that favor, nephew?"

Summer raised the head, looking at him with eyes too intelligent for a direwolf, performing the closest thing to an eye roll a wolf could do.

"I hope all goes well in Pentos or wherever you are. If you can, send me a scroll updating me on

your situation."

This time the answer came from the imperial eagle with gray and white plumage. This one spread its wings, gave a shrill screech and took a small flight, landing heavily on Rhaegar's right shoulder. After which, the eagle began to repeatedly nod its head, gently pecking at Rhaegar's helmet.

"Ouf!! Stormy it's too heavy Bran, but I understand that is a yes." Rhaegar absently replied to the eagle while he smiled bemusedly.

After that, the huge and heavy eagle took flight, soaring rapidly in a westward direction.

Now Rhaegar nudged his horse towards where his wife and mother were, Narion still with Ash cradled and unconscious between his arms.

Once arrived, he placed his destrier parallel to Narion, to the right of Rhaegar. "Give her to me delicately and think that I can only use my right arm ... So maybe you have to use more force than you thought." Rhaegar japed.

"There's no problem my prince. But stoop a little, your excellence. Despite my height and strength, the King's horse is huge." the Braavosi quipped, to what Rhaegar chuckled.

After a couple of maneuvers complicated by the virtual inoperation of his left arm between the shield still secured in his forearm and its numbness, Ashara was firmly placed on the horse in front of him, Rhaegar grabbing her waist with the right arm and pressing Ashara's back against his plate and her head into the crook of his neck. The screeching of his armor seemed to wake Ashara for a moment, as she babbled something incomprehensible, stiffening for a moment, to be completely relaxed on him again.

"Would you honor us with your escort, Narion? Or does Istarnië require your help to reorganize the soldiers here?"

"My wife will have a bad temper and of course she will later blame me for running away, leaving her in charge. But I think the boys and girls will listen to her more than me. In fact, I think that save Araldo and Maloquo, she is the person they respect the most after the rings." quipped the tall blonde Braavosi.

"So be it. Make way for us, faithful Narion."

"My prince." Narion said with with a smile from ear to ear, as he slightly bowed his head, causing the red feather that fell from his helmet to move to the side.

"My princess, my dowager queen, follow us."

Rhaegar said, nodding in the direction of his wife and mother, hinting that they would talk about what happened once at the inn. 'If possible without armor, shield and after having wiped the blood and grit from my body and having drunk a good jug of ale.' mused to himself, when he spurred the horse, following the trail opened by Narion towards the city.

Sixteenth day of the eleventh moon, 297AC. The Hairy Bear Inn. Ghoyan Drohe, Essos.

"How many casualties have we had, my lord?" Lya asked in her typical cold tone of when she was in charge of managing the household and the army, while with the quill she prepared to write down in the army's ledger book.

"There had been no mortal casualties on our part. No warriors lost from our host for all that there had been numerous injuries. Stubbornness is at least part of the reasons for it, for some of the injuries should perhaps have been fatal, but none wanted to leave us in the first true battle." replied Lord Gerion after chugging a drink from his jug. The Lannister's crimson tabard concealed part from the blood and guts that the blond man had scattered all over him. He was seated along Rhaegar's mother in front of Lyanna and him, on the other side from the table. The four of them seated on wood armchairs on the long side from the table.

The Hairy Bear Inn, as it was named, was a sturdy building of three stories in stone and wood, almost on the river and the bridge over it in Ghoyan Drohe. And it was where now on whose lower floor in what had once been the common room, he, his wife, his mother, Rhaegar's mother's lover, Dale, Thucydides and Márië were reunited after the battle and capture of the ancient city.

"More ale, my prince?" asked Márië on the right side of the table with a pitcher of ale.

"Please." Rhaegar replied with warmth and a smile as he brought his mug closer to his distant cousin. He was already without the armor, wearing only black leather breeches, his riding boots and a white linen shirt open in the neck. His left arm was tied in a sling that fell from his neck to avoid moving it more than necessary.

'Although the bolt did not fully penetrate the armor plate, or even ripped the surcoat, it has left a bruise all over the upper left side of my back.' he thought as he clenched his teeth when made a small movement with the left shoulder

The young scribe and steward, on Lya's left, was also taking notes from everything said.

"My lord husband, any casualties in your detachment?" Lya asked him now.

"I believe that with the exception of a dozen horses, no rider or crossbowman has fallen. When Narion returns with his wife and my sword, he will bring more concrete information about the matter." He frowned, sighed and continued, "From what Araldo has told me when entering, Maloquo's group hasn't had more than a couple of minor injuries. Almost all from bruises and the occasional dislocated bone. Nothing serious, really. Although what could be expected from the outlaws? We are the most similar to the Golden Company or to a well-trained army out here in Essos."

"Hear, Hear!" boomed Lord Gerion raising his jug in Rhaegar's direction. "Gerion!" chided Rhaegar's mother to his lover.

"What? We've taken an ancient city at the cost of none of our men and women, obliterating those cutthroats. It's cause for joy, my dear!" was the cheerful answer from the blonde man.

With a small smile on his lips, Rhaegar responded to the gesture made by Gerion and raised his jug in his direction.

"Men!!" his mother snorted with resignation. Comment that made Lya and Márië giggle.

"Speaking of men ... I learned that we have captured a Gryphon fondly of these." japed Lord Gerion as he raised and lowered suggestively his golden eyebrows in Rhaegar's direction, then winked in Márië's direction.

