
In the Novel World

April 1,2023 A boy can be seen in an empty class as he is looking out the window. The whole classroom is enveloped in peaceful silence but the same can’t said about the outside. A “ONCE” beautiful girl is being apprehended by the law enforcement and the people around her is giving her a disgusted look. The boy is seeing everything from the second floor of their school building. No emotion can be detected from his face apart from a calm smile. After seeing the police cars left the school premise, he quietly left the classroom. Nobody can tell from his expression that the girl who is being taken by the police is his so-called “GIRLFRIEND”. \ \ \ \ \ It is my first-time writing novel and I don’t have much experience about writing. English my third language and I am not very good at it. So, you guys will find a ton of grammatical or other mistakes. But I will try to improve my writing quality over time. It will of great help if you guys can give me your honest opinion in the comment section. I know there will a lot of criticism because of my writing quality but please keep it in check because it’s not a pleasant feeling to hear people talk crap about someone’s work even if that work isn’t good. Last but not least Enjoy my novel!

Dark_Sider321 · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

I am the victim??

This chapter will be quite long, but It will be one of the most important clues about future development.








*Rudy's POV

AHH~ that felt great!!

I choose this day exactly for this! I wanted to say those line to her when she was pushed to the limit!

Now that I am looking down at Malty, who is sitting on the floor and has her head down....I feel like I made a great plan that will not lose to any famous detective who makes people fall into their trap with their manipulation skills!

These days I am have been thinking about something.....maybe, I was born with a talent for this!!Hahahaha!!!

Should I go for criminology in the future and become a detective!? Surely I can become a famous detective with this talent!!!

And I can make a ton of money by doing this!!!Hehehe!!

Wait for me future detectives !!!!! I will crush you with my talent and mark my name in history!!

Nobody can stand i.....

*murmur *murmur

"Hey, where is she going?"

"Doesn't she look like she is going in the direction of her desk?"

"What is she searching in her bag?"

"H-hey, i-isn't that.....

While I was in my dream land, dreaming about the future, I heard people talking...

'Can't they just give people some time to dream?!?'


When I looked in front of me I couldn't find Malty.


"Where did she go?" Maybe someone nearby heard my murmur and pointed in a direction with his finger, "T-there?"

'Why does he look so scared' I frowned and look at the direction he was pointing and....my blood froze.....

In front of the classroom there stands a girl with a strange posture with messy hair which covered most of her face, cloths full of wrinkles and.... a knife in her right hand....is that Malty?

Was she really that messed up when she kneeled in front of me?

And.....what's with that knife..... is she planning t.....

I had to halt my thinking process because Malty suddenly started running in a weird angle...and her direction....isn't that where I am standing!?


Is she planning to kill me because I didn't support her!?

The people who were in my direction were already started running away

"Fuck!! Run away from that bitch!!"

"I am already running you dumbass!!"

I am also trying to move.....but... my legs are not moving!!!

Fuck!! Why now!??

Its like something....is.... restricting me from moving?

But, Why is this happening now!?

As I was trying to move...I saw from the corner of my eyes that that Malty is already near this area..

Not being able to do anything I just closed my eyes and kind of accepted my death..

Is....this how I am going to die?

Then....what was the point of exacting revenge on her when I was destined to die in her hands?


While I was having that thought...


I heard a stabbing sound.....

I waited for the pain...but.... there is no pain?


I slowly opened my eyes and saw something I'd only seen in horror films.

A fat human with a knife pierced in his neck from one side to another.... red blood gushing out, painting the floor in....and a woman holding the handle of the knife.....


Why is Harry being stabbed instead of me?

What is happening?

I can hear the students screaming and our sports teacher subjugating Malty and pinning her on the ground...but... I can't think about anything..... It's like my brain is not working properly .....

The school nurse then arrived and assisted Harry's body to the nurse's office while calling an ambulance.

After some time I started hearing police siren from the distance.

Only after that my body started moving and...not moving at the same time...

I felt my body is moving....but.... it feels like I am not the one who is moving my body....

Then I saw the whole process, how students started gathering and Malty being led to one of the police cars.....after seeing that my body made a smile on his face....I could feel my muscles and how they were moving...but....at the same time, it felt like I was not the one who was making that smile...

