
chapter 52

Squeezing her slender palms, Jiang Qiao opened MEI's refrigerator with such emotion. What she saw was a pile of quick-frozen emergency food. As for the ingredients... she could barely find some for use.

About ten minutes later.

The dinner plate was brought to the MEI table where I had been busy searching for literature and continuing to write my thesis because I was free.

The home-cooked cuisine full of Chinese style is extremely novel for MEI, who was born and raised in the Far East and is not particular about food.



This is the evaluation given by MEI.

Originally, she was just slightly curious about [Alicia's] cooking, but to be honest, MEI was just going to deal with this dish hastily.

Rather than enjoying the meal, she was more willing to learn about what was going to happen next from Jiang Qiao.

However, because Jiang Qiao's cooking skills are unexpectedly superb.

Just the right heat, superb knife skills and meticulous seasonings that can be called abnormal.

All I can say is that this meal was the most delicious that MEI has eaten in recent years, and she could eat two bowls!

In response, [Alicia] just sat across the table and looked at Dr. MEI with a smile, holding her cheeks up, looking like a wife watching her husband.

Of course, don't get me wrong, he was just thinking about what to do next.

——In front of us, the first thing to bear the brunt is the third great collapse of the previous civilization.

Unlike the Third Great Collapse 50,000 years later, which was basically limited to Changkong City, this great collapse of the previous civilization affected almost the entire Southeast Asia region. Changkong City, Canghai City, and Tianqiong City were clearly affected.

Compared with the one in the pre-civilization, it may be a bit exaggerated to say that the one fifty thousand years later is playing house, but it is definitely far inferior to this one.

Moreover, the method of solving the great collapse fifty thousand years later is also different.

There are differences between these two great collapses, which are natural and man-made.

Compared with the latter, the former will be more intense and less controllable.

The Fire Chasing Moth cannot detect it, but as the Herrscher of the Origin, Jiang Qiao can vaguely feel that the cocoon is accumulating imaginary internal energy in the dark area.

As long as the imaginary number that cannot be detected by normal means can be accumulated to a certain extent, this great collapse that will sweep across Southeast Asia will break out.

While thinking, Jiang Qiao slowly told the other party about Honkai Impact, Fire Chaser Moth, and information suitable for MEI's current knowledge.


MEI fell into silence for a long time.

Although she had already made certain expectations for her fate, after all, she was still an ordinary person at this time. After being implanted with information about Honkai Impact, Fire Chaser Moth, etc., she still fell into a state of deep shock and confusion. middle.

The inside of the world is actually like this, and the Changkong City under my feet is actually so dangerous.

At this moment, MEI's mood became extremely heavy.

She was still immature and couldn't imagine what she could do in such a war.

After taking the glass of water from Jiang Qiao and gulping it down to moisten her dry throat, she asked in a low voice:

"What do you need me to do?"

No more invitations are needed.

After the careless Dr. MEI knew these secrets and understood that she would definitely embark on the road of fighting Honkai in the future, she made an instant decision just like her original self.

Although she knew very little about the girl named Alicia in front of her, she subconsciously felt that maybe the other party already had a plan.

In this case, you only need to help the other party unconditionally and satisfy the other party's desires.

Of course, she may have her own considerations later.

But for MEI now, she wants to try to pin the possibility of saving the world on this girl who claims to be from the future.

"Very good~ As expected of MEI, talking to smart people can save a lot of effort~"

The pink girl clapped her palms together with satisfaction, but at the next moment she became extremely serious:

"Then I'll just tell you."

"——MEI, next, I need you to join the Fire Chasing Moth, and then take control of the Fire Chasing Moth's voice in the shortest possible time!"

Chapter 77 Looking forward to seeing Mei tomorrow

Alicia actually had some concerns about the black card handed over by Miss Dodo.

Even if the other party says to use it casually, Miss Fairy is not the type who can openly swipe other people's cards.

Fortunately, in response to this concern, Mr. Jiang Qiao, who is the external brain of the fat lady, gave a suggestion: just swipe.

He knew at a glance that Kevin must have discovered that he was driving the [Alicia], so he triggered the memory of his death and directly started the process of indulging Ally.

In fact, Jiang Qiao, who knew what Kevin's character was like, had roughly anticipated this situation.

I just didn't expect that he would be so arrogant. Not only did he let Dodo sleep with him, he even gave Zhang a black card to swipe the World Snake.

This treatment is such a pity...

In his place, he might be able to ask Miss Dodo to take a vacation, and it would be a paid one.

After receiving the judgment from Jiang Qiao, Alicia still had certain concerns, but she also liberated part of her nature.

A pretty little dress? purchase? Gorgeous gems? Buy something delicious? purchase? Villa island? purchase!

A super cute and beautiful maid who appeared out of nowhere? purchase! ! !


It seems that this last one is not available for purchase.

Alicia, who had enjoyed herself to the fullest, was already taking her shopping trophies and preparing to go home with Miss Dodo.

