

Twenty-ninth day ofFifth Moon 297AC. Castle Black at the Wall, North of Westeros

"You never knew Lyanna as I did, Robert," Ned told him. "You saw her beauty, but not the iron underneath." AGoT, Eddard VII

Twelve days after arriving at Castle Black, Lyanna was practically used to her temporary new life. She, Rhaegar, and Arya had the King's Tower at their beck and call, a round tower with merlons on top, and an iron-reinforced oak door.

They shared a room, so she and Rhaegar hadn't been able to get too close, but that didn't bother either Lyanna or her husband, as they were so exhausted at night that all they could do was rest or worry about the family they were having on the other side of the Wall. 'And that's a thought I promised Egg that I wouldn't have. They have the Black Dread with them. Nothing can happen to them' it was her ongoing mantra whenever Lyanna thought she hadn't heard from her son Aegon, her nephew Bran, and her brother Benjen for eight days.

Despite fearing for her son's safety, she couldn't help but feel guilty for everything that had happened to him in his life. When her nephew Bran touched her during the meeting on the night of her resurrection in the Lord of Winterfell's solar, without quite understanding how, Bran transmitted or passed her on all the memories that he had of Aegon.

Many times when Lyanna was slept at night, she could see the image of her crying child at the foot of the Weirdwood Tree of the Godswood of Winterfell, crying out to the gods for being a true

Stark, having a name to be recognized. Other times Lyanna saw him all alone, in the shadows of the First Keep, wondering who her mother would be and why she didn't want him. Inevitably, every time she had one of these dreams, Lyanna would wake up crying, startled and not really knowing where she was.

She was still not able to accept that she had come back to life and that she could meet her son, who was practically her age. Son which Lya had never been able to care for or protect in her life. That was something that did not stop tormenting her and that she had not shared with anyone. 'Although I think Rhaegar has a hunch because he must feel the same. Or in his case even worse...Although they have a cordial relationship, and after the "reading" of the first night, they have always been on the same page, Aegon rarely calls him father. And when he does, it is usually more to emphasize whose son he is, rather than the consideration he really has for Rhaegar. At least Aegon has shown me unconditional love from the first moment, that I still don't know how I will be able to return, nor when.' She bitterly thought with concern, as stroked the fur on the neck of her wolf, who had sat on her hind legs next to Lyanna, sharing the last rays of sunlight that came through the window.

Deep down, Lyanna's great fear was that she would never develop a mother-child relationship with her own child. Soon Aegon was going to be an adult for all intents and purposes, although he had literally lived seven and thirty days from the name 'Why does he need me?' Lyanna wondered bitterly and in panic.

Arya was behind her playing with the three winter's pups, as she had already dressed for sword lessons with Rhaegar, possibly her niece's favorite moment in the routine of their life at Castle Black. Meanwhile, Lya was dedicated to contemplating the privileged view that from her rooms she could appreciate of the evening life in the castle on the Wall.

Vhagar and Meraxes were flying over the south of Castle Black, some brothers were heading towards their posts and functions according to the changing of the guard, while the smell of the dinner that was being prepared in the kitchens began to be perceived.

Castle Black was a particular place, not at all like she had imagined it before coming here. Lyanna used to think it was a proud castle. One that could withstand any siege from the other side of the Wall, full of people with one purpose in mind: to protect the kingdoms from the threats that hovered on the other side of the massive wall of ice and magic.

When she finally got to really see Castle Black from the sky, its wooden beams and stone towers looked like nothing more than a handful of toy blocks strewn on the snow, beneath the vast wall of ice. The old stronghold of the black brothers did not look at all like Winterfell, or a real castle, really. Lacking walls, it couldn't be defended, neither from the south, nor towards the east, nor towards the west; but only the north was the one that defended the Night's Watch, and to the north stood the Wall. It was almost 220 meters high, three times the height of the tallest tower of the castle it housed. Her brother told Lyanna that the upper part was wide enough for a dozen knights in armor to travel through it side by side. The gaunt outlines of huge catapults and monstrous wooden cranes loomed up there, like the skeletons of great birds, among which men in black as small as ants walked.

