
In The Multiverse With Sosuke Aizen's Power

A guy from our world died and met ROB and gained the ability to travel the Multiverse with powers of a fictional character. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *No Harem* The worlds he will be visiting:-(Not in order or confirmed) 1) Jujutsu Kaisen 2) Naruto 3) Mha 4) The Novel's Extra 5) Eleceed 6) The Author's POV ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warning: The story will be slightly fast paced

Kayden_Break_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Training Begins

"So what are we doing here again?" Yuji asked as I brought him out in the field along with Kugisaki and Megumi

"Starting today I am going to train you so you can fend off for yourself properly." I replied

"Hm? I think we can fend for ourselves-"

"Hah? Who do you think you are to train us. I am pretty strong. I can fend for myself. I don't need this." Kugisaki said and was about to walk away.

"Can you really?" I said as I appeared right beside her instantly with my right hand resting on her chest.


Both Yuji and Kugisaki were shocked since both of them missed my movement.

Megumi wasn't as surprised since he has already witnessed this multiple times already.

"With your current strength, you can hardly hold your own against a second grade cursed spirit and for you Yuji, you can only go up against a third grade cursed spirit. Both of you are in dire need for training."

I said as I took my hands off of Kugisaki.

"And you are powerful enough to train us?" Kugisaki asked

"I am." I said and handed over my student ID card which had 'special grade sorcerer' written on it which caused her eyes to go wide.

"S-Special grade sorcerer?!" she said

If I am being honest, the weakest among the first years is Kugisaki.

Megumi right now is already a first grade sorcerer, I am a special grade and once Yuji is able to control his cursed energy, he will reach the first grade as well.

Whereas Kugisaki will only be able to contend with grade 1 or above cursed spirits by only relying on her cursed technique.

She needs to work on close range combat and cursed energy manipulation. Otherwise she will forever just be on the starting line of a first grade sorcerer.

Besides, the curses have become much stronger in this universe in comparison to the canon.

"But why do we have to train like this? Why can't we just go along with the classes?" Yuji asked

"Because this isn't like the normal situation." I turned towards Yuji and said, " Yuji, you may not want to believe it and also don't take this the wrong way but you are a ticking time bomb."


"Sukuna inside of you will not sit quietly and watch you take advantage of his strength. He isn't going to help you in anyway in fact he will do everything and anything to kill you and the people you are close to."

A look of fear was shown on Yuji's face as he gulped down his saliva because of the way I spoke.

"Even so I don't feel the need to go out of my way and be trained by someone my age. I am going shopping. Bye!" Kugisaki said and left the training grounds

"I am going to do my own training since you will be busy with Itadori." Megumi said and left as well.

"It's just the two of us now. Heheh" Yuji said in a week voice as the situation just turned awkward.

"Don't worry. This works out in my favour since I couldn't teach the three of you at the same time anyway." I said

"Oh." Yuji said

"Alright. Let's start from the basics. What do you know about cursed energy and Jujutsu?"

"Fushiguro said that negative emotions in a person creates cursed energy which then comes together to form cursed spirit. That's all I know."

"I see. Well there are a few rules and things you need to know when it comes to jujutsu. Watch."

I held my palm up at my sides and released a blast of pure cursed energy in the ground which caused a big enough explosion to ruin the part where it landed.

"Oh!! How Cool!!" Yuji exclaimed with stars in his eyes

"That was a blast of pure cursed energy. This however is a cursed technique."

I used Hado #4: Byakurai and released it in the same place again which caused much bigger explosion.

"Oh!! HOW COOL!! Waku! Waku!" Yuji exclaimed again

"Can I do that?! If I learn jujutsu!! Hey! Hey! Are you gonna teach me that?!"

"Hold your horses Yuji. You can't do something like this."


"That is because you don't have this cursed technique."

"Well which one do I have?"

"None. Cursed techniques are etched into our bodies the moment we are born which is why the strength of a Jujutsu sorcerer is almost 80% pure talent."

"Hahh?!! Then what am I supposed to do!!" Yuji yelled

"Although you have no cursed technique, you have a decent amount of cursed energy, high talent in close range combat and a superhuman physique which will make you a strong Jujutsu sorcerer."


"Right. I showed you cursed energy and cursed technique just now. Did you understand the difference between the two?"

"No not really."

