
23. Proud To Know(1)

"You're ready sweetie," Beckett told her daughter with a smile.

"Are you sure you can ride Mom?" Julia asked, looking down at her mother from where she was sitting on her saddle on one of the stable mares back.

"I'm very sure," Beckett replied as she went to Alex and stuck her foot into the stirrup of her saddle. She hauled herself up onto it and glanced at her oldest asking, "What's wrong Julia?"

"I thought you would go with Dad your first time," the girl said softly.

With a slight smile Beckett told her reassuringly, "I am going with him, and you too."

"She's right," Castle said, coming back with Julius as he'd already mounted his horse. "We're sharing the ride with you."

"Lizzy's graduating too," Julia pointed out to them as they were walking their horses over to the trail. It was the twelfth of June and she couldn't forget that both her sister and she herself were going to be graduating. Her sister would be doing so first that morning and she would be right after lunch. She was a little nervous as she and her classmates had been practicing a song to sing for the ceremony.

"You know you won't be the only one singing," Castle commented to the girl.

"How'd you know I was thinking about that?" Julia asked in surprise.

"What else could it be?" Castle replied.

"Julia," Beckett said gently, getting her attention. "All we care about is that you graduate your program you did."

"I did, I paid attention and everything," Julia said firmly since the graduation was also to prove that she had completed the drug education program all sixth graders needed to do.

"I hope not just because I was with the police," Beckett commented.

Julia giggled softly and said, "No, it was important. Grandpapa asked me to make sure I did to learn. And I did."

"Good to know," Castle said. "So don't worry about the song you do like it, don't you?"

"Yeah," Julia said with a smile as they were going to sing the song Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth). "At least they took my…"

"Suggestion," Beckett said, laughing softly when her daughter nodded in agreement with her. She then saw the slightly hesitant look on the girl's face and was going to ask her what was wrong when she told her before she could do so.

"Are you okay we can't gallop?" Julia asked.

"You and your dad can," Beckett said.

"We're not going without you love," Castle said from behind them.

"He's right, I don't want to go when you can't," Julia added quickly before her mother could reply.

"Alright," Beckett said. "But I hope we can make it through the trail."

"It's early Kate," Castle told her.

"True," Beckett said slowly. "But we still need to eat breakfast."

"Which they'll have for us once we meet them," Castle said simply.

Julia couldn't help but giggle and she told her mother, "He told Gram and Grandpapa when you were changing Josa's diaper."

"That doesn't surprise me," Beckett said wryly. "Thank you, Rick," she told her husband.

"You're welcome," Castle said, speaking a little rapidly as they were reaching the stream.

"Are we gonna stop?" Julia asked.

"Let them drink some water but we're not going to get off," Beckett replied with a smile. "We don't have the time like I've been worrying about."

Julia laughed softly and then let the mare go down to the water before it began to drink. She watched Alex next to her drink as well before she smiled and said, "Will we ride more before we go to Florida?"

"Of course, but it'll be in the morning," Beckett answered.

"Very early," Castle said as the two got out of the way for him to let Julius go down to the water. "So early the sun won't be up."

"Dad," Julia said, rolling her eyes.

"You learned that from your sister," Castle said with a smile.

"How's she doing now?" Julia asked.

"Good, busy because she's nearly to her finals," Castle said. "But she finished her thesis, so she'll try and call us today."

"Tonight?" Julia asked as they walked their horses down the path again.

"No, today," Beckett corrected her. "She knows we're having that barbeque tonight."

Julia smiled and said, "Did you tell her it was 'cause we have more kids graduating?"

"She figured it out," Beckett answered. "But she knows what time Julia graduates right?"

"She does, she'll try to call us after," Castle assured her before they continued. They were quiet then, riding without stopping until they reached the stables and where their horses' stalls were. After they were down on the ground he was about to ask his wife something when she placed her hand on his chest to his surprise.

"I'm fine and we need to go," Beckett said simply to her husband.

"I was just going to ask if-" Castle started to say.

"Even I knew you were going to ask that Dad," Julia interrupted him.

"I had to check," Castle explained.

"Thank you love but I'm alright," Beckett said, kissing his cheek gently. "Don't ask me again because I don't know many more synonyms to the word fine."

"Sure," Castle said easily, letting the matter drop as he knew they needed to go. He followed his wife and their daughter into the building, taking Julius to his stall before he looked back at Julia and called to his wife, "What about Red?"

"She'll wait for us," Beckett called. "And we'll help her get the mare set."

"You mean you will Mom," Julia said with a smile as she was looking into Alex's stall. She turned to the mare she'd been allowed to ride and hugged her carefully around the neck before she said, "When are you gonna start galloping again Mom?"

"In a couple weeks," Beckett replied.

"Do you get hurt that much?" Julia whispered, sticking her head a little further into the stall.

"Not that much but I told you before sweetie it's a process," Beckett told her. She glanced up at her daughter and asked, "What else do you want to know?"

"When you stopped feed- nursing," Julia began before she corrected herself. "Lizzy before did you… could you…"

Since she had finished with Alex by then Beckett didn't answer her daughter's question though she hadn't finished it. She gently patted the stallion on the side before she stepped out and said to her husband who was stepping out from Julius' stall, "I'll help her."

"Sure," Castle replied easily. "Want me to buzz off?"

"Buzz off?" Julia asked. "You mean leave?"

"Yes," Castle answered.

"That's okay, you probably know what…" Julia started to say before she trailed off in embarrassment.

Once they were inside the horse's stall that Julia had ridden Beckett unbuckled the saddle and carried it over to Castle saying, "We need to find her a better one."

"They don't have too many," he commented since they'd borrowed it from the stable.

"How much do they cost?" Julia asked as she was watching her parents after she'd taken off the horse's bridle and reins.

"A lot, we'll have to ask Santa if he'll bring one for you for Christmas," Castle commented.

"I know there's no Santa Dad," Julia called to him as he left to return the saddle to Charlie. She turned to her mother and said, "I… my question…"

"I know sweetie," Beckett replied absently as she had put away the saddle blanket on the shelf in the stall. "Now help me curry comb her." After they were both brushing the mare together for a while she told her, "To answer your question when I stop nursing the milk will stop eventually, that happens for every woman like I told you before."

"I didn't remember," Julia admitted. "But that's kinda…"

"Weird that it just stops? A little," Beckett said. "But it's nice at the same time… thought it can hurt a bit."

"Oh… it's hard to do?" Julia asked.

"No, it would be difficult if I stopped nursing and that didn't stop either," Beckett said.

"Oh…" Julia said slowly, thinking that over. "Sorry I asked," she said shyly.

"It's alright, you're curious which is understandable," Castle commented as he'd come back by then.

"How did you know what I asked?" Julia asked, trying not to become too startled at his appearance.

"I figured it out," Castle said. "Is she ready?" he asked as he found them on the other side of the mare.

"She is, and we almost are," Beckett replied.

"We get to give them a treat?" Julia asked eagerly once she and her mother were out of the stall.

"Just halves of carrots," Beckett told her husband as he was walking over to where the food for the horses in that stable was kept. After they had fed the horses she led the way out while her husband and daughter were holding hands. Eventually she turned to them and said with a smile, "You two are very cute.""I hope so," Julia said with a smile. "Since he's my dad."

"And she's my daughter," Castle was quick to say. "But thank you for that love," he said as their oldest let go of his hand and ran to Beckett, wrapping her arms around her. "We need to go?" he asked his wife.

Beckett's response was to throw the keys she was holding to him and then hold Julia with both arms before she finally let her go. "We're going to miss out on breakfast," she told her daughter with a smile.

"I know, but I'm still nervous," Julia answered.

"I don't blame you," Castle said. "My-"

"Don't say it," Beckett said as she knew what he was talking about already. "Let's get in the car and go."

"We better do what she says," Castle commented as he looked at Julia.

Frowning slightly the girl waited until they were driving away from the stables before she said, "Was your graduation really bad?"

"No," Castle said.

"Tell her," Beckett said with a groan, covering her face with her hand.

"When I graduated from high school I had to wear robes," Castle began.

"Yeah, 'lexis showed us hers," Julia said. She suddenly gasped and said, "You just wore the robe, didn't you?" When he nodded, she shook her head and said, "Since you didn't say you got into trouble why did you do that?"

"I don't know," Castle replied. "So it's a good thing I'm telling you, so you know not to do that."

"I wouldn't anyways," Julia said, rolling her eyes. "And I have robes and I wouldn't do those with my Ravenclaw robes either."

