
In Naruto with a GOLDEN FINGER.

First time I write something that is not an essay for school. Don't expect a very complex or developed plot. It's a simple wish-fulfillment story with an OP protagonist and a huge harem. English is something that doesn't enter my head, so I'm sorry for the many mistakes. Read the synopsis and tags below. . . . A simple young man died by God's mistake and now he will be able to reincarnate in the world where one of his favorite manga takes place, with some wishes, of course. . . TAGs: Overpowered-MC; Anti-Hero; Multiversal Travel; R18; Harem and Incest.

FeartoFallingApart · Anime et bandes dessinées
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59 Chs

Chap 11 - The Little Paper Angel.

After his mother went back to making lunch, Ryuuji entered the hot spring bath to relax his body.

Despite not being physically tired, Ryuuji has exhausted a lot of his mental stamina in the last year, especially with the promise of a major conflict looming.

At least now Ryuuji is sure that even though there are lost members of the Uzumaki Clan, the number is so small that it makes it almost impossible for him to continue searching in person around the world.

Of course, he will still send out his shadow clones, but the rest of the time will be spent training and self-improvement.

As he can regularly eliminate scouts trying to gather information about the Land of Whirlpools, Ryuuji is sure the attack on Uzushiogakure will be delayed, so at the very least, he had one more year to prepare.

As he relaxed in the hot water, Ryuuji heard his mother approaching from behind, causing the blood circulation in his body to speed up.

" Mommy? Weren't you making lunch? "

Benihime smiled and hugged Ryuuji from behind, letting him lay his head on her pair of full, soft breasts.

" I've already finished preparing the food, my Ryuuji…now I've come here to help you relieve the accumulated stress. "

Ryuuji groaned in comfort and let his mother continue to stroke his hair.

" You know, my son… whenever I leave the house I'm greeted with clan members thanking you for the things you've done in the last year. I'm so proud of you, my baby. "

Ryuuji blushed slightly and replied:

" Uhm…you're embarrass me, Mom. "

Benihime smiled slightly and continued stroking her son.

" That girl, Kushina, keeps telling others that you are amazing and that you will marry with her in the future… Mom is jealous to see her so excited, you know? "

Ryuuji opened his eyes and looked at Benihime's pout.

" Don't worry, Mom…no matter how many women I marry, you will always be my number one! "

Benihime bit her lower lip with an amused expression and kissed Ryuuji's forehead.

" You stud…are you saying you're going to marry your mother too?! "

Ryuuji nodded his head slightly and replied:

" Of course! "

Benihime gave a melodious laugh and kept stroking Ryuuji's hair, until the boy ended up relaxing too much and fell asleep.

The red-haired MILF, with a mischievous face, lowered her face and lightly pressed her lips to Ryuuji's lips.

" You talkative boy…you are still a child, but you keep making your mother more and more in love with you. "

Benihime hugged Ryuuji's body and leaned her body against one of the hot spring rocks to rest too, totally forgetting about having lunch ready.

" Ryuu-nii, why did you ask us to stay at your home today? "

Sitting in front of Kushina and Morgiana, Ryuuji replied with a serious tone.

" Isn't it obvious, Kushina? I'm going to start training you for real! I let you, girls, enjoy your childhood, but now it's necessary for you to learn to defend yourself! "

Kushina got out of seiza's position and jumped on Ryuuji with a happy expression.

" Finally, Ryuu-nii! I thought you would never let me train! "

Morgiana didn't have the same reaction as Kushina, but Ryuuji could easily see from her face that the thick-thighed redhead was doing her best to keep her face icy.

Ryuuji smiled and also stood up, even with Kushina hanging from his body.

" You two have already trained the basics of Chakra Control and Fuuinjutsu, so it's time to learn how to fight for real. "

With a thought, Ryuuji created a Shadow Clone without creating any residual smoke or any sound, showing how perfect control over his onw chakra was.

"This clone will fight you until noon, after this it will help you to train new skills. "

Kushina pouted at the thought that she was being underestimated. Ryuuji ignored this and prepared for his own training.

