
Meeting The Holy Priest

"Only level 9 Qi refinement," Sora said softly while looking at himself, he had fully recovered and was now at level 9 Qi refinement. he could have reached a higher realm, but most of the damage he suffered was because of himself, so he didn't get a huge boost in power from it all.

"I knew it, it was your bloodline which made me stronger." Xai Fei said softly hearing Sora's words, each time she got injured she got stronger, and now she realized it was because of Sora,

"I look forward to fighting you again, hopefully, next time you would give me a better chance than last time," Sora said with a smile, making Xai Fei's eyes burn with a strange luster. more than losing her first time with Sora, she wanted to fight Sora once more, she knew Sora wanted the same thing, why else would he not care that she absorbed his bloodline?

Sora wanted a challenge, while she wanted to fight like they did the last time. a bloody battle, with them ignoring all things around them, and with only each other in the other's eyes. It's what made her fall so deeply in love with Sora, that fight made her feel things she never felt and made her be true self, yet Sora didn't reject her.

"I will catch up, and be a freak like you. I still have my ways to grow you know. I go train for some time, when I return it would be when I'm sure I could have defeated that elephant while at the same level of cultivation as you. then we can do it, we can get married." She yelled at Sora who was walking off, Sora didn't say anything and disappeared,

'the evolution of her physique is unique.' Sora thought as he shook off Xai Fei's effect on him, she had masked his lifeforce to match hers, meaning that those who try to search for Sora, would not be able to find Sora as Sora was Xai Fei, but now Sora was free.

The first thing Sora did was go to the Blue Sky sect, where he found Madara and the others waiting for him. After Xai Fei told them to go into hiding, Madara only made sure the others would be safe before he, Aizen, and Gajeel awaited the enemy. but the enemy came, they came peacefully, and left as quickly as they came, leaving them disappointed as they wanted a good battle.

In the past few days, they have trained hard with Madara being ruthless and fighting them as if he would kill them, this allowed the two to reach the revolving core realm faster than they expected.

upon Sora's arrival, they quickly paid their respect before informing Sora of everything that had happened when he was away. Don't think Madara and the others were weak, they were nowhere near skipping 4 realms, they could skip 38 levels, 2 levels away from having the capability to skip 4 realms like Sora. Of course, unlike Sora, they couldn't keep that power up for long, one of their main power, the 3rd gates couldn't be open for too long

After checking up on them, Sora went to go see Hana. and to his shock, he found that Hana had grown up, in the past she was at most the size of his palm if she were to lay on her back, but now she was the size of two and a half palms when in her human form.

"You finally remembered me," Hana said with a pout, she had grown stronger there for it was reflected in her size. currently, she had the cultivated of a level 1 Qi refiner,

"don't be mad, I was injured for the past week. but I came to see you as soon as I could." Sora said with a smile, stunning Hana who didn't know he was injured.

"sorry." She said quickly, she didn't want to come off as someone needy or anything, she was only displeased that Sora up and disappeared without saying anything for more than a week, but hearing the reason, she felt guilty for being displeased.

"you have nothing to be sorry about, remember to go outside from time to time, don't stay locked up in here," Sora said as he refilled the water, before leaving her be, a Senzu Bean needed a year to grow, so it was not time for Sora to show it much love.

Sora went on to go check up on his parents before checking up on the sect leader, where the two talked for some time and it was decided Sora would be given the title of sect leader on his 19th birthday which was only a few months away,

the news spread and Sora's name became the new hottest topic once more, many thought Sora had died when the country up and disappeared a few days back, yet he was here and kicking, but many more were displeased with the fact Sora, a kid was going to be the sect leader,

So, many elders spoke up, and to fix this Sora had them all meet him in the arena where he fought them before a huge crowd. Sora could easily one-shot them, but he took this chance to farm a huge amount of SP, before he went on to end the match, showing off his overwhelming power which caused the whole arena to shake in horror.

form than one, no one was against Sora being the sect leader, many began looking forward to such a powerhouse taking over. Sora used this once more to farm SP.

as for the wild beast? they were oddly quiet, and no more countries were facing their attacks on them, bringing a time of peace to this land. Sora soon found out that they were slaughtered, 5 humans went on a slaughter, killing off the wild beast all over the lower region, but they didn't kill all of them, as that could cause them to face the wrath of heaven and earth. to slaughter a whole race, the punishment suffered would be huge.