"Good to know," Castle commented before he was laughing shortly as his wife pinched his arm. "But I think I really did that because I was nervous."

"So, you admit to that now?" Beckett asked him in amusement.

"You figured that out when I told you?" Castle asked her.

"I did," Beckett said with a smile.

"Yeah, I admit to it but luckily that was way back and I don't need to worry about it anymore," Castle replied. He was relieved they had reached the café by then so the subject would be dropped, and he parked next to his father in law's car before they got out. "So you never told us what you're going to do before your graduation," he told the girl as they were walking up to the doors.

"Playing," Julia said. "Practicing our song a little and then we're gonna have lunch."

"We'll be there," Beckett said firmly.

"Really?" Julia asked.

"The paper they sent home with you said we could stay if we had more than one graduation to attend," Castle answered.

"And your sister will be with us too," Beckett added.

"Oh cool, she's never had lunch with us before," Julia said.

Beckett saw the girl had a disappointed look on her face and she squeezed her shoulder, knowing she was thinking about how Mari and Eliza wouldn't be with her and her seventh-grade friends. She looked ahead of them as they were inside the café and Eliza was running to them. "Hello sweetie," she said since the little girl had gone straight to her. "Did you have fun with your grandparents?"

"Yeah," Eliza said, smiling up at her before going to her father. "Do I have to wear my dress all day?" she said as she was wearing a sundress for her graduation.

"Why don't we eat first before we answer?" Castle suggested after they had embraced quickly. He smiled at his wife and Julia when Eliza had taken his hand and then started to lead him over to where Jim and Martha were sitting.

"Good morning," Castle's mother said when the group reached them. "How was your ride?"

"Really fun," Julia said immediately, hugging her grandparents before she looked down at Josie who was in her carrier next to their grandfather. "She's asleep?"

"She is," Jim replied. "I think she was still a little tired."

Brushing her lips to the baby's head Beckett said, "Was she any trouble?"

"Not at all," Martha said. "She must be tired from excitement."

"She doesn't know we're gonna graduate Gram," Eliza said in amusement.

"Really?" Martha asked in slight exaggeration. "Because I seem to recall someone named Elizabeth telling her all about the graduations and what they would be doing during them."

Giggling the little girl said, "I'm Eliza."

"Sit and eat Eliza," Beckett told her, taking the little girl's hand before having her sit on the booth seat next to her. "You can't be late."

Nodding Eliza started on her oatmeal while she listened to her big sister telling their grandparents about the ride. When Julia soon stopped, she said, "When are you gonna go again?"

"Another day," Beckett replied. "Maybe during next week since you two will be off from school."

"I can ride too?" Eliza asked eagerly.

"A pony," Castle answered. He smiled when the little girl wriggled in excitement and said, "You forgot about your question before."

"What question?" Eliza asked.

"We have a change of clothes for you to wear after your graduation," Beckett said.

"After school?" Jim asked.

"No, no, we're staying," Beckett told her father. "That's why we were asking if you guys would take Josie home until Julia's graduation."

"You'll stay that entire time?" Martha asked.

"We'll be going around the school… playing… I don't know what we're going to be doing," Castle said honestly.

"Neither do I, we'll take it as we go," Beckett said with a smile at her husband. "And we have to finish so we can get there and find out."

With some laughter, the family turned their attention back to their food, finishing up their meal quickly so they could head to the Hamptons Academy for the last day of the school year.

"Good morning," Mrs. Hughes, Eliza's teacher said to get the attention of everyone that was inside the room. "We'll begin the graduation ceremony by telling you the children today in our class have done a wonderful job learning and it's been great to have them here. They're going to recite the alphabet for us before we hand them their certificate of graduation. We'll go in alphabetical order so Zack?"

Waving slightly to Eliza who was standing behind the two teachers with her classmates Beckett hoped she would be able to wait until they got to the C last names. She felt her husband squeeze her hand and let him take it before he quickly tapped out the message, Think Josie's okay? She placed her fingers on his palm and then tapped out, If she's still asleep yes. Their youngest was with their parents in the back of the room, sitting there in case she started to cry so either her father or his mother could take Josie out of the room. She had gotten the baby to sleep before the graduation had started and she only hoped that Josie would stay asleep.

Castle resisted the urge to turn around and glance at their parents as he was slightly impatient for Eliza's turn. He felt his wife's hand on his arm and he quickly looked at her, wondering how she'd been able to read his impatience. But finally, the boy before their middle daughter was receiving his certificate and he turned his full attention to the little girl as one of her teachers was announcing her name.

"Next is Eliza Castle," Mrs. Duncan said, turning to her. "Start whenever you're ready," she told the little girl as she stepped forward.

Nodding Eliza looked at her parents and waved at them before she looked back at her grandparents. She wanted to wave to them but held back, instead she took a deep breath and started saying, "A, b, c…" going through the alphabet slowly and carefully. She didn't make a mistake but had to pause a little at the letter q as Josie made a cooing noise. But she ended on the letter z and was proud to hear her family applauding, smiling as she waved again at her parents. She then took her certificate from Mrs. Hughes and hugged both her teachers before she was allowed to run over to her parents. She hugged them tightly and let her mother take her onto her lap as they watched the rest of the kids go.

Since the class wasn't too large the ceremony wrapped up nearly fifteen minutes later and the students went to their teachers to say goodbye to them and give them gifts they had. Castle and Beckett; while Eliza was doing that; went back to their parents and daughter.

"She's alright, she woke up just when Eliza started," Martha said as she watched her son and daughter in law looking down at the baby.

"At least she didn't cry," Castle commented.

"Hopefully she'll be alright until we see you again," Beckett commented, taking the baby out of her carrier. She held Josie against her shoulder and said, "We'll be picking up Julia soon."

"Are they being let out?" Jim asked.

"They are, I don't think they'd really want to stay in place for too long," Castle said in amusement.

"Will you be alright running around after them?" Jim said to his daughter.

"I've done it before," Beckett replied with a smile. She looked over at Eliza as the little girl came back to them and she told her, "Say goodbye to your sister for now."

"Does she need to go?" Eliza asked with a slight whine to her tone.

"She does," Beckett said. She sat down on the chair her mother in law had been using and she watched as her middle daughter leaned over to kiss the baby on the top of the head to say goodbye to her.

"Have fun with Gram and Grandpapa," Eliza said to the baby.

"She will," Jim commented. "Have fun with your parents."

After letting Josie hold onto her index finger for a little Eliza pressed a kiss to her sister's cheek and went to their grandparents. Hugging them both she said, "You're gonna come back for Jules' graduation."

"We are," Jim replied.

"He's right, we wouldn't miss it either," Martha commented. "Have fun with your parents and sister."

"I will," Eliza said with a wide smile on her face as she couldn't help feeling excitement at getting to play at school with them.

"We'll be here at five till," Jim told his daughter and son in law. "And walk if you're sure you want us to do that."

"We are," Beckett said first.

"It'll be good for her," Castle added. "We'll see you outside the auditorium," he added. He quickly went to Josie to press a kiss to the side of the baby's head before he watched Beckett kiss her too. Once Josie was back in her carrier he followed his family out of the classroom to the front door of the school before they said goodbye to his mother and Jim as they headed out to drive back home. "Now we can go get her… what about Mari?" Castle asked.

Shaking her head Beckett said, "She's got class still, she's not graduating," to remind him. "But Julia does have her friends. And speaking of Julia go, you're the closest to the stairs."

Castle couldn't help laughing at her tone but he didn't argue the slight demand and he turned around to start up so they could pick up their oldest on the second floor of the elementary school. He took Eliza's hand when the little girl rushed to him and they came to the top of the staircase to discover that his and Beckett's oldest was already making her way to them.

"Hi!" Julia said with a smile as she reached her family. "Did you graduate?" she asked her little sister as Eliza hugged her tightly.

"Yeah, I said my alphabet and everything," the little girl said.

"How come she had to say it?" Julia asked their parents.

"To make sure so she could go into the first grade," Castle commented.

"So it would be more than her just getting her certificate," Beckett corrected as the girls looked at her. "Let's go before you need to head out to lunch." She took Julia's hand and they headed out to the playground on the lower part of the school and felt her daughter squeezing her hand. "What is it sweetie?" she asked.

"Think my friends can play with us?" Julia replied. "They don't have little siblings, so their parents aren't going to be here until the graduation."

"Sure," Castle answered. "Where are they?"