"Think of the anime Naruto, cursed energy is like chakra and cursed technique are like ninjutsu."

"Oh!! I get it now!! I am Naruto!!" Yuji declared excitedly

"...No. I mean sure but that is not the point."

"I also have Sukuna, an evil spirit inside of me. Wait. Then am I supposed to befriend him?" Yuji asked with a skeptical look on his face whereas I had no idea how to deal with this situation.

I kind of get why Gojo sensei was the one who trained him.

"No you can't befriend him. He is absolutely evil."

"That's what people said about Kurama and now all those people love him."

"This isn't Naruto. I just referred to it so that you can understand the difference between cursed energy and cursed technique. Now Focus!!"

"Yes. Sir!"

"Although there are many different cursed techniques out there, they all have one thing in common and that is the binding vow."

"Binding vow?" Yuji asked

"Binding Vows are the very essence of Jujutsu. It basically works on the principle of Equivalent Exchange. If you lose something, you will gain another thing and if you gain something, you will lose something as well."

"I don't get it at all." Yuji said as he tilted his head in confusion

"I will explain it by taking myself as an example. I was born with two cursed techniques which is why I am unable to perform domain expansion. And if I explain my technique to someone, the techniques's effects become even stronger. Also by limiting the amount of cursed energy I use to 70% in the day, I can use 150% of my cursed energy after 6 PM."

"What's domain expansion?"

"Let's not get into that right now. But did you understand the rest of the things?"

"Yeah I think so. Although I think it will be much better to witness it in person. What exactly is your cursed technique?"

"My main cursed technique is Kyoka Suigetsu (Absolute Hypnosis). It allows me to gain control of all senses of my opponents and allows me to manipulate all their actions."

"Oh! Can you show me then?"

"Alright. Where do you think we are right now?"

"Huh? We are in the training field inside Jujutsu high."

"That's where you are completely wrong."


At the snap of my fingers, the world in Yuji's eyes shattered like glass and revealed us to be inside his room.

"Hah?! Hah?! We are inside my room?! But you gathered all 3 of us almost half hour ago and brought us to the training field!!"

"That was an illusion. The moment I stepped inside of your room, you were in an illusion where you saw what I wanted you to see and felt what I wanted you to feel. Megumi and Kugisaki were never here."

Yuji's eyes widened so much so it felt like his eyeball will fall out.

"Now you know just how broken the cursed techniques can be and I am not the only one with an overpowered cursed technique. If you were against a cursed spirit even slightly close to my level, you would die without even realising how. Do you get just how much you need training now?"

Yuji gulped and nodded his head since my expression turned incredibly serious as I said that last part.

"There are two ways to teach you that I have in mind first is the easy and long way and second is the hard but faster way."

"Oh! Then let's go with fir-"

"We are gonna go with the second option." I interrupted Yuji which made his face frozen at first but he got angry shortly after but chose not to display it.

The method I have in mind to teach him is very simple.

I will use my cursed technique and make him go through terrible experiences that he must overcome in order to harness the cursed energy and get a feel for it.

After he has experienced the cursed energy once, I will recreate that feeling for him in order to help him gain more understanding of it and how it feels to wield cursed energy and afterwards, I will train him by sparring.

"Oh! I got a question!" Yuji said as he held up his arm

"What is it?" I asked

"Between you and Sensei, who is stronger? I mean if you can control all his senses how will he defeat you?"

"Gojo Sensei is much more stronger than I am."


"My cursed technique doesn't work on him completely. More specifically, I can't control his sight. He has a pair of very special eyes." I said

'Which he wouldn't let me study' is what I didn't say

And it is true. In fact because of his six eyes he can easily tell when he is in under my hypnosis and he can even break that hypnosis though it takes even him a lot of time to do so.

The thing is that his infinity is not a problem at all. I can make him think that he is using it even when it is actually deactivated but he just fights in hand to hand combat then and his punches are really really strong.

Other than him there is only two more people who I can not defeat.

First is Sukuna because of his domain expansion and second is Megumi because of his special grade shikigami Maharoga which is just completely overpowered.

Other than that, even if someone performs a domain expansion, I am confident enough to win although I might suffer a lot of injuries but my reverse cursed technique can heal all of them so it doesn't matter that much.

"Anyway. Let's get started with your training then." I said and made him follow me to an indoor training hall. For real this time.