"Yes," Lyanna said dryly, her lips in a tight fine line. "I hope he wakes soon from the blow. Rhaegar and I have a few questions to ask him about my nephew's behavior and attitudes. The healers have told me that he will limp for the rest of his life, but that he has saved his left leg from


"A pity. He should have died." Rhaegar's mother said curtly. "Bitter sword-swallower, always believing himself something that has never been and with an insane obsession for you, my son."

"Someone should plow his arse really hard to remove the vinegar that he has always given off." Gerion added scornfully.

"Gerion!!" chided Gerion's lover again, while pointing with the head towards the scribe and the lady-in-waiting.

"What?! They both know what I mean."

Rhaegar mother slapped Gerion's right arm and tsked while shook her head.

"I haven't had the misfortune to meet him, but from what I knew about him and from what I've seen in my Connington-brought up nephew, I think Gerion is right. He seems to need a good plowing." Lya said mockingly, after which she chuckled. In the same way that Dale did it in a sneaky way, standing at the side of the door that gave access to the outside.

"Thucydides, this is not necessary for you to write down." Rhaegar sighed, and then added. "Getting back to serious talk, I don't know exactly what to do with him. Even if he didn't know it, he's been conspiring against House Targaryen for twelve years. If it wasn't for Visenya's ritual, who knows what Connington would have done with Varys and Mopatis. I don't know. What the hells possessed him to trust Varys's word?"

"My son, you've always wanted to see the best in people, blinding yourself from the bad of these. He has always been a conniving rat. You actively and passively told him to leave King's Landing and what did he do? Approach the mad from your father, to be named Aerys' Hand. And then he lost ridiculously to the rebels at Stoney Sept. By all the Gods!! If you have to search for Robert Baratheon, the first place to look is the local brothel!" replied Rhaegar's mother.

"Still, before we judge him we should let him defend himself. And anyway, I can't be the judge. Aegon and Rhaenys sure want to know why instead of being with one of the two of them, or with my sister and brother, he was with a supposed Targaryen, who was a supposed Blackfyre, who has turned out to be the son of Brandon and Ashara. " Rhaegar stated, trying to defend even minimally, the one who was once his squire.

'Although he was never my friend at any time. I didn't even trust him about my annulment with Elia or my marriage to Lya.' he mused with some bitterness.

"His infatuation with me prevented him from seeing beyond that or even the bigger picture. If I had told him about the annulment of the marriage with Elia, he would surely have told father."

"We could keep him as prisoner, watching him closely, but without him knowing it and then our son and daughter be the ones whom decides his fate." Lyanna proposed glancing sideways in Rhaegar's direction, as she raised her right eyebrow and pursed her mouth.

"I say we should cut off his head and so be it. The longer he breathes, the more trouble he will bring us." Gerion contributed as he shrugged and spread his arms and hands.

"And you mother, what do you think?" Rhaegar asked.

"Look at the disaster his exile almost caused us, Rhaegar. If not for Ghost, he would have killed you today. It is no longer just a matter of his conspiracy with Varys and Mopatis to put a pretender

on the Iron Throne. Today he raised a sword against you, my son. From what you've told us, if it wasn't for Ghost, he would most likely have hurt you at the very least." replied his mother, looking at him with a face of infinite love and concern.

"If we charge him with high treason, our own laws mandate that Aegon and Rhaenys should be the judges, jury, and executors. We cannot break our own laws." Rhaegar scoffed, and then trailed "Besides, even in a twisted way, I'm sure he believes he was serving our cause." He tried to justify Connington's actions that day.

Gerion's reply was to snort, while Lyanna shot him an inquiring cold look. His mother crossed her hands and pursed her mouth and frowned, raising her silver left eyebrow, looking at him with some condescension.

"The only thing I know is that a certain punishment must be served, because as you have said mother, he has attacked me. To let his action go unpunished would mean losing the respect of our people. But I am opposed to carrying out something drastic without permission from Aegon or Rhaenys." was what Rhaegar sentenced on the subject.

"So ... what I've said before, but him knowing he's a guarded prisoner?" asked Lyanna dubiously. "And Connington is going to take that very well ..." Retorted dryly and derisively Gerion.

"My lord, and what else do you propose?" questioned Rhaegar.

Lord Gerion shrank in on himself, then said, "I've already say what I think on the matter. His opinion of your mother is well known to me, my prince. I can't assure you that I could control myself if he shoots her sneering glances or makes comments about her." Gerion paused, drank from the jug and finished saying "And besides, if we've to put some guards on him, those are men whom could not be performing their duty. A waste of resources and time."

"And what about Ashara and her son?" Rhaegar's mother questioned.

"That is an even more tricky matter. I cannot punish someone for complying with what I ordered her to do. Even after I died she has carried out the order given by me. The last thing I spoke with Ash was precisely this scenario. She had to pass her son off as my son and the heir to the crown." Rhaegar said somewhat exasperated as he spread his arms, causing a hiss at the pain in his back.

"Don't move your arm, lord husband. You have it in a sling for some reason." Lya chided him.

"And what about the boy? He tried to kill you! He has disrespected and insulted us on several occasions and he believes he has a right to something that he has never had any right." Rhaegar's mother exclaimed.

It seemed that both his mother and Gerion were looking for blood and that Lya, was not far removed from the positions of these two.

"He is my nephew and Brandon's son. Being raised by Connington, I am not surprised by his demeanor today. But as Rhaegar has said and from what little we know thus far, he himself did not know of his origin. We should discuss it with Ashara. I think we could mend the relationship and him to be what we envisioned at first. A friend for Aegon, or even Bran." Lya sentenced.

