
In Naruto as twin

he was born as twin of Naruto unlike Naruto who wanted acceptance he want to move as far as possible from the people who hurted him and watch how he takes dark path

Killerarrow007 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

ch 1

In underground tunnel four people were running to find someone

we will split up to find him faster says one man

another agree with what he says and they all divided into three groups

Naruto do you think sai has any other motives

how would I know sakura replied Naruto

soon they heard explosion

they saw sai standing up sakura ran towards him to punch him but suddenly stoped as she saw what she came looking for

sasuke ,itsuki she says

Naruto who heard her ran towards her he also found the people who he was searching for

brother, sasuke he says as he was choked with bitterness

two people were standing on the edge of the high ground

both having pale skin and one having black hair while other having blood red hair both carrying swords

the red hair one says Naruto you seem to grown up at least in height

I came here to take you back to home brother along with sasuke Naruto shouts at them

Naruto I already told you I have no intention of going to that accursed village it brings nothing but destruction to us

why can you not understand it, our father our mother our clan everything was destroyed due to that accursed village

they shunned us beaten us tried to use us to meet their purposes all this for what just so that we can become the weapons they wanted us to be

it's just some people not all people are like that pervy sage, grandma tsunade ,Kakashi sensei and so many people are good

sasuke cutted him off and went to side of Naruto and says all this time instead of chasing us all the time you could have trained better and fullfill your goal as becoming hokage

if I can't save my own family or my best friend how can i ever become a hokage

I can't kill you but I can make sure you never stand up again iam going to finish what I started

enough yamato shouted and wanted to intervene

then sai intercepted his attack as sasuke beaten all four of them easily

when Naruto stood up and about to fight sasuke chains came out of nowhere and tied Naruto and slammed him onto to the ground and threw him

I told you brother you can never beat us give up and return to your village we have our own fate my dear brother

sasuke meanwhile make yamato incapable of using jutsu

sasuke itsuki let's go leave them alive they could he usefull to fight against akatsuki orochimaru says

sasuke nodded and itsuki saw his brother one last time and went with sasuke

kabuto who was near also came to them and all four walked away from that place