"There," Julia said, looking behind them. "How's Josa? And Gram and Grandpapa?" she then asked hurriedly.

"They're fine, back at home now," Beckett answered.

"She woke up when I said the alphabet," Eliza pipped up.

"She nearly messed your sister up," Castle commented.

"Not that much Daddy," Eliza said in slight exasperation before the other kids were joining them.

"I hope it's alright my, our parents are here," Julia told them as she saw her newer friends were looking at the two.

"That's fine," Peter said. "You're going to play with us?"

"We are… if we can," Castle said.

"If we go on the playground stuff they won't be able to go," Julia explained.

"We won't fit," Beckett said in amusement.

"So, what should we do?" Natalie asked.

"We can play handball," Tristan; who'd started playing with their group as well during recess and lunch; suggested.

"I'll go get a red ball," Dawn said before she left them.

"Are you guys ready for your song?" Castle asked.

"Rick," Beckett said quickly.

"It's okay," Ava said as her friends were looking at her. "We're ready, we just want to finish that way summer can start."

"We're very close," Castle commented. He glanced at Dawn who was running back to them and he said, "How're we going to play?"

"Two by two," Misty said a little shyly. "That's how we usually play when we do."

"How are you going to decide who plays first?" Beckett asked them.

"We do a rhyme," Eliza answered with a smile.

While they put their hands into the middle of the circle that they made Beckett couldn't help smiling at her husband as April started to chant and slowly they found out who would play together. It turned out to be herself and Tristan and when they began she found herself happy they'd been able to stay with their daughters and play with them in the time there was left until the sixth-grade graduation.

"Alright everyone," Mrs. Herschel, the sixth-grade music teacher told Cookston's class in front of her. "Watch for my cues and you'll do a wonderful job."

Julia was half listening to the teacher as she sought her family in the audience which wasn't hard to do as her mother's light blue shirt was also bright. She smiled towards them before she felt Dawn gently nudge her side and she turned towards the music teacher before the music began and they started to sing soon after all together.

Give me loveGive me loveGive me peace on earthGive me lightGive me lifeKeep me free from birthGive me hopeHelp me cope, with this heavy loadTrying to, touch and reach you with,Heart and soul

There Julia watched Ava below them sing the longer lyric 'oh my lord' which she drew out for as long as she could since she was the best singer in their class. She glanced at Dawn and smiled to see way the girl was looking down at her sweetheart. She looked out at the audience again and wished; as they started to all sing together once more; that Mari was there.

Please take hold of my hand, thatI might understand you

Won't you pleaseOh, won't you

Give me loveGive me loveGive me peace on earthGive me lightGive me lifeKeep me free from birthGive me hopeHelp me cope, with this heavy loadTrying to, touch and reach you with,Heart and soul

Ava sang the same lyric as she had before on her own as Herschel was directing the rest of her classmates to sing the very last verse of the song.

Please take hold of my hand, thatI might understand you

"Do you think they realize what the song's about?" Castle murmured to his wife in Irish as they and everyone around them was applauding.

"It doesn't matter, no one protested the choice," Beckett replied. She looked at Josie in the carrier in the seat in between them, relieved the baby had slept through the applause. She had to turn her attention back to the stage as the next class was starting to sing their song. After the next class the names were finally announced, all the students grouped together to go faster.

Julia, sitting in the first rows with the other sixth graders, wasn't sure if she was glad her last name was sooner in the alphabet or not as she would have to wait for the rest of the students to be called before she could go home. She glanced at the two students on either side of her, Darius Candela and Leonne Chadwick, before she whispered, "Think we can go play after this?"

"I don't think so," Darius was able to say before one of the teachers was calling for their row to get up to get on stage.

Julia stood with the boy and girl, watching the other students walking across until they reached the principal of the elementary school and shook the man's hand to take their certificate before they went backstage. Since she didn't know when exactly she'd be seeing them again she turned to look for her family and waved to them though she wasn't sure if they'd see her.

Waving back Eliza felt her grandmother's hand on her shoulder and she said, "I wanna go with her."

"Leave her kiddo," Martha said with a smile as her granddaughter was about to stand up. "She should have a chance to get that certificate herself."

"Kay," Eliza said with a sigh.

"Come here honey," Jim said as he was sitting on the other side of the little girl. "Your sister is going soon."

Turning her gaze to the stage Eliza saw he was right and she moved to sit on his lap before she watched as the boy ahead of Julia walked over to the man standing at a podium.

Beckett, when she heard the principal announce, "Julia Castle," shared a smile with her husband swiftly before they turned to look at their oldest. She reached for her husband's hand and squeezed it at the sight of the girl. She couldn't help but be amazed at how much she had grown since they had first met her. She was startled when she blinked once and felt her eyes were slightly teary, continuing to repeat that action several times more so it would stop. Managing to in time to watch Julia shake the principal's hand and take her certificate she applauded with the rest of the family before the girl was disappearing backstage. "I'm so glad she's not graduating for another six years," she told her husband in Irish

"I know," Castle said, aware she was referencing their middle daughter. "But we have to tell her we're proud of her."

"Not hard to do, I am," Beckett said before she smiled at him. She gently squeezed her husband's hand and they turned their attention to the stage as the students were continuing to be called to go across to the principal.

At the same time, Julia hurried through the students that had been outside already to Ava who was sitting on a boulder behind the auditorium; where the school's garden was. "I thought having a last name that starts with c was bad," she told the girl with a smile.

"At least you got out here quick enough," Ava replied, her last name being Blanchard. "But I have to wait for Dawn, her name isn't until the m's."

"And what about Peter?" Julia asked while she sat next to her. "He's in the w's."

"Well at least we can play now," Ava said.

"Play what?" Julia asked before she saw her friend taking something out of the pocket of her uniform blazer. "You're lucky they didn't search you," she said in slight laughter.

"Who was gonna do that? Your mom?" Ava asked in amusement.

"I guess," Julia said before they both began to laugh. When they calmed down she watched the girl start to work on the cat's cradle she was making. They began to play that for a while before she said, "So what are you going to do during the summer?"

"See Dawn," Ava answered. "And we're gonna spend the night at each other's house."

"Kiss?" Julia asked slowly, looking around them as she waited for Ava to take the elastic string she'd brought with her.

"A little bit," the girl replied. She glanced up at Julia and told her, "Ask."

Unable to help laughing softly the girl said, "You still like doing that?"

"We didn't do that for too long," Ava said, moving the string around. "Well… haven't," she corrected herself as she'd been distracted. She looked at Julia and said, "You want to, don't you?"

"I… don't know," the girl said uncomfortably.

"You can want to," Ava told her. "It doesn't mean you have to though." She smiled and asked, "Would you want me, Dawn or Peter to kiss you?" When her friend frowned at her she laughed and said, "Sorry."

"No, I'll find someone I want to kiss just not today," Julia said simply.

"You said you have a crush," Ava pointed out to her.

"I shouldn't have told you," Julia said in a jokingly annoyed tone. She then groaned as she'd messed up their cat's cradle before she handed the string to Ava and said, "It doesn't matter, nothing's gonna happen."

"Is it a grown up?" Ava asked, lowering her voice to a whisper.

"No, that's gross," Julia said as they stood up together. "It's someone our age," she said simply. "That's all I'm gonna say 'cause Dawn just walked out." She watched the girl hurry over to Ava and left them alone to go over to April and Misty whose last names were right next to each other in the yearbook. "How much longer?" she asked them with a smile after they had greeted each other.

"A lot of kids, I feel so sorry for Peter and Tristan," Misty said first.

"What about me?" Natalie said, walking out next.

"And you," Misty said in an impatient tone though she was smiling soon after. "So, we're seventh graders now."

"And you're gonna be on Dancing With the Stars," April said as they looked at Julia.

"Not yet," she said simply, smiling a little at that fact. "But we're in middle school now…" Julia started to say.

"We'll still be friends with you," Dawn said as she and Ava had returned to them while Julia was saying that.

"Us too," Natalie said, her two friends nodding their heads. "But at least you're not going alone."

"I know," Julia said. She looked with the others at the kids coming out of the auditorium still and she said, "I can't wait until this is over."

"Me too," Misty said, the others all agreeing with her.

Since Ava still had her elastic string the group began playing cat's cradle as more of their fellow students started to step out. Finally, Tristan and last Peter joined them until the last student was outside and they were allowed to go to the front of the building to find their families as they were being let out from inside.