Morgiana noticed this and asked curiously:

" Ryuuji-sama, what will you do for training? "

" Me? I'm trying to recreate a Bloodline Limit, as well as continuing to train my body. "

Morgiana's eyes widened in surprise.

" The young master is really amazing! "

Ryuuji was slightly embarrassed to see Morgiana's adoration and decided to change the subject.

" Well, I'll let you girls start training. "

Ryuuji temporarily watched the two fight the clone and then walked calmly to the Village's inner prison, where the Yuki Clan shinobi was being held.

Time passed quickly for Ryuuji and his family. After a year of training, Kushina, Morgiana, Benihime and even his uncle Arashi became much stronger than before.

The Uzumaki Clan's bloodline was just perfect for high-intensity training. No matter how hard the training was, after a good meal and a good night's sleep, the micro-injuries and fatigue are completely washed away from the body.

Ryuuji's blood only served to speed up this process.

Kushina and Morgiana, who were like blank sheets, grew at a terrifying speed.

Of course, their evolution rate can't be compared to the speed at Ryuuji grows stronger, but the two Lolis had a growth rate that is very difficult to find in the current Ninja World.

Morgiana showed an absurd talent for Lightning Release and Taijutsu, showing Ryuuji that her thick thighs weren't just for decoration.

Upon learning the Chakra Enhanced Strength, Morgiana was able to move at great speed and deliver devastating blows with her legs.

Unfortunately, there aren't many Lightning Release technique in Uzushio, but the few that do exist and the ones Ryuuji taught her, Morgiana learned with ease.

On the other hand, Kushina has shown an unnatural talent for Fuuinjutsu, becoming as good as Benihime with just one year of training. Her body was also strong, but as she was very talented in the art of sealing, fighting on the front lines was not her priority.

With that being said, the one that has evolved the most in the last year has been Ryuuji.

[ Perfect Kryptonian Physiology 80/100 ]

[ Bioelectric Aura 80/100 ]

[ Chakra Seed 99/100 ]

[ Perfect Uzumaki Physiology 99/100 ]

[ Fuuinjutsu 80/100 ]

[ Ninjutsu 94/100 ]

[ Genjutsu 80/100 ]

[ Taijutsu 80/100 ]

[ Name: Ryuuji Uzumaki

Race: Perfect Kryptonian

Age: 9 Years

Solar Chakra: Jounin ( Sealed )

Strength of a Hundred Seal: ( 7 Tails ). ]

( AN: Only 7 Tails because Ryuuji is still a child. In the future when he matures his physique and his spirit, his Chakra will skyrocket, surpassing even the Ten-Tails, which theoretically absorbed much of the planet's Natural Energy. )

Looking at his status, Ryuuji smiled slightly. He was happy with his development.

Although some skills were leveling up very slowly, Ryuuji's progress was very satisfactory, particularly in Ninjutsu, a skill that level up as he trains the combination of Natures Transformations.

Also, many of Ryuuji's abilities were stuck at level 80, but Ryuuji already had a sense of how to overcome that barrier.

The same barrier appeared when his Ninjutsu skill reached level 80, but after he trained in Ice Release, the limit was broken and his Ninjutsu proficiency far surpassed that of normal shinobi.

He hasn't trained other Kekkei Genkai yet, but because with his current strength, he finds it unnecessary to train them.

Attack with laser, explosion or crystal? Sorry, Ryuuji just need to one punch.

Ryuuji believes that when he pushes his other abilities above the limits, the abilities will overcome the barrier, as happened with Ninjutsu.

It was a very productive year for Ryuuji and he was looking forward to the War where he could test his full strength.

At this time, Ryuuji was visiting the Land of Rain after one of his clones found a trace of a clan member.

But unfortunately, even after almost a week of searching Ryuuji found nothing, just a red-haired civilian woman who didn't have the same signature energetic than a member of the Uzumaki Clan.

As Ryuuji was leaving the small village where he discovered the false trail, a woman approached him with a small three-year-old child walking beside her.

