

[ it is Translated by Machine (MTL) ] “Son, we are scholars, we don’t have a PhD or below. If you graduate from a junior college like yours, you won’t have a blind date, so hurry up and go to a bachelor’s degree…” Afterwards, a question of “Is it possible to upgrade the cost after developing a controlled nuclear fusion?” appeared on the Internet. “What did the host go through and dreaming so carefully.” Netizens ridiculed, but when a period of time passed, the Academy of Sciences announced. “Under the leadership of Tang Zhenli, a junior college student in a vocational school, the research and development of controllable nuclear fusion technology has been successful.” Netizen Qi Qi fell silent, and more and more news about Tang Zhenli was revealed. “Controllable nuclear fusion chief engineer, chief engineer of planetary engine, chief engineer of orbital attitude control, are you so careful when you graduate to a bachelor’s degree?” “Tang Zhenli’s family wants to arrange a blind date for him?” The national goddess Wu Shaoying was also panicked. [Note: I'm not the author or translator of the series. All I did was copy and paste. If you ask why I did all of this. Then my answer probably would be I'm also fan of the series You can help the translators through the following sites: Mtl- https://mtlnation.com/novel/in-order-to-graduate-announce-controllable-nuclear-fusion-at-the-start ]

Prathz_009 · Urbain
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63 Chs

The shock of Longke University!


Longguo Academy of Sciences University,

The sky was still pitch black, and there was no meaning to be bright.

And Long University of Science and Technology University's office on duty is already brightly lit.

Liu Zhi and Xiaocheng anxiously waited for dawn,

Facing an academic discussion email that neither of them understood,

They had a faint hunch in their hearts that this email would surely shake the entire Longke University!

But at this time, they can only wait for the experts and professors of the School of Materials to come to work, and then ask them to come and see what happened.

After a long time,

Xiao Cheng opened his eyes in a daze, and found that the sky was already bright.

Hastily shook the researcher on duty next to him.

"Ms. Liu, wake up soon, it's dawn!"

Liu Zhi's eyes opened instantly, obviously this matter is extremely important in his heart.

"Walk around, let's show this email to Director Mao!"

The director Mao he referred to was Mao Xingbang, the director of the Long Science and Technology University Materials Branch.

Immediately, the researcher on duty held a thin notebook and walked directly to the director's office.

Unexpectedly, I saw a spirited and white old man in the corridor, it was Mao Xingbang!

"Director Mao! Director Mao! There is an e-mail for academic exchanges! I would like you to take a look!"


Mao Xingbang was a little surprised when he heard this. It stands to reason that this kind of academic communication emails are usually exchanges and discussions between researchers, and rarely come to him, but he still beckoned to come over.

"Please see!"

Liu Zhi had already copied the email and imported it into his laptop.

At this moment, he quickly walked to Director Mao with the computer and opened the email.

Director Mao quickly took out reading glasses from his chest shirt pocket and put them on his eyes.

"The research and development of controllable nuclear fusion, new atomic arrangement, new materials, and preliminary clinical trials have been completed…"

Director Mao muttered the key points he thought, and at first he didn't care much, but after seeing the back, his expression gradually became serious, and occasionally a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

Then I saw the densely packed reference data and formulas behind the email, as well as some experimental data,

Director Mao didn't feel impatient, but his eyes lit up.

Having data means that the authenticity of this email is even higher.

"Hi~ The order of the atoms of this new type of material, if it is as close as the previous one… it's not…"

Director Mao took a deep breath. At this moment, he was staring at a diagram of the atomic structure and muttering to himself, his eyes slowly changed. There was a trace of scorching heat in his serious eyes, and a trace of expectation.

Compared with Liu Zhi's esteem and trust in this email, Director Mao did not make premature judgments after seeing some written theories.

After all, they are veteran scientists who have been engaged in scientific research for decades, and their rigor in dealing with affairs is as simple as heinous!

But as he went deeper and browsed the data behind, the suspicion in Director Mao's heart gradually disappeared.