Her friends all leaving her first; after they had hugged each other goodbye; Julia was last to find her family, knowing they'd waited to step outside for Josie's sake. But once she could see them she raced over to her mother first, throwing her arms around her tightly before showing her the certificate she'd gotten. "So now I've got one," she said as she hugged her little sister.

"We'll keep them," Castle said as he took Julia into his arms the second Eliza let her go.

"We will, we're very proud of you sweetie," Beckett said with a smile, handing the paper to her husband.

Embracing both of her grandparents Julia said, "Do we need to stay?"

"No, we can go," Castle said. "We kind of need to anyways."

"The party?" Eliza asked.

"Exactly," Castle said. "And it's almost time for the guests to arrive."

"Let's go," Julia said eagerly as she knew the Fosters would be the first to their home once school was over. She quickly kissed the top of Josie's head, as she'd been looking down at her, and paused since her baby sister was smiling at her. She kissed her again in reaction before she hurried over to her mother. Taking her hand, she said, "I'm really excited."

"I'm not surprised," Beckett said as they were walking over to the exit. "Summer's started." She laughed softly when Julia nodded eagerly and she squeezed her hand to let her know she felt the same while they made their way back home for their party.

"Congratulations you guys," Alexis said as soon as she saw her sisters on the screen of her laptop.

"How can you be sure that we graduated?" Julia couldn't help asking her big sister.

"Because if you hadn't Dad and your mom wouldn't be laughing behind you," Alexis replied easily though she started to laugh with her sisters. "Now you have to tell me how it was."

"You can go first," Julia told Eliza.

"I'm gonna be fast," the little girl said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter; I still want to hear," Alexis said slightly laughingly.

Eliza nodded and told her big sister about her graduation ceremony though as she'd said she didn't take too long. Once she had finished she said, "Josa doesn't know she has to do it either."

"No but she'll find out when she gets older," Alexis replied. "And great job with saying the alphabet."

Smiling Eliza said, "Now you tell her Jules."

"Okay," Julia said, laughing a little with everyone else. When she had calmed down she began with her ceremony and found she didn't have that much to say either when she finished quickly. She paused and then looked back at her mother questioningly, wondering if she was missing anything as Beckett answered her inquiry she didn't have to voice.

"There isn't much to the ceremony," Beckett said. "And because your name is at the beginning of the alphabet you went through it quickly.""That can be good and bad," Alexis commented. "But it sounds like it was nice."

"It was," Julia answered, nodding her head. "What's yours going to be like?"

"The same as yours but I won't be singing or saying the alphabet," Alexis said with a smile. "I'll be glad to get it over with and get to come back home."

"Alexis?" Castle said then. "Where are you?"

"I wondered if you'd notice, at White Mount," Alexis replied. "And hello everyone now that I have a chance to say it."

"Are you there for the weekend?" Jim asked after they'd returned her hello.

"We are, Brennan and Clara insisted we relax before the graduation next week," Alexis said. "We're going to have dinner soon." She paused and then asked, "You're still having that party?"

"We are but they're not coming over for a little longer," Beckett said. "Do you need to go now?"

"Soon," Alexis repeated. "And because we didn't talk since Tuesday I should let you know that my finals went well Wednesday and yesterday."

"And you'll know the results next week?" Beckett asked.

"Early next week," Alexis said with a nod.

"You're not worried?" Castle asked.

"No so don't try to freak me out," Alexis replied.

"I wasn't trying to," Castle assured her. He then smiled and said, "I know you did well already."

"Thanks," Alexis said as she smiled herself. "Now I have to ask where's Josa?"

"Here," Beckett said, standing up as she was holding the baby. She got closer to the screen so she could see her and was surprised when she heard someone yelling in the background. "Is that Brennan?" she asked in amusement as she soon discerned the voice.

"It is, are you alright?" Alexis said as she looked back at the man.

"Fine, wanted to see you quickly Kate," Brennan said, slightly breathless.

"About?" Beckett asked.

Brennan didn't answer, trying to get his breath back, before he finally looked at the screen of the computer and said, "Our flight was changed. We'll be getting in earlier, in the morning."

"Do you want us to pick you up?" Castle asked as the McCollough family was going to be arriving on the twenty-eight that month to stay with them until they left for Orlando.

"We're still getting a car," Clara said as she'd come into view behind her husband. "I'm here to see Josie."

"Good timing," Beckett said since she was still standing close to the screen. "She's doing fine."

"Good, we're about to have dinner," Clara said first to Beckett before she said the last to her husband and Alexis.

"We can't wait to see you," Beckett said first, directing that to her cousins.

"Neither can we," Brennan said. "We'll see you shortly."

"Tell Louis we wish him the best of luck on his finals," Martha called.

"I will, thank you," Brennan said. "Goodbye everyone," he added, smiling at the girls who were behind Beckett. He then told Alexis, "Take as much time as you'd like."

"I'll join you soon," the young woman said with a smile. She turned to her family and said, "I'll be able to call you sooner next time. What about tomorrow?"

"Are you doing anything then?" Beckett asked.

"I can call you, I'd like to because I haven't been doing that lately," Alexis said. "Now that I have the chance…"

"You're gonna come home after you graduate, right?" Julia asked.

"I will, don't worry," Alexis said. "So I'll text you Dad when I can talk to you. Until then goodnight everyone, love you."

"Love you," Eliza said with the rest of her family. When the screen went blue she asked her sister, "Why didn't she say goodnight by ourselves?"

"She means to each of us," Julia explained to the adults. "And I guess she didn't want to be late for dinner."

"She didn't," Beckett said as she was handing Josie over to her father. "And we have the party."

"Are you ready?" Martha asked as they were all following her and Castle out to the hallway.

"Just a few-" Castle started to say before there was a knock on the door to the backyard and the dogs took off to it barking.

"It's Mari!" Julia said eagerly, having to speak a little loudly as Josie had started to cry.

"I have her Katie," Jim told his daughter since he was gently rocking the baby.

Following the girls with her husband Beckett saw at the doorway that Julia was hugging Mari tightly and she smiled before asking the little girl, "Where's your family?'

"They're coming right now," Mari said. "I'm supposed to ask where we go."

"You can stay in the back," Castle commented. "Unless you need to come in."

"We're fine out here but are we going to be on our own?" David called as he, his wife, Dani and their dogs were close enough to them.

"The girls will join you," Beckett said. She looked behind her and said with a smile, "So will our parents."

"Do you need any help?" Rebecca asked.

"We'll be fine," Castle assured them. He went with his wife back to the kitchen and he said, "You don't have to help me."

"I don't mind," Beckett told him firmly. When he nodded, she watched him get the platter they'd ordered with vegetables before he got the one with cheese and crackers they'd made themselves. With those ready she reached out and touched his arm, making him turn to her. "Ní féidir liom fanacht," Beckett started to say, telling him she couldn't wait.

Wrapping his arms around her tightly Castle was ready for her kiss but was taken by surprise when she kissed him passionately. It took him little time to recover before he was holding onto her almost desperately and they were dueling with their tongues. He knew they could have done that for some time before he heard someone clearing their throat and he and Beckett almost flew apart to find it was Brad. "How did you get in?" he couldn't help exclaiming.

"We went to David and Rebecca's house first," Lily said. "I had to return a cookbook they let me borrow, so we did that there instead of out on the beach."

"Her grandfather's?" Beckett asked as she walked quickly over to her friend. She hugged her tightly and told her, "I missed seeing you."

"I know, I feel like we've been stuck inside for ages," Lily laughed slightly. "But at least Sophie is doing well."

"Good to hear, where is she?" Beckett asked.

"Outside with your mother in law," Lily answered quickly.

"She took the carrier and wouldn't let go," Brad said with a smile.

"That sounds like Mother," Castle commented. "Do you mind?"

"If we had we would have stayed with her," Lily commented. "Do you need some help?"

"We're good," Castle said, trying to pick up both trays.

"No, you're not," Beckett said with a sigh, starting to go over to join him before Brad managed to get over to Castle first.

"I get the feeling this is some kind of message," Lily said wryly to Beckett.

"That we're wimps? Most likely," she replied before glancing momentarily at her husband.

"We don't think that," Brad said in slight annoyance. When their wives had left them he said, "Is Kate getting to the point where she's annoyed by any gestures to help her?"

"She's always been like that," Castle said in amusement. "But I guess we should cool it."

"Agreed," Brad said with a nod before they took the trays and made their way outside.

"Are we all here?" Jim asked his daughter when she walked over to him.