"I would have no objection to having Ashara again as Lady-in-waiting," his mother reflected, to then look tenderly at Máirë who had frowned upon hearing those words. "No offense to you, little one. But you are Arya's lady-in-waiting. I have no complaints whatsoever about your service, but I think you are more suitable within the retinue of the princesses or the Queen, than of an old

woman like I. Your older sister is sworn in to Queen Rhaenys. You and your little sister to Princess Arya and Lyanna. You also have to take care of the twins. "

"But I like being your lady-in-waiting. You remind me of my mother." Máirë timidly interjected.

"Oh my little one, you're so kind! But you deserve being with someone more younger than me. How else are the boys going to notice you?" Rhaegar's mother replied to the young Belaerys.

The last name of the dragonlord and dragonlady Aurion and Jaenera had been adopted by Nyhelí and her family. Making them in the eyes of the Freehold the second descendant family of the Forty.

'After all, Aurion was the last on that line. And he died almost four hundred years ago. No one is going to come and claim anything. And thus, future dynastic problems are avoided.' Rhaegar mused as he tenderly watched the interaction between his mother and the young descendant from the Conciliator.

He slighty shook his head, finishing off his musings.

"We are rambling and, until we speak with Ashara, we will not know the reality of what happened sixteen years ago. At least, as how I see it regarding Ashara and her son, we more or less agree that we have to, in a way, forgive them for their actions and tie them back to us, if they want to. So this is what I propose; Dale goes to collect the three of them, bring them to us and we exercise a unified front, trying to clarify the situation. Ashara may have changed due to the misfortunes that befell her during the Rebellion and the years in exile, but more than half of her life was shared with me at the Red Keep. And her son, once removed from Connington's influence sure is a great kid." Rhaegar sentenced, while looking at those present. "You agree with me?"

"My prince, you lead, I follow." stated Gerion, looking at him firm and with confidence.

"Son, you'll always have me by your side." said his mother with a bright smile and proud gaze.

"And you, my lady wife? What do you say?"

"I'd said once, I'll said again. Until my dying breath, we're together." after the which, Lya tenderly kissed him in his cheek.

"My prince." bowed Dale, turning on his heels to open the door, but he stopped him.

"Dale, wait!"

Rhaegar exhorted, rose from his chair and walked around the table to frame himself with Davos' middle son. Looking to wall, the greatsword from Gerion was there. He picked up, and then firmly said "Dale Seaworth, kneel!"

"My prince?" asked with some doubt the king's guard. "You heard me. Kneel!"

Dale knelt on his right knee in front of Rhaegar.

"After your brave actions today at the ford, I have been calling you Ser Dale; it is time for you to truly be a knight." He paused for a second, glanced at Lya with a warm smile, and then fixed his gaze on Dale's eyes.

"Be without fear in the face on your enemies." Rhaegar raised the greatsword, placing the blade flat on Dale's head. "Be brave and upright may the gods love thee." Now he placed the blade on Dale's left shoulder. "Speak the truth, even if it leads to your death." The blade was upon Dale's right shoulder this time. "Safeguard the hapless." Again Rhaegar placed the flat from the blade over Dale's head, for then leave the greatsword upon the wall. "That is your oath." Without anyone in the common room expecting that, he did what Arthur Dayne had done to him almost twenty years ago. Backhand, he slapped Dale's right cheek hard, opening the cut on his lip again. "And that's so you'll remember it. Rise as Knight, Ser Dale Seaworth, knight from the King's Guard of Aegon Targaryen the first of his name."

Night of the sixteenth day of the eleventh moon, 297AC . The Hairy Bear Inn. Ghoyan Drohe, Essos.

Ever since Connington, Ashara, and her son had sat across from Rhaegar, his wife, his mother, and Lord Gerion, the one he considered to be a sister from another blood had softened her face with respect to the previous meeting at the ford on the Rhoyne.

'At least this time, she hasn't slapped me.' Rhaegar thought with some relief.

To his delight, Ashara had directed warm and loving glances towards Lyanna and Rhaegar's mother, as well as towards him. However, towards Lord Gerion she had glanced daggers at first, after which the Fallen Star of Dorne did not turn her gaze in the direction of the blond man.

Although at first the three had been reluctant to believe their tale, that had been mostly told by him and his wife, with some contributions from Rhaegar's mother and her lover, the presence of himself and Lyanna, as well as that of Vhagar flying over the city from time to time, and that of the direwolves under the table, managed to convince even the largest of the skeptics.

However, although for different reasons, from Rhaegar's nephew and from his once squire and former lord from Griffin's Roost, it did not stop coming somewhat hostile looks and gestures. Especially from Connington towards everyone on the other side of the table, save for Rhaegar. This one for Rhaegar had only an apologetic look after he knew what almost had done on the bank

from the ford on the Rhoyne.

Ashara's son, more than hostile, was certainly frightened. Showing great misgivings about wolves and trembling slightly every time a shriek or roar from Vhagar was heard.

'Something understandable based on my early threats. Despite that my dragon is the smallest and quietest of the three, Vhagar imposes like few things in the world. I do not want to imagine the fear that Meraxes or Balerion will inspire in him. Maybe I've gone too far with the display of power.'

Rhaegar mused somewhat sorry and sad about how the relationship with his nephew began. On the other hand, it wasn't bad that this one had a healthy respect for the wolves and a little great fear for dragons.

