
The Human God

With Sora now knowing how the mastermind was behind everything, he was capable of sitting back and relaxing. although he had no clue as to how she was doing, what he did know was that he had nothing to be afraid of, he just needed to get stronger and soon he would be able to handle anything.

Time passed, and soon Sora sensed someone entering the lower region. looking far away towards the sea, Sora saw 5 fish man shooting towards land, reading to slaughter everyone and everything within their path.

Sora didn't need to do anything, he was the ruler of this lower realm. Sora watched as from his cast, a ray of gray light shot out, shooting towards the fish man, that was none other than the demon king, he alone should be able to handle these 5.

"What type of human are you?" one of the fish men asked with narrowed eyes, sizing up the demon king who was growing tall, quickly reaching the height of mountains. this was his true size, but Sora had shrunk him down to human size.

"That in formations is pointless before those who are about to die... is your sea god watching? yes, I can sense her. I lord have seen through who you are, my lord isn't like others who need outside resources, but keep this act up, and suffer the wrath of my lord. Plant spirit or not, demon god or not, priest or not. your nothing special" He said coldly confusing the two, but deep within the upper region of the Fishman empire, a blue-haired woman who was paying attention to this scene froze, in disbelief feeling her eyes

"... don't need outside resources my ass. right now cultivation is smooth, but it gets hard will you not hunt my people?" She said coldly before reaching out with her palm,

"hear my world, Fishman all over the sea... the killer of my brother, and countless others of our kind is hiding within the lower region. Although unwilling, this person's talent is abnormal, so we shall team up with the beast-man race, shattering the barrier blocking us from the lower region and slaughtering them all. no human is allowed to look down upon my sea race, we are the dragons." Her voice boomed across the sea, causing all sea life to suddenly be filled with the will to fight, they turned towards the lower region Sora was sitting, before shooting off.

"This human must be killed at all costs. so we will be working together with the sea race, they seem to have some hatred towards him. so we shall use that to kill this human." The beast god said before the beast kings, who all nodded ready for battle.

"the beast race and the sea race are planning to attack the lower region Sora is at... they fear his talent." Yang Xin said with worry, shocking all of the people within the church. Shi Yan frowned deeply, for some time before turning to leave.

"I believe Sora can be the next human god, I will go do my best to bring him back to this church. I will try and see if he is the one who could gain the complete Human God Inhertences," Shi Yan said softly, making everyone in the church go quiet at his words, everyone looked at each other before more people go up, wanting to follow Shi Yan.

"But..." Yang Xin wanted to say something but she couldn't bring herself to say it, Shi Yan smiled slightly at her.

"If by chance I don't make it, I have secretly been training 3 people who could be my replacement. I will be going on my own, the human race can lose me, but it can't lose you all." He said with a smile towards everyone, before disappearing. everyone watched him leave, unwillingness written all over their faces.

"Impossible, how can you take us all on." The Fishman roared while holding his head which was cut off. he looked at the other Fishman who was laying lifelessly on the ground, before looking at the demon king.

One should know, they had become gods through enlightenment, and their power was equal to those at level 6 Demi-God, yet this thing before them was capable of defeating them all without taking a stretch. this should be impossible.

"You low life wish to go against my lord. you are all foolish," The Demon King said with a cold sneer, before finishing off the Fishman with a quick swing. The demon king, and pretty much every summon Sora had had combat strength level 8 to level 9 Demi-God level, don't forget they had ultra instinct and recoilless, so they could even fight those stronger than themselves

With a flash, the demon king shot back, heading towards the castle, Sora currently sat on a throne, drinking some tea that Cherry had given to him.

"This was getting boring, but it looks like we are going to war with the beast race and sea race, ignore the weaklings and shot straight toward the big guys. leave my people to take care of them." Sora said with a charming smile. pretty much everyone within the lower region had a piece of Sora's soul.

many battles had taken part and many had died thanks to them thinking they were all powerful thanks to the ability brought upon that piece of soul. when they died, the piece of Soul Sora gave them returned him, making his soul far stronger and allowing him to send it back out in greater numbers. they were more than capable of taking part in this battle,

"... I have been looking into the river of time, and there are some things worth looking out for," Vados said calmly, catching everyone's attention.