"We are," Beckett said, looking down at Josie. She then said, "I'll take her."

Jim nodded, though he was enjoying holding the baby, and he watched as Castle hurried over to help Beckett with the sling. Once Josie was set he said, "Would she be alright if I had that on me?"

"Do you want to wear it?" Beckett asked in surprise.

"Yes, but I don't need to now," Jim said as he watched his daughter glance at her husband. "Another time."

"If you're sure," Beckett said with a smile.

"I am," Jim said. "Or if you'd like a break," he added.

"Why don't I just let you try it now Dad?' Beckett said with a smile. She had her father take Josie before she got the sling onto him and made sure everything was set. "Are you alright?" she asked him as he was looking down at the baby.

"I think so," Jim said.

"You can sit or walk around if you'd like to," Castle said.

"I know, I've seen you both doing that," Jim replied with a nod before he reached down to gently cup the back of Josie's head.

Though she wanted to make absolutely sure her father would be alright Beckett let her husband lead them both over to the table where she grabbed some cheese and went to her mother in law who was with Lily and Sophie. "So," she said simply.

"I was waiting to see if you'd come over," the woman said with a smile. "And go ahead, take her."

Beckett didn't wait to get Sophie into her arms from Martha, looking down at the baby and gently rocking her before she said, "She's grown."

"Not as much as you'd think she would have," Lily said with a sigh.

"But she's alright, isn't she?" Beckett said.

"Yes, but I can't help remember Eve and Jake," Lily said, going over to her friend to let her daughter take her hand momentarily.

"She's a little earlier than them," Beckett said. "And I know what you're going through," she reminded her friend gently though Josie hadn't been as early as Sophie.

"I forgot," Lily admitted. "But you're right," she said, sighing. "And I'm a little glum for a party."

"How was Eve's graduation?" Beckett asked her.

"It took a long time," Brad said. "Especially because her name was towards the beginning."

"We went through the same with our girls," Castle said in amusement.

"And we'll have to do that with Mari next year," David commented as he and Rebecca joined them.

"Us with Jake," Brad said.

Looking at the parents Jim shared a glance with Martha before he said, "This is something you need to do of course."

"What did you both do while your kids were growing up?" Lily asked him and Martha.

"Let them grow up but never let them forget that you're their parents," Castle's mother said first.

"She's right, Johanna and I taught Katie that family was important," Jim said. "And for us it was a daughter and her parents. I'm sure your parents did the same."

"They did," Castle said. "But you forget that when you're parents yourself."

"We've been through the same," Martha said. "And I'll point out you're being a bit morose for a party."

"Alright, we should let the kids have some cheese and veggies," Beckett said with a smile before she called to the kids.

"Oh, I think we're in trouble," Jacob said, looking with the other kids up the backyard at their parents.

"No, our mom and dad got snacks," Julia said. "I bet she wants us to have some." She hurried up to the adults before anyone else could say anything and said, "We can have some now?"

"How do you know what we got?" Castle asked in amusement.

"I peeked," Julia said laughingly as the other kids joined them. "But they don't know what we got."

Beckett watched as Julia showed off the two trays before she said, "Don't eat too much though, it won't be long until we have dinner."

"When will we have it?" Eve asked.

"I hope a couple hours from now," David said, looking at his watch again.

"We will, but you still have to warn them," Castle said. "We have time but take it easy."

After they'd eaten some vegetables or cheese Eliza asked, "What can we play now?"

"Are you tired of playing with what you had?" Beckett asked as her daughter came over to her and wrapped her arms around her.

"A little," Jacob said before the little girl could answer.

"Then I think it's time," Castle said, looking at the other parents. "Help me Kate?"

Beckett got up and waited until she and her husband were inside the house to say, "You know we were just joking about that wimps comment earlier."

"I know, I just wanted to do this," Castle said before he took her lips and kissed her as hard as he could.

Slightly startled Beckett recovered quickly before she kissed her husband back deeply, their tongues lightly flicking together. Once they had pulled away shortly after she said, "Thank you."

"Ní féidir liom fanacht ceachtar," Castle replied, telling her he couldn't wait either. He then gave her a quick kiss before saying, "Later we'll do better."

"Yeah," Beckett said with a nod, knowing his use of English was to bring them back to what they needed to do. She went with him to get what they needed to get for the kids and they headed out together to the backyard again. She braced herself when Eve spotted them first and cried out before she got the other kids' attention to the items they were holding in their arms.

"Super Soakers?" Jacob asked eagerly.

"Yeah, and we have enough for everyone unless you're under a year old," Castle answered.

"Dani's not going to-" Rebecca started to say in protest before her husband was putting his hand on her arm.

"I'll do that with her," David said reassuringly.

"Alright," Rebecca said with a sigh. "And you got some for your parents too?"

"That was his idea," Beckett said with a slight smile on her face. "You don't have to use them," she told Martha and Jim.

"You can donate mine to charity," Beckett's father said. He gently bounced Josie who was making some noise against his chest and said, "Or return it."

"Donate mine as well," Martha said. "In the city?"

"We can do that," Castle said. He saw his father in law was about to speak and he quickly told the man, "I don't mind doing that."

"Can we start?" Eve asked.

"Easy you guys," Brad said, glancing at his kids as he knew his son was feeling the same as his sister. "We need to get these out of their packages and then get some water in them."

Castle and Beckett helped their daughters with their water guns and then got their own out of the packages to join the others in getting them filled with water. Once they had finished and had goggles for their eyes they took off their outer layers so they were in their bathing suits before they stood together in the middle of the grass. The others all looked to Beckett and she couldn't help laughing softly as they watched before she stopped so she could speak.

"Why is this my job? I'm not chief of police," Beckett told them.

"You know what you're talking about too," Brad said jokingly. "But really the only rule is do not aim for anyone's face, just below the neck."

"Are we competing?" Mari asked.

"No, just have fun and cool down," Castle said before anyone else could. With that he turned his water gun to his wife and fired off some water at her before she was doing the same back to him.

That started the 'fight' they were having, and they ran around with the kids and their friends spraying each other with water as many times as they could. The group ran around each other, laughing and teasing one another as they spent the rest of the time they had left before dinner having fun together.

"Should we have a toast?" Lily asked the others as they were sitting around the table.

"To our graduates and of course to Mari and Jake who finished the year," Castle said when his wife looked at him. "And to the summer."

"To the summer," Beckett said along with the others before they started to tap their glasses together. "And Orlando," she added when they began to eat.

"And DC, I'm eager for that," Brad said.

"You've never been have you?" Castle asked his friend.

Shaking his head, the chief said, "Never got the chance. We're not going to work on a case, are we?"

"I hope not," Beckett said. "Since I get the feeling Patrick would want to work any case that popped up." She realized it had gotten a little quiet and she looked at the others to find they were staring back at her. "He wouldn't, they're taking off for a vacation with their kids."

"Can Trevor do that?" Lily asked.

"Yeah, he's just wrapping up an investigation now," Beckett said, recalling her friend's husband was at that moment in Wisconsin for a case. "So, he'll be home for a while."

"They're going to be tour guides?" David asked.

"They need to be since we're going to places we haven't been yet," Castle commented. "But until then we talked to Alexis today."

"How's she doing?" Rebecca asked.

Castle told the other two couples how the conversation had gone and at the same time Julia turned to the other kids to change the subject they'd been talking about.

"We're going next week to England," the girl told Eve and Jacob.

"For your sister's graduation?" the latter said.

"Yeah, it'll be fun," Julia said. "Especially 'cause she'll come back with us."

"Aren't you coming back the same day?" Mari asked.

"Yeah, Skye's flying us back after we get to London, so we can't really visit after the day before the ceremony," Julia replied.

"So, what're you going to do the day before?" Eve said.

Shrugging Eliza answered before her sister could, "Mommy and Daddy said we might stay close to the hotel."

"It's not a vacation," Julia added. "But the hotel has a pool."

"Did they make sure it did?" Mari asked.

Julia and her sister laughed together before she calmed down first and told the three, "Whatever we do will be really nice since we're not gonna be there for too long."

"Will you go to a chippy?" Jacob asked.

"I hope! Dad might make sure we go," Julia commented. "But I would just love to get to walk around and take pictures."

"Ask your Mom," Eve commented. "She'd take you."

"Probably," Julia said before they continued to eat. "What should we do after we eat?"

"What can we do?" Jacob asked.