Even if the boy had not shown to be hostile again, Rhaegar was not going to allow behaviors from him like those that Arthur Rivers had shown that afternoon.

Connington was another matter entirely. The once proud lord, now was a bitter and sour man, living on memories that weren't as they really were. A hatred almost palpable towards Gerion was present in every gesture and gaze from the former Lord of Griffin's Roost towards the Lannister. Grimaces of contempt and disdain were a constant towards Rhaegar's wife and mother. The mention of the truth behind Jaime's conception, as well as his actions, was received with gestures of contempt and sneer. He looked at Lya as if she were the cause of all the troubles from the past. And the only time Connington made reference to Rhaegar's daughter, was to call her the Dornish girl.

'His attitude towards Rhaenys has reminded me of my father's towards Elia and Nys herself.' Rhaegar thought between saddened and angry at Connington.

The most tense situation until that moment, was when Connington learned that whoever he believed was the son of Rhaegar, really was the son of Brandon Stark. To make matters worse in Connington's eyes, the bastard son of Rhaegar's late brother-in-law. Connington's hatred towards house Stark quickly extended towards his until that day, ward.

The look of contempt and disdain in the direction of the one who had had Connington as a father figure for over ten years almost broke Rhaegar's heart. But it did serve to prove some of the things that had previously been pointed out by Gerion and Rhaegar's mother. Jon Connington was a man who wanted to see things the way he wanted to see them. At the moment when it was proven that his vision did not coincide with reality, this reality was put aside, scorned and despised.

"It is not, nor has it been a dream, you three are really alive!!" Ashara Dayne exclaimed cheerfully, after she processed and recovered from all that she had hear, almost getting up from the chair in which she had sat on the other side of the table, having heard the whole story of the last six moons, resurrection of him and Lyanna included.

"Yes Ash, it's us. I'm sorry for the circumstances in which we met again this afternoon." he said in a exculpatory tone. "I thought your son was the son of Mopatis and Varys's sister. But I think it's time for you to explain to us how your son survived to the Sack of King's Landing. Bitter tears we had shed for him and for you, Ashara, to now find you posing as whom you are not, Septa Lemore." Stated Rhaegar somewhat sternly.

Lyanna was to his right, while Lord Gerion was seated to the right of Rhaegar's wife, directly opposite to Arthur. To Rhaegar's left was his mother and in front of her Connington.

Ashara, in the middle of the three that were being questioned and in front of him, looked at him


"Do you remember what Elia used to said about the dead?" Ashara asked him with a tone that mixed sadness, grief and longing.

"Yes. Sometimes dead people are more useful than living people. To this day, I still don't understand." Rhaegar replied in a neutral tone, although with some sorrow when he remembered the phrases with which Elia imparted her particular wisdom.

"Well, in me and in my son, you have the proof and the explanation to that phrase. Arthur never left Dragonstone until after your defeat in the Trident." Ashara said while tilted her head towards her left, in her son's direction, whereupon she followed with her harrowing tale. "If something abounds on that island, are children with silver-gold hair and lilac eyes whose mothers hardly had anything to feed the children with. Sons whom are called Dragonseeds. But that's something you already knew."

Ashara paused in her explanation for a moment, staring at him, sighed and continued,

"What you didn't knew was that to one of those Dragonseeds' mothers, her dead son was more useful to her, than my living son to me in that moment. I made an agreement with a fishmonger woman. She would take care of little Arthur, feed him and nursing him, in exchange for leaving me her son. If the fishmonguer woman's son died, I would give her the weight of her dead son in gold. The baby that I introduced to you when you returned from the Tower of Joy, was that child. You didn't noticed the change from the baby you saw in Dragonstone before leaving for the Riverlands. Only Elia and I knew the truth. That is why Elia had a poison reserved for her in case the situation, as it finally turned out, ended up going south. Elia dead, was more useful than alive. At least, was what she said. She would be a martyr and in her mind at least, she thought that would serve to rally Dorne behind your son Aegon and Rhaenys. Elia knew that her health deteriorated more each day. At the time we did not know, but from what you have told us this tonight about Pycelle and the order of the Maesters, I see clearly the reasons for this deterioration." Ashara said with a trembling voice laden with pain as she pursed her mouth. On her left cheek a lone tear was slipping.

Looking at Lyanna with tenderness and affection, Ashara continued, "Lyanna, Elia was convinced that you would have been an ideal mother for Rhaenys. So strong, without the typical constrictions of southern nobility, willful and full of love."

Ash paused in her narration, looked at her lap for a moment, and seemed to regain some of the composure that she looked about to lose. Meanwhile Lyanna was gripping his right hand tightly under the table, and she seemed to be trying not to cry. Pouting could be glimpsed on the full lips of his wife

"And she also had blind trust in Jaime. Trust in the young king's guard, which as I now know, was well founded. After the Trident, it was clear to her that if something foul happened and she continued alive she would be tortured. And the dead do not speak. Therefore, before marching with her grace to Dragonstone, Elia confessed to me that it would be the last time we would see each other."

Ashara let out a stifled sob after those words, looked with a sad smile in Rhaegar's mother's direction, and extended her right hand in her direction. His mother replied the gesture and tenderly grasped Ashara's outstretched hand.

"Easy child, everything is going to be fine. You're surrounded by those whom loves you, my dear Star."

"Thank you, my Queen." was Ashara's reply in a somewhat broken voice, filled with sadness and despair.