They were walking on a path with less traffic, but unexpectedly, a maid suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Wow~ Such a cute maid girl!"

Alicia's eyes glowed as her xp was triggered, and she almost pounced on her when she was ready to move.

"Don't come near her!"

Standing in front of Alicia, Miss Dodo's slightly weak and decadent eyes became extremely sharp when she fell on the figure with chestnut hair and tear marks not far away, and said coldly:

"Destiny's current S-class Valkyrie—Rita Rossweisse."

With World Snake's intelligence network, it is not difficult to know the information about this S-class Valkyrie who has a destiny.

But compared to her identity as an S-class Valkyrie, the most important thing about this person is her function.

The adjutant of the Immortal Blade, Destiny's elite Valkyrie unit... At the same time, she is also the white glove under the hands of the Destiny Bishop.

Because she is a companion to her to a certain extent, Miss Dodo has always paid close attention to this Valkyrie who is specialized in dealing with people.

"It seems that Ms. Rita is coming with bad intentions, isn't she?"

His eyes were locked on the scythe in the opponent's hand, and for some reason it was the raven who was unhappy with the opponent who was the first to make fun of him.


Rita didn't mean to talk too much, she just chuckled twice and rushed towards the two of them with the sickle in hand.

——I don't know, the main target should be the man named Jiang Qiao, but the sudden unhappiness in her heart made her prioritize the dodo bird on the side with a scythe.


Dodo, who had nimbly avoided the attack, cursed inwardly, took out a crow feather he carried with him from his clothes and used it as a weapon.

But the mood was a little bad.

Even if she faced the fateful S-class Valkyrie, she ended up letting her guard down too much and not bringing her main weapon with her. The Seven Thunders of Purification were also taken away by Jiang Qiao, a bastard, and now she can only hurriedly Face this annoying maid!

It's really terrible. Can I run away?

But this idea was quickly dismissed.

After all, that bastard Gray Snake gave me a death order to follow this pink gangster, so how could I run away?

This deal is really a big loss...

"Hey, you run first and I'll deal with her! Go back and bring me my weapons!"

Miss Dodo, who was complaining inwardly, took advantage of the opportunity to shout to Alicia.

After hearing this sentence, the latter slowly puffed up his cheeks and said very dissatisfied:

"Really, you don't think of me as a burden with no fighting ability, right? Even I will get angry if I am underestimated!"

Indeed, Alicia admitted that she seemed to be a little bit behind Jiang Qiao. Well...it was really only a little bit far behind.

But she is just not as good as Jiang Qiao!

——At this moment, Miss Dodo suddenly remembered that this guy was actually the pink gangster who beat her up in disguise!

Because the short time she spent with Alicia was so peaceful, she had the illusion that she was weak.

Miss Dodo sighed in a funny and helpless manner:

"Really, how can she be so bad that I worry about her?"


fifty thousand years ago

Kevin was very excited at night. Unable to sleep, he opened the cross-border communication software that was very popular in pre-civilizations, and started a bedtime chat with his good gay friend from school.

Kevin: Sue, you know what? Recently, I can notice that MEI is paying more attention to me (Excited Soybean)

Kevin: I feel like as long as I continue like this, I will soon be able to impress MEI!

Su: Uh...are you sure it's not an illusion?

Su, who is far away in Europe, wonders if her best friend is too obsessed with the girl named MEI, so she has the illusion of feeling good about herself.

One of the shrimp-headed man classics - She's looking at me!

He was worried that his best friend would become like this.

Kevin: How is that possible? Although the time MEI spends looking at me is far less than the time she spends reading books, she rarely paid attention to me before. Now, when I say a few words, she will occasionally follow me.

Kevin: She's just so awesome. Sometimes I don't understand what she says at all. (Distressed Soybean)

Kevin: But it doesn't matter. Even if you don't understand what she said, the way she talks is so charming! (Smiling Soybean)

Sue: Uh... I wish you good luck?

Seeing his close friend's visibly insane chat message, although Su felt a little speechless, he could only send blessings as a close friend.

Kevin: By the way, how are you doing lately?

Kevin: I remember you said you wanted to be a doctor, right?

Su: Well, I plan to take the assessment in a while.

Kevin: Speaking of which, I seemed to see the girl we saw at the concert today.

Sue: Which one?

Kevin: That's the one I accidentally bumped into, the girl with pink hair, the very cute one.

Kevin: I didn't expect that she was also in Changkong City, and she seemed to know MEI.

After hearing Kevin's description, Su recalled it instantly.

Sue: That's a coincidence.

Su: ...Forget it, no more talking after bed.

Kevin: Come on, chat with me for a while longer. The thought of seeing MEI tomorrow makes me completely unable to sleep.

Su: I still have classes tomorrow. I'll talk to you about the disaster I'm going to suffer tomorrow.

Su: You should go to bed early. If you get dark circles under your eyes, people might dislike you.