
In the Novel World

April 1,2023 A boy can be seen in an empty class as he is looking out the window. The whole classroom is enveloped in peaceful silence but the same can’t said about the outside. A “ONCE” beautiful girl is being apprehended by the law enforcement and the people around her is giving her a disgusted look. The boy is seeing everything from the second floor of their school building. No emotion can be detected from his face apart from a calm smile. After seeing the police cars left the school premise, he quietly left the classroom. Nobody can tell from his expression that the girl who is being taken by the police is his so-called “GIRLFRIEND”. \ \ \ \ \ It is my first-time writing novel and I don’t have much experience about writing. English my third language and I am not very good at it. So, you guys will find a ton of grammatical or other mistakes. But I will try to improve my writing quality over time. It will of great help if you guys can give me your honest opinion in the comment section. I know there will a lot of criticism because of my writing quality but please keep it in check because it’s not a pleasant feeling to hear people talk crap about someone’s work even if that work isn’t good. Last but not least Enjoy my novel!

Dark_Sider321 · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Start of my Revenge-6

Harry: Hello?

Unknow number: Hello my friend! Its been a long time!! How are you!?

Harry becomes confused, knowing that he has had no friends since middle school due to his unattractive appearance and status as an otaku.

Harry: Sorry, but I don't know who you are.

The unknown person then said in a sad tone;

Unknown number: Oh Harry! How can you forget your best friend so easily!?

Harry tried to cancel the call as quickly as he could since he was finding this person to be extremely uncomfortable. However, just as he was about to hang up, the mysterious person said something that caused Harry to leap to his feet and widen his eyes.

Harry: You are giving me the shivers, and I have no idea who you are. I'll close t.....

Unknown person: How was your first friend in high school?

Now Harry is becoming scared every passing second so he tried to ask him something.

Harry: A-are you someone from o-our school?

Then, the unknown person chuckled a little and said something as if this is the obvious thing.

Unknown person: My my~ do I sound like a high school student? If so then ~ Thanks for the compliment!!

Now that Harry think about it, the person from the other side have a voice of a middle age man, and this makes him more scared than anything before.

Harry: T-then what do you w-want from m-me!?

Unknown person: Now now~ you don't have to shout like that, I will never hurt you. its the opposite my friend!! I want to help you!

Harry became quite confused, 'Why would a person who I don't know anything is trying to help me?' he thought.

Harry: W-what kind of help are you t-talking about.?

Then the unknown person asked something to Harry which stuck a special cord in him.

"Don't you want revenge?"

"W-what?"- Harry

"Don't you want to take revenge on those students in you class"

"W-what are you talking about?"- Harry

"Don't you want to take revenge on those people who has treat you like a piece of shit?"

"Don't you have a rabid hatred for them?"

"Didn't you always question yourself, ' Why I have to suffer even thought I haven't done anything wrong!?"

Hearing those words, Harry's heart clenched as a whirlwind of conflicting emotions swirled within him. Uncertainty gnawed at his core, leaving him in a tumultuous state where joy, fear, hope, and doubt collided. It was as if a storm had erupted in his soul, tossing his thoughts and feelings in every direction.

In that moment, his emotions became a kaleidoscope of confusion, each emotion vying for dominance over the others. His heart raced, his palms grew clammy, and his mind struggled to make sense of the whirlwind of sensations coursing through his veins.

A sense of elation mingled with trepidation, the thrill of a new possibility entangled with the fear of the unknown. Excitement danced alongside apprehension, creating a bittersweet symphony within Harry's being.

The weight of those words settled upon him, the gravity of their meaning sinking deep into his consciousness. He grappled with the intensity of his emotions, unable to decipher where one ended and the other began. It was an overwhelming mixture that left him simultaneously exhilarated and terrified, as if he stood on the precipice of something life-altering.

But without considering Harry emotion state the unknown person continued...

"Don't you think Its unfair that you are suffering like this when they are enjoying there youth."

"Don't you want to make them suffer."

But as Harry was experiencing a range of emotions within, the unknown person's next words put a stop to everything...

"Don't you want to have that girl named 'Myka'?"

Harry whole body froze...

"H-how did y-you know a-about it!?"

The laughter of a middle age man could be heard from Harrys phone.

"Oh, dear Harry," the voice whispered, dripping with a chilling certainty, "I know a lot of things, secrets that lie hidden within the depths of your desires. I see through the façade you meticulously crafted, revealing the truth that others remain oblivious to, like how you have been surreptitiously eyeing Myka, your gaze lingering upon her with an unsettling hunger, a hunger that goes beyond mere admiration."