Once upon a time, Castle Black had housed five thousand warriors with all their horses, servants, and weapons. It was now home to a tenth of that number, and parts of it were falling into ruin. The watch had built nineteen great fortresses along the Wall, but only three were still occupied: Eastwatch on its windswept gray shoreline, Shadow Tower pierced by the mountains where the Wall ended on its western side, and Castle Black at the end of the Kingsroad. The other castles have been deserted for a long time; lonely places, where cold winds crossed through black


'It really is a ruined, old and soulless brotherhood, just like the people who belong to it. It is a place that absorbs all the joy and light of life. And dearest Ned intended to send my son to this fate...By all the Gods, thanks to Visenya and her ritual!' Lyanna thought as she inevitably had a look of disgust on her face.

In a way, when criminals had to choose between death and the Night's Watch, they didn't know then, but they chose between the death of their bodies and the death of their souls. Now that she knew it, she knew what she would choose if she had to choose. 'How naive I was when with Benjen, I thought as a child that this could be the ideal place to escape from our father and politics ...I imagined myself as a Danny Flint who would have a happy ending...' but there was little happiness or warmth in the Castle Black; The walls were cold here, and the people were even colder and more unhappy. The Night's Watch was now largely made up of misfits from the Seven Kingdoms.

Seventeenth day of the fifth moon of 297AC. Over Brandon's Gift, North of Westeros

Eleven days ago, the sudden appearance of the dragons had forced them to leave Winterfell in a hurry. Although Aegon and Rhaegar assured Lyanna's brother Ned that everything that had happened had been so crazy, that it was almost impossible for anyone who had not been present to give it credibility. However, Ned wanted to drive the dragons away from Winterfell as quickly as possible. Therefore, both Rhaegar and Aegon agreed that it was best to leave without delay that same night.

After an emotional farewell at full speed with the family, promising to see each other again as soon

as possible, they headed for the Conqueror and his sisters' dragons. There, to the surprise of the five who were leaving behind the Heart of the North, the yellowish-orange dragon, proved to be very interested in her husband Rhaegar.

Egg soon explained to his father that the dragon reacted like that because of the curiosity of the Targaryen blood present in Rhaegar and that once curiosity was satiated, it would ignore Rhaegar again. 'How wrong was proven.' Lyanna thought now with humor at the situation. When the five of them were preparing to climb on Balerion to go to the Wall, the enormous muzzle of the dragon that Aegon claimed wasVhagar, it approached Rhaegar, preventing Lya's husband from continuing towards the Conqueror's dragon. After a few moments in which Rhaegar and the dragon stared, the latter lowered it serpentine neck in submission.

Her son Aegon explained quickly and without much flowery speech, the reaction was due to the dragon having taken Rhaegar as Dragonrider. 'The rather distant truth of the mythological image I had in my mind of what it was like to bond with a dragon. Although considering my relationship with Winter, it's not too strange either. In the end, no matter how mythical they are, they are free beings like people. And as they, they choose who they want to be with for the rest of their lives.'

Reflection that made her inevitably thought about how her life and that of the entire continent had been irretrievably changed by choosing herself with whom to spend the rest of her days.

Thanks to Rhaegar suddenly becoming the Dragonrider of Vhagar, or so her son claimed, now they would not have to juggle to get the five people and the four Direwolfs, on Balerion's back. 'And not for lack of space ... where legend says that dragons are fire made flesh, does not lie.'

On the flight to Castle Black, despite going on Rhaegar's lap, they had to make three long stops. Because both Lyanna's herself, as well as her nephew and niece, who were also on Egg's lap on the Black Dread, were unable to bear the heat radiating from the dragons.

However, the feeling of freedom and power that she felt soaring through the skies on the mythical creature, made the slight burns and the unbearable heat a tolerable annoyance in order to experience the sensations that only the descendants from Old Valyria and some few more fortunate, had been able to experiment throughout the history of Planetos.

'Without a doubt, my son and husband must feel the closest beings to the Gods that can exist by having control over such creatures.'

Her huge she-wolf did not like to fly on Vhagar at all. Not only because of the heat that the dragon gave off, but because of the harness that held her to the chains that Rhaegar was attached to and pulled them onto the dragon's back. So after the first stop, Winter decided to go on her own to Castle Black, where she would surely appear in the days following her arrival, as finally was. The pups, on the other hand, even going over the bodies of their masters, hardly felt less heat than these, but they tolerated the flight quite well.

