
In Need Of Vacation

As Anna entered her room she browsed through the Links which were given in the leaflet let by Adi.It was a hiking trip advertisement leaflet which Adi Was about to began from tomorrow with her friends. She observed each and every detail given on that website without curiosity.

Anna foods ready dear, come over.

on the dining table -

we met a friend of Ann's today, wierd girl I must say. torn clothes calling it a fashion now a days. arms full of tattoos. huge earphones hanging of shoulders. Nothing like our daughter.

Hearing her mom Judge her friend didn't sound pleasing to her either but to the matter of fact there wasn't much friendship between them as Anna had always being of reserved nature.

by the way Wat was her name Anna, ur friend?

Mom she is not my friend. we were just classmates.

well offcourse, how can that be, look at our daughter and that Girl almost resembled a hippi. No way to have a friendship.

Anna was angry and frustrated at the same time. soon her attempt to handle her rage failed and she shot out loud.

Mom stop taking ill about her. however she is she is happy In her life doing her own thing, she has friends to hang around with and she is also going on a vacation. that's wat I also want, to live my life stress free and enjoy ever day. look at me, I don't even get a day off. I also have to study on Sunday's.. my life sucks!

baby u want a holiday? Anna's mom asked with Hugh concern on her face.

that left Anna awestruck seeing her mother's expression as if she was asking for much.

Mooommmm!!!!! Anna let out a sigh of distress and left the dining room without finishing her food.