
4.17.3 End of Domain.

There were three ways to break a domain without harming the witch.

First is to earn the Witch's respect as well as consent by reaching her through normal means, which is to go through the domain without playing any tricks or the kind.

The second being, finding hidden pieces strewn about the domain, which might look like normal items, but hold part of the domain and are responsible for its function. Though, once outside of the domain, these items turn useless.

The third and last one, find the core of the domain, which is the most protected part of a domain. And rarely does anyone succeed in breaking a domain through this method.

But to Jack, none of it mattered much. He was here and there was not only the core of the domain, but even Dain was present here, which was shooting two birds with one stone.

"Don't you dare." Dain shouted at Jack. She was panicked and confused.

'How did he do this?' She wondered.