After seeing the whole process my body started moving again, it organized my stuff and put them on my bag....then left the classroom and started moving toward the school gate...

All this while nobody noticed me leaving the school, even when I passed by someone ... its like they are avoiding me....



Is it still my body?



After that, I started going in the direction of my house....

Right after I entered my house and locked my door and...my body collapsed...



When I woke up, everything was dark...no matter what direction I look all I can see is darkness..

It's not nighttime, I know that, and even if it were night, it would never be this dark, because even in the nighttime you can see something thanks to moonlight....but its completely dark here....which is quite creepy...


I started to call out to someone but all I can hear is the echo of my own voice.....its like I am in a tunnel...


Then..... I started to hear a creepy laughter from behind.....I slowly turned around and saw a ..... white ball?

In the world of darkness, a white ball the size of my head is floating in front of me...but it is not emitting any light.

"How did it felt!? Rudy!" the voice came from all direction, it fell like.....hundreds of people speaking at the same time...so I cant determine the gender of that being... now I am getting scared..

"How did it felt?" again I heard the voice.

"W-what?" I am starting to get scared so I tried to ask a question.

"I am asking you how did it felt to get revenge on that bitch."

"H-how do you know that!? And in the first place, who are you!?" I raised my voice because he was talking about something only I knew in the whole world.

"Hahahahaha~Are you thinking how I know about your plan?"

I getting more and more scared because that thing is talking like he can read my mind...

"Then let me ask you a question."

"Did you made that revenge plan?"

I don't have any reason to lie so I answered him honestly

"Yes, I made that plan"

"Really?" the voice came again with..... I can feel a hint of... amusement?

What is so amusing? Did I said some thing funny?

"Then, let me ask you another question?"

"Is it normal for a teenager who is not even a minor to think about getting revenge in the peaceful world in which they are living?"

"What do you mean?" I frowned a little after hearing his question.

"No matter how much you suffered It's not enough to make a guy like you twisted enough to exact revenge on a girl of your age. SO...

Why did you do that?"

I am feeling..... quite uncomfortable after hearing his question.

"I did that so that she could not destro....

"That can't be correct Rudy, you're know that"

I tried to say something.....but..but....



In the end I couldn't say anything.

After noticing my silence, that thing asked me another question.....

"Then tell me how your plan went so smoothly, even though it was half-assed."

"M-my plan was not half-ass..." I tried to respond to his words, but before I could finish my sentence, he continued;

"Really? then let me ask you this.....

Why did you just think of damaging her reputation without thinking about anything else? You could have thought about other plans.

(From chapter-2)

How did you read Harry's lustful eyes when Malty herself didn't notice? No matter how much experience you have with dealing with customers, it's not enough for you to read someone's emotions at first glance.

(From chapter-5)

How did you hold a normal conversation with Harry when you have been a loner for your whole school life? You were treated badly at your work because you were bad at your communication skills.

(From chapter-5)

How did you call Harry with the lost phone when the phone was locked with a password? And you are not someone who has hacking skills.

(From chapter-7)

How did you emotionally blackmail Harry when you knew nothing about psychology? It's common sense that if you want to use someone's emotion, you have to know about emotion, and only by studying psychology can you learn about human emotion in this peaceful world. It's not so easy for people to fall into someone's manipulation, and your manipulation was half-assed, so how did Harry fall so easily?

(From chapter-7)

How did you 'bully' those people without being noticed when the school is fully secured with CCTV cameras? It's the school where the two most important companies heirs are studying; it has to be secured, you know.

(From chapter-8)

How did Harry change from a normal, perverted schoolboy to a psychopath who used rat blood to write something on the board that easily? I know it's easy for people to change, but it's not that easy, especially when Harry's circumstances are not that bad because he has parents who love him.

(From chapter-8)

How did Malty just listen to your request when she never listened to anything you said because you would always shutter when you were near Malty because of your communication problem?

(From chapter-9)

AND how did Harry control himself from going beyond kissing when his head was already messed up enough to threaten someone with rat blood in his hand?

(From chapter-11)


You have been calling Malty an arrogant brat, but now aren't you the one being arrogant, thinking that all of this was your strategy?"



After hearing all of this I just have a single question in my mind and that is....




"Instead of manipulating others, was I being manipulated this whole time?"