
In Naruto With No Cheats

Your average 16 year old Naruto fan with no notable achievements died due the infamous Truck~Kun. Upon reaching the afterlife he chooses to reincarnate into the world of Naruto, only to find out that he wont be given a cheat. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let us follow the journey of our rather unfortunate protagonist in his journey This is my first time writing so don't expect too much also any feedback/review is appreciated. WARNING:-I don't own Naruto or any anything related to it except my MC and Original characters Note:- I will not consider the events of the disappointment called Boruto. Also some thing's of Naruto will be changed in this story.

daoist_of_culture1 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

New life, New name, New family

A/N- In this world anyone can use kekkei genkai but it will be much harder for normal people to use them while on the other hand it will be relatively easy for clan members to use them. Our MC will use these but other OG Naruto characters will use them as well.



"Ugh why is it so bright?"

He was unsure where he was, first he was sent off by Elyrinthia, then he was in complete darkness and now it was so bright, probably because he spent a lot of time in darkness and was not accustomed to seeing light.

'Just what in the world is going on? Wait, am I being born right now? If this is true then this situation is less than ideal for me. For about five years I will not be left alone by my family, I will not be able to explore and study the world around me, that is if I have one of course.'

And unfortunately for him, he was right, he was being born again to a woman who went by the name of Miyako Yoshino and a man who went by the name of Kōsuke Yoshino.

In a brightly lit room, a woman lay on the bed, her face contorted with pain, sweat glistening on her brow. Around her, doctors and nurses moved with urgency trying their best to help the woman in whatever way they could.

"Doctor, I won't make it, will I? " Miyako said

"Just hang on dear after this we will all live like a happy family, We will leave all that bloodshed behind us and peacefully live in our cheerful abode." Kōsuke said

"Doc, give me my son. My child, grow to be strong, don't be picky with food and don't give your dad a hard time. I will name you-"

"Bob. We shall name him Bob. Bob Yoshino, yes I like the sound of that"

'It seems that my dad is quite the joker, at least I hope that he is joking. What kind of person hear Bob Yoshino and thinks that it's a good name'

"Haha you silly no, even after going through what you have, you still keep your humor. But no, I shall name him Rokurō, Rokurō Yoshino has a nice ring to it don't you think so? Ah I wish that I was there to raise him and be with you but it was not meant to be. "

Mere minutes after I met my mother she is gone and by the sound of things my dad seems to be a shinobi, well at least it works out for me but I can't say that I am not a bit sad that my mother is gone.

'Wait, Elyrinthia said that I was granted a status window. So how do I access it? If the novel's are true then I just need to say or think 'status'"


Power Level: 1

Strength: 0.1

Agility: 0.2

Durability: 0.1

Chakra natures: Wind ( Good), Fire (Average)

Jutsu: None

Remark: Just a slightly faster baby with decent talent.

'Welp I am weak as hell but at least I am slightly faster than average'

'Leaving the status matter aside, like Elyrinthia said I can understand what everyone around me is saying. First off let's see if I can find anything that gives me some info'

Rokurō observed the room carefully with great interest and found a calender. Meanwhile, Kōsuke and the doctor were very concerned because although they could observe that he was very much alive, he still hadn't cried yet.

'Why am I getting a sudden urge to cry?'

After a few moments a loud cry could be heard coming from that room. When he finished crying and was being cleaned up he thought about his next course of action.

'Anyways, from what I observed in the calendar I was born three years before Naruto which is good and bad. Good because that gives me about fourteen years of time before he starts training seriously and about nineteen and a half years before shit get's serious. And bad because Kurama will be released in just three years from now and my dad may be killed and I become an orphan'

"Come my son, let's go home" Kōsuke said

He had a simple and nice house. A decent sized garden with a swing, a two storied house and a red roof. Just a normal house. When he saw the inside he was shocked, it turned out that his dad was actually jonin rank and his mom was a special jonin.

"I wonder what your chakra natures are little one. Are they Fire and lightning like mine or Wind and water like your mother's? Or perhaps a combination of the two.

'Great! he probably has a lot of fire style jutsu's in here and wind as well since it was my mother's chakra nature.'

'I will probably take a nap now. I am tired.'


A/N:- Levels of talent in chakra natures-


Below Average




Jutsu Rank:-








Power level: A rough number of the power of an individual

Genin power level: 1000- 3000

Chunin power level: 10000- 15000

Special Jonin power level: 20000-30000

Jonin power level: 45000- 60000

Sannin power level: 100000-125000

Kage power level: 125000- 200000

Why did the tomatoe's face turn red?

Because he saw the salad dressing

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