
In Quest of buildings a kingdom!

[This novel is filled with kingdom building and war type . For those who are interested in this type of plot , this novel is best for you guys. There will be tons of upgrades and improvements , it is not fast growing but slow yet fun. At the starting of the novel there will be some stories and after reaching 7 -8 He will start the Quest of kingdom building .] The Blaze Kingdom "You are not worthy to be the king of the Blaze Kingdom " A beautiful woman looked at him coldly and said with overbearing manner. Aaron couldn't help but say in despair "Aunt ...why ?" The beautiful eyes of the women narrowed and said with indifference "This is the rule of the jungle . Only the strong has the right to rule as for weak like you do not deserve this fortune ". Later Aaron was ruthlessly fell down from the rightful heir of blaze Kingdom . Now he became someone with no status and support. His loyal followers who once said that they will follow him to the end now looked at him with mockery and disdain . The officials and general kept silent while his enemies tried to kill him . Even his future wife broke up the engagement pact which made him a joke in the royal family. With no one supporting him and the constant pursuit of the enemy made him sick of his life . "Alright it's time to end this" He looked below the cliff and ready to end his life but something happened which changed his life . [QUEST TO BUILD A KINGDOM ] Will he strive forward or doomed in the scheme of power struggle ? Only the time will tell !

Depressed_life · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 21

The attack !

When Aaron heard the voice he frowned in displeasure but hearing the urgency of tone he immediately had a bad feeling .

And he was right !

A man was running towards them in panic while his shirts was all in blood . There was even a long wound on his hand which made him heavily injured . But he was running at them to tell something even with this type of injury which menas the situation is not good .

Aaron slowly relaxed while the village head suddenly said in shocked look

"What happened ? Why are you injured?"

The injured man tried several times to calm down and took a while to talk .

"Chief It's bad news ! We are under attack again .....that thing nearly killed us .Some of us already died but luckily some of us managed to escape ....."

Hearing this the village head had a bad feeling so he immediately asked

"Then that thing ....."

The injured man gasped for air and said

"Y-Yes it's here ...It's followed us to v-village"

The village head started to tremble and turned to Aaron . He begged them to help the village and their people from this crisis

"My lord! please help us . That thing is here again to kill us " .

Sarah asked urgently

"What thing and why is it attacking your village?"

The village head bitterly said in sorrow

"My lord , It was a long story . One day when we are fishing at the nearby valley we found a strange aquatic Creature so as our occupation is to feed on fishes so we just tried to kill it but who knew that it escaped from their grasp and started to look for revenge against us ....."

Aaron couldn't help but ask

"What type of creature was that ?"

The village head shook his head and said with anger

"We don't know but the creature is half fish and half bird but it can't fly and can only crawl at land . It was long enough to devour a teen ..."

Sarah said after stopping him from speaking

"We will just know when we saw it ourselves "

Aaron glared at her and nodded at them since Sarah asked them to show the way . He didn't want to waste time since he had only 15 Hours left to complete the quest but he also couldn't ignore the pitful innocent life so he decided to see what the creature is and he also become curious about this creature too!

"Lead the way . I will like to see what's this So called strange Creature "

The village head immediately cried in joy and heavily nodded .

"Yes my lord . We will bring you there .."

As he said he looked at the injured man and said quickly

"Fast lead us to the location of the thing now"

The injured man immediately started running while Aaron closely followed him . Before going he said to Sarah

"Gather all the knights and get ready to be in battle"

Sarah solemnly nodded

"Yes my lord".

Soon they reached behind the village where a big river was flowing across the land . There was blood and broken weapon lying in the ground but strangely there was no corpses of villagers.

Aaron scanned the surrounding and asked the injured man

"Tell me where did that creature gone too?"

The Injured man was heavily exhausted from the running but still he said with some difficulty

"M-MY ....l-lord-d ..... It was I-inside the w-water"

Aaron looked at the Deep river and said with deep tone

"Bring my bow "

A Female Knight brought his weapon and gave it to him while retreating back . As he took the weapon he aimed at the river and started to fore randomly . Due to the depth of the river , the arrows only floated at the surface while some went inside the river . But he didn't stop after that instead he fired ten to fifteen arrows until a shocking distrubance appeared on the water surface .


Suddenly the water surface broke apart revealing a starnge dark creature coming out of it . The creature had a dark body , black wings and tail . It had fins yet sharp beak and it's eyes were deep red pupils which made it terrifying enough to scare them .

Aaron immediately frowned seeing the creature because he never seen or heard anything about this creature type so he looked at Sarah for answer but she met his gaze with puzzled face too .

'Forget it'

The village head pointed at the creature in hatred and fear . He started yelling at the creature which attracted it's attention

"My lord this is that thing which made us suffer . please help us killing them "

Sarah immediately lashed at him

"Shut up and retreat back. We will deal with it."

The village head immediately shit his body and ran back in fear . So did the injured man leaving only Aaron and his knights behind .

The creature started to crawl towards them while roaring loudly . It's body was just a two meter long but it easily casted a huge shadow on them .

Sarah immediately yelled in loud voice

" Attackers attack them and long ranged attackers try staying far and aim for its eyes"

Seeing ihe thick black scales which was hard to penetrate by the weapon they have So Sarah immediately found its weakness and issued commands without any panic Which made him impressed by her leadership.

Aaron started to fire the arrows at the creature eyes but all hit its head . The knights held a thick shield and started to close on the creature while trying best to contain it. Sarah didn't have her pet this time instead she held a hammer and started charging at the creature .

"This woman...."

Aaron shook his head and started to focus on the creature to land a hit on it . But after few tries , His arrow landed on the creature eye making it more furious which made it attack the surrounding knights ruthlessly .

The thick shield was dented and bended easily by the creature tail but none was injured but some had pale faces showing their fear at the creature .

Suddenly in Aaron mind a notification appeared which made him pause for a moment.

It was from the Quest system !

[DING! ...]