After almost a full day of flying and stopping, they began to glimpse the wall in the distance at the evening of the day after their departure from Winterfell to the Wall, when there was hardly any light left.

While the silver dragon, or as her son claimed, Meraxes, stayed in the area of the New Gift, the two dragons that carried them continued to fly high until the magical wall of ice was outlined bigger and bigger on the horizon.

When they found themselves over some kind of hamlet near the King's road, her son Aegon caused Balerion to begin a steep descent to almost level with the ground, causing Vhagar to imitate


Lyanna had never felt an adrenaline rush capable of resembling what she experienced at that moment. At first Lyanna felt as if her stomach was going to her head, but later, the only thing she was capable of feeling was the speed and power from the mythical animal she was on, causing her to laugh out of control. Something that Rhaegar also had done. At the expressions of her nephew and niece on Aegon's lap, she guessed they too must had experienced one of the most incredible moments of theirs life.

In the moment Aegon leveled the Black Dread, it let out a roar capable of moving the foundations from the wall. Causing the appearance of small black dots under them, which moving with bewilderment and confusion began to head towards the wall following the trail from the dragons.

Her husband intended to emulate their son's action, but instead of Vhagar roaring as well, the only thing Rhaegar managed to draw from his newly bonded dragon was a shrill screech in response to Aegon's dragon roar.

'It is clear that the bond, even if it exists, takes time to develop. My son is able to even know what Balerion is feeling, as he told us during one of the stops. Rhaegar, on the other hand, is unable to explain what exactly is his bond or the feelings shared with the dragon, coming to believe that Vhagar for now limited to following in the wake of Balerion and Aegon.' she thought remembering the moment.

After the descent in flight height, it did not take another five minutes of flight to contemplate Castle Black. Approaching until they were five hundred meters from the enclosure, the dragons landed heavily on the snowy ground, both lowering their necks to a height that would allow them to get off of them.

'Even on ground, from the place where we sit, there are about ten or fifteen meters to the ground. And Balerion is practically a hill of muscles and scales, rising up to almost thirty meters where the saddle is, capable of moving, shaking the earth wherever it treads.' thought as Lyanna saw her son's gigantic dragon begin to purr almost like a kitten, while Aegon stroked it as a sign that it was time to let them lower to the ground.

The snow in the ground underneath soon began to be a pool of water and mud from the heat emitted by both dragons. In the distance, the figures of black brothers began to emerge on their mounts, coming out to meet them from Castle Black.

She and Rhaegar descended from Vhagar, while Bran went about his squire duties, quickly descending from Aegon's lap and Balerion's wing with his nameless pup in arms. Then Bran put the pup on the ground and the bags and saddlebags carried by Balerion and Vhagar. After that, Bran dedicated himself to tying on his tournament sword, the sigil of Lyanna's son and husband's house, finished off by a white handkerchief. 'Even though it's less than 50 centimeters long by 30 wide, seeing the three-headed rampant dragon in blood red on black is quite a vision. Especially when the three dragons that gave to the sigil were present on the world.'

Arya for her part, with her pup and Egg's in her arms, jumped from Balerion with her legs still a little shaky from the previous descent of the dragon. Both she and her niece were dressed almost identically. She was wearing a black leather riding breeches over a long gray woolen hose and black leather riding boots down to the knee. Then a long dark blue corded cloth tunic over white woolen shirt. On the chest, both she and Arya wore leather breastplates, from which their woolen cloaks hung on their backs. Arya's whole grey, hers black, with gray and red trim.

The two cloaks, as well as the little banner, were hastily made as a parting gift from her niece

Sansa, who of course had the Tullys' ability to sew. 'Not in a million years of Septa lessons I would be able to sew like her.' Lyanna's lack of skill with the sewing needle was a great bonding point with her niece Arya, who practically became a kind of little sister for her.

'When the clothes we wear break, my son The Dragon Reborn is going to have to sew his mother and cousin's clothes' Lya told her niece to reduce the little one anxiety during one of the flight stops, when she confessed how guilty and terrible she felt for being unable to sew as well as her sister Sansa after the praise Rhaegar gave to the doublet Sansa made for him. She didn't know how, but between her and Aegon, Arya, Bran, Rhaegar, formed an unusual family in just four days.

