

==Red pov:

I woke up with the rays of the sun casting through my window. The slight drowsiness from waking up early was still showing in my messy hair and half open eyes.

As i slowly sat up on my bed i woke up the small Pancham that was hugging my arm as if it was a log.

Grim let out a cute yawn and rolled over, as he slowly woke up he just climbed on my head and went right back to sleep.

The slight sound of morning chatter with a few birds chirping in the background made the atmosphere of my home as peaceful as can be...

As i slowly got up from my bed, i put on my baggy black pants and my black t-shirt. While i was yawning my senses started to wake up and take in all of the beauty around me... the slight smell of coffee, the chatter from my parents talking about the weather, the earthly smell from yesterdays rain...

After i started meditating i got a lot of time to myself to think about my current life and what i truly planned to do with it...

i mean... in my last life, getting reincarnated was my dream. But now that it's a reality... i needed to find a new purpose in this new life

At first i trained because... i was honestly scared, scared that i wouldn't last, scared that i would fail the entrance exam, scared that i would die at the hands of a villain.

But after i started looking inside my soul and learnt to truly appreciate the new life i was given...

That's when i realised that i doesn't matter. It didn't have any importance if i died tomorrow, or failed the entrance exam, or got my ass handed to me by a villain.

As long as my will never gave up, everything will be worth it.

From the countless hours of training to the happy moments that i shared with my new family.

That is the way, the way that i will push forward against all that this new life throws at me. I thought as i looked at myself in the mirror after having breakfast with my family and getting ready to go to the gates of U.A... My blue eyes glowed with determination

Red: " it's time to stand at the gates of my new path, and show EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM WHAT A TRUE HERO IS! "

That was the moment the whole of Japan's heroes felt a slight shiver run through their bodies, and for the villains it felt like the very god of war was looking down on them from the heavens... mocking them with his power.

That day was what many scientists would call the anomaly of " The day the universe chose a champion "

====Red pov: on the way to U.A

As i walked with my headphones on, yes walked... now walking seems to be therapeutic for me, i felt the true weight of the feat i was about to accomplish push down on my mind.

I was by myself because i decided to leave Grim at home for the exam, i wanted to show what me and me alone could accomplish.

I closed my eyes as i heard the manliness seep in my pores. The song i was listening to?

[Misty Mountains] from The Lord of The Rings.

This song would make a certain red haired teen burst into manly tears.

I got to the gates of U.A and just stared at the imposing building while finishing my song.

As the voices faded out i took my headphones off.

When i did... i heard a small conversation going on to my right. A kid with green hair was thanking a bubbly looking girl for helping him.

And i felt my blood boil, cannon has started! and the story is finally under way. how will my presence affect the story? how will my powers change fate? hah i can't wait!

I felt giddy thinking about the future.

Well... time to go in... and just as i started walking... i felt a small push from behind me. When i turned back to see what this nuisance was, i was ment with a head of blond spiky hair.

Unsurprisingly i looked down to see a glaring Bakugo looking at me with that " i have a god complex " face.

Bakugo: " OYY! MOVE OUT OF- " i hate this type of stuck up cunt the most, i stared at his wild eyes with a bit of my will into the mix. And just like that he was on his way

Red: ' *sigh* what a drag ' i thought as i stared at his back.

The green haired boy walked over towards me while sweating profusely followed by the cute and bubbly aura of the girl behind him.

Deku: " ahh i'm very sorry for my friends attitude " moss head said while bowing.

Deku: " he doesn't actually mean it, i'm sorry if he offended you. " salad head said while scratching his cheek.

Red: " hmm well don't worry about it " i said while staring at the boy in front of me.

The only way that my brain found to describe him was... weak, incredibly weak.

It's unbelievable to think that this weak boy in front of me was supposed to be the greatest hero at some point.

Kukuku it shall be entertaining watching him put up with my training.

Deku: " oh well that's good to hear, Kacchan can be very... intense at times. " he extended his right hand forward and said " My name is Izuku Midoriya nice to meet you! "

Ahh such naive passion burning in his eyes...

I extended my hand to meet his and said " the name's Red Curtis, nice to meet you " right after i finished my introduction a beam of pink bubbly energy was shot straight at my hand as the cute girl introduced herself

Ochaco: " and i'm Ochaco Uraraka, great to meet you " and i swear i could see her cheeks shine pink

Red: " mm nice to meet you, well we should get going right? we might be late " as i said that moss head and pink ball turned stiff as stone.

Red: ' ahh i'm going to enjoy teasing this little brats, and of course training them is also going to be one of my joys in life. I can't have my class being so weak can i? '

======Red pov: inside U.A

As i entered the hall i saw many of the characters from the anime, it all still seemed a bit unreal to me, i mean i was walking amongst the people who i watched every day.

Red: ' too bad i didn't read the manga, otherwise i might have more information than what was shown in the anime '

I looked around for an empty seat to listen to the famous scene where Lida starts to go on a rant about how U.A this... and U.A that

After tuning out for a bit we got on designated our specific areas where the tests would take place. Then we had to get on a bus to the specified arena.

While on the bus i thought about what pokemon would be best to use in this situation.

After a lot of thought i decided to go with:

Team = [Crobat] - [Mega Aggron] - [Rhyperior] - [Tangrowth] - [Electivire] - [Pangoro]

Most of this team consisted of physical pokemon that would help me do some fun things with my transformations.