"the road to the immortal path has been blocked. most likely by this person controlling things from the shadow. the Demi-God isn't the peak of cultivation, she sealed off the realm above the Demi-God Realm. it's safe to guess she is in the realm above the Demi-God realm, the past has been changed a lot. mostly under her palm, she is the one who had all of the experts enter a deep slumber, making it so no one was around to see that the path has been messed with." She said making Sora's eyebrow raise slightly before he called back his ravens, once they returned to him Sora went on to look into the river of time and went on to see the past.

He went far back, millions of years into the past, which was further than what Vados could have seen. but while going back, he found someone standing in his way.

"... why are you trying to look into the past?" A handsome young man with charm out of this world asked sizing Sora up. Sora looked at this guy and felt danger, if this guy wanted to kill him it might only need a thought, although he would be reborn through his many souls.

"Someone has been messing with the roar to being an immortal, I'm just trying to seek knowledge... I'm guessing you are the Human God?" Sora asked with a shrug, the young man's eyes narrowed slightly at Sora's words. he looked behind him to see the past and with a look, he saw everything Sora was seeking. before looking to the future at what happened

"... Human of the future, the one you are facing is my daughter. do me a favor and do not kill her." He said with a bitter look while looking at Sora, confusing Sora slightly.

"you are talented, you have the capability to one day rival me. yes ago with the battle with the demon god, my blood and the demon god were absorbed by a seed, which was in a way my daughter. my white is part plant spirit, I didn't know she left behind seeds before she ascended to the immortal realm." he said as he tapped the river of time, causing the image of the past to appear, showing a battle between him and the demon god of the past.

the battle was heaven-shaking and was destroying the world, but he moved the image onto a seed that was absorbing the blood of both him and the demon god. Sora watched as she went on to grow, only for experts to start seeking her out. By then, the human god had left this world, so she was all on her own.

Unlike other plant spirits, she wasn't so pure and could fight for herself. so she fought back, her hatred towards all races growing. how could it not grow when all races would throw their hatred to the side just to try and capture you and cook you? how could she not hate the world seeing how her kind was being cooked alive, forced to suffer unimaginable pain just for a pill to be created?

so, she cultivated, grew stronger, and went on to start to scheme against the world. sacrificing her life force, and cultivation, she made huge changes to the path of being an immortal, she didn't simply do that but she even rewrote the past, making people forget many events of the past to allow her to carry out with her plan.

After all that, she split herself into 4 and went on to cultivate once more, this time among these races she hated so much, and after millions of years, she was now playing a huge role within each race and was so close to having all the races fight each other to the death, with the plant spirit awaiting for them to enjoy themselves so that they could launch an attack slaughtering them all for good.

Be it children, newborns, or even those pregnant, the plan was to slaughter every human, beast, or sea beast. nono but plant spirits should exist. as for heaven's wrath, she would withstand it on behalf of her people,

"I know what I'm asking for you is a lot, after everything she did, you putting aside your hatred is hard. But this is my daughter, so I have to do everything within my power to be there for her since I now know of her existence." He said with a slight bow

"What a pain in the ass... but sure, I will do you this favor. but one question, why are you in this river of time?" Sora asked calmly, making the human god have an awkward look

"Before I ascended to the immortal realm, I enraged a few immortals, so I left behind a piece of my soul just in case I ended up dying. since this is the river of time, my soul would not age, it's also hard to find, and normal karma can't reach it. a perfect place to hide it." He said with a smile, leaving Sora speechless for a moment... that was a good plan, he should do something.

"as thanks for not killing my daughter, here is the location to my inferences, if you can clear it... which you would as you are stronger than me back then, you would have to cultivation resources which have been sitting around for millions of years just growing stronger and stronger over time." He said as information entered Sora's head,

"I know this isn't enough to pay, so when we meet I shall fully thank you for your troubles. By the way, My name is Yang Qingdi," he said calmly,

"you want me to say your name so your main body can know what's happening here?" Sora asked with a smile, to which Yang Qindi nodded slightly. Sora laughed slightly before leaving,

"... his soul isn't of this world. is he like me?" He said with a confused look before shaking his head, he shall look closer through his main eyes...

"well... you got that?" Sora asked calmly after sending all of the information he got from the Yang Qingdi, everyone was stunned for a moment but they nodded in understanding.

"since she split herself into 4, it's reasonable to guess she could fuse once more into one, the human king has a troublesome daughter... she better gives me a good fight," Sora said with his eyes flashing with the will to fight.