After she and Rhaegar descended from Vhagar, staying at healthy distance from the Black Dread, her husband and nephew, ahead of her and Arya, sided with the huge dragon. Rhae's dragon, Vhagar, coiled in on himself, casting a curious glance around him, but being totally unconcerned about the situation.

They didn't expect a hostile reception, but they didn't expect a warmth reception with open arms. Most of the nobles there were Targaryen's ultra-loyalists who had refused to bend the knee to the usurper. On the contrary, the vast majority of small folk black brothers were rapists, criminals, and thieves. These in order to escape their fate at the wall would kill them to give their heads to Robert in exchange for forgiveness.

Aegon, in his full Valyrian steel armor, donning the conqueror's clothes and band-crown, while wielding Blackfyre in his right hand, remained in his dragon as a symbol of power or defiance, Lyanna could not say.

'But by the Old and New Gods, what an impression! He is my son and imposes respect even on me.' she thought when comparing Aegon with the appearance of her husband. Rhaegar despite donning his full armor except for the helmet, rubies included, seemed more out from a tourney than what Aegon's warrior-god looked like.

As soon as the brothers of the Watch approached within one hundred meters of them 'Or what is the same, bow distance.' and became a possible threat,Balerion roared again, leaving her practically deaf. It also caused the stampede of the horses and black brothers in all directions except the one they were in. Some of the less fortunate fell off their horses and were still recovering from the fall.

Glancing at one of these fallen riders, she gazed at whom believed to be the elongated face and dark brown hair of someone she hadn't seen since before eloping with Rhaegar.

The distance and circumstances, made positive identification impossible. 'The only one my brother Benjen could identify would be Aegon, but with my son's fledgling silver hair and his current appearance, I doubt he will recognize him.' Lyanna reflected to herself, as Rhaegar gave Bran a little push on the shoulder, so that he raised his blunt sword as high as he could as a banner and sign of peace.

With the loudest and most powerful voice a child of almost nine days of the name could produce, Bran announced to the brothers of the Night's Watch who they were and their intentions. "Brothers from the Watch! We have come in peace! Aegon Targaryen, the Dragon Reborn, requests an audience with Lord Commander Jeor Mormont, First Ranger Benjen Stark, and Maester Aemon!"

Her nephew's shrill, childlike voice echoed across the snowy landscape. But to what extent the black brothers could understand what Bran was saying, Lyanna was unable to say. A man walked towards them, his raw black leather sounding faintly in the snow as he moved. It was a compact man, in his fifties, sober and tough, with some gray in his black hair. About at fifty yards from

them he stopped.

"Aegon Targaryen died! Dragons or not, all I see before me is an impostor posing as a dead man, in gleaming armor and fine replicas of long-lost Targaryen inheritances." The man who seemed to have taken command of the situation spoke in a loud voice, cold and full of disgust. The one she believed to be her brother Benjen but who she couldn't quite identify, was reaching the height of the man who had spoken and seemed to whisper something to him. As the one who spoke suddenly noticed Rhaegar, his eyes widening, dropping his jaw practically to the ground.

"Can't be! It's not possible! That armor belongs to a dead man. It's just an imitation of someone with a similar appearance." was suddenly heard in the conversation between the two black brothers.

Her son seemed to have had enough from the situation and began to speak from his elevated position, where he surely recognized the figures in front of them. With a resigned but half smile, Aegon sheathed his sword behind his back.

"Uncle Benjen! It's me, Jon! The little one with the banner is Bran, the lass is Arya and... well she is my mother and he is my father." exclaimed Egg with a loud and clear voice, using the name he hated so much.

'One of the things I've learned from Aegon in the short time we've known each other is that except from Arya's lips he can't bear to hear that name.' Lyanna thought as she saw how at the moment Aegon pronounced the name of her brother Ned's foster father, Aegon's eyes clouded.

'Being named during all of his life in honor of the person who orchestrated part of the overthrow from Aegon's Dynasty, should not be pleasant for Aegon now that he knows the truth.' thought Lyanna when reflected on how true her father's words were sometimes; she could remember when her father told her that a painful truth in time, was better than a bitter lie prolonged in time.