"Why don't we wait until we finish with dessert before we decide that?" Castle suggested as he and the other adults were listening to the kids' conversation by then.

"Can we stay outside?" Julia asked him.

"I think so," Beckett replied. "But no more water guns."

"We agree," Brad said when his kids looked at him and Lily.

"And us too," Rebecca told Mari. "Maybe you should play with some of their lawn games again."

"Sure," Julia said eagerly. "We didn't play one yet," she told the other kids. "It's a new game Gram brought us."

"That's right, I nearly forgot about that game," Martha commented at the reminder. She smiled and said, "Hopefully you kids will enjoy it."

"We would if we knew what it was," Eve said as she was looking at Julia.

"I'll show you," the little girl said as they were all starting to finish. Julia jumped up and took her plate up to the house with the others, glancing behind her when she got to the house.

"What's wrong?" Mari asked her.

"Nothing," Julia said quickly before turning away and going inside.

"What was that all about?" Lily asked Beckett as she'd seen the girl, she and her friend alone at the table with their babies.

"I have no idea," Beckett replied. She smiled as she watched Sophie nursing for a moment and told Lily, "I'm so glad we're not doing that at the same time."

Laughing, and doing her best not to interrupt her daughter, Lily said, "It wouldn't matter, would it?"

"It might be awkward for Rebecca," Beckett said wryly.

"Oh yeah because I've never seen that or done it for my children myself," the woman herself said as she sat down with them. "How does she eat?" Rebecca asked Lily as she nodded to Sophie.

"Voraciously," the woman replied as her daughter was sucking a little noisily when she shifted. "Which is great of course," Lily added with a smile. "Though," she began softly as she looked back towards the house. "I worry about the state of my breasts when she moves on from them."

"After two other kids, how were they?" Rebecca said. "Don't answer that," she continued quickly. "Because I think I know the answer."

"Me too but I'm guessing you said that because she's a little more forceful than Eve and Jake were?" Beckett asked her.

"Yes, but that was said a little selfishly," Lily commented.

"He'll still want you," Beckett said with an exaggerated sigh. She smiled and said, "Do you have anything planned?"

"No," Lily replied, starting to burp Sophie. "We'd prefer to stay at home; not make a big deal out of it." She looked at Beckett and smiled when her friend rolled her eyes, though she knew the woman was aware she was teasing her. "Really it's easier since we have the kids with us. And don't-" she started to say.

"We could take them if you wanted," Beckett interrupted her friend easily.

"So could we," Rebecca added.

Sighing Lily shook her head and told them, "We appreciate the offer, but we'll pass and stay home."

"If you change your minds…" Rebecca started to say, standing up to take Sophie for Lily. She cradled her and said, "Or you can have Eve and Jake go to their friends' and one of us can take Sophie."

Groaning Lily laughed softly and said, "Again, thank you but we'll stay in." she glanced over at the house and said, "Thank goodness, they're coming back."

Beckett laughed with Rebecca before they stood up and she placed Josie into her carrier before she said, "When are you heading home?"

"Probably at eight," Lily said as she knew that was directed to her. She said to Rebecca, "Likely way before you take your kids home."

"Not really, we'll go at the same time since Dani of course," Rebecca said quickly before the toddler was coming to her after letting go of Eve's hand.

"Can we start the game now?" Julia said eagerly to her mother once she was with her.

"Go ahead, you know how to get it ready," Beckett replied, squeezing her back gently. When her oldest had left her, she looked at her mother in law and asked, "Will you watch her?"

"Of course," Martha said, looking into the carrier and smiling at Josie who was looking up at her.

With the baby set Beckett went to the kids who were standing behind the game and said, "Do you know what order you're going to go in?"

"Youngest to oldest," Eve replied. "We figured that's what the adults would say."

"And you were right," Brad said, walking over. "Can the adults play at all?" he asked as they watched Dani throwing the red ball that came with the outdoor skeeball game.

"Sure," Julia said as Eliza was running to get the ball. "I don't think Dani can really play," she said to the adults who were all with them by then except for Jim and Martha.

"At least you let her try," David commented as Eliza stood in front of the square that was in front of the skeeball board. "I'm assuming you bounce that?"

"You could always throw," Castle commented. He saw Brad was looking at him and said, "In case that doesn't work."

Brad nodded before they turned their attention to Eliza's turn, applauding her before he felt his wife touch his arm. "I can throw with her too," he said quickly.

"I don't think so," Beckett said with a smile as Lily rolled her eyes.

"I'll be right back," Brad said.

After Sophie was with Jim the rest of the group played the game though they didn't keep score. They stopped to have s'mores for dessert on the beach before they split up to play other games. The backyard and beach were filled with laughter as the kids and adults were having fun together while twilight neared before Castle and Beckett's guests would return to their homes for the night.

"I kinda wish I asked Mari to spend the night," Julia said to her mother as she was brushing out her hair.

"Better you let her stay with her family," Beckett replied. She smiled when her oldest looked back at her and told her, "Also I wanted us to have some time alone."

"I thought so," Julia said, turning around once her mother had finished with her hair. "Thanks for bringing Josa today."

"Well, we needed to," Beckett said simply. "But you're welcome." She gave her the brush and as Julia went to the bathroom she told her, "What was it you really wanted to say?"

Stepping back out Julia smiled shyly and said, "Will you sign my yearbook?"

"Yes, and while I do that get your dad so he can too," Beckett said. When Julia hugged her tightly she embraced her back saying, "We would have done it sooner, but we were a little busy this week."

"I remember," Julia replied as she let go of her carefully. "I'll get Dad; my yearbook is on the desk."

Watching her go Beckett stood up and went over to get the book, looking at her watch to see how much time was left until Julia needed to go to bed. She saw there was still a good amount; since Eliza had fallen asleep rapidly; so she sat down and got one of the pens in the pencil holder to begin her message to her oldest.

Julia,Congratulations on finishing your final year of elementary school. You're growing up so fast, but I am prouder of you than I can say or write.

You're very smart and inquisitive and you're as much a reader as I was at your age. You are a wonderful daughter and I will be happy to see how your education goes from this day on. Outside of school it will be very interesting to see you growing up and how you handle the world around you. Just know that your dad and I will always be here for you, proud of you and loving you so much.

Good luck next year that we will begin in LA all together before DWTS starts and I know you will do your whole family proud learning and on the show.

I love you Julia,Mom

"You finished already?" Castle asked as he came into the room with Julia at that moment.

"It's not much but I think it lets you know how I feel," Beckett said, giving the yearbook to the girl.

Reading over the message Julia smiled and nodded saying, "I get it, I'm surprised you mentioned the show."

"I will too," Castle said, raising his hand. He lowered it when Julia handed him the yearbook and took his wife's place at the desk. He took a moment to think of what he wanted to write but finally he had what he wanted, and he began.

Julia,Dad here letting you know that I am so proud of you I need to say first off. You made it through camp and graduation and you are now off to middle school.

Since your mom's message is above me I'll say you are very smart and I'll say something different from her now. You are just like your mother and I couldn't be happier to see that. I know that as you go through school you'll be just like you are now and never want to stop learning and it'll make everyone in your family proud. And since we're going to LA your first few months of seventh grade we'll have a lot of fun teaching you. Even though we won't be able to teach you the dancing on the show we'll be proud whatever happens on there too. Basically, we're proud of you and we love you so much.

LA here we come!Dad

Taking the book once her father had finished Julia read the message and she laughed before she said, "Peter and Mari did the same in their messages."

"Did you get Clive to sign?" Beckett asked as Julia set the yearbook on the desk.

"No, I never saw him but Mari said he put 'see you in LA,' in what he wrote for her yearbook," Julia replied. She went to both her parents and hugged them tightly in turn saying, "I love you too and I'm glad you're proud of me. And I can't wait to be taught by you…"

"What is it?" Castle said as she'd walked away from him to go to her desk.

"First can we play cards?" Julia asked.

"Of course," Beckett said simply.

"Good, and second what are you going to teach me? I mean what will you teach and then you Dad? Us I mean," Julia said, having to correct herself a couple times.

"I'll take care of science and history," Beckett replied. "And Skye will teach you languages."

"She will?" Julia asked in surprise.

"Just two," Beckett answered. "And you all need to agree on them because she won't have that much time to do that separately."

"But they only have three languages," Julia pointed out.

"No but it doesn't hurt to learn another too," Castle said. "And you can pick whatever language you'd like it doesn't need to just be what you take in middle school once we're back home."

"I signed up for French," Julia said. "But I want to take Japanese too," she said.