The words hung in the air, heavy with an eerie knowledge, piercing through Harry's defenses and leaving him feeling exposed, as if his innermost thoughts had been laid bare before an unseen judge. It was a disconcerting realization, knowing that his clandestine desires had not gone unnoticed, that someone had been silently observing him.

"Oh, Harry," the voice cooed, a sinister sweetness lacing each word, "don't fret, for repulsion is far from my mind. In fact, I see the depths of your desires, and I can sense the longing that consumes you. It's an intoxicating temptation, isn't it? The allure of fulfilling your most forbidden wishes."

The words hung in the air, swirling with an undeniable seduction. Harry's heart quickened, his thoughts a tumultuous storm of conflicting emotions. The offer laid before him, like a forbidden fruit dangling just out of reach, whispered promises of satisfaction, yet carried the weight of consequences.

A rush of desire coursed through Harry's veins, his rationality warring with his deepest yearnings. The voice's words seemed to unlock a hidden part of him, a part that reveled in the prospect of his forbidden desires being fulfilled. The temptation danced before him, casting a spell that threatened to shatter his inhibitions.

In that moment, the world outside faded, and all that remained was the siren call of his darkest desires. Rationality slipped through his fingers like sand, and the allure of the forbidden took hold, rendering him powerless to resist.




In the depths of Harry's past, there lay a tale of mistreatment and longing. He had endured a childhood marked by ridicule and isolation, an outcast in a world that seemed to reject him. The scars of those wounds, both visible and hidden, had shaped his perception of himself and his place in the world.

But amidst the darkness, Harry found solace and escape in the enchanting world of anime. The colorful characters on the screen became his companions, offering him a glimpse of a reality where acceptance and love knew no bounds. Among these characters, one stood out above all—a vibrant, captivating figure named Miko.

Miko, with her flowing hair and sparkling eyes, became Harry's beacon of hope. He saw in her the embodiment of everything he yearned for—a sense of belonging, beauty, and a love that transcended the harshness of reality. Her animated existence breathed life into his dreams, filling his heart with a love that felt as real as the air he breathed.

As Harry immersed himself in the stories of anime, he couldn't help but project his desires onto the character of Miko. She became more than just an animated creation; she became the embodiment of his unfulfilled longings. In his mind, she transcended the screen and became a symbol of his deepest desires and fantasies. That's when he noticed Malty, who resembles Miko from his fantasies.

It was this longing, born from years of mistreatment and isolation, that laid the foundation for Harry's temptation. The allure of the voice on the phone, the promise of making his wishes come true, held an irresistible power over him. It spoke directly to the yearnings he had suppressed for so long, awakening a primal desire within him.

However, he maintained his moral compass and stated...

"N-no, I will not fall into your temptation, and she is currently dating someone and.....and the only thing I can do is wish for her happiness."


There was a moment of silence. So Harry thought he had managed to convince him.

But...... Harry didn't really realize how obsessed he was with Maika. Because the next words spoken from the other side broke his resolve like it was never there.

"Okay, I guess that's your choice. Let's see...... they have been dating for two months now, and usually people at this stage would have already done the deed. They might even be f**king each other right now while we are talking. She is probably moaning while telling how much she loves his di*k. Just imagine the scene! two youth pleasuring each other while breathing like animals, I am telling you! that's yout.....


"S-stop right n-now, I will do whatever you told me, I-I will take revenger ! but....but please stop telling me those s-scene. My Malty is a pure girl!!! She will never do those things!!!"

After hearing Harrys word the person one the other side just smiled.....

"Ok! My friend! Our plan starts from tomorrow! Have a good night sleep! BYE!"

All that remained was a room draped in an eerie silence, with a portly boy sinking to his knees, his face buried deep within his trembling hands. Upon closer inspection, his face is deadly pale despite being quite fat. He is muttering something under his breath that is barely audible ......

"Malty Malty Malty Malty Malty Malty Malty Malty Malty Malty Malty Malty Malty Malty Malty Malty Malty Malty Malty Malty....... y-you are not t-that kind o-of girl Right? Right!?, don't w-worry I believe y-you. Y-you will never do those kind of t-thing RIGHT!!?"

Yo guys,

Author here!

All of you guys might be disappointed about the story being not so good, but I am trying my best to improve my writing skills and hope you guys will support me till the end.

See you next time!!