
3.24.1 Yamir's arrival.

"Looks like the fight above has come to an end." Immortal knew that there was no way for Nephylite to be defeated, so there was a high chance that the two guardians of this place had already fallen under Nephylite's might after he got serious.

And serious, he did go. From the level of energy, he felt a few seconds ago. It was to a level that even caused her to shake in fear.

But from the same sensation, she also understood that Nephylite was stuck in some place, incapable of moving. Giving her the perfect opportunity to kill this man.

Let Alfin experience the true horror and what existential crisis feels like.

Something Immortal has experienced himself countless times in the past. And for Alfin, who was still a child in age compared to Immortal, this ought to be a spectacular experience.