"Tell Skye when we get over there," Castle said. "I'll teach you guys math and English and your grandpapa will teach you history too. But that's not for sure except for Skye taking care of the languages. It may end up being we teach you by grade so be prepared for that."

"Cool," Julia said, giving her father the deck of cards she'd gotten. "And you can teach all of that?"

"We've been doing a lot of research on the subjects," Castle said with a smile. "Since we really need to teach you to make sure you guys don't fall behind."

"But what about Mari and Clive?" Julia said.

"We might have to teach you guys at the same time but we're going to need to separate you so you won't get confused," Beckett explained. "Since you'll have different lessons of course. But again, if we teach you separately then that won't matter."

"Oh… okay, that sounds really cool but I was hoping we could study all together," Julia said.

"You mean for any tests we might give you?" Castle asked. When Julia nodded, he smiled and said, "We will give you tests and you can study together then. Plus, your language lessons remember."

Julia paused in getting up on her bed recalling that before she smiled and said, "Okay, at least we'll have that together."

"What would you like to play?" Beckett asked as she and Castle were sitting together on the edge of the bed.

"Could we play poker?" Julia asked.

"I think we can, you haven't played in a while you're going to get rusty," Castle said.

"I still remember," Julia protested though she was soon smiling as she watched her father beginning to shuffle.

"Then we shouldn't help you now?" Castle asked her.

"Don't tease her Rick," Beckett told her husband as Julia frowned at him.

"I won't, we'll have a practice game," Castle replied before he began to deal the cards out for the three of them. When they were picking up their hands he looked at his cards and then looked across at Julia to see if she would need any help before she was soon asking them both about what she had.

"So three of something is good, right?" Julia said.

"It is, just show us your cards," Beckett told her.

Laying them down Julia said, "Could we play War instead?"

"Sure," Beckett said.

"What?" Julia asked as her mother was smiling at her.

"That didn't last very long," Beckett commented while her husband was taking all the cards back so he could shuffle the deck again.

"When you're older you might enjoy it more," Castle said.

"Maybe," Julia said. "And Dad you forgot something in what you wrote in my yearbook." She smiled when her father looked up at her in surprise and told him, "I got through Family Life."

"Ah, I forgot because your mom told you first," Castle commented with a smile. "But you did get through that." He grew a little serious as he divided the cards between the three of them saying, "I thought you wouldn't like me anymore," confessing something he'd been worrying about for a while. "And think I was disgusting," he added before he waited slightly anxiously for her response.

Glancing quickly at her mother Julia turned back to Castle and said, "I don't think you're disgusting, you're a boy… man?"

"Either one," Castle said with a slight smile. "Or male."

"Yeah and you're different," Julia said. "Well…"

"I get it," Castle said, knowing she meant different because of the genders. He looked at Beckett and said, "What?"

"You've been waiting a long time to ask that," Beckett said simply.

"I have," Castle said slowly. He looked at Julia and told her, "So if you have any questions about my gender you can ask since I am a guy of course."

Smiling slightly Julia said, "Okay."

"It sounds like you have a question now," Beckett commented.

"Well, is it uncomfortable to be a boy?" Julia said slowly, looking at the little stack of cards she had as her father had finished dealing.

"In some ways, yes and in some ways no," Castle replied quickly. "Like I'm sure it is being a woman… or a girl."

"I don't think that's what she was asking about," Beckett commented softly in Irish though their daughter was nodding her head.

"I can't tell her about that," Castle said. "I don't think she wants me to." He looked at Julia who was watching them and said, "You'll see as you grow up."

"I know," Julia replied with a small smile. "How much time do I have left?"

"Enough for the game," Beckett began. "Did you want to write in your diary?"

"Yeah," Julia said.

"Maybe you should do that first," Castle suggested.

"Go ahead," Beckett said with a smile as the girl looked between the two of them.

Climbing down from the bed as quickly as she could Julia hurried to her desk to grab everything she needed for the book which she soon had open in front of her. She put the pen down on the paper and began with the date.

June 12 th , 2020Today was the graduation diary and it was nice, kinda simple since all we did was sing before we went across the stage to take the certificate. So now I'm a seventh grader which is really weird to write. But I think that's because I'm not going to the middle school at the Academy yet but LA instead.

Before that though Mom and Dad were with Lizzy at her class for her graduation and after they came over to play with us since I didn't really have class today. We all played handball until lunch and that was fun with Mom and Dad. After of course we played until my graduation.

As soon as it was over we came back home and waited for everyone to come over. Everyone was the Fosters and Davises. It was time for the party and that was so fun! We swam a little bit in the ocean and did a lot of playing. Mom and Dad got all of us water guns which was so fun. Dinner was nice too and after we played with that new game Gram brought us and other games before they went home.

I'm writing so fast diary because I was playing War with Mom and Dad before my bedtime and now I need to go 'cause it's almost time and I want to keep playing with them!

"That's it?" Beckett asked in surprise as she and her husband looked over at their daughter.

"Yeah, let's keep playing," Julia said, not bothering to put away her diary as she had merely cleaned her pen. She got on the bed carefully, since she had to go around the dogs and her parents to do that, and once she was sitting where she'd been before she smiled at them both.

"We should get started," Beckett said then.

"Mom?" Julia asked.

"Yes sweetie," Beckett replied.

"Is Gram gonna watch Josa all the time when we go to Orlando?" Julia asked her.

"No, we'll watch her, your grandpapa will and anyone else can if they'd like," Castle replied.

"I hope you mean in our group," Beckett commented. She smiled when her husband made a face at her and she said to their daughter, "Why?"

"Just wondering 'cause it's gonna be hot, isn't it?" Julia asked.

"Not too hot," Castle said. "Though Orlando will be humid."

"Will we be able to wear our robes at Universal Studios?" Julia asked worriedly.

"Yes, but you need to wear very light clothes under," Beckett said. "You can wear a sleeveless shirt and shorts and so can your sister of course."

"What about 'lexis?" Julia said.

"She might not wear them, since she's taller she'll have more fabric on her," Castle said. "Though you and your friends should be able to wear them."

"And that reminds me," Beckett said. "Where's Peter going this summer?"

"His mom is taking them to Seattle," Julia replied. "She went there before and wants to take him to see it. And she wants to go back."

"That should be nice," Castle said. "Some of the best coffee there," he added before he saw his wife was looking at him. "What now?" he asked with a sigh.

"Peter's not really going to enjoy that," Beckett said. "But he's right the coffee's supposed to be good there."

"Will we ever go?" Julia asked.

"We have an idea," Castle commented. He wasn't surprised when the girl continued to look at him and he said, "We'd like to do a road trip from Vancouver in Canada down to San Diego."

"Oh… but when? Josa's so little now," Julia replied.

"Not for a couple summers at least," Beckett took up.

"Where would we go in between?" Julia said.

"To San Francisco of course and all the major cities there are," Castle said first. "Would you be alright taking them to the Winchester?" he asked his wife.

"I would, they would love seeing the house," Beckett said.

"But… isn't that where you said you felt Mrs. Winchester?" Julia began.

"Yes, but I was pregnant with your sister then and she was reacting to that with me," Beckett said. "So, I'll be fine this time around. And I'm sure you want to see it."

"Yep," Julia said with a smile as she'd seen the Ghost Adventures episodes that had taken place there. "But I'll be careful too." She was a little startled when her father took the cards she had out of her hand and was about to protest before he spoke.

"It's time for bed," Castle explained. "At least according to your mom."

"It is," Beckett said as the girl looked to her. "And school is over now."

"That's true but my bedtime doesn't change," Julia replied.

"Smart girl," Castle told his wife.

"Yes," Beckett said, turning to Julia after she'd stood so their daughter could get under the covers. "But-"

"I know, when we go out on vacation that's gonna happen," Julia replied. She smiled at her father when he sat next to her and said, "But that's still a while."

"Still, no school," Castle commented. He smiled when she giggled softly, and he hugged her tightly before he kissed the side of her head. "I love you sweetheart and like I said, I'm proud of you."

"Thanks," Julia said with a smile. "I love you too Dad."

Castle squeezed her a little more tightly before he shared a quick kiss with her and got out of the way of his wife, watching the two hugging each other.

"I love you sweetie," Beckett murmured against the side of her daughter's head. "And I'm so happy school's over."

"Really?" Julia asked, pulling a little away from her.

"Of course, you're there for five and a half hours," Beckett answered. "And I'm with your dad."

