
In Naruto World with Perfect Control

Hiroto Shiba reincarnated in Ninja world as a civilian with Perfect Energy Control. How will he survive and change the course of future? Find out in the next Chapter of Drag-- Ahm! Find out while reading the novel with some twists from the original world. . . . . . . . . Support me at P@treon:https://www.p@treon.com/Logical_Dot Extra Chapters at P@treon: https://www.p@treon.com/Logical_Dot Of course, replace the @ with a.

Logical_Dot · Anime et bandes dessinées
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93 Chs

In Naruto World with Perfect Control- Chapter 2

A few days passed by and Hiroto followed the same routine. Waking up in the morning, Doing exercised for Physical Energy, Meditating for Spiritual Energy, and Nourishing his body and mind.

After that, going to the library and reading books for a few hours, then come back and research Parallel Thinking Skills.

At night, he would focus on creating skills and trying to change the nature of his chakra so that he could learn Medical Ninjutsu and Five Elemental Rasengans. With his perfect Chakra Control, it was easy for him to create one but he could only use it for once if he made the one the same level as Naruto made when he fought with Kabuto. Though he could just reduce the size and have 10 Rasengans on each finger.

In between, he would eat his food and look around the village while trying to remember the layout.

Today too, Hiroto was coming back but he saw an interesting scene, which reminded him that he was in Ninja World. He was in the park and saw a few boys bullying a girl.

'It's Hinata. The scene where she started to feel attraction for Naruto.'

Hiroto didn't care if it would destroy the scenario and it may even alter the feeling Hinata would have.

He appeared at her side and caught the stones that were being thrown at her.

"What are you guys doing? Bullying other people, don't you have shame?" He said in a strict voice and he narrowed his eyes at the three boys.

The three boys got scared as they saw the big guy narrowing his eyes at them. One of them overcome his fear and threw the stone he had in his hand and shouted, "Run."

If it was normal civilians, they might have gotten hurt but Hiroto, who had trained was much faster than them. He caught the stone and arrived at their side.

With a punch on their heads, he looked at the boys who were shivering and spoke, "Go and apologize for bullying and the harm you three have caused."

With no intention of refusal in his tone, Hiroto looked at the boys and they had no choice to but nod. They arrived in front of Hinata, who was looking at the scenario with wide eyes.

"Tch! I am sorry for the stones."

"We are sorry too."

Saying this, the boys ran away and Hiroto let them go.

"These Brats! They didn't understand a single thing." Saying this, he arrived at Hinata's side and sat on his knees to match her face.

"Are you okay? I can see that stones didn't hurt you but are you okay from inside?"

He asked Hinata who was looking at him with wide eyes. Understanding that he was talking to her, Hinata became flustered and she spoke while stuttering, "I-ah! am -O-okay."

Hiroto nodded and then asked, "Why didn't you fight back?"

This time, Hinata again looked at him with wide eyes but she didn't say anything. Seeing her, Hiroto decided to expose her thoughts and he said, "You were afraid of hurting them, right?"

Hinata looked up and asked with wide eyes, "How did you know?"

She shouted and then she understood what she did and became flustered. Seeing her antics, Hiroto chuckled and he thought that she is cute and shook his head.

'I am not Pedo! I am not Pedo! I am not Pedo! Important things should be said thrice.'

He took his hands and then showed the some calluses in her small hand.

"Look at them, you are so young and you have calluses. Either you have been over-practicing or you didn't use the medicines properly. Which one is it?"

Hinata was embarrassed as she saw Hiroto holding her hand but his words rang in her mind.

'He knows!'

The thought appeared in her mind and it drifted to her memories of late night over-practicing her moves but she later became afraid of hurting the opponents and losing.

She didn't say anything and kept on thinking about them and she was jolted out of her thoughts as she heard Hiroto speak.

"Don't get lost in memories when someone is talking to you. It's rude." Hiroto spoke with a mischievous smile and Hinata became embarrassed as she heard him.

"No! No! I ah!--"

"Haha! Don't worry. Anyways, what are you doing here? What about your home?"

Hearing him, Hinata became downcast and tears appeared in her eyes. She started sobbing while clutching his hand.

Hiroto was startled and confused as he saw her crying. That's when he noticed one different thing. Hinata was wearing a headband on her head.

'Don't tell me.'

A bad thought appeared in his mind which solidified after hearing what Hinata said.

"They left me. Sniff! Sniff! After marking me with the seal, They all left me outside and told me that I would even be useless as a branch member. Sniff! Sniff! I have been disowned. Sniff! Sniff!"

Even though Hinata had a weak mentality, she did know about many things. One of them is the Cursed Seal the Main Family used on Branch Family members. Though there was one thing different about the seal placed on her. Even if Hiashi had to disown Hinata because of the Elders, he still is her father. So instead of a complete seal, he used the Partial Seal and only added the restriction about Byakugan.

Everyone elder already knew about it and they knew that Hiashi was only compromising because of this. He also personally put the seal on Hinata as they only knew how to put the seal, not remove it and he didn't trust elders for it.

Even if it was painful to look at her betrayed an expression of Hinata, he still did it while gritting his teeth and cold heart.

His last words, which Hinata couldn't hear were, "Live well freely outside."

It was how Hinata Hyuga had been disowned by Hyuga Clan, leaving her with only the name Hinata that came from her mother.

Hiroto held Hinata while patting her back. He tried to calm her and slowly with his patting, Hinata, who was tired due to the events became asleep.

Looking at her sleeping in a stranger's hand she hadn't even met for a day, Hiroto didn't know what to say.

"In this world, how can there be someone like you? I guess I will have to take care of you and teach you about the world. Sigh! Who made me a Good man!" He spoke not knowing he was being watched by someone.


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