
In the Novel World

April 1,2023 A boy can be seen in an empty class as he is looking out the window. The whole classroom is enveloped in peaceful silence but the same can’t said about the outside. A “ONCE” beautiful girl is being apprehended by the law enforcement and the people around her is giving her a disgusted look. The boy is seeing everything from the second floor of their school building. No emotion can be detected from his face apart from a calm smile. After seeing the police cars left the school premise, he quietly left the classroom. Nobody can tell from his expression that the girl who is being taken by the police is his so-called “GIRLFRIEND”. \ \ \ \ \ It is my first-time writing novel and I don’t have much experience about writing. English my third language and I am not very good at it. So, you guys will find a ton of grammatical or other mistakes. But I will try to improve my writing quality over time. It will of great help if you guys can give me your honest opinion in the comment section. I know there will a lot of criticism because of my writing quality but please keep it in check because it’s not a pleasant feeling to hear people talk crap about someone’s work even if that work isn’t good. Last but not least Enjoy my novel!

Dark_Sider321 · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

World History

I sat at my study desk after returning to my room. I had earlier turned off the light when I went to take a shower, so the room was dark.

After the earlier incident I realized something...

The previous owner's presence still affects me deeply. When I try to remember the original Vaelen's memories, I can't help but experience his emotions too. While not as strong as what he felt, I do sense a part of those feelings lingering within me,... and that's a serious problem...

Because the felling's he has for Liza is still within me, and I can feel just how much he loved Liza,... but the one who loved Liza was Vaelen not me who is from Earth, Liza is like a literally stranger to me.

While it's somewhat of a relief that these emotions aren't hitting me too hard right now, the real problem is the possibility of these emotions growing stronger as time goes on. That's what worries me the most.






While thinking about these things, my eyes suddenly went to the other side of the desk, where I found a bunch of books about the basics of magic, geography, and history.

And there's even a book called '101 ways to make someone love you back!!!'


"He really loved her, ha" I muttered

He poured too much effort into something that will never be his, and this is what led to Vaelen's demise.

But the way he continued to love her is quite impressive.


Well, I don't want to be involved in that sh*t, and I am planning to avoid Liza as much as possible.

The good thing is, she will leave this town in one week for the academy, where the main story line will start soon.




I picked up the history and geography book, realizing I didn't know much about this world. It had been six months since I read it back on Earth, and honestly, it's hard to remember every little detail from a fantasy novel read for fun.




The name of this world is Acalis.

In the vast and sprawling world of Acalis, four continents stand as the homes to the different races that dwell within. To the north lies the Human Continent, where bustling kingdoms and cities dot the landscape. Humans, with their ingenuity and versatility, have formed prosperous civilizations across this continent. Kingdoms like Aris, Evermoor, Whiss, and Hikarigawa stand as the pinnacle of human power and influence, each ruling their respective regions with strength and wisdom.

On the western side of Acalis rests the Continent of Elves, a realm of ethereal beauty and magical enchantment. The Elves, in harmony with nature, have built their settlements amid ancient forests and shimmering glades. Their affinity for magic and their deep connection to the environment infuse their lands with an otherworldly charm.

To the east lies the Continent of Dwarves and Beast People, where both races have formed an extraordinary alliance. The Dwarves, masters of craftsmanship and mining, have crafted grand underground cities and towering mountain fortresses. Alongside them, the Beast People, possessing a bond with the wilderness and a blend of humanoid and animal features, roam freely in the lush landscapes, living in harmony with nature.

Far to the south, shrouded in shadows and darkness, rests the Continent of Demons. It is a land of sinister allure, where malevolent beings dwell, and darkness thrives. The demonic races here harbor a deep-seated enmity towards the other continents, seeking to conquer and subjugate them under their dark rule.

Among the human kingdoms, four stand out as the most powerful and influential. The Kingdom of Aris, situated in the frigid north, boasts a formidable military and is known for its skilled warriors. The Kingdom of Evermoor, in the sun-soaked south, is a hub of trade and prosperity, with its fertile lands and thriving commerce. In the west, the Kingdom of Whiss is renowned for its advanced magical research and renowned mages. Lastly, the Kingdom of Hikarigawa, in the east, is famed for its expertise in diplomacy and its disciplined samurai warriors.

While these four kingdoms hold significant influence, there are numerous other kingdoms scattered throughout the human continent, each with their unique strengths and resources .

However, there is still another location where the largest parcel of land on Acalis is located. People avoid calling it a continent because its secrets remain unknown. A thick layer of clouds obscures the upper part, making it impossible to see from the skies. Countless adventurers have ventured in, but none returned. Legends speak of ancient guardians protecting this enigmatic place, preventing anyone from uncovering its mysteries.

Because of that, nobody knows anything about this place, so people started to call it......

'The Abyss'.

In the novel, this mysterious place remained unknown, with limited information available for me.

Almost ten thousand years ago, a war erupted due to the demons' invasion. Their military strength surpassed that of the other four races, and they aimed to conquer all of Acalis.

In response, the Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Beast race formed an unprecedented alliance to stand against the Demons. Five individuals, one from each race, emerged as heroes, playing crucial roles in the war.

Their bravery and sacrifices led to their legendary status, and even today, they are revered in each race's history.

But here's the twist...

After the war's end, the five heroes mysteriously vanished. People knew they didn't die, but they seemed to vanish into thin air, leaving behind a profound enigma.

Rumors and speculations abound, and there are countless theories about what happened to them. Some say they ascended to a higher plane, becoming beings of pure legend. Others believe they just chose to disappear.

And there was another weird thing that was written in the novel....

As I mentioned before, the technology in Acalis mirrored that of present-day Earth. Eager to unravel the planet's ancient past, the mages embarked on a quest to measure its age.

They meticulously examined rocks and meteorites that had remained untouched by the rock cycle, using radiometric dating techniques to extract crucial data. After scrutinizing data from Acalis and beyond, they arrived at an estimated age of one billion years for this enigmatic world.

However, despite their best efforts, the history of Acalis beyond one million years remained an elusive enigma. A great void obscured any records or accounts of its pre-million-year past, leaving a puzzling blank space in the annals of history.

The gaps in time intrigued the scholars, leading them to a place they called 'The Abyss.' It was believed that within the enigmatic depths of The Abyss, hidden clues about Acalis' bygone days might reside.

Thus, year after year, audacious adventurers would heed to the The Abyss, enticed by the promise of untold secrets. Yet, despite their bravado, none of them ever returned, vanishing without a trace. The Abyss swallowed them whole, leaving behind only rumors and chilling tales of the fate that befell the daring souls.