
In Naruto World with Perfect Control

Hiroto Shiba reincarnated in Ninja world as a civilian with Perfect Energy Control. How will he survive and change the course of future? Find out in the next Chapter of Drag-- Ahm! Find out while reading the novel with some twists from the original world. . . . . . . . . Support me at P@treon:https://www.p@treon.com/Logical_Dot Extra Chapters at P@treon: https://www.p@treon.com/Logical_Dot Of course, replace the @ with a.

Logical_Dot · Anime et bandes dessinées
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In Naruto World with Perfect Control- Chapter 8

After sensing and not finding anyone in the area, Hirot finally let out a laugh.

"Hahahahah! Finally! Finally, I am no longer a weakling in Ninja world, Even If I can't Kage Level opponents now, I am sure I am unrivaled under them."

With the laugh, Hiroto had wanted to punch the area but he stopped. Why? He didn't want to leave his Chakra signature even if it is altered.

"I guess I will do it when I will leave the village. Now that I have Sage Mode, I think I can look for Tsunade and ask her to teach me. At least I won't be killed in one punch. In return, I will provide her with knowledge about Karin and her mother."

Saying this, left the place and appeared in his house. Even if any sensor sensed him, because of his fast speed, they would think of it as wind or other thing.

Appearing at home, he saw Hinata reading his manuscript with a red face.

"You idiot! What are you reading?" He arrived at her side and took the pages.

"Ah!?" Hinata exclaimed as she heard his voice and buried her face in the pillow.

"Tsk! Tsk! I didn't know that you were a little pervert. Reading these pages at your age? Tsk! Tsk!" Hiroto said with a mischievous smile.

"I am not a pervert. It's you who is a pervert for writing this."

Hinata shouted as she heard him and then buried herself again in pillows.

"Sure Sure! But I am writing an art. You are a kid who doesn't understand it. Most of the Konoha read this. Does that mean they all are perverts?"

Hinata didn't reply and she couldn't even look at him for a few days.

A few days passed since Hiroto mastered Sage Mode. After he was done mastering it, he found a problem. Even if he could remain in Sage Mode all time, it would only be possible if he didn't use any Ninjutsu or SChakra. But how could he fight without them, so he started the plan and created the famous Byakugo or Strength of Hundred Seal. Now after practicing and experimenting for a few days, he finally understood the process to make seals.

'The seals in Ninja world work on separate laws. As long as the symbol and intent in the chakra which is used to make the seal is clear, the seals would then start to work. Now I just need to move SChakra to my Third Eye with storing intent and then the laws and natural energy start to work.'

Hiroto sat down and started to process.

'Store' 'Recover' 'Restore' 'Store' 'Recover' 'Restore' 'Store' 'Recover' 'Restore' 'Store' 'Recover' 'Restore' 'Store' 'Recover' 'Restore' 'Store' 'Recover' 'Restore' 'Store' 'Recover' 'Restore' 'Store' 'Recover' 'Restore'

He kept on thinking about this while guiding the SChakra near his third eye. The Natural Energy in the surrounding started to move and a seal was created on his third eye between the two brows.

A smile appeared on his face as he felt the excessive SChakra move in the seal and his SChakra in the body become stable.

"Hah! Finally! I have solved the problem of less Chakra in the body. Now I just need to add another seal to mix the Natural Energy and Chakra passively."

Speaking of Sage Mode, Hinata had been pestering him to teach him. Why? Because Hiroto used SChakra to clean the impurities in his body and strengthen it. His skin had now like Chinese jade beauty and even Hiroto was amazed by it.

'That's why those Chinese Young Masters used to go after every beauty and why most of the female cultivators were beautiful. The SChakra really has a crazy rejuvenating effect. If I didn't have muscles, I am sure I look like a femboy or I should say a trap. These long hairs are also making a problem, but I don't want to cut them as I like them'

"Hinata, do you want to go outside?" Hiroto asked as he arrived in her room. Hinata looked up and then kept on looking at him.

"Hello, Miss? Down to earth, I know I am handsome but stop staring at me."

'Girls in Ninja world always thinking about love at this age.'

Hinata came to her senses and said with a red face, "It's your fault for being so Handsome. Cheating Bastard."

"Oh! It seems like young miss has gotten shameless and has a thick skin."

"heh! This young miss learned from the best."

Both Hinata and Hiroto looked at each other and started to laugh.

"Hahahaha! Jokes aside, Do you want to go outside?"

"Outside? Where will we go?"

"We are leaving the village, and going on a journey."

"Huh?" Hinata said and then looked at Hiroto.

"Are you sure? Where are we going?"

"Hmm! Don't worry about safety, I am sure I can keep you safe. We will go and look for Tsunade Senju, the Legendary Medical Ninja."

Hearing her name, stars appeared in her eyes and she asked excitedly, "Really? When are we going? Do you know the place? How do you know the place?"

Looking at her face, Hiroto wondered what her reaction while being when she will know about Legendary Sucker. Shaking his head, Hiroto said, "Prepare everything, in two days, we will leave. Prepare food, clothes, pieces of equipment, and most importantly money."

Hinata nodded and hurriedly went outside and started to check the storage scrolls and seals.

Two days passed by. In these two days, Hinata bought and prepared, and stored everything in the storage seals he created. Meanwhile, Hiroto also did something that would scare Hiruzen but he made sure that it would happen after he had left. He also prepared a letter for Hiashi, telling him about the journey and ending with the iconic line, 'Burn the letter after reading'.

"Are you ready?" Hiroto asked Hinata who was now checking everything again.

"Yes! Finally, I will see Tsunade Sama, the legendary Sannin."

Hiroto chuckled at her excitement and went into Sage Mode. He picked up Hinata in a princess carry, which surprised Hinata and she became red with embarrassment or was it something else?

Anyways, Hiroto wasn't focusing on it and he disappeared from the village with Hinata and left two angry old men in the village.


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