'If the farewell between Ned and Aegon, and between Aegon and his cousin Robb indicated anything, it is that the relationship between the three was at the coldest point within an existing and undeniable mutual affection.' Lya's thought, because even she was more effusive with her brother Ned than her son.

The one that Lyanna had now clear was her brother Benjen, seemed to finally notice the two female figures that were behind Rhaegar and Bran, closing his vision especially on her.

Suddenly, Benjen started to run in her direction screaming like a maniac, in a state of euphoria and disbelief "Lya???!!! Lyanna??!! How is it possible?" her brother shouted repeatedly without stopping in desperation, while he ran.

She could not help it and also ran in Benjen's direction to hug him, finding it impossible to contain the tears of happiness at being reunited with her little brother.

"It's me Ben! I'm here and I'm alive little brother! Rhaegar and I came back from the dead four days ago!" Lyanna shouted with happiness and joy to meet again with her favorite brother and the one who was an accomplice of so many adventures in her youth, throwing herself to hug him to the point of throwing Benjen to the ground. When Lyanna finally looked up from her brother's chest, she could see that Benjen was crying too, but not with joy.

Her brother Benjen had a practically disconsolate cry, with a face totally marked by pain. 'No one could mistake him for my little brother today. Not only because I continue with seven and ten days of the name, but because my brother in fifteen years seems to have aged thirty.' she lamented

bitterly, as thousands of thoughts crossed her mind about what might have happened to her brother's life if she had not married Rhaegar, or if Rhaegar had prevailed.

"Sorry Lya! I tried to convince them...I explained the story a thousand times to Father and then after the madness of Aerys, I send a raven for Ned to Riverrun, telling him the same by parchment, but neither of them paid any attention to me. Father said that I was so haunted by my admiration for Ser Arthur Dayne and the Prince that I was unable to see their true faces..." Benjen said in a heartbreaking voice and with a wince.

In the same voice broken by pain, Benjen continued to tell her what happened in Winterfell after Lyanna's departure after Rhaegar, to marry with him. "Father tried to make me see that keeping the secret of the Knight of the Laughing Tree was a ploy to cajole you and hold you dear to Rhaegar's. Father could not imagine how you could prefer a married man who had humiliated you before the kingdoms and with a mad father, than the good Robert. When the news of Brandon's imprisonment and the call to trial for father came, before leaving me alone in Winterfell waiting for our bannermen for war, he said that the call of the Mad King was the confirmation that you had been kidnapped..." said her brother, looking with some respect towards Rhaegar and Aegon, in case they had been offended by the comment regarding Lya's seven times cursed late father-in-law.

'If Benjen knew the opinion that Aerys's son and grandson have of him, he would certainly have no problem expressing himself more freely about him. Possibly if he were to alive again, between the two of them they would help Ser Jaime to kill him again ... And surely I would help them too.' she thought while smiled exculpatory at her brother.

Lya was going to address him, but before her, or anyone else could intervene, the brother of the Watch who had spoken at first. seemed to have gone into a trance, beginning to walk part of the distance that separated him to Rhaegar. Before the watchful and expectant gaze of Aegon from Balerion, an uncoiled Vhagar and from the wolf pups that had stopped playing with each other and from the others present, the robust brother of the Watch continued to approach Lya's husband, until he was less than fifteen feet from her husband. At that moment, the black brother stared at Rhaegar as confirming that her husband was really there, then he dropped to one knee and made a stiff courtesy with his head.

"Your Grace, is it really you? I'm not dreaming or under the effect of a spell, right?" the black brother said in a voice that was nothing like the first one he had used on them. His tone was practically reverential, as if had one of the Seven Southern Gods before him.

Rhaegar didn't seem to fully recognize the man, but in view of the undoubted hope that shone in those hard eyes as he recognized him, her husband relaxed his usually stony face, trying to smile as he nodded. 'Of course Rhae can't fake a smile even if his life depended on it. Except with very select company, it seems that my husband face only has two masks; neutral and impassive.' she thought while clearly seeing how her husband could often seem like two different people, depending on the situation and context 'At least for me'.