" Sir…would you like to buy a flower? "

Ryuuji turned his face and looked at the woman. She carried a small basket containing some paper flowers.

The woman was totally normal, but what caught Ryuuji's eye and made him widen his eyes was the child next to her. How could he not recognize the beautiful blue hair and big orange eyes?

The child's mother noticed Ryuuji's reaction when looking at her daughter, so she placed herself in front of the child, protecting her from any movement Ryuuji might make.

Ryuuji smiled bitterly at the sight of this.

" Don't worry, I'm just surprised. Your daughter is a very special child. "

The woman frowned and replied in an icy voice:

" Sir, I don't know what you're talking about. I'll go now, sorry to bother you. "

Ryuuji held the woman's hand.

" Wait…you really don't want to hear what I have to say? I promise I won't do anything to you and your daughter. "

The woman looked at Ryuuji as if she was seeing a demon, making the red-haired young man sigh.

" You can go out now and decree your fate…this country will be doomed in the near future. What do you lose if listen to what I have to say? "

The woman gave a slight nod of her head, intending to dismiss Ryuuji quickly after listening to him.

Ryuuji took the mother-daughter duo to a tavern and ordered a large amount of food, making little Konan's eyes sparkle.

" So…what's your name? "

" Tomiko…sir, I appreciate the meal but please be quick. What do you want with me and my daughter? "

Ryuuji nodded his head and replied:

" Very well, I will be direct. I want you and the little one beside you to come with me to Uzushiogakure, in the Land of Whirlpools. "

The woman widened her eyes.

" W-Why? "

" I told you your daughter is special…this little girl's talent for the shinobi arts is impressive. I want to train her in Uzushiogakure. "

Little Konan's orange eyes gleamed and her hands, smeared with chicken fat, stopped.

She looked at her mother, eyes shining, but Tomiko ignored her daughter.

" No! I don't want my daughter to live a dangerous life like the shinobi life. "

Ryuuji sighed. It was so easy to resolve things with violence that he forgot what it was like to try to convince people with words.

" Tomiko-san, I know the life of a shinobi is dangerous, but are you sure that living in this country is safe? Can you guarantee that a war won't break out and devastate this place? "

Tomiko shook her head.

" This country may be poor, but it's still a safe place. "

" For now, Tomiko, for now. "

Tomiko turned slightly pale and Konan started pulling on her shirt.

" Mom… can I be a ninja too? "

Tomiko smiled at her daughter and touched a finger to her forehead.

" Don't get any dangerous ideas, Konan-chan. "

Konan pouted and replied in her childish tone:

" Mommy, if I'm a powerful ninja, I can protect you! "

Ryuuji smiled and decided to make one last proposal before leaving:

" What about this? I will take you with me and train Konan so that she can use her talents, in return you will have a good job, a good home and a stable life, and when Konan grows up, she can decide whether or not she wants to be a Kunoichi. . "

Tomiko narrowed her eyes and replied:

" How can I trust you? "

" You can not. My word means nothing to you, so the decision is entirely yours. "

Tomiko was about to refuse, but Konan pulled on her shirt again and spoke softly:

" Mom…are we leaving this ugly place? "

Tomiko let out a soft sigh, seeming to have a lot of doubts in her head.

Ryuuji started to lose his temper, but before he gave up, Tomiko decided to take a leap of faith.

" Very good! I will go with you! "

Ryuuji smiled.

" Very well, Tomiko. I'm sure you won't regret it! "

After little Konan finished eating the meal Ryuuji bought, the trio set off towards Uzushiogakure.

Ryuuji had Konan on his lap as they flew on top of a mutated clone. Tomiko was a little calmer when she saw the closeness Konan was building with Ryuuji.

Unfortunately, when Ryuuji approached the Land of Whirlwinds, his face darkened.

"Why can't I feel Kushina's Chakra? "

Don't worry, guys! Nothing will happen to Kushina, this is just for the story progress. With that said, thanks for reading!

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