"Perfect," Sora said while patting the head of 2 ravens he had managed to find and tame. The King Of The Nurse God Cultivation art had a unique ability, this ability was known as The Raven God

with this ability, One could tame a Raven and have that Raven become a part of oneself. You would have the power to transform into countless flocks of Ravens, with each one being you, meaning that even if 99% of the Ravens are slaughtered, so long as even one lives you shall live.

Second, you would have the ability to send out the main body of the Raven, allowing it to embody your thought or memory, the Raven can travel at speeds equal to your thoughts, meaning they could travel faster than you. Since they are lived with you, they could show you anything they see, making them perfect spies.

So long as the tamed raven lives, Sora could live, as if they were him. they could transform back into him even if his main body was destroyed, allowing him to be reborn, and of course, he would be greatly weakened, but he would be alive once more and slowly regain his strength

Lastly, the last ability was Odin Eye. Once these birds are tamed and turned into the embodiment of one thought and memory, they are licked to the left eye, which should be empty. they would call that eye their home, when out to travel the world they are your left eye, but sharper, but when they are called back, they transform into The Eye Of Odin.

Powerful eyes allow a person to almost instantly comprehend what they are facing, find a weakness, and counter it. With this eye, one could become the god of wisdom, allowing them to know all they see so long as the eye is open.

Sora had already mastered this ability by 120%, meaning he could do all that, plus the fact he could of Odin's eye in more than one eye, more than doubling the Odin Eye capability. and the second benefit was that the ravens leaving to see the world wouldn't leave him with any fewer eyes, just weaker eyes, while the crows would have the full power of the Odin Eye.

Sora held his palm over the Ravens, and instantly the Ravens began to transform, turning into beams that entered Sora's eyes. Sora shot his eyes as his eyes began to smoke. Sora felt his eyes begin improving, one should know his eyes were so overpowered that he couldn't even use them when entering the True Saiyan Mode, yet they were improving?

this was of course because they were evolving and fusing with Odin Eyes, while the eyes fused, Sora began thinking of a new name.

"Wow, you seem to be awakening the 6 Eyes," Shinka said in shock, leaving Sora speechless for a moment, now this might be troublesome. just how many eyes did Sora have? And now with the 6 Eyes, Sora began fearing the full capability these eyes would have once they were fused,

It would take some time for the Fusion to finish, So, Sora covered himself with a Blind Fold, which would seal off his eyes, and went on with his days. but it didn't take long before he noticed a notification pop up before him

{Watched. Gained 2 SP} Sora frowned someone was capable of watching him without his notification, the notification only appeared just now, meaning whoever just now arrived, using his Haki, Sora scanned everything around him, but couldn't find anything.

"I thought things were getting too peaceful, who is my guest," Sora asked while looking towards the sky, where a knight in silver armor slowly came down, with a beautiful blond hair woman at her side. this woman gave off a holy aura that could make all people with impure thoughts towards her kneel and repent for their sins

"People of the Holy Church, I heard you guys stopped by. Sadly, I was too injured to come see you the last time." Sora said with a smile,

"You're Sora? it's hard to believe you could skip 4 realms and defeat that elephant." The knight said calmly while sizing Sora up and down,

{Mocked, Gained 1 SP.} Sora noticed the notification, making his eyebrow raise, this night mocking him? he could hide it well, as his eyes were pure and only filled with curiosity leaving only the woman next to him who was sizing him up with her huge beautiful eyes,

'System, stop getting SP from the Knight for now and focus only on the woman.' Sora thought calmly, some times it was hard even for him to read some people, but there was something off about this woman... he couldn't put a finger on it, but she wasn't human, the feeling she gave off, he had felt it before, but he couldn't put a finger on it.