"That's right, my good Ser ...?" Rhaegar asked with a neutral voice and an inquisitive look, while with his hand he gestured for the black brother to stand up.

Meanwhile, she and her brother took the opportunity to get up from the snowy ground, shaking off as best they could part of the snow that had impregnated them and began to melt through their bodies.

"Ser Alliser Thorne, Your Grace! I was part of the defenders of Kings Landing before the Lannister army sacked it. After the Sack, the accursed Tywin disowned me, took my possessions, and sent me to the wall, all for being loyal to the sour end ... If you'll excuse my frankness, Your Grace,

how is it possible that you are now here? And why does that young man on top of that terrifying dragon claim to be your son?" Ser Alliser inquired, in a voice again cold and hard, but devoid of disgust present at first. Rather, it expressed doubt and disbelief and a certain bitter aftertaste.

"Indeed he claims to be, because he is the only male child I had ever had, Aegon Targaryen. Regarding your other question, we cannot answer it ourselves exactly, but what I can assure you is that although I am now back among mortals, I passed away, as did my wife and mother of my son."Rhaegar replied with a melodious but urgent voice, denoting her husband's lack of patience in face of the black brother's questioning.

After that, Rhaegar hardened his posture, straightening up to at least a head up from the old Knight, fixing his infinite blazing black eyes that had always captivated Lyanna, in the old loyalist. It was an intense and somewhat threatening look.

"For the same reason, Aegon is head of house Targaryen. If you want to use titles with me, better use my usual titles as always, because in the end I've never been, nor will be king. I am Prince, therefore if you like Ser, you may refer to me by Your Excellence, but His Grace is my son. We only come to accompany His Grace. This young man who has announced us, is my squire and nephew, Prince Brandon Stark. This fierce girl is my niece Princess Arya Stark and this is my only and legitimate wife, Princess Lyanna Targaryen, sister here of the first ranger Benjen Stark." Lyanna's husband said coldly and with a certain edge of aggressiveness in his voice, which seemed to admit no more questions from the black brother.

The old knight did not seem to take the hint, for he shook his head as he tensed. "But how is it possible? And all the stories of the Rebellion? ... And this Aegon, where has he been hiding all this time? What do you mean your only male child?" Ser Alliser said in a confused and stunned voice, looking between Lyanna and Aegon. "Your Excellence, if you'll excuse me, I am unable to understand anything. Especially what are you doing claiming like Prince and Princess of Westeros to two of the children of one of the Usurper's dogs."

The coldness, disgust and bitterness turned to make clear, both in the voice and in the body and facial gestures of the old knight. Before Rhaegar, Aegon or she could intervene; little Arya quickly stopped the old loyalist Targaryen in his tracks.

"EYYY! MY FATHER IS NO ONE'S DOG! HE WAS DECEIVED AS GREAT PART OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS WAS AND STILL HE TAKE CARE OF THE LAST DESCENDANT OF VALYRIA MAKING HIM BE MY BROTHER! IF YOU DARE TO INSULT MY FAMILY AGAIN, YOU WILL SEE THE POINTY END OF MY NEEDLE!" Said her niece screaming, at the same time that she tried to make a threatening face. Meanwhile, Arya made a pretense of bringing her left hand to the hilt of her braavosi-type sword.

Aegon without Lyanna noticing, had descended from Balerion and approached Rhaegar observing everything with his cold black eyes pierced by sparkling gray and purple flashes, sometimes so distant from everything around them that they seemed to be looking at more than a thousand meters.

However with Arya's comment, Lya's son eyes began to glow with glee like two purple sparks in the twilight under the Wall.

Her son, her brother Benjen and her husband, all three by now accustomed to Arya's ways, practically fell to the ground with laughter when they saw Ser Alliser's face of disbelief at the slipstream of little Arya, who with barely one and ten days of her name already had a character almost more pronounced than hers at that age. 'Poor Ned, in a way the gods were ironic in giving him a copy of me, but more stubborn and wild as daughter. Arya would never have eloped with

Rhae like I did for love. Arya would have run off to Essos and founded her own mercenary company.' Maybe spending time with her helped Arya develop certain femininity totally absent from her niece 'Although who am I to claim what is feminine and what is not, when I found the love of my life fighting him?'