"When we arrived at Dragonstone, you believed that my concern was due to the possible fate of my child." Ashara said bitterly, closed her eyes and began to cry silently. Her voice totally cracked. "You, my Queen, you gave me permission to return to Starfall, thinking that that way, my sorrow and concern would be less. But it was not sorrow or concern for my son. It was guilt for what I did to the Fishermonguer woman. When I went to visit my child, the woman had discovered the deception and threatened to reveal the truth. I could not allow it and I ..."

Ashara sobbed loudly, shook her head, let out a long sigh and said harshly,

"I killed her. I killed her to protect my boy and my friend and her daughter. To protect your legacy, Rhaegar. To protect Lyanna and your son. I strangled her with a gold pendant that I had given her in advance of the pay to leave me her son. I can still remember how her eyes lost their spark and the last gasps of the fishmonger woman..."

A strangled sigh escaped his mother's mouth, while Lyanna looked at Ashara with empathy. Ashara's son ran his right hand down her mother's back. Connington on the side of her wore a sneer and gazed at Ashara with judgment.

First he shot a hard, reproachful look towards the direction from the former Lord of Griffin's Roost, then Rhaegar said, "Ash, if you can't continue right now, you don't have to. There's no rush. It's all fine. We're here for whatever you need. You know you're my sister in all but blood." he tried to sooth Ashara, but this one shook her head.

"No Rhaegar, it's no fine. Nothing was fine those days. I killed an innocent woman!!" she exclaimed. "After that, I couldn't continue in Dragonstone. Wherever I looked, I saw her. I couldn't take the guilt anymore. I had left Arthur at the fishmonger's woman shack and when you, my Queen," Ashara said in a low, broken tone, "When you that same day, your grace gave me permission to go to Starfall, I did not hesitate. I went to get my boy and boarded the first ship that left the island bound for Dorne. I paid for my passage and the captain's silence with one of the necklaces that you gave me, my Queen."

"It's fine mother, it's fine. It's something that already happened. You did it for me and I appreciate it." said with empathy but with a lump in his voice Ashara's son.

"Ha!" Ashara left out a bitter, humorless laugh. "In almost seven and ten years, this is the first time you have called me for who I am in relation with you. You should call me a murderer and a liar!! I have never told you the truth!! How can you forgive me?"

"I may have thought and believed that princess Elia Martell was my mother, but my mother figure has always been you. The greatest joy has given me this day, is to know that you have always been taking care of me and that you are really my mother."

Ashara snapped her head to the left, in Arthur's direction. She brought her right hand to her son's right cheek, caressing it tenderly and looking at him with eyes that were true waterfalls of tears, full of love and guilt.

"Oh! My sweet summer child! You do not know what you are saying! Wait until you hear the whole tale! I used you for my own benefit and for my own pettiness and thirst for revenge against all those who had acted against mine and wronged me. I do not deserve that you call me mother. I don't even deserve to be talked by you, Arthur!"

"Ashara," Lyanna interrupted with an almost broken voice and a tear falling down her right cheek. His wife's left hand, squeezing Rhaegar's right under the table. "Of those seated at this table, we are all killers, with the honorable exception of Rhaella. And almost all of us have killed for our own petty and selfish reasons. You did it to protect us all, yourself and your child. I would have done the same in your place."

"Lyanna, you don't understand. I'm not like you!! I never imagined taking a life with my own hands. I don't enter tourneys as a mysterious knight, trumpeting honor and values after dismounting three knights. I don't go with a sword at my waist. I do not have wolves, nor dragons nor a son who is the fucking Conqueror come back to life to fight the monsters from the legends that our nursemaids told. I was a court's animal!! I was a skillful, cunning and subtle player of the game, who had never washed her own garments or done any manual task! I didn't even knew how to use a fucking flint for gods sake" Ashara exclaimed desperately.

"My little Star," his mother interrupted Ash's tirade. "You did what you had to do. I was also like you, and during my years in exile and fleeing from the possible hired knifes from the usurper, I did unthinkable things that I am not going to mention, in order to bring something to feed my granddaughter and Jaime. Don't be ashamed of doing what you had to do."

Rhaegar could see how his mother tightened her grip on Ashara's hand.

"Never be ashamed of doing what you've to do for survive and for the good of those whom you love, my little Star." His mother pronounced fiercely, but with warmth and some of the hissed tones typical of when Rhaegar's mother spoke in High Valyrian.

"Very good, very nice all of this and very emotional all of this tragedy. The Mountain killed the son of a fishmonger woman, the sickly Elia committed suicide for love towards her friends and you killed the fishmonger woman. Should we feel pity for you, woman?" Connington scoffed, and then curtly added, "Woman, could you tell us how you did to fool Varys and what you did to the Blackfyre boy? Are you going to tell us what your master plan was behind putting the bastard from the brash stupid Brandon Stark on the Iron Throne?" ended sneering the former lord from Griffin's Roost.

Before he or anyone else could reproach Connington's words, Gerion Lannister practically growled "Connington, have you ever been told that you are a tremendous prick and a huge asshole? Or do the man-whores you pay have their mouths busy with your prick? You're a cunt with nothing to envy to my older brother, you pillow-biter."

Connington's face turned red and the veins on his neck looked as if they were about to explode. With one swift movement, he slammed his right fist down on the table.

"Do you want to die Lannister?" spat the exiled Lord. "You can fool them all you want. But me? I know your ilk. Sooner or later you're going to betray us, you son of a bitch and from a dimwit father. It would be better if I kill you now. It is the only thing that those of your blood deserve. Dying slowly and painfully."

