Mister clock was the supplier of not only the poison in his system. But his Antizen as well. Where does he get it or how? Alfin didn't know much. So, until then, Alfin might act equal. He knew the power dynamics between the two. A kind of power dynamic that made it harder for him to voice out his actual thoughts in front of him.
'<I will think about it>… heh! Should have denied my request from the start, no need for all this empty talk.'
From his experience, Alfin knew what 'think about it means in this context. But he didn't dare to say his thoughts out loud. He doesn't want to cut off his only hope due to his big mouth. So besides cursing Clock in his head, Alfin didn't dare to do anything more.
He just wishes that the old man changes his mind eventually.
'He seemed rather interested in my research. So there is a chance that he may fund it even if he is a mole. Maybe, the side which Clock works with, will eventually approach me at a time.'