Before the situation could escalate more, her brother Benjen tried to put peace. "Come on Thorne bugg of, your silver prince is here and you want to offend him just back from the dead? The past is past. I don't know, nor do I care why they are back here, nor what they do with the dragons. But we swear our vows and we do not intervene in the Seven Kingdoms conflicts. They have come under the peace banner to ask for an audience and that is what we have to do." spoke half mockingly, half laconically Benjen.

Despite that, the knight continued to stare at her in anger and disgust, evidently blaming her for the rebellion. Therefore, she decided to defend herself.

Advancing in the direction of the knight until she was just five meters from him, Lyanna steeled her posture and began to look back at him, but cautiously and surely showing no matter how much she didn't want to, guilt over what happened almost sixteen years ago.

"Ser, I assure you, that it was never my intention to cause a war in the kingdoms, nor did I try to steal Rhaegar from anyone. The story is much simpler, but at the same time much more complex. If you want to blame me, it's your right. But what do you need to know, is that sooner or later, the seven damn Rebellion would have broken out. Rhaegar and I, unconsciously were the trigger for it, and for that is why that on behalf of house Stark and of house Targaryen, I want to apologize because our actions, indirectly lead to your exile at the Wall." Lyanna said with a voice loaded with guilt that she felt herself.

Not a few times she circled and hovered in her head, what would be the vision that the side of the loyalists in the rebellion would have of her 'Now I have resolved the doubt and by Ser Alliser's first reaction, one side made me a martyr and the other a climbing whore.'

Aegon, her son, feeling that she was affected by the disapproving look, despite the apologies offered, decided to end the introductions and take command of the conversations.

"Ser Alliser" said Aegon icily, with a harsh and threatening tone, closing his gaze on the black brother. "My father has offered explanations of who we are, as well as what we came to do to the Wall. For her part, my mother has apologized for the problems that according to your consideration or imagination, she may have caused in her life." Lya's boy said contemptuously and without patience.

Aegon's gaze seemed to be piercing Ser Alliser's head right now. "I will not tolerate a contemptuous comment, look or gesture made to my mother or to anyone in my family while we are here. I remind you, that just as you are a sworn brother of the Watch and have your vows and words, I am a Targaryen. Do you know my words?" ended dryly and curtly her son, a threat rather than a question. As Aegon spoke each word, Balerion rose and stretched behind him, placing its snout on top of Aegon, right in front of Ser Alliser.

The knight's reaction was to have portrayed him. Suddenly his skin turned as pale as the snow that surrounded them, while a layer of cold sweat began to show on the forehead. Thorne tried to answer something, his gaze darting between Lyanna, Aegon and the Black Dread, but the black brother seemed unable to utter a word.

Seeing the situation, she tried to seize the moment to pity the terrified knight. Lyanna approached her son, who took her arm gently squeezing it and looked at her sweetly.

"Aegon, I'm sure that Ser Alliser was just surprised by the sudden situation and from now on there will be no more problems." Lya finished saying to her son, to stop by staring at Thorne "Isn't that right Ser?" Lyanna tried to tell it without being too arrogant about how the tables had turned, although the best Lyanna managed was that did not get a wry smile. The black brother began to nod as if his life depended on it, then he walked at a brisk but stumbling pace towards Castle Black, possessed by a state of half shock, half panic.

"Whoops! I never imagined that my nephew who was hiding around the corners of Winterfell would be able to piss the pants of knights harder than the leather of the armor of the Watch. HA! Now that you have a dragon, aren't you going to hug your uncle? "Her brother Benjen intervened in a totally relaxed tone, totally dissipating the tense situation that had been created.

Aegon's mask fell off to one of affection, but with some suspicion. 'Without a doubt they still have to talk about the past and if Benjen did know who his mother was' thought Lyanna as she watched Aegon and Benjen give each other a manly hug. Then Arya and Bran pounced on their uncle, whom they almost threw to the ground.

"Jikagon naejot ēdrugon [1]" Aegon said softly to Balerion, an order that Rhaegar reiterated with Vhagar. As both dragons took momentum with their gigantic wings to soar, save for her son Aegon, the rest of them fell from the force of these flapping against the wind, causing a general familiar laugh before heading towards Castle Black.