
In Naruto With Minato Template (Complete)

Anime was fun but the reality is much more serious. No one is Good or Bad. They are what benefits them the most. Corrupted Konoha System. Hard childhood and manipulative third Hokage. Hiding from Danzo and his root while getting strong. This is not an Anime any more no. Its the real life and every little thing matter. Thank god I have a system. Need to get strong because its the survival of the fittest. I do not own Naruto or any other character name I use in this book beside my main character and the one I create. Join my Patreon and get 20+ chapters ahead of Webnovel updates. patreon.com/Kamidemond

kamidemond · Anime & Comics
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310 Chs

Chapter 150 : Confidence (Rewrite)

In the Hokage office

Tsunade was working with a mountain of paperwork.

Even in the last two years of being the Hokage. she did not get used to all the piles of paperwork.

She only survived because Shizune was helping her.

At a time when Tsunade was about to give up being the Hokage and was about to think about inviting someone like Pain to destroy this village alongside all this paperwork.

The door of the office suddenly opens and very familiar faces appear in front of her.

"Finally a way out" Tsunade internally fist bumps in the air.

Soon Naruto, Kirito, and Jiraiya came inside the office. Ino also tags along.

To the surprise of Kirito, Ino in this world is an apprentice of Tsunade. He was not expecting this but it was a good thing. She needs to get stronger. Only then she will be able to protect herself from what is about to come.

"Jiraiya, you finally returned," Tsunade said. She looked around looking towards Naruto and Kirito.

"You have grown up brat," Tsunade said. Kirito was not sure to whom Tsunade was saying this but he just smiled at this.

"And you are looking more beautiful Hokage Sama," Kirito replied.

For Tsunade, someone called her beautiful if not strange but when it came so directly from a kid like Kirito who might be the same age as her son or even grandson. She blush.

"I see your mouth is still sharp as always," Tsunade said with mock anger.

"Oh, it's not just the mouth. I am much better than before. Believe it" Kirito said with a mock imitation of Naruto.

Naruto at this just looked towards his brother and pouted.

"Seems like you enjoyed your training trip," Jiraiya asked.

Kirito heard this and was immediately about to deny this after thinking about the pointless war that he had to fight and all that work he had to do coming back to his time. Not to mention the political hassle.

But while he was just about to say no. He suddenly also remembered about Asuna. All the things he learned in the past and not to mention he also got 2 incredible powers like Sage Mode and Haki.

"Hmm yes. I love the trip. It was not all roses and sunshine but I still love it. I might travel again after a few years" Kirito said.

Although others felt that Kirito was happy about talking about his trip. Jiraiya was the only one who understood what Kirito's face was telling.

His eyes narrowed and he unconsciously asked himself. "Seems like your brat found someone important Minato" Jiraiya had a knowing smile on his face.

"Good to know that you enjoy it because it's time to go back to work. I hope you not only enjoyed but also trained and got stronger" Tsunade asked.

Hearing this Naruto was the first one to speak.

"You bet Grand Ma Tsunade. I am super strong now. Hell, you can already hand over the hat to me" Naruto shouted and to this, Kirito rolled his eyes.

Although he looked annoyed, Kirito was pretty happy after hearing those familiar words.

Tsunade at this just sighs. " This kid has not changed at all," Tsunade thought to herself.

"And what about you? Let me tell you this now brat. You were the one who insisted on going on a trip alone. If I don't see a positive improvement then I will make you chunin and make you do D rang missions for the next 2 months" Tsunade said with narrowed eyes.

Before going to the Uzu runes, Kirito had to convince both Tsunade and Jiraiya about his travelling alone. It was pretty hard and he promised that he would grow better if he travelled alone. He actually gave Tsunade a pretty hard time back then and thus now Tsunade wanted to see how much Kirito had improved.

After hearing this, Kirito had a visible smirk. Confident oozing out of him.

"I don't want to disrespect but as of I am right now. I can beat both of you and I don't even need Nine Tails Chakra for that," Kirito said with confidence.

Although both Jiraiya and Tsunade both know that Kirito is very strong. Strong enough to drive Orochimaru away on his own. But the current confidence of Kirito shocked them.

"Kirito being overconfident is not right. There is always someone better than you. A good ninja should always stay vigilant" It was Jiraiya who said this.

Kirito at this just closed his eyes and his smirk grew. Almost turning into a devilish smile.

"Sorry to hurt you old guys' feelings but I mean it. This trip was, well, in a nutshell, it was very inspirational," Kirito remarked and smiled again, his handsome smile never faltering.

Although he might have played the hidden powerhouse character at the beginning. But currently, he needs to show his power. This power will give him enough reputation and credit to make his own decisions in the upcoming war. Not to mention he also needs Hokage's confidence at that time that whatever decision he takes, she backs him up.

"Who are you calling old you brat" Tsunade shouted and almost broke her desk.

"Out of all the outrageous things I just tell and you only heard my slight remark on your own age" Kirito's eye twitched. Even Jiraiya and Shizune were the same.

Shizune until now was staring at Kirito. Although maybe not as much as Sasuke, Kirito was pretty handsome. In fact, all the girls in the village after Kirito came back and showed his face. Started looking towards him.

Tsunade too was taken aback a little when Kirito entered. It was both because of how handsome Kirito is and how much he is like Minato. But she is not a sannin for a reason and quickly removed all these thoughts aside.

"That's quite a claim Kirito. Are you sure that you are not overselling your strength right now" A voice came.

Kirito remains calm. He already knew who this person was.

"Long time no see Asuma Sensei" Kirito said.

Asuma just gave his patent smile.

"Alright then, if you think that you are really a big shot now. How about you fight with both my student and Jiraiya's student? One is your team while the other is your brother. Let's see how much you have grown." Tsunade said with a blood vein popping out her forehead.

"Is her age really that big of a sore spot for her " Kirito muttered to himself a deadpan look.

"I don't have any problem" Kirito wanted to say that she was underestimating him but he did not. He will just let his actions do the talking.

"Good" Tsunade looked towards both Naruto and Ino with a questioning gaze.

Both Naruto and Ino looked a little conflicted but agreed when seeing how much Kirito was looking down on both of them.

Tsunade was just looking for an excuse to put away all her paperwork. This also gave her the reason and thus she immediately brought all of them to the training area.

After coming to the training ground, Kirito looked towards Tsunade and asked.

"Are you sure that you don't want to add some more assistance for them?" Kirito was stronger than them even before going to the past. What is the point of him fighting them right now?

"Hey, you are looking down on us," Naruto complained. He too knew that his brother was very strong but he was still the man who was going to be Hokage Dammit.

"I wouldn't be that sure if I were you," Ino said with a heated tone.

" Love you too, love," Kirito said with a plain expression on his face, but Ino instantly became red at this.

He was not showing any expression and this was making not only Ino and Naruto a little taken aback but also Jiraiya and Tsunade. They both knew that Kirito previously was never like that.

"Oi, don't act lovely dovely here" Tsunade shouted at this while her eyebrows twitched.

Kirito just sighed at this and did not say anything more. He just raised his hand and showed a "Come On Then" motion with his fingers.


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