"ENOUGH!!" Rhaegar roared, striking his left fist against the table after removing his arm from the sling. Lya, his mother and Ashara flinched at his fury and reaction. Even Arthur flinched a little at his sudden outburst.

Beneath the table, the wolves tensed and Summer began to growl and snarl menacingly, while Ghost made a feint of biting Connington's outstretched arm, whomquickly withdrew his outstretched arm from the table

Vhagar sensing his fury, let out a deafening roar high above the city.

"The next person of those present who has an outburst like the ones that just took place, is going to get to know my dragon up close. IS IT CLEAR?"

Connington lowered his head in shame and submission, however, Gerion seemed to be outlining a wry smile.

Rhaegar hit the table again, while he squeezed his wife's hand under the table with his right hand.

"I ASKED IF IT IS CLEAR? GODS DAMMED, ANSWER ME!" Rhaegar roared, tilting his head in the direction of both men.

"My prince." said meekly both men.

Letting out a hiss of pain for overexerting his left arm, Rhaegar spoke again. "I don't care if the both of you can't see at the eye. I give two shits about your past. But no one is going to belittle my sister in all but blood or stress my pregnant wife." He said softly but cold and with steel tones, each word carefully measured and weighed. Not waiting for a response, he continued. "Now that you've talked, Connington, explain to me, why did you believe that Varys was a trustworthy person? Or why you believed that the Golden Company was to fight for a Targaryen? Or better yet, explain me why you didn't go to find my brother and sister whom were all alone since Darry died?"

Connington gulped, bit his lower lip, and grimaced in sorrow.

"My prince, you do not understand. When I was exiled by your father, I thought that you would defeat the Usurper and then you'll reign fairly and prosperously. When news of your death reached Essos, my whole world collapsed. I drowned into drink and despair. I didn't see the point in staying alive, but I was too cowardly to take my own life. That is why I joined the Golden Company. I thought that by killing people and being one of the exiles present there, I could find a reason to continue living." The former Lord from Griffin's Roost said hoarse, staring into infinity, though his eyes were fixed on Rhaegar's.

Connington shook his head a few times, clenched his fists in front of him, and trailed.

"I befriended the Company's commander, Myles Toyne. My guilt over the Battle of the Bells' loss was consuming me from within and he offered to listen. I was convinced that I had done the right thing. But Myles explained to me, that if the seven-time cursed Tywin Lannister had been in command of my troops,"

The exiled lord said while glanced at Lord Gerion contemptuously.

"This one would have reduced the entire city to ashes, without caring about the peasants and the population that lived there, quelling the Rebellion at that moment. That was when I saw that because of me you died, my prince. If I had finished with the usurper there, there would never have been a battle of the Trident. You would have remained alive. You would have overthrown your father and you would have ascended to the Iron Throne. I convinced myself that I had failed you, my prince."

The former Lord from Griffin's Roost finished with a hoarse and broken voice, gazed into his lap and unclenched his fists.

"You think you failed me for not being a cold bloody murderer like Tywin is?" Rhaegar cocked his head, staring hard to Connington. "Haha!" he laughed humorlessly, laced with some despair and bitterness. "And you claim to know me or be my friend?" Rhaegar scoffed, gazing harsh and coldly

towards the exiled lord.

"If you had done what you say, my father would have showered you in privileges and rewards, but you would have gained an enemy in me. The cursed Iron Throne will never be above blood of innocents. Do you really think I would have approved of that method, or would I have agreed to that action? You have no idea who I am, Connington. You don't know me. You never knew me. For that reason I never told you anything related to my annulled marriage with Elia or about her sterility after her childbirth of Rhaenys. For that reason Myles and Marq were my confidants, along with Arthur and Oswell. For that reason was Myles one of the witnesses of my wedding with my wife, and not you. You have always believed and thought what you have wanted to believe and think. You have never bothered to see the reality in front of you." acidity and contempt lacing each of the words he said.

"But my prince..." tried to interject Connington. Rhaegar wasn't going to let the Griffin continue.

"What's past in the rebellion is past." he sentenced harsh and cold, with imperative iron tones. "Tell me, my friend," Rhaegar said derisively. "What made you think that the last descendant from a house that since the first Blackfyre Rebellion has always been fighting against my house, commander from the Golden Company nonetheless, was a good source of advice? You know what, you better not tell me, because I fear what my reaction may be to the next stupid thing to come out of your mouth and for today, I've already filled my share of blood. Tell me how you came to get in touch with the Spider."

"Through Myles, Illyrio Mopatis and Varys contacted me ..."

"And didn't that set off any alarms within you? The commander from the Golden Company whom is a Toyne on top of everything, Varys whom is the architect of thwarting all my son's attempts to overthrow my mad's husband and a wealthy magister from Pentos? By all the gods Connington, no wonder you were unable to find Robert in Stoney Sept. You can't be more dimwit and blind." Rhaegar's mother interrupted dryly and coldly, almost snarling towards the exiled lord, while gazing at him with contempt and disdain.

"[Mother, please let him finish tell his tale.]" "[But son ...]"

"[No mother, what I've said before, goes for everyone present.]" He said curtly, albeit with warmth and melody in his tones.

"[Whatever the sword-swallower says, he has no possible redemption. The more he talks, the more I agree with what Gerion said this afternoon, my son.]" Rhaegar's mother hissed under her breath, causing a chuckle from Lyanna and Gerion.