I was planning on destroying most of the robots fast and efficiently... I wanted to beat All Might's record so i was aiming for about 200 villain points. Not to mention the rescue points kukuku

=======Red pov:

As we finally arrived at the designated spot, we heard a loud START!!!...

And just like that i was gone, i spread my 2 pairs of wings and blasted straight towards the air.

When i reached a decent altitude i hovered in place, i focused on my senses to try and locate all the robots in the city.

Slowly but surely i had a rough idea on where most of the robots were, so i began my hunt.

My first target was a basic 1 pointer that was all by itself. I flew right on top of it and thought about what i should use to destroy it....hmm...

*ding* and just like that i decided on using [Rhyperior] with a full transformation. If i wanted to get noticed by the heroes, i had tk start with a bang!

So i positioned myself right on top of the 1 pointer and switched to my full transformation.

The unsuspecting ball of scrap didn't even notice until it heard my roar, and by then it was too late.

My full 300 kilogram body plus the momentum of the fall AND the gravity enhancement bracelet made for a nice sonic..


when the dust cleared my 3 meter body was on top of a waffle made from what used to be a 1 pointer.

My orange body plates shone in the sunlight as i sprinted through the streets at blinding speeds thanks to my accumulated stats.

And so... the massacre began, everywhere i moved pieces of scrap metal flew and exploded.

I was taking out 3 pointers as if they were made out of paper, and the poor 2 and 1 pointers didn't even stand a chance against my hand cannons.

After taking out a whole squad of robots i moved towards the next, but this time, i switched to my [Electivire] form and decided to add some SPARK! to my exam.

=========Exam observation room: Nezu pov

Everyone was looking at the different screens with interest.

Nezu: " it seems we have a good batch this year " it's been some time since we had so many promising talents

Out of the corner of my eye i saw one of the most promising talents yet, Red Curtis... such an interesting young man.

The screen was showing Red incapacitating robots with vines and then sending electricity through them.

The child of Izumi and Sig curtis, both extremely powerful quirks. His mother was a dignified pro hero for a long time, but to think that the result of both quirks would be this...

I think it's time to see what they are truly made of

=============Red pov:

As i helped some of the other people taking the exam by destroying a 3 pointer.

My senses went off. And they all sent me the signal that something big was coming... this is it!

The ground started to shake and the sound of metal cogs turning and shuffling entered everyone's ears.

As the shaking got closer and closer i decided to fly up and take this fight head on. This was the first real test of power that i would have... if i could annihilate the 0 pointer with one hit and minimize the damage i would enter the big leagues!

Soon enough the behemoth of a machine slowly made it's way towards me... i had already made sure that everyone else was as far away from here as possible.

So it was just me and the robot that was bigger than most of the buildings in the fake city... and i couldn't help but release the limiter i had on my will.

I was excited to demolish this big guy. So i allowed the full force of my will to escape my body...

I stared at the big boy of a machine for a few seconds, and then i mad the first move by flying directly towards it's face.

I used [Roar] while transforming into [Mega Aggron] mid air and right before reaching the 0 pointer... i used a combination of [Giga Impact] and [Focus Blast]

The result was... well...

I completely decapitated the 0 pointers head. haha i guess i went a little overboard.

I quickly landed on the ground and transformed into [Tangrowth] while placing my hands on the ground and using a combination of [Grassy Terrain] along with [Grass Knot] to stop the 0 pointer from destroying the buildings.

==========Exam observation room: Nezu pov

As everyone celebrated from the heroic feat that Toshinori's student pulled off. I saw that in one of the screens something similar was about to happen...

I saw Mr.Red staring straight at the 0 pointer with the same cold look in his eyes...the calmness that he displayed might be seen by others as arrogance but i saw something else, it was a calculated stare, like he knew exactly what was going to happen.

And that exact face was what made my interest tingle... Toshinori noticed my intrigue and soon everyone else in the room was doing the same thing that i was, looking and wondering, but most of them were doubting.

I didn't even have to look to know what they were thinking when staring at the boy in question... why is he so arrogant? what does he hope to accomplish? why would he try when there was nothing to gain... nobody to save?

And that's when it happened... everyone was filled with doubt and some even with worry that the boy was biting off more than he could handle... but right before Toshinori was about to suggest that we end the test before he would get hurt.


We all felt it... the pressure... the will! right after that wave of pure, raw and wild willpower hit...

We all felt our heartbeat quicken, our breaths shorten and our bodies beg us to kneel before this power.

The doubt in the mind of every person in the room was completely crushed by the pressure that was placed on everyone

Before anyone knew it, the 0 pointer was decapitated completely by what looked to be an armored dinosaur created by the boy's quirk.

There was utter silence in the room, but the show wasn't over... before the 0 pointer even began to fall backwards the boy had already landed on the ground and transformed into what seemed to be a cluster of blue vines with a pair of eyes.

He put his hands on the ground and suddenly the whole street looked like a grassy plain that shone with the most beautiful green grass i have ever seen, and the next second the ground opened up to give way for massive vines that were aimed to stop the 0 pointer.

The 0 pointer was incapacitated and held to do the least damage to the infrastructure around in only a few seconds.

And what was even more baffling was that the boy wan't even sweating!

After the pressure was gone the boy flew back while scanning the area for people to help.

Nezu: " it seems we might have found the next contender for the number 1 spot..."

===========END OF CHAPTER