"Hey," Castle said though he was smiling since he knew she was joking.

"But we miss you and your sister," Beckett said to the girls. "So we've been looking forward to the summer."

"Now that Josa's here?" Julia asked.

"We are but we're really looking forward to taking you to Orlando," Beckett replied. "Alright, sweet dreams tonight Julia and tomorrow we start our vacation."

"With what?" Julia couldn't help asking.

"A day at the beach," Castle couldn't help answering. "Just the family though."

"I remembered Mari's going with her family camping," Julia protested. "So she gets to go to camp this year," she said with a smile.

"She did, but we'll have fun on the beach," Beckett said, bringing her daughter's attention back to the fact that she needed to go to bed. "Tomorrow."

"Night Mom," Julia said with a smile.

"Goodnight Julia," Beckett said, hugging her tightly for a moment. She shared a kiss with her oldest and stood so she could tuck her in which she soon did. She murmured to Julia that she loved her again before she went to Castle, and they walked to the doorway. While he turned off the lights she watched their daughter for some time, until her husband touched her arm and she turned to walk with him down to their room.

"Kate?" Castle asked as he walked out from the bathroom.

"Yeah?" Beckett responded, not looking away from what she was doing.

"Are you alright?" Castle said.

Looking up at him Beckett said, "Of course, why?" She saw he was looking at the photo book she had in her hands; with pictures of them with their daughters; and glancing down at it she said, "I'm feeling nostalgic."

"Understandable," Castle said, relieved to hear that he'd been right she'd been thinking that. He got onto the bed with her and said, "When she graduates high school are we letting her go out and party?"

"No," Beckett said firmly. She couldn't help smiling when her husband pulled away from wrapping his arms around her before she explained to him, "She'll just barely be seventeen."

"Alexis was just barely eighteen," Castle said.

Breathing out Beckett said, "I don't want the girls to do what I did."

Castle squeezed his wife's shoulder; as he knew she'd started drinking at high school parties when she was barely seventeen; and he said, "But you-"

"It doesn't matter that I didn't binge drink," Beckett replied. "I don't want them…"

"They wouldn't be like your dad," Castle said, startled her mind had gone in that direction. He squeezed her against him and told her, "That was a different circumstance." He felt her nod and said, "That's always scared you, hasn't it?"

"Yeah," Beckett replied. "But it's not a genetic thing, I know."

"It's just you had to watch him go through that," Castle replied.

"Yeah, let's change the subject," Beckett said, shaking her head.

"Okay," Castle replied as he watched her since he pulled away slightly from her. "If you want to do that then can I ask if we can do something at Universal."

"Okay," Beckett said in amusement, watching him.

"Let's get robes," Castle told her immediately.

Laughing softly Beckett said, "I'm not surprised you asked that. And yes, we can but don't get one for Josie."

"I don't know if they make them in that size," Castle replied, looking on while she glanced at her tablet which had the webcam from Josie's crib on it as the baby was sleeping in her room.

"It doesn't matter, I thought you might try and get one that's the smallest size they have and insist we put it on her," Beckett said, setting the tablet aside and making sure the baby monitor was on as well.

"I'll wait," Castle said. When his wife looked at him with one eyebrow raised he said simply, "Until she can get sorted."

Beckett laughed softly before she felt her husband kissing at her shoulder. Looking at him she said, "Now I want to ask you something."

"Go ahead," Castle said immediately, wondering what that question would be.

Instead of asking him something verbally Beckett took his right hand that was resting on her waist and she slid it down in between her legs.

"Are you sure?" Castle breathed out heavily as the warmth there was noticeable instantaneously.

"Please," Beckett sighed softly as he gently moved his fingers.

"Here," Castle said as he reached for her. Before he did anything else though he kissed her deeply on the lips and plunged his tongue into her mouth. Luckily for him she was responding eagerly, drawing his tongue though he was already at hers. That didn't make him stop, instead he kissed her even harder until he was gasping for air. "I just needed to do that," he explained to his wife.

"I know, me too," Beckett replied before she reached for the bottom of her NYPD shirt and pulled it off. She cupped her husband's cheek as he glanced at her breasts; knowing he wasn't staring as it would be too tempting. So she grabbed at his shirt, removing it once he shook himself and helped her with it. She let him remove her pants and she grabbed at the waistband of his before she said, "You first."

Since her voice was a little demanding Castle decided to go along with it and he got off the bed to remove his pants and boxers. Going back to her he hissed the instant she grabbed him which was swiftly. "Kate," he groaned as she let go only to cup him underneath his erection.

"I couldn't help it," Beckett told him with a smile.

"Okay, gá dom nocht duit anois," Castle said huskily before he reached for her, telling her he needed her naked that second, emphasizing the word now.

Beckett helped her husband in getting her panties off though there wasn't much she could do and naked she laid back on the pillows behind her telling him, "Ba mhaith liom a bhraitheann do theanga."

Shuddering, since his wife had told him that she wanted to feel his tongue, Castle leaned over to kiss her before he paused and said, "What if I wanted to tell you I wanted the same?"

"Then decide how we do this," Beckett replied. "But before we come we take care of each other individually."

"Sure," Castle said quickly before he touched her shoulder gently. He felt a thrill go through him as his wife immediately turned onto her side before he moved to lay on his own, so his face was close to her mound. He took her leg and moved it, holding it above his head with his right hand before he moved forward.

Beckett instantly gasped the second her husband's tongue found her clit and she was quick to take his erection within her mouth. As she started to bob her head back and forth on him quickly the thought came to her abruptly that it was the first time they'd done that since before Josie was born. She felt a sense of eagerness to continue and she moved back so just the tip of him was in her mouth so she could proceed to lave it with her tongue as she knew he enjoyed.

Castle wanted to curse but he was too busy sliding to her entrance though what she was doing to him gave him an idea. He rolled his tongue along her folds, realizing that was giving him some pleasure as they were swollen from her desire and moist from that as well. Tasting her, he was tempted to stop her but he couldn't stop himself from slipping his tongue into her. That same taste flooded his mouth and he was nearly clutching at her leg while he moved his head back and forth instead of his tongue.

Gasping around her husband at the extra stimulation Beckett tried her best to continue giving the same to him. But she couldn't deny she was having a harder time doing that as time went on until she pulled away and gasped out, "Please… Rick…"

Though that was all she said Castle knew immediately what his wife wanted, and he did his best to move rapidly to allow her to lay on her back. As soon as she was he lowered his head down between her legs, slinging them over his shoulders at the same time, until he could nearly bury his face into her sex. His tongue went to her clit first again and he let himself play with it, knowing his wife enjoyed it not only by her cries of joy but also the way her legs moved on him. He wished he could speak to her but knew his mouth was better staying where it was at that moment so he moved down to her sex and buried his tongue within her, moving his head back and forth as fast as he could since his mouth was aching to taste her pleasure.

Clutching at the bed below her Beckett was crying out and trying to writhe as much as she could though her husband had a good hold of her with his left hand. She gasped as his right hand started to gently play with her clit and she reached down to his head, running her fingers through his hair though she was afraid she was going to be too rough as she started to use that as a distraction. "Rick… I'm going to come," she moaned deeply while she arched her back roughly. She was a little startled he'd given no reply, but it was taken over by her orgasm that struck her intently. She called her husband's name at the release of the building pleasure that was complete ecstasy. Thrusting with her hips on instinct she felt her husband groaning against her and she nearly came a second time.

Castle was slightly dazed at the taste of his wife but when she finally stopped he made himself gently flick his tongue to her a few more times before he moved up to lay next to her. "Kate," he breathed.

"Not yet," Beckett said, recovering by then. She moved her husband onto his back and quickly slid her lips over the middle of his chest until she was at his erection that was on his stomach. She took little time taking him back into her mouth, sucking on him immediately while she was cupping him again.

"Fuck," Castle breathed out heavily as she was literally massaging him. "I'm going to-"

"That's the idea," Beckett said, pulling away from him. But when she returned to him she focused just on his erection, bobbing her head up and down it for some time until she could tell her husband was about to climax.

Castle found himself nearly catapulting into his orgasm and very gratefully while his wife was still. He held onto her hair gently, managing to school himself not to do more than that as each wave of ecstasy struck him hard. When finally it stopped, he was slightly limp on the bed, feeling his wife climb up to lay against his side. He wanted to thank her when she was covering his mouth with her hand and startling him slightly before she showed him what she wanted instead of telling him as he'd expected.