Rhaegar responded to this by straightening and steeling his posture, while he looked from side to side coldly and sternly, for then say. "Connington, go on."

The exiled lord scowled towards Rhaegar's mother, but the harsh gazes coming from them, made him look again only in Rhaegar's direction.

"As I was saying, Varys and Mopatis approached Myles to arrange a meeting between me and the Spider. I never trusted him. But when he appeared telling me that he had rescued whom I believed to be your son, whom was under the care of Ashara Dayne, well known as Elia's friend and your confidant, I did not hesitate. Varys sold me a story similar to Elia's in relation to the dead and what I should do. I pretended to steal from the coffers of the Golden Company, to being expelled from it.

After that I frequently showed up around the taverns and Inns from Lys, pretending to drink much more than I drank, only to disappear one day. Supposedly dead after having drowned in the sea during a drunkenness stupor. In that way, no one in Westeros would miss me, for the spider would spin the tale from my death and I would have the freedom to be able to raise the boy. I believed it a dishonorable slight and I resented from the shameful lie of my death. I had failed you, I could not fail your son. I thought it would be the way to redeem myself." stated Connington.

"So, the only thing you cared about me, along with the instruction you have given me for twelve years, was for me being Rhaegar's son, not for who I am myself? If you had known the truth about me, what would you have done, Jon?" interjected between furious and disappointed Rhaegar's nephew, gazing coldly and expectantly towards the exiled lord.

"Truly? Knowing whom your father is? Probably I would have ditched you at the nearest hamlet we would have passed, and maybe, I would have looked in search from the prince's brother and sister. Your brash father was the trigger for everything that happened more than six an ten years ago."

Swift as lightning, Ashara Dayne's right hand slapped hard across the face of the former lord from Griffin's Roost.

"Bastard." Ashara spat out with an icy gaze, her mouth fully pursed in rage and practically shaking with fury. After that, she looked at her son and said in a trembling voice, "That's why I never told you the truth, my son. Because I knew and know what kind of ilk this man, Varys and his colleague, the magister of Pentos, are. I just wanted to protect you, Arthur, you have to believe me."

Connington quickly recovered from the slap, spat on the ground and said scornfully. "The only bastard here is your mongrel, woman."

"ENOUGH!! YOU HAVE FILLED MY PATIENCE CONNINGTON." Rhaegar roared, glaring coldly and contemptuously towards the exiled lord's direction. Rhaegar released his grip on his wife's hand and rose from his chair, straightening himself fully. His gaze boring deep within Connington's soul.

"Istarnië!!" Rhaegar shouted coldly, as he outlined a smile that had too many teeth for the circumstance, as he pointed towards Connington with his right hand. "You are charged with high treason against House Targaryen. You will be tried by my daughter and son as soon as they're able to do so." Rhaegar sentenced, just as the redhead walked through the door while bowing slightly towards him, Lya and his mother.

"Istarnië, take this pathetic human excuse to some basement and have him watched by at least six men at all times. If he tries to escape, kill him. If he resists, knock him out."

"My prince." replied affirmatively the soldier woman.

"No!" Connington exclaimed.

"No?" Rhaegar asked harsh and cold. "After everything you have said, what you have said, what you have done and your attitude towards my family, do you dare to give me orders?" He snarled in low menacing voice. "Istarnië, take him away. I don't want to see him for another moment in my presence."



The shrill shouts were the last heard from the exiled lord, as Istarnië dragged him away. The woman, much stronger than common women, taller by two heads respect Connington, had no problem in manhandling the now crippled, former lord from Griffin's Roost.

Taking a deep breath, Rhaegar sat back down, trying to regain his lost composure.

Ghost chose that moment to trot towards Arthur, whom was slumped in his chair, dejected and on the verge of tears or on the verge of a fit of rage, Rhaegar could not say well.

Rhaegar's nephew backed away a bit, until he saw that Ghost had no hostile attitude whatsoever. The white direwolf cocked his head and rested his heavy head on Arthur's lap. This one did not know well what to do, looking fearful of the direwolf.

"Calm down, nephew." Lyanna intoned sweetly. "He wants to be your friend. Stroke him between the ears. The furball loves it."

Ashara shot an encouraging look, nodding towards the wolf.

"Don't eat me, please." Rhaegar's nephew said a little fearfully under his breath, as he reluctantly placed his right hand on Ghost.

"See? Furball is a sweetheart. He is your cousin Aegon's wolf. And Summer, the one down here," Lya said as she nodded under the table. "It's your cousin Brandon's wolf. They are both pups from my she-wolf Winter. Your cousin Arya has a blue-gray she-wolf she calls Nymeria. Those are the wolf you're sure to known in short time. In Winterfell, your cousin Robb has his wolf Greywind, your cousin Rickon has Shaggydog and your cousin Sansa her she-wolf Lady. Mayhaps, when my she-wolf comes with my brother to Essos, she brings with her a surprise for you and for my future daughter." said cheerily and with a bright smile his wife, while Arthur patted Ghost softly.

"Wow, it's so soft and calm." Rhaegar's nephew said with awe.

"That he is!!" supplied Lya to their nephew's words, for then add "Rhaegar, why Istarnië and not Ser Dale or Syrio? They were also standing guard at the door." asked his wife curiously.

Before Rhaegar could reply to Lya, Ashara was ahead of him, "Connington hates women. Especially those Rhaegar trusts. He has hated me all his life. I imagine this will only have increased now."

