
1.12.1 Escape of Tarkov, The beginning - Part1

"You are a scary woman, professor. But I appreciate your honesty."

'No! I just wanna stay away from a scary woman like you.'

"As for the brain scan, I don't mind it if there is no harm to my life."

'No! I don't want you to even come close to my head.'

"I would like to help you in every way I can."

'I don't wanna, why did you have to bring that old monster here.'

Girisia was crying in his head, he felt lucky and unlucky at the same time. If Wilkis was not present in the room, he would have denied Farsight's request instantly. But knowing the true nature of Wilkis, he maintained his act of a good citizen.

"But in return before the scan, I would first have a regeneration serum that can extend my life even for a few more years." He was not stupid to become a victim of research of this nature without any pay. Though he didn't care much for this particular pay, he still needed to put up an act to pursue a way to fix his life expectancy problem

He had already learned how crazy the Farsight woman was in reality. It was not like she lacked any common sense; instead, she never cared for it to begin with.

"Of course, we will compensate you in every way possible. The mutation in your brain just holds that much value. And if you die of an accident, no one would be able to recultivate a similar kind of mutation." She said, accepting Girisia's request without any bargaining. And Tarkov's face got darker on the side.

Things were happening too fast and now Girisia has not only obtained proper support but also the original bargaining chip he had planned to use on Girisia.'I made a mistake…'

"And not to forget, this particular mutation may not only bring a new way to overclock a mind but may also be the reason why you can understand the Anomans. So until I am sure it's truly the reason for your unique ability I will do my best to keep you safe." She boasted, already treating Girisia like her test subject.

"Oh… of course Professor… I will be in your care until then." He sweated.

"If it's alright with you, I would like to end our conversation until you provide my requested serum." He wanted to end this topic, he was truly scared of being left in the same room as Farsight now. But he didn't forget his etiquettes and didn't bow down, he was the only link between the player and natives. According to him, he was on an equal or higher standing than Farsight at the moment.

"But it won't take time Mr. Fedorov nor it would have much effect on your body and the scanner is just in the next room too. I can give you the serum lat.."

"That's enough Farsight. You should back down for now." Wilkis stood up from his corner, he had assessed Girisia on his own. His senses were superhuman, well he was not human, to begin with anymore.

"Yes, Chief." Her obsession ended with Wilkis's words. There was not much to say for her if the mayor joined in the conversation. She knew he was here for a reason. And it seemed he only wanted to meet the person who provided them with some important information.

'A coward that knows his place. But he still didn't lie.' This is the answer Wilkis came to after keeping track of all the small stimuli and emotions that Girisia went through with his talk with Farsight. His breathing pattern, his heartbeats, his flickering eyes, his habit to jerk his back from time to time, and his eyes that went blank when he started to think, Wilkis noticed every detail of the man named Korus Fedorov.

"Good evening mayor. I would have shaken your hands, if not for my present condition." Girisia didn't plan to act ignorant towards the mayor's identity nor did he plan to question why the General of this city was sitting in the corner without saying a word.

"You don't seem that surprised by my presence?" This was one of the things that Wilkis noticed, the only reaction he had caused Girisia was only two times.

The first was when Girisia just entered the lab and the second was when he was lost in his thoughts before accepting Farsight's request. Besides those two times, he didn't seem to be much affected by his presence, unlike Tarkov who just stood behind like a statue.

"Why would I be surprised General, I have seen your face painted on the walls a lot for the last few months. So it's easy to know who you are." Girisia changed the subject.

And Wilkis was not offended by not getting a proper answer, instead, he got more confused. From the heart rate, his calm expression, and mental activity. Girisia seemed to be familiar with him. 'But this is the first time we are meeting.' Wilkis thought but then he blamed it all on Girisia's mutation. 'I can't depend on the readings, my database still lacks any understanding of the mutation in his brain.'

"So it is." Wilkis nodded in understanding.

"But even if you know me, I would still like to follow up the proper etiquettes."He said reaching toward the sitting Girisia's mechanical hand."

"General Wilkis, Mayor of Riber city."

Girisia, though a bit befuddled, pushed his mechanical arc forward with some delay and held Wilkis's hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mayor, I am… Korus Fedorov." He greeted back as he shook Wilkis's hand.

"Then on to business then." Wilkis was not one to waste time. He had optimized his own life to perfection so that each section of his action is utilized properly and carries forward his agenda and plans properly.

Just like this time, he had hidden a small surveillance bot inside Girisia's arm.

"Of course mayor, what is it that you need from me?"

"I would like to know more about the anomans and what things do they usually talk about when we hear the garbled words from their mouth," Wilkis asked with some curiosity.

"This, didn't I already speak about it in detail during the interrogation? I believe that information must have reached you." Girisia questioned, this meeting felt a bit unnatural from his point of view.

Wilkis is not the kind of person to waste time on useless things like these.

"Yes you have, but I want to listen to these details in person." Wilkis was just wasting time now, he was not much interested in the report and he had already done what he had wanted to do. But he still carried on with his act.

"As your wish, Mayor." Girisia was confused, this will be the third time he is explaining this to someone in detail, the first two times he did was in the interrogation alone.

Tomorrow Girisia has to speak about these details again in the conference among the high seats of the army and some selected captains of Riber city militia too. 'That Yoshikov guy would also be present there.'

Then as he promised, Girisia spoke everything he knew about the players. Why are their names so weird and where do they go when they disappear to rest.

"From my understanding, they call Riber city a singular server. And is a place where the majority of the anomans belong to countries of the United Kingdom, Russia, India, and Japan. And Thorn city is also mostly filled with people from these countries."

The country was an alien for Wilkis and everyone present in the room. The countries were long destroyed in the war five hundred years ago and those that remain didn't identify with any of them anymore. And now instead of borders dividing them, it's the physical differences that divide them more.

"There are some more details, but I am not sure that telling them is a good idea." These were some more things GIrisia wanted to tell about the culture of "anomans" but he didn't. As it was too early for these things to impact anything in this world but it will only confuse.

"This was much more detailed than the report." The mayor uttered in a nonchalant voice.

"I have obtained what I wanted to. Let's talk tomorrow." he continued, not wanting to waste any more time.

But after making Girisia repeat so many details, Girisia was not going to let Wilkis leave so easily.

"If you don't mind, Mayor. Can you fulfill one request of mine?" Girisia disrupted Wilki's walk.

'Request?... what kind?' Wilkis thought, turning to look at Girisia who was oozing greed. "If it's not too outlandish, I can think about it."

"You should not worry, mayor. It's not a hard request." Girisia clarified. " I just wanted the job to manage the missions for the anomans."

"For anomans, this is a game, and becoming a well-known figure in their community will make it easier for me to extract information from them. The closer I am to them, the more I can pick on some special information…" Girisia reasoned.

A kind of reasoning that Wilkis couldn't find any fault in, so he just accepted this request without a worry.

As for why Girisia seemed so greedy about this prospect?

'I will find it soon anyways.'