
1.30.2 Run boy run, This world is not made for you.

Girisia heard the footsteps coming towards the room and the mocking expression of the old woman. Girisia, though frustrated, did the only thing that came to his mind.

And it was, to not struggle.

Before the gate opened, Girisia, ignoring the blaring sound in the room, got on his knees and put his hands up.

"I didn't do it." He informed the guards that entered the room. Girisia can even see Tarkov who was attracted by drama, along with other players.

'Don't worry.' Girisia silently moved his lips, sending the message to the group to not panic. He didn't want to make the event more chaotic than it already was.

"Leader is dead…" One of the guards, determined after his method to resuscitate her back, failed.

"I didn't do a thing," Girisia repeated his words under the wrathful gazes of the guards.