Wearily, Rhaegar nodded, heaved a deep sigh and said, "Ash, tell me what your plan was. Tell me what you intended to do by making your son pretend to be a child whom never existed. Tell me how Varys contacted you. And please, even if we are in friends, don't try my patience anymore. Today is being a day that is getting too long."

"Well once I got to Wyl, I continued to the Tower of Joy, where I saw Lyanna, along with my brother, Os and Uncle Gerold for the last time." Ash paused, looked at Lyanna and trailed, "Do you remember?"

"Yes, but you didn't have the child with you." his wife replied as she frowned.

"Wylla stayed with him at Kingsgrave, while I was in the tower. I did not trust that there were no Varys' birds in the area and wanted to keep the secret as much as possible. Wylla was not going to be noticed, but I was. As it finally was. Nowadays I think it was my visit that alerted Varys to your

presence there and the way your brother Eddard later found out about the location." Ashara paused again, her voice a miserable croak. "Arthur, Os and Uncle Gerold died because of me. If I hadn't gone to see you, maybe ..."

"Ashara, don't blame yourself for that. I'm sure if it hadn't been for your visit, it would have been for another reason that Varys would have found out where I was. Besides, without Wylla, Aegon would have had no one to feed him after I died. Besides, you gave me the strength to continue." Lya intervened in a somewhat shaky voice, but trying to show warmth for their friend.

Ashara nodded slightly, placed her left hand tentatively on Ghost's head still on Arthur's lap, and continued in her speech.

"After being in the tower, I went in the direction of Kingsgrave, where I met with Wylla again. There we parted company and that's where I found out about the Sack." she sighed deeply and continued.

"When I found out what happened to Elia and the supposed death of Rhaenys, I thought in go back to the tower to warn you, but I realized that most likely after the birth, you would come to Starfall. A few days after arriving in my house, instead of whom I expected to see arrive, your brother Eddard appeared. With Howland Reed in tow and Wylla with a certain Jon Snow sucking on her breast." Ashara's voice was almost a whisper now.

"I questioned Eddard if it was your child, but he denied it, saying that in the Tower, there was only room for death. I mistakenly assumed that your son had died along with you, as Eddard told me that you had died from complications in the childbirth. After that, he handed me my brother's sword, Dawn, and marched towards King's Landing with his two companions and the baby he appeared with."

Ashara seemed about to burst into tears again and she had to stifle a sob. She shook her head slightly and stared at Rhaegar.

"I thought that I had lost everything, Rhaegar. My brother, my friends, and the father of my son..." she stifled a sob, to which Arthur answer gripping her hand over Ghost head, while nodding towards his mother. Then Ashara trailed,

"The man, who I believed could help me, had proven to be too faithful to Robert and not as honorable as I believed, because he had fathered a bastard. Jon Snow. On top of that, he was my brother's killer. Besides, Eddard never let me talk to Wylla. In hindsight I must have suspected something. But at the time I was confused by grief and pain. So I shut myself up in my rooms in the tower of Starfall, while my older brother began to circulate the rumor that I had given birth to a stillborn girl, without ever clarifying whom was the possible father of the poor creature. One more moon later, Varys showed up, holding a baby in his arms, claiming it was Aegon, your child and Elia's."

"Varys' nephew." Rhaegar quickly concluded, to which Ashara nodded, stifled another sob and followed with her speech.

"Until today, I didn't knew exactly Varys' scheme, but I suspected something was amiss. Also, at that moment I realized that we had totally deceived the spider and that he had never found the truth after the change of children and the mummeries that we had created. The spider told me that as your and Elia's best friend, Rhaegar, and because I was still nursling from the daughter I had lost, I was the ideal person to take care of him. I soon put the pieces together in my head and deduced that Varys had some hidden interest beyond the obvious. The spider told me that after Robert's coronation, I should fake my death, and then he would come looking for me to put me and the

rightful heir to the Iron Throne in a safe place, until the ideal circumstances would arise to return to Westeros. This is how I created the false identity of the pious Septa Lemore. I dyed my hair brown and decided that since my son couldn't even claim a place among his family in Winterfell, he would be my weapon of revenge. Varys's nephew was almost the same age as my younger sister Allyria. So my brother kind of made him his heir, while I schemed to put my son on the Throne, from where I could get my revenge on all of those whom wronged me. After four years at Mopatis' manse in Pentos, Illyrio's men escorted us towards Myr, where I met with Connington. And so, since that day until today, I was grooming my son as the heir from an almost extinct dynasty."

Ashara stated sadly, her voice cracking and hoarse. Dry tears stained her face, her eyes red and puffy.

"My Queen," she said now with steel not present before, addressing Rhaegar's mother. "I urged thousands of times for Connington to search for your children. But the bastard said the only thing that mattered was Rhaegar's son. The rest of the history, you already know."

A silence that could almost be felt, took over the common room. Only interrupted by the noises coming from the soldiers making rounds through the city and the flow of the Rhoyne coming from outside the Inn through the open windows. The lamps and a couple of torches hanging from the walls offered a dim lighting, causing an oppressive effect in the room.

"So, the Blackfyre is alive, posing as the heir from house Dayne?" asked Rhaegar incredulous.

Ashara nodded and said firmly, "Last time I heard from him, he was part of the fixed retinue from the son of Robert, Crown Prince Orys Baratheon. My older brother named him Edric Dayne and went to the grave with the secret. Not even my little sister knows anything about this. Only the six of us present here know the whole truth about what happened more than sixteen years ago."