
In the Novel World

April 1,2023 A boy can be seen in an empty class as he is looking out the window. The whole classroom is enveloped in peaceful silence but the same can’t said about the outside. A “ONCE” beautiful girl is being apprehended by the law enforcement and the people around her is giving her a disgusted look. The boy is seeing everything from the second floor of their school building. No emotion can be detected from his face apart from a calm smile. After seeing the police cars left the school premise, he quietly left the classroom. Nobody can tell from his expression that the girl who is being taken by the police is his so-called “GIRLFRIEND”. \ \ \ \ \ It is my first-time writing novel and I don’t have much experience about writing. English my third language and I am not very good at it. So, you guys will find a ton of grammatical or other mistakes. But I will try to improve my writing quality over time. It will of great help if you guys can give me your honest opinion in the comment section. I know there will a lot of criticism because of my writing quality but please keep it in check because it’s not a pleasant feeling to hear people talk crap about someone’s work even if that work isn’t good. Last but not least Enjoy my novel!

Dark_Sider321 · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Isn't it a bit harsh?

*Rudy's POV



The only thing I am felling is pain......

It feels like my brain will burst from the sheer amount of pain I am feeling...


I am trying to open my eyes..... but my head is hurting so much that I can't think straight...


What is happening outside? Is there anyone in front of me?


At last!! when I slowly started to open my eyes........


....a slap made me close my eyes... again....


Who the fuck was that!?

Which sadist fucker just slapped a person who is clearly suffering!!?

I was about to say something .....but because of that slap my cheek is hurting now!!


What is this person saying?

Don't follow?

Who is following who?


Is this person indication me?

Why should I follow this person?

Well, I don't know what's going on, so I better play along.......



Did this person didn't hear anything I said?

Well.....I cant blame this person because its hard for me speak normally now....

"Ok" So I answered again more clearly.....


What? Is this person deaf?

I was getting annoyed, so I tried to say something, but before I can say anything that person said something.....


...and left.....

Before the person left I saw a glimpse of red....hair?

Is it a new trend that I'm not aware of to dye someone's hair red?


Wasn't that a 'girl' I was talking to?






After that I tried to see my surrounding and saw that it was a park...

How did I arrived here?


Its looks like my headache didn't go away so I find a seat in the park and sat down.



Now that there is no one here I should think about what is happening.....

'First, how am I in this park?'

'The last think I remember.....was...Wait!.. Why can't I remember where I was?'

Its like something.....like a cloud is appearing when I tried to remember anything....

Then the cloud started to fade away slowly when I started to focus and I started to remember something....

"Oh, wasn't I waiting for Malty in front of the school? Then, when I saw she was not coming, I started to search for her and went toward our empty classroom, peeked... at... it, and..... then...... I..... saw...Malty.....kis...

When I fully remembered what was I doing........pain assaulted my brain again....


My body fall from the seat and started rolling on the ground....

'Why the fuck am I so unlucky today!??'

The moment I woke up pain assaulted my whole body, then that slap and now this.....

So, what now,...... a truck will run over me or something!?

As I was felling the pain in my head...... some unknown memory started to appear...

The....memory of a boy..... I saw everything he did, everything that happened in his whole fifteen years of life...

Its like..... I am the one who is experiencing those moments with my own body.....



After an undetermined period of time, the pain gradually subsided and I began to stand up from the ground.....while dusting off all of the dart that was on my body after rolling around on the ground like a little kid, I muttered a name.....

"Vaelen Hart"

Yes, that is the name of the boy whose memory just transferred into my brain....and the one who slapped me just was now was 'Liza Turner'....from the memories I find out that she was Vaelens childhood friend.... or should I say childhood sweetheart? Because they were engaged. yeah!

Now the real question is.....

"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!!?" I shouted at the top of my lungs, without caring if anyone heard me or not.

First, I saw my girlfriend kissing another dude!! then I don't even know how, but I am now in a park while being slapped by a girl while not knowing what I did!! and now I just got someone's fucking memory like those web novel where the protagonist....transmigrate...into....a.....new........WAIT!!

I began to touch my body from head to toe.....if someone saw this moment they might think I am a pervert who is touching his whole body In public.....

After finishing the check-up I realized something....this....is not my body....

Those skinny muscles...long messy hair that cascaded down to the shoulder and covering the whole face......that creepy appearance that could lead to others mistaking you for a stalker.....

Isn't that the same boy from my memories that I see whenever the boy stands in front of a mirror?...

And..... why does the name 'Liza Turner' sound so familiar..........

Where did I heard that name?......




Ah! Isn't 'Liza Turner' one of the main heroines in that weird novel I read some time ago?.....What was it again?....ah, wasn't it "The truth of the Acalis".

It sound like those psychological books but,no....it was the name of a novel book.








Doesn't it mean,.... I just transmigrated like those novel protagonist?




I started to laugh weakly to myself.

It was not the laughter of excitement or amusement at being transmigrated into the novel world....

It was a laughter ...

"How pathetic am I ?"

.....full of self-mockery....

First, I saw my girlfriend cheating on me and in the next moment I was feeling pain all over my body and I was in a whole different place and body, and then someone just slapped me with no reason...



....and I just took all of that without even knowing how all of this happened...

.....I have no idea how the fuck I just transmigrated, I mean in those novels, the protagonists have to meet up with truck-kun before they can transmigrate, yet I just transmigrated out of nowhere....

At least I have to die if I want my soul to pass into a different body.....and here I am, with no recollection of being death.....




Wait, Don't tell me.....




Did I died of despair after seeing my girlfriend cheating?


...Wow, if that happened, people might be laughing right now after hearing the reason for my death.....



speaking of body, who was 'Vaelen Hart' again?

As if answering my question I remembered something about the novel from the time I was reading the novel....

"Vaelen Hart....Vaelen.....Vaelen....Vae..... wait!.... didn't 'Liza Turner' had a childhood friend who was kind of obsessed with her in the early chapters, and later the protagonist face-slapped him in front of everyone....wasn't that childhood friends name was also 'Vaelen'..........(Silence)



"FUC..." I forced myself not to swear out loud because it was almost nighttime and if I screamed any louder I might make someone stop having their fun time and rush out while screaming how I cockblocked him .....






"Why do I have to possess someone who is more pathetic than I was when I was on earth?" With both hands on my face I sat down on the bench while questioning my life.......







Isn't it a bit harsh to welcome someone when they entered a new world with a slap on the face?