Sora stretched off image of everyone he had met, from Someone like Xai Fei to someone like the beast God, Sora went through every person he had met with a unique aura before he stopped upon someone... Hana.

'Is she a plant spirit? no, it's only a hint of aura, she gives off 95% of a human aura, 1% being a spiritual plant, but what is that 4%, it's a dragon-like aura. this I the closest I have been to a dragon.' Sora thought while looking at her,

{Targeted. Gained 1 SP.}

Sora looked at the notification and back at her for a moment, before ignoring her and looking at the knight,

"It's hard to believe, but I'm amazing. but since you guys know me, is it not rude I don't even know either of your names?" Sora asked with crossed arms, making the knight frown slightly, but Sora had a point.

"My name is Shi Yan, the strongest Knight of the Holy Church... this young lady here is, Yang Xin, the holy priest of the Holy church. those 5 who came here days ago were sent by her to protect you from that elephant and bring you back to the church where you can cultivate," Shi Yan said calmly, stunning Sora for a moment, but he nodded in slight understanding.

{Cursed. Gained 1 SP}

"So, how did she know I was going to be attacked?" Sora asked calmly, to which Knight opened his mouth to speak, but Yang Xin cut him off and spoke.

"I'm the descendant of the Human God. Using my bloodline connection, I have been able to speak to the Human god within the immortal realm, asking him for help. he had noticed you and wished for the church to take you in. Humans need a powerful next who they can all stand behind, and you doing even something the Human God Couldn't do... that would be the strongest support the human race could have. So please, lead the humans." She said with a deep bow,

{Tricked. Gained 1 SP.}

'why the fuck do I keep running into girls hard to read? at least she is better than Xai Fei, all the system shows with Xai Fei is lusted,' Sora thought as he waved her words off.

"I will have to disappoint you. I work best alone, being held down to a sect would only limit my capability. but sure, I can lead the humans. but when I'm ready, cultivation is something one can rush." Sora said with a smile, to which Shi Yan nodded in understanding,

{Cursed, Gained 1 SP

Cursed, Gained 1 SP}

Sora looked at the notification and was speechless, was this woman wanting to do something to him back at the church? why were these females trying to steal his first time... at least Xai Fei was straightforward

"Perfectly understood. I can't stay here for long, but remember the Beast God has her eyes set on you. She aims to slaughter all humans, already the number of humans who have died has reached numbers over 100 billion. I was not born with a hint of the human god talent, so all I can do is ask for others' support." She said with her eyes filled with self-blame, something which could make anyone feel pity for her. Even Shi Yan couldn't but try and stop her from blaming herself,

"Yeah, it is like that," Sora said lazily, making Yang Xai almost fall over for a moment, shock filled her eyes as she looked at Sora. this was the first time someone acted at her before her, yet Sora seemed like he was trying to rush them away.

"Well, it was nice meeting you guys. I'm sure the death of someone so important would be a big deal, so you should take her back as soon as you could." Sora said lazily as he turned to leave, making Shi Yan displeased with how Sora was rushing them off, but Sora was right, so they quickly left, leaving Sora standing there in deep thought

'well, something isn't right about her. She seemed too weak to be a descendant of a human god. Did the human god fuck a dragon plant? Well, the bigger question is why am I still a virgin? on that note, Xai Fei has the best food I have ever eaten. I'm already missing her food. I wish I knew her secret ingredient.' Sora thought allowing his mind to wander, Xai Fei's food was the best, she is always so happy and blushful hearing just how much he enjoyed it, which he could as cute.

Of course, they did more than just eat the 7 days they were together, they got to know each other well... and well, they were friends, although Xai Fei thinks they pretty much were engaged, Sora choice to ignore that.