The feeling brought by years of academic research and clinical trials told him that this email is very likely to be true!

After reading the experimental data, Director Mao's breathing became heavier and heavier and faster and faster, and his eyes also faintly flushed.

The other two in the corridor didn't even dare to breathe the atmosphere, for fear of disturbing him.

"Genius, genius idea, genius design! Which expert or professor sent this?"

After reading the email roughly, Director Mao has already reached 99% of the credibility of this email!

He couldn't help but flushed, his expression excited!

I think this must be the latest discovery of an expert and professor in the material field.

"Director, there is a signature at the end of the email…"

Researcher Xiao Liu replied honestly that he was not very clear about the origin of this email. There was only one screen name.

"Huh? Tang Zhenli?"

Director Mao looked at the sender's name suspiciously. .

Then Director Mao murmured, thinking about the famous scholars in his mind related to this net name.

After thinking about it, there was still no clue in his mind, and then Director Mao simply shook his head and didn't want to think about it.

The most important thing now is to gather all the experts and professors of Longke University to study its feasibility. The written effect of an email is far from enough!

"Xiao Liu, hurry up, contact everyone above the researcher of Longke University Materials Branch in my name for an urgent meeting!"


Liu Zhi was a little surprised, and then understood that this email was really extraordinary!

"Yes! That's right! Just now!"

Director Mao said categorically that he can't wait a minute now. If the feasibility of the experiment in this email is confirmed, then human science and technology civilization can at least make a big step forward!

When Liu Zhi heard this, he could only take Xiaocheng to dial one by one according to the list in the address book.

After finishing the phone call with dozens of experts and professors in the Materials Branch,

The two found that Director Mao was holding the computer and walking towards the conference room early.

The meeting room is unusually quiet,

Only the sound of Director Mao constantly sliding the mouse, this email is so fascinating, it makes him want to stop!

"This is simply a cross-age study!"

"Once it succeeds, revival will not be far away!"

Director Mao muttered to himself while staring at the email.

I can't wait to have my eyes on it!

For a qualified scientific researcher, the temptation of these theories is simply fatal.

If you have to describe it in one sentence, it is,

Hearing the road, you can die in the evening!

Not long after, many experts and professors from the Materials Branch came to this conference room one after another.

The first expressions when entering the meeting room are undoubtedly the same, with a hint of excitement in the anxiety!

On the phone, they also learned some general information!

This is controllable nuclear fusion!

But until all the experts and professors arrive, the meeting cannot be held for the time being.

So at this moment, I saw a group of gray-haired professors in the conference room tacitly gathered in front of a small laptop.

Naturally at the forefront is Mao Xingbang!

Other professors wore reading glasses and craned their necks to look at the mail on the small screen.

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze! I haven't finished it yet!"

Except for Mao Xingbang, an old professor who was closest to the computer screen turned his head impatiently and said to others, and then looked at the computer screen intently.

"Old Liu, this is not interesting enough for you, I have watched it for ten minutes!"

"That's it, we haven't watched it yet!"


Suddenly, the old professor seemed to provoke everyone's anger, and was greeted by everyone!

"Bah! When I joined Long University of Science and Technology, you were still struggling with your doctoral dissertation! Do you know how to respect the elderly!"

Seeing the dissatisfaction of the people, the old professor couldn't help but blow his beard and stared, with a hint of arrogance on his face.

The other professors were a little helpless when seeing that this old fellow was actually overwhelming by seniority.

Even if my heart is tickling like a cat, I can only restrain the excitement and curiosity in my heart and let this old man look first.

Indeed, speaking of qualifications, Professor Liu is probably the oldest in Longke University!

And Mao Xingbang didn't seem to have heard the quarrels of several professors, and he was still browsing every data intently!

When Xiao Cheng on the side saw this, his mind was also greatly shaken.

Unexpectedly, experts and professors who have always been rigid and serious would turn out to be like urchins when encountering such major academic exchanges!

And the reason for all this is because of an email!
