

First fanfiction . Don't comments with harsh words. Give ideas to improve fanfiction. Normal english. A typical reincarnation. Person died got 5 wishes

Nerodevil_7909 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs



In an unknown village

A pregnant woman along with a wounded man could be seen, the woman who was in pain due to childbirth was screaming. The man was more worried about the people who were after them. After a while, her screaming stopped and the screams of a child could be heard. The woman took the child into her arms and looked at the man who was guarding her, he had a huge hammer next to him.

Then suddenly from the child, a golden light started coming which healed both man and woman. Both man and woman were astonished. Then they heard the sound of people approaching. The woman picked up the child and escaped from there along with the man.

After some minutes a large number of people appeared and saw the empty house. There was anger written on the face of one man.

After 6 years

At Nuoding City

Six years have been passed and nothing important happened. Tang San and his parents have been travelling continually for the past three years and they finally settled in the holy spirit village.

Right now, Tang San along with old Jack is going toward the Academy. His parents didn't come because of the Spirit hall. Tang San started training himself at the age of 3 in the sword, martial arts such as Kung Fu, Taekwondo, Muay Thai, krav maga and in basic divine powers like flying with wings, Energy blast, telekinesis, telepathy, pyrokinesis and healing. Because of his high stamina, he was able to train himself all night. He was not able to train in the morning because of his overprotective mother. She is so overprotective that she didn't let Tang San go alone in the town, not even with Tang Hao. It was because when Tang San was two he was kidnapped by a woman because he was so cute. From that day Ah yin became very protective of him. So, it was very difficult to make Ah Yin agreed so that he can go to Academy. Tang San is wearing full white clothes with pure gold lining. These clothes were a gift from the creator on his fifth birthday. The main point of these clothes are jacket, boots and belt. The belt can store things, Jacket is like a weight belt. He can increase the weight of the jacket. The boots can make his speed triple. He looks like a noble's child. Tang San has didn't train in Tang sect arts because he didn't get the memories of previous tang San. Then Tang San looked toward Old Jack and said, " Uncle Jack you can go now. The Academy is not far from here" in a childish voice. Old Jack hesitate first but when he looked toward Tang San who was using infamous art the "puppy eye" art. Seeing this his heart melted and he agreed.

"Take care of yourself Tang San and be an obedient child". Old Jack said patting his head.

"Take care of yourself, Uncle Jack". Tang San said and Started walking toward Academy.

Tang San arrived in front of the Academy with an exhausted expression because after old Jack leave all the woman he met in the road came toward him and started pinching his cheeks and gave him things like a teddy, toys etc. It was very difficult for him to get out of there. Arriving at Academy he gave the spirit hall certificate to the guard. When the guard saw this he looked toward Tang San and thought, " How can someone be this cite. Heaven is really unfair. But how can someone with trash spirit can have high spirit power".

"Hey child, wait here I will come back after checking if this certificate is real or not. The guard said.

After some time the guard came back with grandmaster. Grandmaster then looked toward Tang San and smiled. Dragging his hand, he said, " We are entering."

" Thank you, teacher, for receiving me." Tang San said in childish Voice.

"I am not an academy teacher"

"Then you must either be the vice-principal, principal or some high ranking person in the academy??" Tang San said.

"That's a smart answer but you are still wrong. I'm just a freeloader in the academy and everyone calls me grandmaster here you should also do the same. Don't go around calling me teacher unless… you are genuinely willing to be my disciple"

He didn't reply to that, seeing that he got even more impressed and said,

" You have the third Twin spirit in the last one hundred years"

Hearing that he acted like he was surprised but when he heard how he got that information from his spirit hall certificate he was genuinely impressed and bowed towards him and said,

"Teacher. Please accept me as a student". Tang San now and said.

After some time Grandmaster accepted to become his teacher. Hearing this Tang San was very happy because he didn't fight with guard, so he wasn't sure if grandmaster will accept him or not. He only came academy for Grandmaster and Xiao Wu. After reporting to the Dean's office about this matter the grandmaster left, when he left the teachers saw Tang San's information and pitied him. He was then assigned to the dormitory, room seven.

After that he left the office and went towards the room, he was able to hear a lot of noise coming from the room, when he went inside he was able to see that the room was pretty big but out of the fifty beds, only eleven or so had beddings.

Then a kid came up to him and asked,

"Are you a working student??" the student asked because Tang San didn't look like one.

"Hi, I'm Tang San from, Holy Spirit Village"

"I'm Wang Sheng, my spirit is a future war tiger battle spirit. I'm also the head of this room. What's your spirit??"

"Tang San, Blue Silver Grass"

Hearing that all the kids broke out in a burst of laughter, they looked at Tang San as if he was an idiot. He didn't bother with them and went towards one of the beds.

After setting his stuff he went towards grandmasters room, to inform him that he had settled down.